Daomen Invasion

Chapter 104: : Moqi

After Xiahe arranged the task, he did not care about Medieri, but came to the edge of the camp to reinforce the facilities.

The silver demon was relieved and took the time to take the spears of the dead, stitching them together and strengthening them with magic. There are magic alarms and traps around the earth platform. The camp for less than sixty people is not large in size and the defense is very meticulous. After splicing the spears, the Silver Demon went to check these trap alarms.

All the dead soldiers use enchanted weapons, which are expensive and expensive to repair, and the lethality is also worthy of its loss.

The silver demon looked around. The blood mage was setting up defenses to increase the magic circle. Nothing could be sensed in the magic tent. The female priest was very powerful. It was good to rest for half an hour. After half an hour, he could fight with all his strength. .

Medi Li erected eight wooden stakes, and Xiahe returned to her to activate the magic circle.

Between the eight wooden stakes and the magic tent, the brilliance of the elements condensed into a line. The rainstorm was cut by these complicated thin lines and cut into a solid. The whole piece was smashed between the magic lines.

Soon these shining magic patterns disappeared, and the light of red light gathered towards the center of the top of the eight wooden piles, shining on the magic tent. At the top of the magic tent, a dark red ghost was pulled straight up, looking like It is a totem pole.

"This thing can function as a magic tower." Xia He looked at his work with satisfaction. This is not even a thing researched by Tao Gong, but a masterpiece of him and Freya. It's just a magic attack distance, the value of this thing is already huge.

Although the cost is a bit high, but in a non-combat state, the loss can be ignored.

This is a qualified war weapon, not for emergency use temporarily.

In the magical tent, Lynch opened her eyes and glanced over the top of her head. A line of text appeared in front of her.

Void Magic Tablet: Temporary magic building, level 19. The maker, Asla Xia.

"Lynch?" Irene opened her eyes and looked at the young magic swordsman.

"It's okay, I have a good rest." Lynch was surprised in his heart. When he knew Asra, this guy had only five levels. In such a short time, can he create a nineteenth level magic building?

He lowered his head, pulled out a single-edged long sword, and began to repair the damage with the quenching star magic liquid.

Asra's secret, he didn't want to explore, he also had a secret himself, he was reborn after death, and then was arranged into this world.

Aileen was surprised. Lynch rarely spoke only a few words with her, and he was worried about what he looked like.

Irene didn't ask any more. She stood up and packed the tattered priest's robe, trying not to think about the peeping eyes of the imp. Lynch was repairing his weapon, and Irene got out of the magic tent, watching dozens of people busy in the heavy rain.

"Asla, how did you find me?" Erin wore a large poncho and walked to Xiahe.

"Send some people to search in Dragon Island, I don't know how to find you, everyone who found you is dead."


"It's not your fault again." Xiahe thought maliciously, if someone is wrong, it must be the master of dawn. He clearly can take you back to the Temple of Dawn, but what teleportation array he wants to take.

Is it true that its purpose is to let you come to Dragon Island?

Yeah, sending a powerful bishop will attract the attention of other temples. Finally, it is calculated that I can come here to help?

Dispatched the three saints to come, it was the last Liwei. It is estimated that those who wanted to plot Irene would eventually die without corpses.

But what does your business have to do with me!

Lord of the dawn, are you the one who fell in love with me?

Xiahe only had a taste of being a lord these few days. After meeting Irene, he felt that he was being pitted, and his mood was a bit bad. But the Pope's original intention at the beginning of the day was to let himself return Irene to the temple. If I did n’t come to Irene, I would be in trouble.

Sword and Rose Mercenary Corps were killed by two legendary professionals. Their magic tower is a fart.

If you ask the goddess of wealth to help, the Temple of Dawn may not be willing to start a war of war, but why does the goddess of wealth offend the Lord of Dawn for herself?

What kind of price do I have to pay to be safe?

"Asla, I'm now at level 18. I can help." Irene was all wrapped in a poncho, and the voice of her speech was ambiguous in the background of heavy rain.

"Just help the treatment, let me do the fighting."

"Hmm!" Irene nodded vigorously. Medirelli looked around, just sneering. Lord Lord is doing this, it must be a last resort, otherwise he will not let himself speak before. Sure enough, being a lord is also spiritual practice, just like practicing sword, even harder and harder.

The defense of the camp was completed, and all the dead entered the barracks in batches, re-wearing armor.

Xiahe also provided a hard buckwheat coat, buckwheat leaves are like slender fish scale armor, flexible movement. Sandals were fixed on the outside of the combat boots to make the bottom area of ​​the boots larger. The long knives all had their scabbards hung around their waists with metal buckles. A helmet was added with a face mask, and half of the face was blocked by the protective chip.

The deceased checked each other's equipment and determined that there was no problem. Then they re-entered the rain, came to their respective positions, and put up spears. In this weather, long-range projection of weapons is almost meaningless, except for advanced equipment.

When Lynch came out of the tent, no one was in the activity anymore. Under the rain curtain, the entire camp was shining into a dark red with the magical monument of the void, and the rain in the sky fell like it was pouring blood.

"Can you use bows and arrows?" Xiahe asked the demon sword warrior, the children of the law would be very strange, maybe a heavy armor warrior would also make alchemy, or a magician could use a flying sword.

"No archery skills, but accurate shooting." Lynch replied honestly. Even if he learns archery temporarily, he can't reach the combat standard, it can only be a level 1 skill.

'S unranked shooting is his ability to learn hunting after rebirth, and his basic skills are fairly solid.

Xiahe took a long bow, gave it to Lynch, and took a large wooden barrel, which was placed under his feet. The barrels were all thick wooden arrows. The position of the arrows was one. The wood was metal with magic. Change.

"The enemy is 1,200 meters, everyone is ready to fight."


The two team leaders shouted loudly, and all the spears of the deceased moved forward and landed on the gap of the wooden wall.

The sound of rain suddenly became dense. Soon, the deceased heard it. The sudden sound was not the sound of rain hitting the water. In the darkness, about three hundred riders appeared, rushing towards the camp.

"Medi Li, beware of assassins sneaking in." Xia He finished, and began to prepare for magic.

Three hundred and twenty-two rides, Xiahe quickly calculated the number of enemies, and a void wind blade of more than two meters was condensed in his hand. The outer layer of the wind blade is transparent, and only the core is a blue magic pattern, like a thin line.

As soon as Xiahe raised his hand, the wind blade flew out silently, and the instant had reached more than two hundred meters away.


The first one actually fired a fighting spirit on the rifle, and was blown away by the wind blade. The knight's gun tip shattered. The whole person bounced from the horse's back. The wind blade was unobstructed and cut his mount up and down. Flew out.


In the cavalry ranks, a man wearing heavy chain armor sipped, the magic pattern of the core of the Void Wind Blade was twisted, and when the second horse was cut open, it collapsed in place.


Another tall man wearing a black cloak waved his scepter on horseback, and the entire cavalry team accelerated suddenly. The outer armor of each knight was covered with a layer of blue light.


There was a thunder explosion in the sky, and the light flashed half of the sky. Xiahe saw the knights' horses covered with steel armor, but the horse's mouth was not tied, showing fangs.

More than three hundred cavalry?

There are at least two more magicians of the 20th level, even in the Temple of Dawn, the status will not be too low.

Xiahe regretted that he used the magic from the seven-page book to quickly kill the magician of the Boulder Mercenary Corps. The magic in the seven-page book can be seamlessly released, and is best suited to deal with the dense charge in front of you.

But in any case, you must give the other party a dismountable weapon.

If the two forces are engaged, if the momentum is weak, it will affect the army's heart.

Lynch put the wooden arrow on the string and watched Xiahe release his magic book. The magic book quickly opened and nine fireballs flew out. Eight of them circled the huge blue fireball in the center and shot out like lightning. .

Blasting stars!

Lynch quickly draws a bow and shoots ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The wooden sword draws an arc and flies away from a distance.

Behind the nine fireballs, a little red light exploded, and a seven-meter-long Shenhuo flying crow arrived first, making a loud long beep.

The feathers of Shenhuo Flying Crow were burning, just a slam, and a dozen or so demon riders were tipped off their horses, rolled in the stagnant water, and the whole body was burning. The flames penetrated through the gaps in the armor, and the Demon Rider rolled only a few times, and there was no movement.

The corpse boiled in the magic water in the accumulated water, the white steam made a squeaking sound, and the flying fire crow fell again.

The man in heavy chain armor looked up and slammed into the **** fire flying crow: "Scatter!"

The fire feathers of Shenhuo Flying Crow exploded halfway, but they were not completely dispelled by the magic arts, but they still slammed down. Six magic rides were thrown off the mount, and six human-shaped torches were ignited.

The magician wearing heavy chain armor suddenly had a nail stick, his body arched upward, and his feet stood on the back of the demonized warhorse.


Nail sticks hit the belly of Shenhuo Crow with the sound of wind.


The explosion star only arrived at this time, exploded in the demon ride, the three demon cavalry armor smashed, and the mount was blown out, the broken body was burning, such a rainstorm could not extinguish the flames formed by the elements .

The silver demon was excited, but it was a distance of two hundred meters. Under the influence of the magical building behind him, the blood mage was able to exert the full power of magic at such a long distance! No, the power of this magic has increased at least twice! All the magical cavalry armor has magical attachments and magic resistance.

Two attacks, the Shenhuo Flying Crow shrank by half, undulated in the air, and fell towards the heavy armor magician, the third leg of the abdomen, and grabbed the magician's nail stick in one stroke.

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