Dan Martial Evil Sovereign

Chapter 27: Be late

Not only was the outsider guessing why the Li family hadn't come yet.

Even the people of the Li family are urging.

Li Yan almost smashed the door of Li Zongjiu's room and didn't hear any sound in it. Shouldn't the kid slip away while holding it in the middle of the night!

The more Li Yan thought about it, the more she had the possibility.

Ready to break in.


Li Zongjiu opened the door and glanced at Li Yan who was about to kick her leg and yawned.

"Cousin, how are you also the ambassador of the Li family? How can you do such a remarkable thing?"

Li Zongjiu joked.

"You also said that the people in our Li family are afraid to go out now. My dad is already waiting for you. Now the people at Alchemy Plaza are waiting for you. Are you afraid?"

A few days ago, Li Zongjiu took a rescue to save a pot of elixir, and also helped them refining the second-grade intermediate elixir. From this point of view, this Li Zongjiu must have the ability in it.

But when this time was about to be good, this guy even dropped the chain. Seeing how Li Zongjiu looked like, he just woke up.

"Afraid? What are you afraid of, wait a minute, I'll wash and have breakfast before leaving."

Li Zongjiu said, then began to wash his face slowly, and then asked the bowl of pickle porridge to drink slowly.

"It's hot, it's hot."

I couldn't help blowing it up while eating.

No matter what he does, this Li Zongjiu ’s action seems to be twice as slow as usual, and the expression of timidity, I believe that anyone who sees here will want to hit him.

Li Jiuyan and others are already waiting in the main hall.

Li Gui assembled hundreds of guards, but Li Tianqing did not show up, and the accompanying elders were only Li Jiuyan.

It seems that most of the elders seem to pretend they don't know about this matter. No one came to support Li Zongjiu. If these elders didn't take the shot, then these guards alone would not be of much use.

I have been waiting for noon since this morning.

Then Li Zongjiu slowly appeared in the main hall.

"Everyone is here, anyway, it's still early, let's have lunch before we go, come and come, divide the bowls and eat something again."

Li Yan thought that Li Zongjiu was about to leave.

But after seeing this movement of Li Zongjiu, and the family members behind him began to distribute the chopsticks to many guards.

"Master, what are you doing ..."

When Li Jiuyan saw Li Zongjiu, he seemed to want to use his strategy of slowing down his troops.

How long can this be alleviated?

"It's okay. Eat first and you'll be full before you have strength."

Li Zongjiushun stuffed a bowl into Li Jiuyan's hands and looked at the bowl and chopsticks in his hand. For a while, I felt that what Li Zongjiu said was quite reasonable.

On the other side of the Li family, Li Changjiang also sent someone to inquire about Li Zongjiu's situation here, and also convened a law enforcement team, ready to shoot at any time, to win this Li Zongjiu, waiting for Li Zongjiu to lose.

"What ?! Eating? Lunch?"

Li Changjiang almost didn't jump when he heard this.

It's not all appointments with people, you are still here for lunch slowly.

Li Zongjiu should also be like this. He left all the people in the square aired for half a day, and when he was full of lunch, he said that he would have to do a set of Taijiquan to digest it.

When it was almost two or three o'clock in the afternoon, when it was easiest to get sleepy, Li Zongjiu set off with the disciples of the Li family.

Many Li Jiadantang disciples also followed this team.

After all, Li Jiuyan has also made a personal appearance, and this is a test that involves the family with alchemy, and it requires great attention.

Li Baicao looked at the figure of Li Zongjiu in the crowd.

At first, he failed in the competition with Changfeng. It was Li Zongjiu's appearance that brought him back the situation. Now Li Zongjiu directly took people to challenge the master of Changfeng, a real second-class product. Alchemist.

Not to mention this final victory.

Just such a spirit is already admired by ordinary people.

"Homeowner, here comes the Li family!"

An elder from the Sun family came to preach and heard that Li Zongjiu had finally arrived. The sleepy Sun Zhenglei also had his eyes widened.

"Finally we have to wait for these grandsons, and today we will definitely want the Li family to become the history of this Lost City!"

"Li Zongjiu! If I don't kill you, I'm Chang Feng, and I'm vowed!"

There was still a man beside Wang Lu.

This is Chang Feng who was thrown out by Li Zongjiu twice. He was diligent in cultivating alchemy, adding a master of alchemy, wherever he went, he was respected and sought after, but he was like Li Zongjiu and he was greatly insulted twice. If it was not his mind

Be firm, I'm afraid I can't bear such humiliation for a long time.

It is not impossible to hang yourself directly.

At this time, being able to sit neatly dressed here is already a big challenge in itself.

"Brother Chang Feng, you can rest assured that when we take down the Li family, we will use a knife to scrape the skin of Li Zongjiu a little bit!"

Sun Bin said.

Sun Bin, as the young master of the Sun family, is also qualified to talk to him often, not to mention that now with the enemy of a common hatred like Li Zongjiu, it is a relationship between each other.

"Okay! Then Li Zongjiu, no doubt he will die!"

Chang Feng's eyes were burning with anger.

Makihara is dozing off on a stool, and being able to come to such a place is entirely in the face of Wang Lu. Otherwise, Makihara would have no interest in such a small city.

As a strong general, no matter what kind of city or gate you go to, it is extremely popular.

You don't need any publicity at all, and people don't care about your reputation at all.

"It's just a few more hours."

Bai Luoxue seemed to have foreseen the end of Li Zongjiu, and he was extremely unhappy with the pigeons that Li Zongjiu had released for so long.

Immediately this Li Zongjiu was included in the camp of the losers.

"Hehe, you have been waiting for a long time!" A loud laughter, then saw Li Zongjiu's figure appeared on the alchemy platform, wearing a white robe, pedaling Qingyun boots, with a trace of haunting The evil smile, where the eyes pass, seems to give people a sharp point

Stinging across the eyelids.

"Everyone is here, then testify that I have a bet with Wang Lu. Today I will try a alchemy with Wang Lu bald. If I lose, my Li family will offer a volume of Sanpin Danfang. Elder Li Jiuyan of my family serves as the guarantor. "

"If the king Lu bald is defeated, take off his clothes and bare his ass, and run a lap on our Changle Street in Luoxia City!"

Wang Lu bald? !! Wang Lu himself is not young, and his hair is slightly thinner, but he is not said to be a bald.

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