Chapter 896

   Jiang Liu looked at Yanping and asked, "What is Princess Leyang doing recently?"

   "Princess Leyang and Mian Shoufu Chunchao spent the whole day looking for fun, and even..." Yanping paused before saying, "Second Master was out of Beijing, but she didn't go out to watch the fun."

   Jiang Liu raised his eyebrows. This Fu Chunchao has been with Princess Leyang for more than half a year, and he is still so favored. Sure enough, he has some means, "How is this person's background investigation?"

"He was swept away by the flood nine years ago to the Fuxi Temple at the foot of the Hanshui Mountain in Junzhou. He lost all memory and had nowhere to go, so he stayed in the temple to cultivate Taoism." Yanping replied, "As for where he was nine years ago , can't find it."

   This year is the ninth year of Jinglong. Nine years ago, wasn’t it the year when the late emperor died and Emperor Jinghe ascended the throne? It was this year... Jiang Liu frowned and said, "Is he sent by Qin Tianye to Princess Leyang?"

   Yanping replied, "It seems so on the surface, but our people found that this person also had contact with the remaining minions of Jiang Jinzong in Kang'an City."

   Double spy? Jiang Liu raised his eyebrows, "Qin Tianye sent him to Princess Leyang's side, one may want to use this person to stabilize Princess Leyang and not let her cause trouble. The second is to get something from Princess Leyang through him. ."

   "The villain thinks it's the latter one." Yanping said, Princess Leyang once told Liang Zhichun, the former leader, when she was drunk that she had Qin Tianye's handle in her hand.

  Jiang Liu also nodded, "This possibility is indeed greater. Qin Tianye wants to use what he got in Le Yang's hands, and what does Jiang Jinzong want to achieve with him?"

Yanping said, "After Fu Chunchao entered the Leyang Princess Mansion, the guards of the Princess Mansion have entered our mansion three times to look for things. They seem to be looking for some books or letters. But in the past three months, the guards of the Leyang Princess Mansion have not seen any more. I've been here. Now that there are people from the Qin family outside our mansion, it's even harder for them to come in. "

  Jinghe Emperor sent Qin Kejiu to protect the Jiang family, both good and bad. The advantage is that the Jiang family no longer has to worry about Qin Tianye and his henchmen attacking the Jiang family, and it can also stop some people with ulterior motives from snooping. The disadvantage is that Jiang Liu wants to do something more cautious than before, otherwise it will be very It is easy to be discovered by the Qin family.

   No matter what the people in the Leyang Princess Mansion are looking for, there is nothing shameful in the Ren Mansion and Jiang Mansion. The account books dug up from the Meng family and the memorials written by the grandfather to the late emperor have been left by Jiang in the incense room, and most people cannot find them.

Remembering that he hadn't read those account books seriously, Jiang Liu said to Yanping, "Send someone to keep an eye on Siguniang Mountain day and night. If a large number of people come out of the mountain, don't be alarmed, just follow from a distance and know where they go. Liu Cheng will also keep an eye on him, and ... send someone to watch Du Ge Lao and find out his daily whereabouts."

  Yanping was puzzled, "Girl, why are we staring at Du Ge?"

   Jiang Liu said with a smile, "This man is an old fox. Whenever there is trouble, he runs faster than anyone else. Let's keep an eye on him, not for anything else, but to avoid disaster."

  The reason why Jiang Liu's grandfathers Jiang Mian and Meng Huizhou were appointed as the chief judges in the thorough investigation of the Suzhou grain and salary corruption case was because Du Hai'an, the minister of punishment at the time, sought an excuse to hide. The court situation has changed over the years, but Du Hai'an has been firmly rooted in the Tianzhang Pavilion and has not been shaken in the slightest. Jiang Liu felt that if he encountered something he didn't know what to do, he would simply do what Du Hai'an would do, and the Jiang family would do it safely.

After Yanping went to work, Jiang Liu took Shuqiu and Qinqing, Jiang Bai, Yayin, a guard from Zhaixinglou, and several Qin mansion guards hidden in the dark, and went out to check on Bantangxiang in Dongshi. The latest batch of incense shipments.

   Bantang Incense cooperated with Feng Zijin's Four Incense Shop to improve and develop six types of incense. At the end of the first month, Feng Zijin and Tan Liang, the steward of Bantang Incense, took the new incense to the incense fighting party held by the incense store, and they played the name of the new incense. Now the first batch of incense has been prepared and can be shipped. . Jiang has invested tens of thousands of taels of silver in this incense. Whether he can recover blood depends on this month.

   She arrived in Dongshi, and went to Xuexiawan and Hua Xiangrong for a turn before rushing to the halfway house. After hearing the reports from Tan Liang and Xu Bing, Jiang Liu was more confident. Xu Bing discussed with the little owner, "Girl, the incense is selling well now, and the supply of goods in our workshop is not enough. Do you think we are recruiting some people?"

  Tan Liang said, "If we recruit more people, our existing workshops will no longer be able to stand."

   "It doesn't take much money or effort to expand the workshop." Xu Bing insisted, "Let's take advantage of this heat and sell as much as we can."

Who would dislike a lot of money, Jiang Liu nodded, "The place in Fang City is expensive, and the cost of expanding the workshop is too high. But we have a place outside the city, a small river in the west of the city, built a water moat, and let's move the spice workshop there. It doesn't take much effort. Uncle Xu will take someone to Xixiaozhuang to see now, and come out with a detailed plan in the evening. Uncle Tan will go to Feng Zijin to talk about the expansion of the workshop and see what he thinks. Qiu, go and bring the account book to my study."

  After the stewards had all left, Jiang Liu sat behind the desk, flipping through the account book and pulling the abacus. The room was very quiet, except for the crackling of beads. Shu Qiu stood by the side to help the girl add tea, and Qin Qing sat by the window to practice her arm strength. Yayin was teaching Jiang Bai moves in the courtyard, and the guards from Zhaixinglou were lying on the roof basking in the sun. The guards of Qin Mansion? Only in the dark!

  Jiang Liu took out an old account book with yellowed paper from the bottom of the account book and read it carefully word by word.

   Together with his grandfather's memorial, Meng Huizhou buried a total of six account books. These six account books include the detailed accounts of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Household's preparations for Suzhou's pay, silver, grain, and other materials, the road account for the delivery of grain and forage, and the detailed account of Zuo Wuwei's distribution of grain and pay after the grain and forage were transported to Suzhou. Zuo Wuwei's rations were indeed two million taels less than those issued by the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households.

   So much food, clothing, herbs, fodder, salaries... If she is the emperor, she will be furious! Jiang Liu took a deep breath and was about to close the account book, but his eyes fell on the four numbers on the last page of the account book.

   One three eight four.

   Jiang Liu stared at these four words for a long time, then took out the memorial that his grandfather wrote to the late emperor, and carefully checked the numbers in it.

   Although Jiang Liu's handwriting is not very good, she has been nurtured by her sister in recent years, and her calligraphy appreciation ability is still not bad. On the account book, there are four characters, three and eighty-four, which is different from that of the person who kept the account. Jiang Liu just thought that it was a series of numbers that her grandfather wrote down when checking the account book, but after checking, she found that although these four characters were similar to her grandfather's writing style, they were not written by her grandfather.

   Thinking about it again, Jiang Liu felt that this was definitely not written by his grandfather. Because this account book is an important evidence in the Suzhou Mo corruption case, my grandfather, as the presiding judge of the case, would never write on the evidence. If it wasn't for my grandfather, who would it be?

  Meng Huizhou's fake face flashed in Jiang Liu's mind, if these four characters were not written by the bookkeeper or by his grandfather, then it is most likely from Meng Huizhou's hand.

  Why did he write these four numbers?

   The new plot is unfolding.



   (end of this chapter)

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