"I just want to mix up the water." Akai Hideo said, "She probably wanted to take the opportunity to throw dirty water on the organization. After all, we also killed people yesterday, and the large transaction amount in the account is unclear. Such doubts are impossible for the police to turn a blind eye to.”

"One is that the secretary is missing and suspected of absconding, and the other is that Mitsuo Tamaru transferred a large amount of funds from his personal account to a mysterious account. These are two clues, and the two clues are parallel, which will hold back part of the police force."

"Yesterday was a good time." He raised his head and sighed wearily: "Pu Siqinglan, if you guess correctly...she should have flown abroad by now, right?"

Jiang Yizhi didn't speak.

He didn't say anything. After all, Shuichi Akai's reasoning was basically right...

Just missing some details.

After getting no response, Akai Shuichi smiled slightly: "Okay, let's not talk, we have to wipe Miss Puth's ass..."

"If we don't deal with it, maybe the Japanese police will think that the account holder and Miss Pu Si are accomplices."

Originally a good deal, but because of the death of Tamaru Sanxiong, now it's all messed up, and a bunch of **** needs to be dealt with.

Tamaru Sanxiong only paid one-third of the total transaction amount, and the rest was originally agreed to be paid in installments. Now that everyone is dead, the rest of the money will definitely not be available.

And those who saw the two of them in the transaction last night, the other surviving bodyguards also need to be silenced, and the operation has to be done before the police can find those people, and the workload will double in an instant.

In order not to be exposed to the police’s sight for a while, the transaction account also needs to be erased from the traces of the organization.

From the standpoint of the winery, it is equivalent to the whole process being finished, it is equivalent to not getting much money, but also causing a show.

Blood loss.

As for Shuichi Akai, this mission failed inexplicably. It was difficult for the organization to have a reliable impression of him, and it might even affect the evaluation of the code name in the future...

Damn, I can't even finish the task, it's annoying.

In fact, there are still many suspicious points in this case. For example, why did Pu Siqinglan run away immediately after killing people. Once she ran away, she would not be recruiting herself, but instead staying in the company and resigning after the limelight was over would be more conservative and safer. Some.

But there are also many possibilities.

What if Pu Siqinglan not only carried the five lives of yesterday, but she had already killed people in Japan long before that?

——In such a hurry to escape, I was afraid that the old account would be turned over.

Or Pu Si Qinglan is not alone, someone behind her instructed her to do so.

These situations are also very possible, but there is no evidence, just rhetoric, if it is discussed now, the timing is very inappropriate. Akai Hideo just thought about it and didn't say it.

He guessed that Chi Jiangzhi also thought of it.

Chi Jiangzhi is a very smart person. If he is willing to use his brain, his brain is still very bright.

It's just that most of the time he would rather let his brain rust silently.

"So it's the two of us who do the finishing this time?" Jiang Yizhi asked.

"More than that." Akai Shuichi said, "There is also an organization member who is acting with us."

Jiang Yizhi lowered his head and casually floated a coin in his hand, while casually asking, "Who is it?"

I'm going to kill those bodyguards soon, I'm a little excited when I think about it.

If it goes well, everyone who dared to slap his head during the transaction last night will be silenced.


Akai Shuichi was silent for a while, then said unsurely, "I don't know what his name is, he should be here soon..."


In the morning, Yunshui Publishing House.

The sales data of "Your Name" yesterday was statistically sorted and finally placed in Dongjing and San's office.

Shisui Bamboo is also there.

He is the editor of "Your Name", sitting opposite Dongjing and San, face to face, holding the paper carefully, as if holding a treasure, and together they read the sales data again.

23,000 copies a day!

This is only the results covering the Tokyo area!

What is the concept of 23,000 volumes?

Compared with other big publishing houses, this achievement is not so brilliant. Their sales network is like a spider, covering the whole of Japan, which is unmatched by small and medium-sized publishing houses like Yunshui.

It's like the new book of the mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo, which is cooperating with the promotion and sales of Ya Da Publishing House. It sells 70,000 or 80,000 copies a day.

——The cloud and water will not work. At most, it will radiate radiation around the Tokyo circle. No matter how much, there will be no channels.

But this is already the best record on the first day that Yunshui Publishing House has achieved since its establishment!

For the whole of Japan, it can be said to be quite eye-catching.

And the creator of this achievement is just a new player who is not well-known.

In front of his subordinates, Dongjing and San wanted to restrain himself maturely and prudently, but the corners of his mouth raised slightly unconsciously, and then the arc became wider and wider.

Hey hey hey.

So happy.


He was staring at the book "Your Name" at the moment. The more he looked at the pink cover, the more excited he became, and the happier he looked at the sad ending.

Yunshui Publishing House has found a treasure!

Not only Dongjing and San, but the calm and honest Shimizu Bamboo was also a little excited. He pressed his glasses to keep himself calm.

I will definitely have to work overtime next.

But it doesn't feel bad.

"Cough." Dongjing Kazuo barely restrained himself, he coughed tactically, and asked, "How are the readers' comments?"

"It's all good." Qingshuizhu also skillfully took out a document, "This is the reader's evaluation letter that came with the book. This morning, the company's mailbox received a lot of replies from readers. Readers are more emotional because of the plot factor, but they still mostly praise the author."

Dongjing Kazuo opened it and took a look.

"Wow, the author is so handsome! A gentle and handsome guy is an ideal type (star eyes"

"So the hero and heroine will never be seen again, right?"

"Hey, so the last encounter was just a lie, right? Is that so?"

"I want to ask if Chi Jiang-kun knows how to cook!"

"Chijiang, is such an appearance the most precious jewel bestowed by God in the mortal world? Perhaps only handsome can describe the appearance of my brother kkkkkkkkk, a handsome guy who was delayed by writing a book, please come to H country to debut!"①

Dongjing Kazuo: "..."

After reading the entire page of comments, he let out a long sigh of relief.

This is the male idol writer.

①When I wrote this sentence, I had a castle out of my toes.

This sentence is roughly written in the tone of Nan H's star chasing girl, but since she has never been involved with H Entertainment, it may not be very similar.

South Korean girls are really interesting when they talk, it's a level I can't say 233333

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