Naturally, I didn't believe what he said, so I stretched out my hand and gave an order.

"[Remove your fate ability.]

Nothing happened.

Go back now to see Lianbing's situation? But I can't let this guy Yang Shifan out of my sight, so instead of taking him there,

Ge still chose to call Lianbing to come over. Of course, you can't relax the police during the call. I always feel that this guy should still have trump cards.

Wubo Wang Laodi is in the situation? Impossible, if it were me, I would never show the final card.

Just so obediently holding hands and picking up zero energy,

The person in the Tiguolou is a woman with a ruoyuan-shaped eye and her hair tucked behind her head. She also pointed a pistol at me in her hand.

"Let him go now! Or I'll shoot!

If you shoot me, I can only barely escape, but threaten me—

Sorry, but you are within my control.

Yang Shifan realized it immediately, and Mabi shouted at the woman.

"Wait! Xiaoqing, don't come here!"

I have said those two words.

"[Kneel down.)

Thumping, the sound only sounded once, and the two of them - kneeled down to me together

The eye girl called Xiaoqing is still struggling to lift the pistol, huh? Sure enough, the life master and the sorceress who can use the power of fate

Most of them are resistant to my abilities.

If that's the case, let's add some more material so that you can't resist.

"[Five-body cast.)

Thump! Even the upper body came into intimate contact with the roof floor.

When I used this move before, I used mental power to forcibly suppress the opponent, but now I have changed to a different kind of power, to do this kind of thing easily.

It's been easy.

2. The base steam engine of Houmu has been replaced by a fuel engine, and its performance can be said to be very different.

In the past, I have become more and more proficient in using the curse from the mouth. Before, I had to say the words of inducement based on the actions of the other party, but now

After directly ordering the order, the life energy of the four beings is too much to be used up,

Of course, this is also because my daughter is dying like Ruodi?"

"Now that the situation has reversed, you are not afraid of death, but you will watch

No, you wouldn't, it would be dangerous to limit yourself to a temperature. It doesn't matter how many heads you eat, but you can't see anyone else

Yes, because you are very similar to me,

People get hurt.

If you let her leave here at the first time, it means that she holds a great position in your heart.

She is one of your old witches, yes your important person.

"Remove your ability now, or I'll kill her."

"You can't even kill me? Would you be willing to kill a woman?"

How should I say, I think you may have misunderstood. I don't want to kill you because I'm worried that your ability will also last after you die.

If the attack continues, there will be no solution at that time. I dare not bet on this possibility, but her words-"

I looked back at the girl with glasses lying on the ground trembling all over, and said ruthlessly.

"What does it have to do with me? [Swallow a gun and commit suicide.]"

I think my expression must be very dark now


Yang Shifan never thought that I would not even give her the chance to count down, so she immediately ordered her to commit suicide.

Seeing the girl slowly stand up. Half-length, two lines of tears running down cheeks in horror, hands with shaking hands, pistol raised, mouth open

"Damn! My body is healthy!"

Electricity. Sure enough, there is a way to get out of control, I thought it was strange before, I clearly ordered him to stop, but he still

Oh, body

Can continue to run out of the hall.


What if you can lift it? Can she lift it?

Liang said, what Xianzi was used in TESMixX and Youyu's painting, when he ran over, he brushed past me, we

's eyes met, but he didn't carry any resentment. Instead, it was a look of pleading.

He is begging me not to say more.

So I was silent.

Come on, I have already explained my abilities to you, you should also show your cards.

The muzzle of the gun was already aimed at the mouth of the girl with glasses, and the trembling fingers were slowly pressing down, and it was only one step away from pulling the alarm machine:

Bang! Gunshots resounded in the building.

The bullet was indeed fired, and it was indeed hit. It shot directly into Yang Shifan's forehead, and the blood sprayed out of the girl's body.

On her face, half of her face was dyed red.

But the girl did not scream, but was holding Yang Shifan's corpse. Under the glasses that were not full of blood, that eye radiated.

Her reaction is not right. Can she face the death of someone important so plainly, does she have a necrophilia with Bingbing? Of course not.


The answer is ready to come out.

Pack FSF light novel

That means Yang Shifan is not dead yet.

Yang Shifan, who was wearing the pistol bullet through the hole, got up, covered his head with his hand, the bullet ejected from the hole, and the bleeding wound quickly healed.

"It seems that I misjudged. Although you are kind, you are not stupid. How do you know that I will not die?"

"Heng Ou, you said that you killed me and looked at the dead man. Of course, I am not very sure, but she just happened to be.

If you break in, let's try her out. "

"Sorry, Fan, it's me—

This time it was unavoidable. Hey, there's really no way, I didn't want to waste the power of fate,

Is the result still only usable?

"Sure enough, you can use the power of fate to offset my ability."

"When you have a healthy body and a peaceful mind, you will gain unlimited freedom. This is 'Corning'.

Kang Wu Fuzhi-

Then the resurrection is

"Hehe, this is Brother Xinchun's resurrection!"

"I want to know more now, how many times you have to kill you before you really die."

"Hey, don't. God has the virtue of good life. It's too lucky to let me go once."

Hmm? This sentence is really strange. God has the virtue of good life?

Good virtue, isn't it also one of the five blessings--?

After the last time I saw Yinhua, I went back and checked the five blessings: longevity, wealth, well-being, good morals, and a happy death.

But as expected, fate cannot be as simple as it literally means, and good virtue can be resurrected. The opponent's ability is also buggy.

"Haha, that's it, although my ability is not a big deal, but my old witches can give me some stronger ones.

Powerful uff. "

Yang Shifan stood up, wiped the blood off his face, and said with open arms.

"I already know your abilities. I really understand. But now you are helpless to me."

As far as I can control my control, I can't kill anything, it's really quite troublesome.

Bu Lingjing, you can fight far more than me, so you don't care about the consumption of fate and use your abilities at will.

"Aren't you the same?

"I'm not--like, I'm

I happen to have a longevity, so my lifespan is a little longer.

"Don't make fun of me at this time, Xiaoqing.

It seems that longevity really means to make his lifespan longer.

I just don't know how much longer it's gotten, but it shouldn't be more than me.

Yes, am I going to fight him with the strength of my destiny and let him die repeatedly? Until he runs out of life?

I don't want to do this kind of thing that kills one thousand enemies and loses eight hundred, F-case novel

Sure enough, it's not that simple, even with four of the five blessings, they still have such perverted abilities. one--

Fuck off I don't want to see you anymore. "

Since I have nothing to do with him, I'm not going to waste my time anymore, I'll go back and settle my own affairs.

You are too kind.

"Is it really okay for you to say something like this to someone who killed you once?"

"I've seen many life masters who become arrogant and arrogant after gaining the power of destiny, feeling that they are omnipotent and inflated.

And the ability they get is far less powerful than you - you can actually do whatever you want, right?

Do whatever you want?


I don't want the relationship between the things that are important to me is not harmonious. Before the old witch girl wakes up, the life master can't use the power of fate, and

"Furthermore. Like Su Pingwenzhihui's approval, the state prohibits toying with breeding, and there are also people who treat Su Yanu as a **** slave in turn.

Some old witches with bad characters will imprison and play with their masters as dogs.

They did not treat people as small, and they had become inhuman. "

I've heard this from Ji Zhibai, but it's even more extreme than what I've heard.

"Oh, by the way, everyone I've seen died, um, I killed them."

There is an intimidating murderous aura in the calm, this man has always been like that

"That's why you think about your old witch like you, even if you're hated so much,

See, Ren Shan is bullied by others, and Ma Shan is ridden by others. You will always suffer in this way. "

"Then you will remove your ability, and then I will continue to live my honest life, and you will continue to kill other life masters.

commit the river

\"Oops, + I refuse, have you heard of it? We have different positions, I said that I am a life hunter, you are the life master, I can't

Let a potentially dangerous life master move at will, and you must cut off the connection between you and the old witch, so I will not release the ability

"What's the nonsense then? Get out of here! Otherwise I'll kill you a few more lives!"

"Hehe, I like you very much."

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