Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1078: : Faith and business

Smith was happy, the teacher just said that no one in Rhode Island dared to be a criminal, and someone immediately opened his eyes?

He took a step forward and almost nodded the man's nose with his hand and said, "Can you speak? Do you know where this is? Dare to be so arrogant!"

"Where is this place?" The young man asked with a sneer.

"Of course Rhode Island, did you see the patrol outside the window? If you get into trouble, I call in and keep it for you ..."

"Haha, why, you still can't do it on Rhode Island?" The young man smiled.

"Uh ..." Smith was asked. He really wasn't a Rhode Island tyrant, even though he could do it. Let him show his identity or show his strength now, he will feel like an idiot.

"I just think that you are so rude and boring."

"Where am I being rude?"

"I held out my hand, you didn't shake it."

"I don't want to shake hands with you."

"Where are you with such a big face?" Medirelli said in the back: "Do you think I want to shake hands with you? You just don't use a fork to eat, disgusting."

The young man was embarrassed, and Medil replied: "Why don't we go, why is this place so ridiculous?"

"Where is it ridiculous?" The young man looked angry.

"none of your business?"

"I am the owner of this shop, what do you say about me!"

"It's not good to harass customers." Xiahe said: "If you are the first time, then remember, don't have a second time, in Rhode Island, business must be done in a proper manner."

"I just want to get to know her." The young boss was discouraged.

"I want to know you too, why don't you ignore me?" Smith satirized him mercilessly.

"Why should I know you?"

"Why should I know you?" Medirelli felt a lot of fun. After she became a demigod, the fireworks were gone, and she felt that she was not a person. For more than a year, she has followed Xiahe to learn how to maintain human things.

However, the feeling of being high is still there, as long as it is a familiar person, no one will disrespect her and fear her.

"Well, it's my fault." The young boss grabbed Smith's hand and said, "It's nice to meet you, my name is Drizzt."

"Well, Drizzt, I won't mention to Rhode Island officials today, nor will I let him pass in the future." Smith grinned.

"Then sit down and have a drink." Drizzt said to Smith enthusiastically.

Smith glanced at Xiahe. Xiahe nodded and the three sat down in the shop.

Drizzt called the waiter, took the better drinks in the store, put the dried fruit and the like first, and then asked: "What do you want to eat?"

"Really not hungry." Xiahe Road.

Drizzt saw that Xiahe was the leader of the three men. When he said this, Drizzt no longer reluctantly said, "Originally, I wanted to pay a courtesy."


"Smith was right. I was used to it. I felt that I wanted to meet other people. It's a normal thing. Hey ... It's been a long time since I was looked down on."

The wine set was brought over, Xiahe used a cleaning technique, and then Medierli poured it on him, and he took the dried fruit and grinded his teeth.

Xiahe took a soft sip. These are relatively high-grade alcoholic drinks for professionals. The price is not cheap and the benefits are not much, but the taste must be good. There is no weird taste and no impurities. For the legendary master , Is also a thing to adjust the pleasant mood of taste.

Anyone who can open a shop here can get something that is handy.

When Drizzt said that he did, he really didn't ask Medieri anymore, not even Xiahe's.

"Where is the boss?" Smith poured himself, but didn't drink, rubbing his glass, looking at Drizzt and asked. In fact, when he asked questions, he already knew a lot of Drizzt from Rhode Island's database.

"Everything that came out of the East China Sea University was nothing to do, so I traveled the world and ran through many places."

"It's pretty young to see you."

"Am I? I'm young ..." Drizzt stroked his face with some emotion.

"Have you ever been to the Thunder Empire?"

"Leo, I have been there. I landed from the north. I was on a smuggling boat. I met a group of orcs when I landed. At that time, my level was still low, and I was not scared."

Smith browsed the information. This Drizzt is indeed young, thirty-five years old. For a magician, it is a young man. Although he suppressed his breath, Smith still knew that he was a legendary mage, but advanced after the loosening of world rules. When he left from Donghai College, he was only 25.


"It's called orcs over there, it's actually a half-orc, and it smells a lot. It makes people want to vomit across the distance." Drizzt's expression made people know that it was not a good memory.

"How did you escape?"

"Not fleeing, the orcs picked up the goods. Lumori's smugglers brought a lot of weapons in the past."

"You said that humans sold weapons to orcs!"

"What about that, I was very angry at the time, but I was afraid of dying and didn't dare to say anything. Later I learned that behind the smugglers were also the magicians of Green Forest. They went to the orcs and traded a shaman-made one. Gems, gems of life. The green forest is different from ours. The mage there has a family style, but even if the father is a legend, there is no guarantee that the son will become a legend. If it is not a legend, how many years can it live? "

"Just to extend life and sell weapons to orcs?" Smith felt incredible.

"Yeah, that's it. No matter how many people die, it's none of their business. They are members of the tower of the Master, and the orcs can't cross the sea to fight their territory. What is killed is the unlucky egg of the Holy Thunder Empire. Anyway, the people of Green Forest think so. "

"They're not afraid of you saying it?" Medirelli felt incredible.

"What can I do? I am a legendary mage now, I think they are disgusting, but will I dare to go to the mage tower to find trouble? If I go, I will die. Will the arcane empire fight against Omori for this? Of course not , Because it is not time to fight, and when it is necessary to fight, it does n’t matter if this reason is there. "

When Drizzt said this, he was a little panting, as if he had suppressed things for many years, and he still couldn't get rid of it.

"If the Duke conscripted and attacked Green Forest, would you go?" Smith asked.

"Don't go. Let me donate some money. But at most, donate half? Or one third. One quarter, no more." Drizzt seemed to have made a lot of determination. Medial Lido was happy.

"You don't seem to hate this kind of thing too much."

"If you watch more, you can think of it. If you fight with the orc, I might go to see it, and fight with the mage tower. I don't know what it is for."

"Isn't it enough to fund interracial?"

"Arcane Empire, know this kind of thing long ago, haven't you done nothing?"

"You don't have a sense of responsibility at all?" Asked Medilly.

"Yes, if someone comes to Rhode Island, I will definitely not run away. Because this is my happy land. If it is destroyed, I will have to go back to my original life, but ... I can't go back."

"Happy land?"

"Of course it's a happy land. The original legendary mage had to open up a half plane, go to Xinghai, and collect resources everywhere. I was afraid of being robbed. I didn't have so much trouble in Rhode Island. I don't need a magic tower. I want to do it. For the experiment, just rent it out. I am in the city of stars, and there are shops. Now, my research is how to enjoy life. Of course, this is also something that cannot be done. Weapons are designed. There is no prince. If you do well, you wo n’t earn much. "

Xiahe is speechless, has he also created a group of desireless magicians?

"Also, some experiments do n’t need to be done, you can buy the materials directly, and then rent the illusion to confirm it, I can get the data I want. These are much easier than developing by myself. The legendary mage is very powerful, but There will always be stronger enemies than you. If I go to the astral realm, I will have to rise 20 more to dare. "

Medirelli pouted, showing little interest in this person.

Drizzt accompanied several people after drinking, and gave Smith a badge, which can be discounted at his Star City store.

When they walked out of the store, the three of them didn't speak, and for a long time, Smith just said: "This person ... is really nonsense."

"It's true that he doesn't want to fight." Mediel replied.

"Maybe it is a spy." Xiahe said: "But it is not surprising that there are definitely more spies here than serious businessmen."

"I'm not interested in shopping anymore." Medieri felt bored, and the life here was adulterated.

"Let's go, it's interesting to watch big living people lie in front of you." Xia He said to Medicil.

Medirelli said nothing, Xiahe said: "I came back to help the Sith. On the north side, if the **** of magic is about to die, I guess there will be a response here."

"Did he dare to come over?" Medirley raised her eyebrows.

"How dare he don't know the existence of the three of us."

"Does the teacher want to understand this first?" Smith asked.

"That's not necessary. Naturally, someone sorted it out and sent it up. I was just too busy. I have been working and working, which is annoying and comes to relax."

"Teacher, you should also relax ..."

"Of course ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I am like you guys, and I can't do anything about it."

Relaxation is also a kind of spiritual practice. It's very important. When Xiahe came, there was really nothing else. One was to prepare for the war in the extreme north, and the other was relaxation.

The preparation is because there are too many second-level colleges here. It is estimated that there will be a secret group, all of whom are involved in the creation of the magic god. If the **** of magic is forced to go nowhere, it is not impossible to go directly here.

The gods are powerful because of their faith, but the wizards who created the magical gods are not pure in their beliefs, and the magical gods ’current strength will not be too good.

However, if these people face life and death, maybe they will pray to the **** of magic and worship, it will be bad.

The beliefs of the mages will be particularly effective. The **** of magic who wants to upgrade will be as fast as sitting on a rocket.

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