The heart in this look has a fascinating beauty.-.

I stretched out my hand and wiped her chin with the pulp of my index finger, then lifted her chin and pressed her face.

The distance is getting closer and closer, I am like a possessed child, I just want to lick her tears, to... --- kiss and possess her.

Then when the tip of my nose touched the tip of hers, I looked at her tearful eyes, and my own face was reflected in those pupils.

Immediately woke up, he tilted his head back nervously, cold sweat dripping from his forehead and back.

You bastard! Am I an asshole! What a joke!

When I saw my sister crying, my first reaction was not sadness, regret, or how to comfort me, but excited? And what was I going to do just now? What was I going to do!?

I am! The devil!?

I have never hated myself so much. This instinctive reaction made me feel sick. I punched myself directly. One punch was not enough.

Punch, after hitting both left and right cheeks, I still couldn't forgive myself, I turned my head to the railing of the wall and wanted to hit my head directly.

But a clean palm of Bai Zhe was placed in the middle, preventing me from self-harm.

Heart Ran-

I was a little moved in my heart, so I followed the hand and looked over.

SF Light Novel

"Self-injury, it's not good.

In the end, it wasn't my dear sister who stopped me, but Xueqing reached out and stopped me.

What a surprise, I thought Xue Qing-Ding would be very happy to see this kind of situation, after all, it's the person who admires the disabled...

"Physical pain, unrelievable pain, heart pain.

Xueqing, you sometimes speak deep words...

But Xueqing's words really make sense. Rather than hurting yourself here, it's better to be more concerned about Xinran's situation.

She must be very confused now. First she was yelled at me loudly, and then I approached her inexplicably, and her actions had no logic.

I made up my mind that no matter if I was hated by Xinran to the end, I lowered my head to the limit and apologized to Xinran.

"I'm sorry! Xinran! It's all my fault, so...

In the middle of the sentence, there was no further text. My mouth was blocked. This time, this hand is indeed true.

Did she mean to tell me not to apologize?

That hand covered my mouth and lifted it up for me to face Xinran.

I saw that Xinran had stopped crying, her cheeks were dyed crimson, and her eyes sparkled with tears.

My heart beat faster again.

In the end, this kind of feeling should...

I grabbed my chest, my expression contorted.

"Pfft, what kind of expression is that, you are so strange today...

The tears turned into laughter, Xinran's mood seemed to have improved, I finally felt completely relieved, a wry smile appeared on the corner of my mouth, and I replied helplessly.

"Yeah, today I really...

To be so easily shaken, it seems that abandoning my heart has had a greater impact on me than I imagined.

In short, since Xinran has stopped crying, let's find a topic quickly and let this matter pass by like this.

I took off my shirt first and handed it to Xinran, but she didn't refuse and put it on directly.

"Xinran, why are you here?

"I just saw that the elevator appeared - a button I hadn't seen before, so I tried to press it."

It seems that Xin Ran is not the one who was sent to guard this place by Ruan Ruan, but just came to this place by accident.

Then why am I running away?

Obviously, if you have a good conversation at the beginning, you can completely avoid conflicts, and Xiao An's eggs will not have cracks. I am really an idiot.

Maybe this is because of the guilty conscience of being a thief. . . .

"Don't you ask me why I cry?

I obviously avoided this topic, but instead, Xinran brought it up first.

I really wanted to know why Xinran was crying. I thought she would be very angry, but I never expected that she would actually cry.

Since I was a child, I have never seen Xinran cry much, and as a result, I became panicked and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Forget it, you're not interested anyway."

"No, I really want to know

"Even if you ask, I won't tell you.


Then why do you ask me so much!

He almost complained, but in the end he held back.

Xinran finally stopped crying, I can't say anything stupid to affect her emotions.

"Okay, my business is not important, but you, why are you here? What is that egg?"

"Huh? Xinran, don't you know anything?"

"What do I know?"

It's not like pretending... Xue Qing said that everyone forgot about Xiao An's existence, but it seems that Xin Ran really doesn't know the truth.

Seeing that I was silent, Xin Ran also knew that there was a secret here, and said simply.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me, but there is one thing you must answer. Answer...Are you leaving?"

"Huh? You will know because...\"

"You can tell by looking at your state. Before, you were a beast who could only move your lower body, and you only had animal nature. Now you have finally regained your three-pointed human appearance.

"Since you want to go up, take the elevator up. If you want to walk up the stairs with such a big egg, when will you go?

"Most of the maids now have meetings on the second floor, but there are still a few maids on the first floor. I'll go up to help you divert the maids in a moment. You can take the opportunity to take the elevator to the first floor to escape." Or Mu play

"Xinran, you want to help me?"

"Yeah, since you've returned to normal, and you deliberately came to such a place to take that egg, it means that you have a plan in mind.

Very calm, this is the Xinran I know.

"But the thing you helped me was discovered by Ruan Ruan...

"...It sounds really intimate, but don't worry, she won't do anything to me."

"Just as you called her, she was actually very soft-hearted. She asked all of us to be your slaves at first, but I didn't pay any attention to you at all, and she still didn't coerce me." "Huh?

"As a woman, I can understand her heart...she actually doesn't want you to be with any woman, it's just to keep you, that's why she creates such a wine pond and meat forest that makes you sink.

"However, when it comes to love, if you are passive, you have already lost.

At this time, Xueqing also interjected.

"The more you want to keep it, the more you will miss it.

"Okay, let's go, wait for the maids to finish their meeting, but it won't be so easy to leave."

I nodded earnestly, then hugged the egg in my arms again, followed my heart and walked towards the elevator.

"I'll go up first, and you'll come up in three minutes."

Xinran took the first step to the elevator, pressed the button for the floor, and then when she pressed the button to close the elevator door, Xinran suddenly smiled at me and spoke to me in a flat tone without ups and downs.

"Brother...- I'll wait for you to come back.

The elevator doors were fully closed, and my eyes widened.

The last one is: Fuck my dear sister. A

Aah.. I will definitely go back and say to you 'I'm back' with my own mouth!


Chapter ⑥③ The process of escaping was twists and turns

Okay, now it's time to look at the speed.

Although I haven't found Xun'er yet, Xinran has created such a good opportunity for me. I must not miss it, just escape from the first floor.

The next thing will be handed over to Lan. If it is Lan, he will keep track of my whereabouts at all times, and he will be able to know my inner thoughts.

It's not that I'm narcissistic, it means that if there is a discipline dedicated to studying me, then this discipline is definitely founded by Lan.

She is infatuated with me to such an extent... Although it is also scary when she is jealous and wants to possess me.

But I have to say that as a companion, Lan is really reliable enough to make people want to hug her thighs.

The elevator kept running and the numbers kept changing. In fact, next to the button on the first floor was B13, which was the button on the thirteenth floor on the ground floor. When I pressed the button on the first floor, the button next to the ground floor disappeared. Why did it disappear? Is it because that room no longer needs to exist? After all, who placed Xiao An in the room below and set up the trap of the infinite corridor?

Xue Qing and I looked at each other and nodded, and left the elevator as soon as the elevator door opened.

Very good! No one!

Xinran, she really succeeded in attracting the remaining maids!

Now this is the west corridor, if you go out through the central gate - you will definitely be found, so you have to go to the annex from the east side door and then escape through the door leading to the backyard.

This plan has been thought out just now, and it only needs to be implemented at this time.

Holding such an egg, the action is really slow, so I handed over the tasks around the realm to Xueqing, and immediately pulled me when I found something strange.

The maids in the main building were led away, but not in the other buildings. Maybe there are maids who are cleaning.

But those maids who are only responsible for cleaning should not have much fighting power. Even if they are found, they can escape before they bring in the main battle maids.

Everything that should be considered has been taken into account, and the plan is very complete, with almost no leaks. .. but only almost.

If there is no accident, then my life-lord who is plagued by the four major disasters is a bit unworthy of the name.

Before entering the annex, everything went smoothly, but after entering the annex, I found that there were too many maids lingering on the first floor, so I immediately went up the stairs to the second floor.

There are passages between the main building and the annexe on the first and third floors. Anon's study is also on the third floor, and most of the maids seem to hold meetings in the conference hall on the second floor of the main building, so now it is from the annexe. A good time to escape to the main building, to Anon's room.

So far this part has gone well.

But after entering the study, the person waiting for me was not Anon.

". Sincere... brother


Never thought that Xun'er would be here, and Anon had already got up from his seat and looked at Xun'er with a wary face. want, go?"

Xun'er turned around slowly like a broken marionette, with hair sticking to the corners of her slanted head and mouth, and her jet-black pupils seemed to be broken.

Why - it started in a blackened state!

Xue Qing frowned when Xue Qing saw this state, and called out her name softly.

"Xun, what's the matter with you?"

".-..Are you going too?

"Let's go...  

Xueqing wanted to say the invitation to join you, but was interrupted by Xun'er.

"Why did everyone leave me?"

"Isn't it okay for everyone to live happily in ten?

"Why - have to go?

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