Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1041: : Escape

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No matter how powerful Xiahe is, he needs others to help him rule and help him obtain resources.

Look at the heavy magic armor in front of you, this is called the wings, this is called the minions.

Computation of the core, matching of the soul, and these problems are all solved. In the future, we can develop according to the series of weapons. The newly developed technologies are all stacked up and the bones have been built.

Xia He laughed loudly and saw the magician waiting in the distance, saying, "Why are you still here?"

"Wait for the Duke to give orders, a lot of documents have been accumulated, and Little Sun City will not dare to replace you ..."

Xiahe thought so too, but this is the upgrade of the whole army's weapons and equipment. Unlike the previous ones, the previous replacement weapons are all decentralized and the new weapons are used by the main forces.

This time, new weapons are used by the main force, and old weapons are recycled.

Many things involve confidentiality issues.

Xiahe here to sign documents, the northern waters ...

Li Anna's boat finally found the Lord God, the Lord God avoided the army of mechanical life, and the people above were also very anxious.

However, neither coach is present and no one dares to make decisions without permission.

When Chu Men returned, the balance between the two sides was broken.

The three legendary mages under Muses were all very nervous. Muses was gone, and there were few people on his side. When Chumen came back, what happened?

On the side of Chumen, he immediately gathered with the other three companions to find the mage of Muse.

"Mechanical Life Army attacked, Gregory retreated first, I left later, and did not walk with him. Why hasn't he returned yet?"

"We don't know." A mage looked ugly.

Chu Men sneered and released the message to the Master at the time, saying: "I'm on the fourth floor below, giving him resistance to the mechanical life below, and has penetrated to the fifth floor. Then he said to retreat, I killed it At that time, they were no longer visible. The small warships were destroyed, and I fled back again, using the materials collected in the cabin to build this lifeboat, and finally escaped. You do n’t know, would I know he went where?"

When Chu Men said this, he gritted his teeth and looked grim.

The three legendary wizards were speechless when they heard a message from their companions.

My own people retreated first. This is to abandon allies. What else can I say?

Ma Longdao: "Don't worry about this matter for a while, and wait until the two adults come back."

Chu Mendao said: "Why don't care, my people suffered losses, and a soldier's feet are gone. If they didn't escape first, how could this be the case!"

"Master Shrek will always decide, and we will wait patiently here."

Chu Men bowed his head, and Li Anna's voice came from his communication channel.

"Chumen, the Duke's side, didn't think about fighting halfway through, and it didn't make sense to kill the three guys. I know what you're thinking, kill the three of them first, even if something goes wrong with Lord Shrek, Muses returns, We can also rely on the number advantage and draw a tie with him. "

Chu Men's spiritual control, returned a um word.

"If Shrek is dead, you add up, and you are not an opponent of Muses. If Shrek is fine, with me, these three people are not very useful to live."

Chu Men stopped talking, and it seemed that he agreed with Ma Long.

"It makes no sense for us to be infighted. The number of mechanical lives is huge. Chumen, you talk about how many troops are there?"

"That battleship should be a laboratory of mechanical life, specializing in training all kinds of machinery suitable for the survival of this world. The ones behind are the real warriors. I saw two battleships at sea ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It ’s very large, and there is a giant warship in the sky, which looks like a flying whale. The number ca n’t be guessed, but there must be millions. ”

Everyone was silent. In fact, this time, there were ten legendary mages. If the number of enemies does not exceed 100,000, you can fight.

But if there are millions, it will be impossible to fight.

Inside the cabin, at the narrow battle site, Chumen could persevere and wait outside, and he escaped blindly on the sea.

Marlon said: "Our ship keeps a distance from each other and waits for Lord Muses and Shrek to return. You have no opinion."


The other party didn't dare to do anything. Did Malone drive the boat? That's a joke, more than a million mechanical lives, they don't want to die.

Li Anna was in the cabin and asked the guardian to formally treat the white cow. The tall soldiers were dying of pain, but they said nothing on painkillers.

"There will be no sequelae, what do you toss about." Li Anna frowned.

"I have to remember the lesson. This time, I acted slowly. I was a little hesitant at the time. I will never make this mistake again."

"Hum, it's up to you, anyway, your feet are gone. The construction will install a temporary prosthesis for you. Don't think about fighting. Help command the robot. Wherever I go, I will ride a wooden horse and retreat. At that time, you were the first, do you understand? "

"I don't understand."

"Fool, you are dead, the Duke is going to pay a pension!"

"Understood!" The tall soldier replied loudly, with tears in his eyes.

There is no one in his family. Even if he receives a pension, who can he give? Outside world, singularity, space barrier.

& nbsp->>

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