Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1029: : Intensive attack (2)

Li Anna closed her eyes and did not look at the battlefield at all. After the balancer released the air shield, the two mutants behind were equipped and the plasma bomb launcher was ready.

The balancer touched the launcher and entered the magic slightly. This is a technological weapon that can be driven by magic.

It must be a magician or a magical configuration to use it. Restricted use is a price. The advantage is that it is fast enough.

Plasma bombs are inherently fragile and easily intercepted.

The four plasma bombs were sent to the team of one hundred mechanical life warriors at a speed twice as fast as the magic projectiles and exploded.

The damage level of plasma bombs can be up to 40 levels.

The damage levels of these four bombs also exceeded the 20th level. The maximum damage is less than thirty levels.

Then, a hundred mechanical lives, in the white light, only two remained standing alone, and there were scars all over his body.

The two mechanical life warriors dropped their shields, took out two javelins, and threw them hard.

Hit the air shield, penetrated halfway, fell on the metal ground, and made a bang.

The tall soldier was startled. The air shield was able to withstand the shooting of magic projectiles. There would be no problem for at least 30 rounds. These two javelins are quite powerful, and the metal bunkers may not be able to stop them.

Seeing the throwing speed, if you aim at yourself, you have no time to hide.

The balancer raised the magic rifle again, aimed at one of them, and fired. The bullet was replaced this time, and the red light flashed, and the mechanical life was torn directly at the waist.


Another shot, another chest burst, half of the body fell down, hung on the waist, and then fell.

It's all money ...

The tall soldiers knew clearly that these two projectiles were worth a lot, but they were better than the magic scroll. It's cool to follow the Duke of Asla, this consumption will not be deducted. Previously, the choice of plasma bomb was correct, and it would not be deducted.

Of course, this kind of merit is not much, but the benefits are real.

He is just giving orders and he has income. There is no loss of merit, after all, it is the life of the robot and the structure that is wasted. It was made by the Duke at a cost. If so much is created, it is not to prevent human soldiers from causing too many casualties.

At that time, when the space barrier existed, he happened to be trapped in a small town. He had just become a professional, a poor first-class level, and would have a heavy skill.

At that time, there were more than two hundred companions. After a few years, less than ten people were alive.

If there were more than two thousand robots accompanied by that year, at least half of them did not have to die.

People who come down from the battlefield never hate robot warriors. Even if these warriors look, they are sometimes scary.

After the hundred mechanical lives were cleared, Li Anna opened her eyes, stood up, and said, "I'll clean the battlefield."

With that, she took the puppet, went deep into the passage, passed through the air shield, and collected the relatively complete two mechanical lives with her hands. The rest were sorted out, and almost all of them were sent into the magic circle to crush the recovered materials.

In the darkness, a mechanical viper rushed out.

In the distance the two soldiers saw clearly, their mouths wide open, and their hearts were horrified.

The mechanical viper, which looked like a dozen meters from Li Anna, flew to the back with a flick of his body, biting with his mouth open.

Li Anna took a step forward, a little faster than normal, and the mechanical viper's attack fell through.

She drew her sword and flicked behind her, holding a sword flower, the tip of the sword was on the head of the mechanical viper. The mechanical viper's body suddenly stiffened. Li Anna closed the sword and put away the mechanical viper.

Assassin model? It was the first time I saw that the level was quite high.

The soldiers who were far away from him could not be analyzed, but Li Anna knew that this thing must be an epic machine.

But it's useless. There is no flaw in his sword heart. There is no such thing as a sneak attack.

If the level is sufficient, just crush yourself positively.

Li Anna had a magic heavy armor, her footsteps were heavy, and she came back from the long passage. In the dark, the hidden mechanical life never dared to attack.

Just with that sword, mechanical life cannot judge the power level.

"This time there is something to gain. In addition to turning in the money, everyone can divide at least two gold coins." Li Anna returned to her position and happily said to the two soldiers: "I mean, you four each Everyone has it. Do n’t fight for merit, the spoils of things, everyone scores evenly. "

"Of course, the average score, we ordered next to it, it is good to have loot."

"It must be there. You must also pay a part of your equipment for damage."

Li Anna said that she took out a shield. This shield already had a lot of scars, and it was not destroyed under the attack of the plasma bomb. It was considered good equipment.

She swept with her consciousness, the technology weapon was not suitable, but the material was really good.

Li Anna used her big sword to divide the shield into four parts, and then released a flame in the palm of her hand to remove the useless impurities from the four parts of the metal, and quickly purified out four cyan metal blocks.

"Reward to you, wait for you to go back to the main god, let the construction help, hit a few pieces of nails, and attach it to the abdomen. This thing is very light and the defense is good. Except that it cannot be enchanted, it is made of high-quality materials Sign. "

"Captain, is this bad?"

Li Anna put it away and said: "There is nothing bad, the materials that can be enchanted are not allowed to move, it is not that the Duke is short of money, it is of research value, and there will be wear and tear when researching. This technological item is very wear and tear when researching. A small sample is enough. "

"I do not understand."

"There are regulations, I am the captain of the team, with this authority. This metal is probably worth three gold coins? It may be less. Of course it is the internal price, it is more expensive to buy outside. It is the Duke's welfare."

The soldiers are worried about being punished for taking things privately. All the spoils related to weapons and equipment are strictly controlled by the Duke. There are also things like precious metals.

Li Anna was very satisfied, the two men were not blinded by wealth.

There are already a few gold coins. The soldiers of the Changling Legion only earn five gold coins a year. These gold coins also need to be used to buy a lot of things, it is good not to owe money for a year.

The advantage of going out to fight is that there is extra income, but many soldiers do not understand the rules and can only let the officers release it.

This is also the habit of many nobles, but the phenomenon of deductions by officers is much more on the side of the Duke of Zhesu.

Li Anna smiled and said: "Ah, are you scared before?"

"Yeah, when I followed that person, there were ten silver coins a month, and it was not always full."

"Ten silver coins, that's a bit less."

"I mean professionals, there are fewer ordinary soldiers, it is almost equivalent to being dry."

"Our Duke gave less gold coins, but other benefits are more," Li Anna said. She suddenly thought of five gold coins a year, and more than twenty silver coins a month.

Yes, for a family of five, there is not much silver in one month.

However, being a soldier is equivalent to missing the most important labor force in the family.

"It's a lot of welfare, and it's really converted into money. Master Asla, I don't invest less in a year."

"Do you still understand this?"

"Of course I understand. I have read a lot of books recently." Gao Dabing said.

"Relax, these things will be reported, and I will give them to you, you can definitely take it. Just do n’t hide the loot. Join a battle, and finally you feel that the income is unreasonable, you can apply in writing Compensation. Reasonable will definitely make up for you. "


"The defense officers have deducted it, if it is not unreasonable, don't do it. I mean, you soldiers also have enough power."

"Captain, here again!" The tall soldiers looked at the distant passageway. There were dog-like things running fast. There were a lot of them. They seemed to threaten the life of the machine without talent, but the speed was really fast.

"Well, you continue to direct." Li Anna sat down again and stopped talking.

Give the people below a chance. The enemy is weak anyway, so she doesn't need to worry about it.

"You help too!" He said to the other soldier. Farther away, there are mechanical aircraft flying at high speed, at least much faster than cavalry charge.

"Air shield."

The balancer constructs and releases the air shield again. This thing has not existed for a long time before it has automatically dissipated.

"The balancer is ready to cast a second spell to supplement the air shield. The mutants attack from a distance, the serial robots from one to sixty, attack the air targets, and the rest attack the ground targets."

I do n’t know when the offensive started, and I started to gather together. I do n’t know the number of flying mechanical lives. The following robots ca n’t calmly attack, and they ca n’t do one shot at a time. Weapon stations on the ground began to breathe flames, and the roar of technology guns was deafening.

Thousands of bullets hit cleanly within minutes.

"Oops ..." Looking at the firearms at the weapon station, Li Anna felt that this thing was almost useless after changing the second ammunition.

This thing is a fixed robot, and it is calculated when attacking. If the firearm is seriously worn and the accuracy is reduced, even if it can still spray metal bullets ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is of little value.

How many targets can be hit by blasting?

Originally it was a half-hour rotation, so Li Anna had to join the battle. She asked the robot to change the ammunition box of the weapon station. Behind the metal bunker, an additional weapon station was added.

This stuff is too little, mainly for dense charge, and it is in a narrow area.

"Chumen, how is it going?" Li Anna asked her superior directly in the officer channel.

Chu Mendao said: "The upper part also fought, which is much more difficult than expected. The mechanical life, it seems that it will take a break and win us."

"Can you hold it?"

"It must be able to sustain it. The four layers of mechanical life are not as strong."

"I mean the above."

"Then it's hard to tell. We will retreat if we lose our position, don't care about anything else."


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