"No, it's nothing, it's almost time for dinner, let's go back to the house.


However, it turned out that I would not take the initiative to confess to Xinran, that is absolutely impossible.

Don't do superfluous things, let yourself be passive, this is also what I expect.

Back in the wooden house, I skillfully made + steamed carp, and then fried a thousand bamboo shoots, 2--an umami + foot dinner is ready.

Two people eat face to face, it feels like back to childhood, that is, in the years when my father hadn't remarried, because my father was away from home most of the time, it was only me and Xinran who ate together at home.--We They are relatively quiet people, so they don't talk during meals, but they don't feel embarrassed or intolerable. miss ah.

However, although I ate in silence, Xin Ran did not remain silent this time.

"Sure enough, it's better than what I did.

"That's for sure, I've always been the one to cook.

... always. Come on..."

"Yeah, uh, well, maybe there's a gap in our memory.


Xinran's expression changed significantly, showing more confusion and confusion.

I, on the other hand, took out the eyes of the fish indifferently and ate it, then raised my chopsticks and said in a serious manner.

"Well, yes, because I'm not actually the An Cheng of this world... Well, I can't say that, I'm still me, I haven't changed,

But the experience may be somewhat different. The reasons for this are quite complicated, and it is very troublesome to explain. You can think that I am An Juncheng from another parallel world, so it is easier to understand. ’

He directly told the biggest secret.

I don't know why I can say it so naturally, and after I say it - I feel like 'Oops, I said something that shouldn't be said', I feel that it doesn't matter, I just say it, and telling Xinran is better. She accepts.

..parallel world.

I feel that Xinran has become dull, and it is not easy even for Xinran to accept this amount of information.

Well, let Xinran worry about herself. I'll try the fish soup first...

As soon as she took a sip, she took the initiative to ask me.

"Then what about me in your memory?"

"You want to know?

Xinran fell silent, perhaps because I realized something, I didn't take the initiative to say anything, and continued to eat calmly, but Xinran didn't even move.

She didn't move until I finished eating. If she hadn't taken the initiative to help me clear the table when I was doing the dishes, I would have thought that she might have been hit by petrification magic. Mi-_

After eating, I feel a little drowsy in my head. This is because the blood sugar content in the blood has increased, and carbohydrate poisoning caused by satiety. It is normal to feel sleepy after eating.

That's why I said that I should do some exercise after a meal to help digestion, and it's also to relieve sleepiness.

Although I don't think it's a problem if I fall asleep now... Anyway, I have nothing to do.

But I thought about it and decided to take a shower first. At this time, I suddenly realized that there is no running water in the house.

...-.It doesn't feel right to use the cooking water to take a bath, why don't you go to the lake to wash? It still doesn't feel right...

"Xinran, is there any place to take a bath nearby? Except for the lake in front of the house.

"There is a hot spring on the top of the mountain.

"Oh? Is there a hot spring?

It's amazing. I didn't expect to have such rare things. It's really suitable as a place for the elderly, but where is this place? I even suspect that this place is no longer the only one in the country.

In a word, it is very refreshing to have a hot spring bath. After bringing a change of clothes, towels, and a few eggs, I followed Xinran to the top of the mountain.

After walking for about ten minutes, I saw the place where the smoke was coming out, and it wasn't too far away.

The hot springs are not big, and they are not plural. They are almost the size of a bathhouse, and they are only small hot springs that can only accommodate more than ten people.

But for me and Xinran, it was more than enough.

After I tested the water temperature, I felt it was good, I put a towel around my waist and ran in.

Speaking of which, when I was undressing, I felt like she didn't let go... oh.

Xin Ran didn't mean to come in with me, nor did I persuade her to come in, so she soaked in her own, spread out her body and relaxed.

After a while, when the moon rose above my head, I heard a kind and cuddly sound, and I didn't have to think to know who made the sound of rubbing the cloth.

Sure enough, Xin Ran will also come in-. Well, I have already been mentally prepared for this.

She still abides by the principle of not leaving my field of vision, so she chose the timing very cleverly. When the clouds blocked the moon, she had already soaked in the hot spring.

But because the hot spring water is very clear and the water temperature is not particularly high, there is not much smoke, and the reflection of moonlight is not so strong. Holy light, smoke, and water opacity are not there.

I could see Xinran's cheeks turning red, I continued to keep my poker face, but my heart was already a little anxious.

Now it's an endurance battle... I can't stand it for now.

After a long time, when I felt like I was going to get dizzy, I heard a voice that made my spirits--invigorated.

"What about me in another world....?

oh end

Big fish, hooked.


Chapter 87

Although it means a bit of fishing and law enforcement, I did say this on purpose to make Xinran care.

On the one hand, for information synchronization, Xinran and I have subtle differences in memory. Although the difference is not very big, it is better to explain. For example, in terms of cooking, the world is made by Xinran, but the person who cooks in my memory has always been me.

On the other hand, I want to see what Xinran will be after learning about those things... Well, I have become different from the original. If Xinran, will I choose to keep it as it is or be the same as before? I am changing...

"You really want to know?

I still didn't say it directly, I sold it for a while.

If she nods this--this time, I'll say it, and if she chooses not to pursue it, I'll pretend that I didn't say anything.

The right to choose has been handed over to you, Xinran, this time I will let you.

Xin Ran fell into silence again, but because she had been soaking in the hot spring for too long, her cheeks were flushed, and her skin was also dyed with a layer of red. I'm also uncomfortable, and I'll really feel dizzy if I soak it again. I look at my body and feel no different from cooked crayfish.

Xinran, Xinran, if you still can't make a decision, your brother and I will faint. --- Or do you want me to faint?

Um, which side is it?

Does she want me to change back to 'brother', or does she want me to accept her in another identity?

Make a choice, Xinran. Today you and I meet frankly, and there is nothing to hide. As long as you want to know, I will tell you everything I know.

Ah, if you think about it this way, this is actually a confession. In the end, did Li Nai want it to turn into such a situation? No, maybe this is what she expected... Xiao An said that she can also control it. The direction of things.

This time the silence didn't last long, and Xinran finally took action.


Xinran stood up from the hot spring, nodded earnestly and said.

"Yes, I want to know, tell me.

What kind of mental activity did she go through?

Now her emotions have been magnified beyond the rational part, all thinking will be influenced by emotions, there is no way to objectively analyze it.

"Mu Xiaowan

In other words, came to the conclusion that she wanted to know, that is, the answer she came to emotionally?

Since that's the case, I have to give a good answer here too...

However, let's put on clothes first.... Now this state is a bit too frank, it doesn't feel like an atmosphere suitable for conversation

So, I persuaded Xinran first.

"Put on your clothes, you'll catch a cold like this.

"Don't change the subject.

"I didn't change the subject, I promise I'll explain it well, but you don't want me to keep talking to you with a shameless face, right?"

Xinran finally gave in and nodded, and left the hot spring sideways. I also stood up and wringed the towel to wipe off the water on my body, and then wringed it out again after wiping it off-the towel was thrown back to Xinran, because she didn't bring anything. Follow me up.

After putting on my trousers, I inadvertently looked up to Xinran's side, and I saw Xinran sitting on the stone beside the hot spring and looking up to wipe his armpits, my eyes were attracted, and the movements in my hands couldn't help but stop. what.

I can't take my eyes off the beautiful curve drawn by her sideways body, and my brain has a trance feeling.

It's really... a beauty.

I will have some immunity to beauties, just because I feel that high-quality beauties like her have always been by my side, otherwise, when I was confessed by Lianbing, how could I analyze rationally? And refuse, the beautiful **** campus came to confess to me, and anyone would agree to it happily.

Now I don't feel ashamed anymore.

I'm used to it, but I still don't think it's exciting enough... Maybe it's both.

Recently, I think it's better to wrap it tightly, because then it's fun to think about what you're wearing. Is this the evolution of taste?

Why does it feel like it's getting more and more perverted and wretched...

After Xinran wiped her body and was about to put on her maid outfit again, I stopped her. Ah, don't get me wrong, I'm not a pervert who doesn't let people wear clothes, I just have another set of clothes that I want her to wear. again

I picked up the paper bag that I took up the mountain just now, walked around the hot spring to Xinran's side, and handed the paper bag to her.

"I brought your clothes, let's wear this."

What kind of clothes do you think I brought for Xinran? School uniform? Swimsuit? Pajamas?

Ha, I'm not that crazy. This isn't a cosplay contest, it's just the most suitable clothes for Xinran.

Xinran took the paper bag and glanced at it, and murmured a little dumbly.


"It's the home clothes you usually wear at home. I brought them here when I saw them in the closet. You will be more comfortable wearing this."

That suit is the one that Xinran wears most often when she is at home. She brought it with her after she found it in the closet.

Xinran's dress at home is very simple, she wears super shorts, camisole, black stockings, a little cool dress, and it is also the dress that can make me feel the girl's attributes the most.

Of course, my favorite is the maid outfit, but for now, it's better to wear this.

From the inside to the outside, all return to the origin, -.. start again.

Xinran pulled the black stockings to the bottom of her thighs, leaving an obvious absolute field between the shorts and the camisole, and the bottom of the camisole fluttered in the wind.

I have a feeling of heartbeat, just like that time when Xinran blocked the door of my room and wouldn't let me pass, I walked over and stretched out my hands to catch her feet.

Xinran didn't mean to come down, she sat on the rock and looked at me, she was waiting for my answer.

I didn't even think about it, I said naturally under the impetus of my instinct.

"The original world, you like me.


Even if Xinran heard the sudden news, she couldn't hide the surprise on her face, she bit her lower lip lightly, her eyes were full of panic, and she was a little shy.

That's the feeling you only have when you don't discover the secret in your heart.

"Knowing this is just not long ago. In my world, the secret about you and Xinran has not been discovered. I always thought you were my sister, but the relationship between Ling and me is not so rigid. , she was very close to you and me.

Kou Guangmu's little play

"However, only you know about the fact that you and I are not related by blood.

"How do I do...--"

"You know that this matter still pushed me to Keling.

Xinran closed her eyes, she could actually think of how 'self' did, in the end, it was just the same person.

And in the heart of the new world, she is also worried about Keling.

"You hide your feelings in your heart, and you have kept an indifferent attitude towards me for five years, far less cordial than you in this world.

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