Daily Supervising

Chapter 450: The dawn of the heroes of "Red Cliff"!

Sophia and Scarlett, the two of them are ready to go to Japan to make a movie.

   So, just this "Red Cliff", the two of them must not be missed.

  Of course, even if they didn't go to Japan to make a movie, they two couldn't miss it.

   No way. Recently, the "Three Kingdoms" seems to be very popular on the Internet in the United States.

   To be precise, there should be something that is quite popular on the Internet, and that is a mysterious comic from the East.

   Now, as long as you search for comics on Google, the related words are Dongfang, China, Three Kingdoms, and so on.

   If you click in, a screen like this will appear.

   each is wearing armor and majestic, but...the paintings are very simple, the kind of things similar to Japanese black and white manga, but with very different styles.

   By the way, it's a little book!

   Now some people on the Internet in the United States have said that this is China's little book, after all, there are many people from China in the United States, there are Chinese, new immigrants, overseas students, and many black households.

   They acted as the first batch of interpreters, and under their interpretation, this kind of thing became even more popular.

   Here at Warner, there were originally only 100,000 sets. In fact, the little books are not so detailed. There are not many copies, but they can be made up to 12 consecutively.


   Generally speaking, there are only 6 books in a set.

   incomplete, really incomplete.

   Why is this happening?

   To be honest, Ron was puzzled by this incident from the beginning.

   After all, in his opinion, there is not much difference between 12 books and 6 books in terms of cost.

   This is really the case. Our country's cost control in this area is very powerful.

   But this is the difference, and there is an unexpected effect!

  On the Internet, many people are asking for the entire copy of this little man book!

   That's right, six books are not enough to read?

   I've read all 12 books, that's okay!

  Many people are really scratching their hearts, like this, and for a while, the popularity of this little man book on the Internet in the United States has never been higher.

   was originally free, but now it has sold 6 copies of $100!

   There is still an upward trend!

   Why does this happen?

   Ron has been haunting Kusano for this question, but he never got the answer, Kusano just smiled.

   In fact, the superintendent had already made it clear in his heart.

   You guys, just haven’t seen the magic of the little raccoon's crisp noodles!

   Such a successful marketing method, the name supervises the natural possession of private.

  Of course, Sophia and Scarlett would not know these details, but the Three Kingdoms became popular on the Internet in the United States, and of course they knew that this was definitely a major benefit of "Red Cliff"!

   It can be said that in terms of publicity, this movie is already very successful.

   Then, the most important thing left is the quality of the movie.

   How about "Red Cliff"?

   The two sitting in the Chinese Theater were fascinated from the beginning.

   As far as the opening of the movie is concerned, there are naturally many techniques.

   For example, Yuki Kusano himself has used it, and he doesn't talk nonsense at first, and directly shows the picture.

   There are also people who have been in the dark, and then slowly give light to them, which can give people a feeling of opening their eyes or looking for light in the dark.

   But in terms of historical movies, there is a characteristic routine of this type.

   It’s better to be more atmospheric when it opens.

   To put it simply, you can shoot some landscapes, such as mountains, seas, forests, because these scenery themselves are majestic and magnificent, giving people a great feeling.

  Some directors also like to imitate Hawkeye, that is, direct aerial photography, overlooking the entire land.

  History, the history of mankind is mostly accompanied by wars, and what are wars competing for?


   So, these techniques are all good, so, what about Kusano's film?

After    the label passed, this "Red Cliff" came.

   But. . .


   The first act of this movie is a huge map, and the map is embroidered.


   is really too Chinese!

   Everyone knows the Silk Road. So, the embroidered map of China, isn't it very Chinese?

   At the same time, golden lights continued to shine on the map, and names appeared one after another.

   There are place names and people, and the trumpet sounded.

   is a musical instrument, and this kind of musical instrument often feels very angry.

right now. . .

   "Sri Kuniichi!"

   Kimura was arranged to come to the United States to do publicity. He is also very excited and looking forward to sitting in the Chinese Theater today.

What will this movie of Brother    look like?

   Although he participated in the filming, his role is not very important on the one hand, and on the other hand, the actors have also seen the film very much.

   And now, just at the beginning, Kimura couldn't help it.



   The opening soundtrack is very majestic, and this is "Dawn of Heroes"!

   Toei began drawing in 1987, and in 1991, the first "Three Kingdoms" animation was released.

   The subtitle of this animation is "Dawn of Heroes", and this name is also the name of the soundtrack of this movie.

   This soundtrack is known as one of the most outstanding soundtracks in Japanese history. It is not only very atmospheric, but also very beautiful.

   Yokoyama Jinger generation music master, this work is his absolute masterpiece.

   Now, "Red Cliff" uses this "Heroic Dawn".

   How can Kimura not get excited?

Brother    really did not let himself down!

   The soundtrack came out, and the map also changed. Many animated images appeared on it. Some people have swords and horses...

   The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand... Thousands of miles without **** crowing...

   The subtitles are given, although they are in English, they are well translated.

   A figure finally appeared on the map, this time it was not an animation.

   It can be seen that this is the Yellow Turban chaos!

   Until a person's image becomes clearer, he is Cao Cao.

   Cao Cao is an official to the prime minister, and the emperor is narrow to make the princes.

   In the end, the map is removed, and Prime Minister Cao appears.

   Moreover, this is a battlefield full of flames!

kill! ! !

   rush! ! !

   The killing sound shook the sky, and there was a brave general in the battle, unmatched.

   With a Fangtian halberd in his hand, the crimson horse is under him.

   Who else can it be if it's not Lu Bu?

   However, he was extremely brave, and he was tied to the city gate in the next shot.

   "Cao Cao! I would like to drop you!"

   This Lv Bu Fengxian is really capable of bending and stretching, begging to survive at the last moment.

   Then, can you get what you want?

   Cao Cao did this.

   "Xuande, what do you think."

   It was Liu Bei that he asked.

   At this moment, Liu Bei is wearing armor with a thin face, frowning.

   Soon, he shook his head.

   "Liu Bei child! I want to kill you!" Lu Bu was really angry.

   Cao Cao laughed, and then Na Lu Bu fell to his head.

   So, Cao Cao triumphed and returned to court, and the picture changed again.

   A small pavilion is also carved with beams and columns.

   The table in the middle is elegantly placed, with a plate of green plums and a pot of wine.

   Cao Cao and Liu Bei have already gone to the armor at the moment, sitting opposite each other.

   "I will make the above table so that you will become Yuzhou pastoralists in a short time."

   "Oh, this, this..."

   "The envoy does not need to thank me, this is the meaning of the sage, but I have a question, please help me."

   "Prime Minister, please tell me."

   "Xuan De has been around for a long time, and he must know the heroes of the world. Can you give me some advice?"

   The hero of the theory of cooking green plum wine is here.


   Bill, as someone who discovered Kusano's luck, of course he also came.

  Since I have the special status of discovering people, of course I have to do a lot of homework on this "Red Cliff".

   He has collected all the 12 little books.

   But this is not enough!

   He also consulted a lot of information.

   In Bill's opinion, this movie has several difficulties.

   First of all, this movie is called "Red Cliff". So, should the point in the history of the Three Kingdoms be selected as the start?

   Kusano Yuki chose Cao Cao's White Gate Tower to kill Lu Bu.

   It can be said that this is a very big accident, because in Bill's view, it seems a bit too far.

   Yeah, it's still a few years away from Chibi.

   And, is this incident absolutely related to Chibi?

  Wait a minute, it seems that after the White Gate Tower, he is going to deal with Liu Biao, after which he defeated Liu Bei, and then he will...

  Unify the north and march south! ?

   It turned out to be like this.

   After Bill figured it out, it was absolutely good.

   It’s just that this movie also has some small problems, that is, the screen transition is a bit too fast.

   But, for such a historical story ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, if every detail is photographed, there will be insufficient time.

   Fortunately, Bill can see clearly, there are subtitles to explain at the same time of the transition.

   This will be better, but it still feels a little faster.

   I'm afraid the movie is really too much restricted by time.

   Bill began to recall some details.

   Hmm, not bad.

   He really did a lot of research, such as the style of ancient Chinese armor.

   The armor that appears in this movie is a very accurate tie.

   Zhajia has a long history, and by the time of the Three Kingdoms, it can already be done very meticulously. Now that it is shown in the movie, it is more beautiful.

   Do not underestimate the details of this armor, because such details are found in American universities.

   This is the case in the United States. Many people are stupid and stupid. There are also many people in the world. They have the best resources in the world and they are very smart.

   Zha Jia got the compliment from Bill, so, that's it?

After    green plum boiled the wine, Liu Bei took the opportunity to take up his post, but he actually took the first step.

   Cao Cao probably wants to kill him.

   Such a situation makes a person feel uncomfortable.

   "Your Majesty! Are you willing to be fooled by Cao Cao?"

   Fushou, also known as Zhang Ziyi, gave advice to her "old classmate" Han Xiandi. . .

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