Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1059: : See Hunting Heart (1)

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After eating, everyone rested for another half hour before they were back on the road.

Li Anna chose a road on the left, which is a little narrow and not so spacious, but the upward trend of the crack is gentle, and there is no steep place along the way.

The robots started to deal with the road when everyone rested, and the magic equipment also participated.

The feather man opened the road in front, there were no creatures in the crack, the ramp was gentle, and the ripples made by the robot on the ground increased the coefficient of friction and dusted some dust.

The dust looked suspicious, and the smell was a little stinky, and Yuren didn't care.

Anyway, you can just let the chariot go, and there is a companion in it. The feathers in the chariot were badly injured, and even professionals with more than 20 grades had to spend about half a month to recover their fighting power.

Even after clearing the long ramp, there are still several steep terrains.

Fortunately, no enemy appeared, the wheels of the small chariot came out, and there were spikes on it, like eight legs, forcibly climbing. The scooter simply grew dozens of metal feet, and climbed up from the ice near a fifty-degree angle.

The power of the scooter is not so great, and the clinging performance is not so good. There is a robot pushing behind, which is finally shocking.

Instead, it was a Trojan horse. In such a steep place, it was still rushing up without pressure.

This is the passability. For example, the chariots of the Shenzhou Empire have a short suspension function. Although the combat is mainly in a flat area, the passability is excellent.


At Storm Point, when Medirelli appeared, it was still night.

Xiahe sensed it long ago and summoned her directly into the Blue Moon City.

"Teacher, you're free." Medieri entered the room and took out his brain harvest on the ice field and threw it to Xiahe.

"Half God ..." Xia He looked at the corpse with a serious look.

"Yeah, and soul beads."

"It's useless. Behind the mechanical life is also a powerful existence. My current strength can't spy on him. We can only clean up around Rhode Island as much as possible, not let the mechanical life take root."

"Will the teacher go by himself?"

"It should go, although it may be a trap."

"I greeted Smith back."

"Well, but not in a hurry, Su Taiyin went to the prefecture, where everything stabilized and developed very fast. You and Smith, go back to Xianfu and refine the equipment. By the way, take Yelina back."


"Well, all 72 people were transferred back to arrange for them to take charge of the large cities of the world. Now they are all under military control. With noble governance, it is very unreasonable. I want to implement a civic system. These are going to die."

"Well, there will be no shortage of staff there?"

"No, Su Taiyin went back, she also brought a group of bad luck Xianqi. The strength of the whole Xianfu is too much, so they can be transferred back. These students already have a wealth of governance experience over there. Fighting soldiers is not a problem. In all large cities, I will set up a separate corps to let these students command.

"Is this about to attack?"

"Almost, the half-elf empire has gained a lot, and more and more troops need to be invested. It is mainly to discover that the world ruled by half-elves must be taken one by one."

"How does the teacher plan to expand the army?"

"Mobilize the manpower from the main army, as the backbone, supplement the recruits, and form the army with the city as the core. Then select the manpower in the secondary army and add it to the main army. Then select the people from the recruit camp and enter the secondary army. The expansion is almost the same. Now Rhode Island is almost full of soldiers. Fortunately, our city is also well staffed. The number of newborn babies in Rhode Island is huge. These years have been a fast-growing population. There will be another seven or eight years. I won't worry about it. "

"Don't you send troops from outside?"

"Of course I have to adjust, I think so. According to the level of the world we need to enter, we choose different legions as the main force to enter. If it is a more powerful world, use the main legion, and almost use the secondary legion, the ordinary world Use the noble army. "

"The weakest batch, using a small amount of our own troops, plus the servants of the outside world?"

"Probably that's what it means, but the servant army should also be trained, choose elite, strict military discipline, you should come back as soon as possible, I will finish this matter within a year."

"It's such a toss again!"

"No way, the God of Magic appears in the extreme north, I can't swallow it anymore."

After the arrangement of Xiahe was completed, when Smith arrived at Storm Point through the magic circle, he personally sent the two students to the world of Taiyin Xianfu. He did not leave Storm Point immediately, but continued his work here.

It mainly draws drawings, records various teaching materials, approves new books and so on.

Now Asla --- >>

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