Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1011: : Causality (2)

"Teacher, who is this bald head, or shall I cut it for you?" Smith stood in a posture, with an iron sword hanging from his waist, his hand already pressed on the hilt.

"Don't mess around, sit down and drink." Xiahe greeted Xiao Er and took out Jinsha.

The second boy didn't recognize it and could not tell whether it was true or false, so he took the broken silver again, and finally came to drink, and asked Medieri for some fruit.

"Monk, aren't you a person in this world?" Xiahe didn't drink the wine in the shop, took the bottle himself, and took a sip into his mouth and asked.

"I don't even know where I am."

"Forget it, it's unclear to you, just say, stop me, what's the matter?"

"I think your Yintang is dark, and within three days, there will be a plague of blood."

"It's better to choose a date than to hit it, how about today?"

The monk quickly waved his hand and said, "The little monk's strength is low, not your opponent."

"That's nonsense, hurry up and talk about the business. If you talk about it again, I don't know how I am. You will have a **** disaster today."

"This is my ninth reincarnation. If I reincarnate again, I might forget the previous things. Xiahe, do you really not remember me?" The white robe looked at Xiahe's eyes and pointed at him Own nose.

Xiahe was creepy. For the first time, someone called his name in person.

If the other party wants to secretly count him, it is now successful, because of this call, Xiahe's soul responded accordingly.

"I didn't really think about it, the master said quickly, I'm afraid you reincarnated too quickly." Xia He grinned reluctantly.

"Probably when you were six years old, your master took you to my temple and asked me to do a favor."

Xiahe's body leaned towards the back of the chair, his eyes flashing with extremely dangerous light, and at the same time, there was a trace of melancholy.

Memories slowly emerged, and it really happened for a while. The master was not very friendly to Buddhism. At that time, it was a little mysterious, and he didn't let himself look at it. He talked with the monk in the secret room for a long time.

However, this kind of emotion makes people a little crazy. Xia He thought of the master, and eventually he could not end his life, and his soul was scattered. It is impossible to resurrect the Daluojin fairy realm unless you cultivate yourself.

Xiahe does not want to think about the past, he is thinking about the future every day.

Suddenly such a monk came out, reminding him of what he had done in his childhood. What he wanted to do the most was now, slapping the guy on the opposite side with a slap.

If you die, you do n’t have to think about anything.

That temple, planted with willow trees, is also by the lake, a bit like the scenery in front of it.

Buddhism, it's really annoying ...

"Your master changed my sun roulette with a ninth gold body. I would have thought that I was cheated."

"It's time to go." Medirelli said casually beside him.

"Well, it deserves it! I deserve the gold of IX and deserve the end of today. But fortunately, I was also greedy at the beginning. I only promised to lend him the sun roulette. I still have to pay it back."

"People's debts disappear." Smith said grimly.

Xia He raised his hand and told the two students not to say anything. He said to the white robe monk: "Why are you a tongue-in-cheek, why did my master deceive you?"

"This nineth-century golden body, I only used it for a few years, and it will almost run out. Isn't it a lie to me?"

"You have been reincarnated nine times, and remember what happened then, right?"


"Then why is it not the ninth golden body? In addition, I don't know what the sun roulette is. You can go with my master. I was not present when you traded."

The white robe monk immediately took out a piece of paper and placed it in front of Xiahe.

Xiahe did not read the above text and said, "It's all false. Even if you have reincarnated nine times, even if you have any paper contract, you can't take it with you when you reincarnate. Even if it's true, it's between you and my master. The matter has nothing to do with me. "

"Dr. Xiahe, I will give you back the Ninth Golden Body. Although my Ninth Life is short, the benefits of the Golden Body are not small. The Golden Body has absorbed my good fortune and made me die fast enough. .. I just want to get the sun roulette back and start over. "

Xia He looked at the two disciples and thought to himself: The ninth golden body, it stands to reason, that he would not be able to kill the monk until he died. It was not a good thing to be entangled.

I don't know what the sun roulette is.

Won't it be that thing?

When Xiahe remembered that he had practiced the Six Gods, he gave himself a bare bronze mirror. On the day the bronze mirror shattered, I produced the first six **** embers.

If the bronze mirror is the sun roulette, I really can't afford it.

The master said that it was red copper. Now think about it. The mirror cannot be made of red copper. Even if it is five-color **** copper, it is impossible to withstand the power of the sun.

"The donor, if you do n’t give me back the solar roulette, all my practice will be destroyed once I pass away. Such resentment will be attached to the Nineth Century Gold, the power of cause and effect is incredible, you can bear it if you ask yourself Rise? "

The white robe monk threatened that Xiahe oil and salt did not enter.

Xiahe didn't know what to say. It should be the master. In order to let himself transcend common sense and ignite the six gods' embers, he went to this guy's temple and cheated the sun roulette.

The six gods' embers must be ignited if they want to be ignited.

The real sun is the best choice, but the real sun is too irritable, and his own state was low at that time, it is impossible to afford it. The firepower in the mirror was controlled to be quite gentle.

No, this monk is cheating!

Xiahe woke up suddenly and punched him in the face of the monk. The monk changed color, jumped back, smashed the window, and stood outside the window. The scenery outside the window has changed. It is still lake water, not a lake in parallel space, but a small lake outside the temple.

"How long have you been waiting for me!" Xiahe stood up and looked at the white robe monk standing in the sky outside the window.

"Wait for IX, I'm so bitter ..." The monk wept, bright red.

"Is this hell, or Buddha?" Xia He asked. He found that his soul did not change, but his level was limited to five levels. This is definitely not a parallel space.

What about the other party? The white robe monk was almost in the fifth rank, but he could stand in the sky.

Neither Smith nor Medillie did it, and the two found that their ranks could not be improved. Moreover, large-scale space equipment can not be used. There is only a temporarily refined leather sac, and the contents can still be accessed.

If it were n’t for meticulous masters, now they ca n’t even take out their weapons.

As for the level? Both Medierly and Smith were not too scared, and their opponents were not very high, and there was only one person.

"Here is infernal purgatory. Unless I have the sun roulette, let's stay here, and no one wants to go out." The white robe monk suddenly became grim, and a pair of twisted tips were born angle.

Xiahe stepped out of the window in one step, and the monk stepped back, his feet still not touching the ground.

"Smith, are you here?" Xiahe turned back and glanced at his students.

"Why aren't you sister ..." Smith mumbled, pulled out the iron sword, and stepped out of the broken window.

Xiahe ignored his mutter and said, "Oh, the master's master may have killed this person. He sought me for a long time, came across the universe, finally found me, and dragged us into the infernal purgatory. If this is truly an infernal purgatory, we ca n’t leave without killing him. ”

"Is this easy?" Smith said, piercing the white robe with a sword.

This sword is really like a dragon, without warning, and it hurts.

The monk raised his hand, grabbed the iron sword blade, and twisted it with a click, and then the iron sword was twisted so that there was only a handle.

"Oh, a silver coin!" Smith yelled.

"Smith, don't be fooling." Medieri also came out. Behind the monk, a dozen meters away, was the lake.

The iron sword was broken by him, and all the debris was sucked into his hand.

"Come again!" Smith withdrew a long sword from the skin and attacked the monk again.

Guilt? apology?

What doesn't exist, Xiahe wants to kill the monk now. The person who is willing to start is not a good person.

Smith thought so too. The master asked himself to get rid of this bald head, and then this bald head has a way to take death.

Right and wrong, no need to think about it.

Xiahe didn't do it himself, but also to see what role the ninth golden body had. Smith's power is endless, his level is limited, but his body is not limited.

Fortunately, the bodies of the three people are great.

Not to mention that Xiahe has practiced Shouyuan Hammer since he was a child. Medirley is a person who goes to the sea to practice exercises, and it is impossible to lose power against the giant.

A weak Taoist priest was rare, but a sword repair that could not be done physically? There is no one at all.

"Junior, since you are rude, don't blame me ..."

The white robe monk took a vajra pestle out of his sleeve and backed into the lake water. The lake water swelled up, and in a blink of an eye, a huge water lotus was formed, resting on his feet.


The water lotus became a mount-like thing, dragging the white robe monk forward, the white robe monk smashed a note in the sky, and Smith rolled over and crashed back into the window.

This time, even if he shed his strength, he was still weak.

The power of the bald head was too great, leaving Smith at a loss.

How is it possible that the opponent's level is so low, the body is not like a practicing person, the thin skin tender meat guy, the spell may be powerful, how can the body be stronger than yourself!

With a long rifle in his hand, Medelly stabbed at the chest of the white robe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This gun is simple, without fancy, and it doesn't show any force, like a dragonfly. water.

The Vajra pestle lifted up and hit Medieri's spear, and the tip of the Jester tremor tremble. The Vajra pestle flew up into the sky, the tip of the spear slightly, and stabbed into the chest of the white robe.

This shot is already fascinating.

When the spear twitched, it was a circular wave, and then the Vajra pestle was taken off, not all the power disappeared. It was borrowed by Medieri and took advantage of the situation.

Behind the broken window, Smith was annoyed. Why should he fight with the monk?

I can do the trick of unloading ...


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