Daily Supervising

Chapter 272: no smoking! Obey orders. . .

"Why do you care about me?"

Matsutaka's response to Kusano's response seemed nothing special, but it was very special because she was smiling now.

Yukiya Kusano came to this room again and noticed some changes. The girl had more elements. At least I didn't see some plants before, but now they are growing in the state of buds.

Fortunately, Kusano didn't know how to describe those plants, he was now facing Matsu Takako, a girl who seemed to be rebellious all at once.

"Don't you like me?"

This sentence made Matsutaka a little strange, but he nodded, "Yes, but what does this have to do with smoking? I mean, you are taking care of me."

Kusano spread his hands, "Because I don't like girls who smoke, that's it."

"..." Matsutaka was shocked for a second, she seemed to understand the logical relationship in it, "Oh...that's it? Haha...Kusano Yuki, you guys are really good enough. Like this? Haha..."

Smiled, and laughed very hard.

Fortunately, Kusano felt that the girl in front of him smiled uncomfortably. Okay, this is very clear. Matsuko should be laughing at his male chauvinism.

On the issue of male chauvinism, Kusano didn't want to debate too much, and he didn't come today because of this.

Ever since, she was very serious and even said to the girl in front of her as if she was going to be angry, "Have you laughed enough? If you laugh enough, then follow this logic. I don't like smoking. So, since you like me , Don’t smoke anymore."

Matsutaka's eyes are not small, and now she smiles a little, "Yuki Kusano, I didn't expect you to be such a guy, oh, yes, if it's an ordinary Japanese girl, shouldn't you say, "Oh, I know ', and then looked very happy again."

"..." Kusano said nothing.

Ryuko Matsushita continued, "That's right, otherwise it's like the doctors in the "doctorX" you wrote. You have to say obedience, right?"

Obey, this has to be spoken with great momentum.

"DoctorX" is now very popular, and the ratings are constantly rising. Although there are some criticisms, that is, those operations are impossible, but the performance of Damen Unknown's sister is really uncontrollable. Look again.

Kusano knew that Matsutaka was refuting him, but this time he simply said, "Then do you want to obey?"

The two looked at each other for a long time, but Matsuko finally flinched.

"It's not like it."

Although he flinched, he said such a sentence.

Well, this is not like, this is control.

Kusano agrees, but now, he is just the same as before. He just wants to deal with smoking. "But I said before, I won't get married, then why do you still like me? Now, just let you Just follow your orders, it's easier than not knowing how to get married."

Not getting married, in fact, it means that there is no result.

Kusano’s logic is like this. You have done things that have no results. So now, if you say yes, don’t smoke anymore, what’s the problem?

Matsuko said, "Actually, I don't need to smoke, but it doesn't matter at all, what's important is something else."

What did she say?

If it were ordinary people, I might not be able to understand it at all, but Kusano Yuki understood it.

"Are you complaining about me?" He asked back, "Or because of me, you smoked?"

"I wouldn't be like this." Song Takako pursed her mouth, her face was fleshy, at least now she is such a cute girl next door.

"Admit it." Kusano Yuki continued to say in depth.

"It's not like that." Matsutaka shook his head.

"What's the reason for that?" Kusano Yuki felt that the point might have come.

Matsushita looked at him and said with a bit of bitterness, "I just want to try it. The formal adulthood is about to arrive. I will be a real adult soon. I want to be independent. I want to try something that I haven't had before. Things to try."

Song Takako was a little aggrieved by this.

Kusano can understand, but he is like an adult, "But have you ever thought that you are already a celebrity big and small, and you want to demonstrate to many people, so you just demonstrate like this?"

"..." Matsuko was holding a smile.

"Be serious!" Kusano Yuki finds it difficult at the moment. This girl...seriously, he actually has no standpoint. He was just holding on, and smoking is a personal matter. He doesn't even want to care about it. .

But now I have such a task, what can I do?

Matsuko seemed to see him through, "I'm very serious, who didn't talk about smoking in the first place, but said what he liked or disliked."

This. . .

Fortunately, Kusano is a bit big, and he really doesn't seem to have a good idea.

But at this moment, Matsuko suddenly said something that seemed to be a joke, "If you associate with me, then I will stop smoking, how about?"

"..." Kusano was stunned.

Looking at him like this, Matsuko knew that he had won another hand, "Then, if you are my boyfriend, I will listen to you, just like Japanese women do to their men. Obey orders."

The word obeyed, she used it here.

For a while, Kusano didn't know what to say.

And Ryuko Matsushita still did not stop, "You have no relationship with me, just make me like you, then, I am at a disadvantage, am I? There is nothing to lose, after all, liking a person is unilateral. , I have something wrong, but if you control me like this, is that too much?"

It must be said that Kusano Yuki wanted to agree with this statement.


How can I agree with this matter now is really weird.

It must be said that the girl in front of me is different from all the girls in the past. Fortunately, Kusano never thought that Matsutaka would be so difficult before, so what can he do?

"Are you taking my army?"


"Are not you afraid?"

"What am I afraid of?"

"I'm a man, very aggressive, irritating me, I might do something out of the ordinary."

"How can it be?"

"such as……"

Kusano Yuki is definitely not that kind of violent man. What he said just now was more threatening, but he never expected that Matsuko would come over.

This house is still very ordinary, the ground is like an ordinary house in Japan, covered with tatami mats.

Wearing white socks, Matsuzakura stepped on the tatami, approaching Yuki Kusano step by step.

What does this scene look like?

Kusano himself filmed the scene in "April Story" where the girl Minyue walked into the bookstore to talk to the senior.

Could it be... Kusano was lucky to have a feeling of being tricked.

But at this moment, Matsushita stretched out his hand, then grabbed Kusano's hand, and then again. . .

"Didn't I tell you before, I kept it for the first time."

Kusano's hand still felt that way.

It's fleshy anyway, just like her face.

Estimate, or don’t need to estimate at all, it should not be small.

"Are you teasing me?"

"do not know."

The phrase ‘Greek milk’ is really just right.

In fact, you really have to be very firm to express that you don’t know, and men prefer to use ‘Wow Galang’.

The Greek milk is a little cute.

What can Kusano do?

"I have a movie."

"Why come to the movie again?"

"This movie can help you."

"How to help?"

"As long as you tell the public that you smoked for the sake of the movie, you can solve the current troubles."


Matsutaka really didn't expect that Kusano Kuki could still say this now, still thinking about solving the troublesome problem.

That's right, she is indeed in trouble right now, and the smoking incident has a great influence on her name as an innocent lady.

After all, at the moment, there are indeed people who smoke when selling people, but they are mavericks and go their own way, but it is not right to be like her, after all, she is still very young.

Fortunately, Kusano seemed to continue to say regardless. By the way, he still didn't let go.

"There is a character in this movie that suits you well."


"It's just a wicked woman~www.wuxiaspot.com~ quite powerful, very capable of killing... By the way, do you dare to kill?"

"Surely not in reality."

"What about in the movie?"

"Want to try."

"What you said feels so scary."

"really? Haha……"

"Well, this wicked woman, you should understand it, you can tell it to the outside world, because it is to experience life, that's why she smokes."

"Why should I listen to you?"

"Wait until I finish."

Kusano Yuki is actually talking about his previous plan. That's right, if he solves this incident, isn't it successful?

It should be no problem for him to let Matsuzakko play the role of Yuki Shibazaki in "Battle Royale".

You know, according to the original development, Shibasaki Yuki played the role of a high school student who was about 21 years old. Some people complained about her. She probably had to repeat the grade for several years.

But no matter what, this role is not simple, but also very brilliant, suitable for Matsutaka.

"This role is very powerful, do you dare?"

"Why do I……"

Matsushita still wants to say why he wants to listen to you, but she can't say it this time, because Yuki Kusano has already blocked her with her mouth.

At this moment, Takako Matsushita was very surprised, and Yukiko Kusano got back a round.

for a long time.

"Too much!"

Kusano Yuki directly pulled Matsu Takako into his arms.

"Don't you want to experience the life of an adult?"


Matsutaka blushed.

"Woman, tell you, smoking is not allowed in the future, just smoke me if you want."

These words. . .

Song Takako told herself to refute, to break free, to resist, but.


The voice was too low to be heard. . .

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