Daomen Invasion

Chapter 112: : Get it

There are too many temptations in this world, such as Ovilla.

Xiahe is a pure Yang Taoist body, and his spirit is steady. When he sees two pinks, his heart is still in love, but there is no qi and blood boiling.

Medi Li is still young, don't think there is anything wrong with this, she has a clumsy hand and foot, and quickly handles Ovilla cleanly.

"This doesn't move." Xiahe stopped her as she saw Medillary about to take off Ovilla's ring.

"Sir, don't you take it off?" Medieri asked curiously, she hadn't seen this treatment yet.

Xiahe was speechless, he just went to the magic robe and changed his clothes.

Medi Li helped Ovilia to sit up according to Xia He's instructions. Xiahe parted the hair behind Ovilla's head, and there was a little vermilion near the neck. Freya's power breaks in here to destroy Ovilia's soul.

Xiahe first took half a box of ruby ​​ointment, hooked it out with real energy, and applied it along the spine of Ovilla.

The entire spine was smeared, and there was a long red line on Ovilla ’s back. When all the jade paste penetrated, Xiahe opened the wooden box Abigail gave him, and a light golden bead was suspended in the box.

Xiahe's finger, the bead flew into the wound behind Ovilla's head.

"Step aside."

Medi Li immediately flashed on the other side, Xiahe's palm pressed on Ovilla's tail vertebrae, a force from bottom to top, rushed into Ovilla's body.

Medi Li heard the rattling of Ovilla's body, as if the bones were being crushed and crushed with great force.

Ovilla's body was like a snake, twisted suddenly, and then flicked upwards, a pure black breath spurted from his mouth. Xiahe pointed a little ...

Elemental discipline!

The light of the elements enveloped the black gas and made a noisy sound.

Medi Li's body surface, the skin quickly aged, the gloss disappeared, just like a hundred-year-old woman in an instant. On her skin surface, a viscous liquid penetrated, colorful.

Medi Li body was pulled by Xiahe, sitting back on the bed, the bedding on the bed was stained with colored mucus, decaying quickly, and soon exposed the thick wooden board below. The bedding of the Magic Tower is made of ancient trees of life and treated with elements. But after being contaminated with this slime, there were signs of damage.

Medi Li was a little surprised, she already knew that Ovilla was injured by Freya.

What kind of attack can cause such damage!

Xiahe's hand still hasn't left Ovilla's body, his palms boiled with qi, and the highly toxic mucus was purified by the qi. The aging skin of Ovilla's body hung down like a butterfly breaking a cocoon, exposing the pale red skin below. Under this layer of skin, a little golden light floats, and the pale golden beads have been shattered by Xiahe and penetrated into Ovilla's body structure.

Among the many methods of Daomen, initiation and bone refining are relatively common, and Xiahe uses the dragon method in bone refining.

Taking advantage of the treasure given by the goddess of wealth, the subtle changes in the structure of Ovilla's body took place, and the two breaths protecting the sea of ​​her soul suddenly came back and returned to her ring.

Xiahe's hand clung to Ovilla and flicked upward. Ovilla's entire skin was shaken down. Xiahe took her in her arms and gave it to Medierli. Then Xiahe took a robe and covered Oville. The female pirate captain should have been awake and refused to open her eyes.

"Medi Li, arrange her in another room."


"Austin, you go to the sixth floor and let Freya release your imprisonment."

Austin was still eavesdropping at the door. As soon as Xiahe called him, he ran away.

Medi Li held Ovilla, left the room, Xiahe closed the door behind, and then looked at a colorful human skin on the bed, hesitated.

This is a good thing, but if Ovilla knew she had equipment, she made it with her leather ...

Not long ago, Medirelli came back and saw that the things on the bed were gone, even the bed board was put away.

"Medi Li, sit."

Xiahe paced in the room, and Medirley was not sure, so she was under the table.

"If I were a qualified lord, I should deal with Freya."

"Adult, you have the power to decide everything."

"No, it's not fair to you, I just don't want to live like a machine."

"Machine? Gnome's machine?"


"Adult, I don't like the goblin machine, it's disgusting." Medierli's words were always direct.

Xia He smiled bitterly again. Medirley was still young. What did she know? Talking to her by yourself just wants to sort out your mood. As for how to do it in the future, you have already decided. Forget it, still not chatting with this child.

"There is something you can do, I'm afraid you can't do it well."

"Adult, something other than murder, I also want to try it."

Xiahe rubbed his temples, maybe he should train Medieri in the future and let her speak like a nobleman.

"Emperor emissary, has been left outside for a few days, you go to explore the tone. Just say ... I went to destroy the giant stone mercenary regiment, got a little wound, and still being treated.

"What attitude should I take?"

"Be arrogant."

"That's good, I'm very good at it."

Xiahe took two scrolls and handed them to Medieri, saying: "I also don't know what attitude the Imperial Envoy will have. If you do, these two scrolls can be used.

The scroll that Xiahe handed to Medieri was an invisible scroll and an arbitrary door. It was originally obtained from Abigail and Oville. All along, he did not want to use it.

Was supposed to be the receptionist of Oville, but he was screwed up by Freya.

Medi Li went, Xiahe turned and came to the cell of the Magic Tower, where Cotton Jack was imprisoned.

When Xiahe came outside the cell, Xianhe was meditating, and Xiahe didn't interrupt him. He took a chair and sat outside the iron bar. Cotton Jacket still wore that cotton robe, a little old, but his look was good, unlike a prisoner.

Xiahe wanted to take a book and found that there was no space equipment at hand, all in the library and the Dragon and Tiger Dao.

Xiahe was sitting in a chair in a daze, thinking about this time.

This time the problem is not serious. Ovilia has left no root cause. Even if the emissary of the Arcane Empire was angry, he would not dare to carry out the emperor's mission. I didn't even plan to go back and say something good, otherwise I would not send Medieri in the past.

Master said that there is no such thing as no choice.

Everything, please, may go wrong, for reasons you can't even think of. Therefore, any plan should have redundancy, and it should not be used.

Freya reminded herself that man is not a machine.

My initial anger was because things were out of control. This makes people feel powerless and frustrated.

Anger is the pain of being incapable of oneself.

Thinking about it, Cotton Jack opened his eyes and saw Xiahe. He said very quietly, "Asla, you are here."

"Jack, do you know why you were caught?" Xia He sat on the chair and turned on the light of the cell.

"Ovilia has an accident."

"Oh, you went to the arcane empire, and you are quite mature."

"She is dead?" Cotton Jack is a little scary calm.

Xiahe stood up, walked to the railing, reached out to unlock the magic lock, and opened the prison door.

"No, Freya is crazy."

Cotton Jack suddenly couldn't hold back, his face was red, and he was a little overwhelmed while standing inside. Was his guess wrong?

"Come out, there is something to discuss with you."

Cotton Jack had to come out of the cell, followed Xiahe, and went up to the fourth floor of the magic tower.

"Ovilia has made some progress in practice, and I don't know how long it will take. You know, the profession of Druid is a little special. Jack, talk about your going to the Arcane Empire."

Xiahe took the Cotton Jack to the room that was originally prepared for him. If Xiahe was to leave, the Magic Tower had to be re-planned, and the top floor was handed over to Austin. The fifth floor would not be occupied by people, there would be room for expansion and war dolls. , And maybe some Warcraft and the like.

In short, the fifth floor is very dangerous and unsuitable for living.

Fourth floor is handed over to Cotton Jack. This is the library, materials room, residence of other magicians, and some laboratories.

The third floor is where the magic apprentice lives, living and living together.

The second floor is a training place, combat practice and preliminary tests. The first floor is the meeting place ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is also a restaurant kitchen. If there is a magic armor, you will also live on the first floor. There are cells in the basement, as well as storage space for some supplies.

From now on, this magic tower will be the core of Stormwind City. During the war, the supply of the entire city must be handled by the magic tower.

"How is she doing?" Cotton Jack didn't pretend to be cold, and asked Xiahe blushingly.

Xiahe frowned, saying: "If you don't go to see her, she is sleeping. Come back here after reading, we will talk about the future."

Xiahe said the word "future" very heavily, and Cotton Jack sat back in his chair again.

"Freya was locked on the top floor by me. She was not allowed to come out. If you need an apology, go now."

"No, she didn't do anything to me." Cotton Jack returned to what he used to be. Facing Xiahe, he was still a little afraid. This was the awe among the magicians.

"Jack, I want you to stay at the magic tower to help me, Ovilla also agreed."

"But ..."

"Do you want to go to Ice Maple Continent with Oville?"

Cotton Jack couldn't answer, he secretly liked the captain, but he also knew that the captain didn't feel him. What can I do when I go to Bingfeng Mainland?

Followed by the captain, before and after running, when being a messy one?

Is not young anymore, for a magician. Staying at Stormwind Point to help Asra take care of the Magic Tower is an opportunity that should have been dreamed of.

"Do you need to think about it for a long time?"

"No, I can make a decision now." Cotton Jack stood up and paid a deep respect to Xiahe.

There are some things that are too illusory. After going to the Arcane Empire once, Cotton Jack saw many incredible things, and he decided to catch his eyes.

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