Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1128: : Dominance?

A lot of legends are the key to building camps in this weather. If there weren't so many legends, there would be no way to rely on the robot force alone.

When the wind is strong, let alone the soldiers, even the chariot can be blown and rolled.

Of course, this is where the snow is not deep, where the snow is deep, although the problem of wind is a little smaller, but everyone is creeping in the snow, how does it work?

In a day's work, with the help of the legendary mage, the Great Wall was erected.

Because in terms of spellcasting, there is ready-made heavy snow that can be converted into hard ice, which is a hundred times easier than directly releasing the ice wall. The legendary mage released an ice wall five meters high and tens of meters wide, making it easy. And in such an environment, there are physical objects to cast the spell, as if it were a medium of casting, the ice wall created is semi-permanent.

Without this weather, the legendary mage can also release a huge ice wall, but how tired is that? Besides, it is not to release one or two, but to connect all the ice walls to form a huge Great Wall fortress.

When manpower is poor, it is impossible to build such a behemoth in a short time without using the natural environment.

Otherwise, the royal mage would not want this position of Li Anna.

The position of Li Anna has just the right peaks, and there are complex icefield cracks in the south. The terrain is also complicated in the north. There are many tiankengs covered with snow, which are large and small. These pits are not old, and many are new.

This involves the change of the topography of the ice field. Only the position of Li Anna's position is relatively stable in geology and keeps the main line.

The place where Du Bona took was just on the edge of the defense position, and the geology was stable. Du Bo's dead face was left because of this.

Li Anna also knows that when the royal army arrives with more than one million people, she can't stop her. The other party will definitely play rogue and forcefully occupy the ground. While Du Bo seemed to talk, he actually asked him to build fortifications in the north, and he would expand the fortifications to the south.

If there are millions of troops, the Royal Army, you do n’t care if there are more than 10,000 of you underground.

In fact, Du Bo's army was too cramped in the forty-odd fortifications, and ground forts and underground passageways were still arranged around it. The underground part is arranged because the weather is too cold, and the Royal Corps has not yet been able to make all its members a professional.

Underground can be warmer and save resources.

These days, the harassment has continued, and the Royal Army has also suffered some damage, but they are all within the control. Seeing that the construction of the Ice Great Wall was almost complete, Du Bo came to Li Anna again.

"City Lord."

"Master Legion, what advice?"

"If nothing else, our force on the ice sheet now exceeds two million people, and the daily consumption is huge, sometimes it can't afford it."

"If you can afford it, the **** of magic will not rush to attack." Li Anna said the truth.

Now everyone does not want to wait because it is not so good to wait.

The royal side is the daily consumption of the army in the ice and snow, and the **** of magic, waiting to face the destruction of all opposing forces.

Du Boxin said, do you still have friends?

"City Lord, no matter what, the royal family's daily consumption on the ice field is too much."

"So our Duke's leader will send fewer people, and the effect is not bad."

"If the number is insufficient, it will be difficult to launch a full-scale attack."

"Actually, our Duke has his own layout, and it is not necessary to attack anything in general. I remember that there has been action on the side of the Mystic Master, and the troops of the God of Magic have been launched in the north?"

"Yes, Lord Dian Rose, has come into contact with the great army of God of Magic."

"How is the battle?"

Du Bo also did n’t mind the topic shift, saying: "Master Diane Rose, opened the door to the outside world, and mobilized a large number of troops from the outside world to supplement it. It has already occupied an advantage, and now the army of annihilating the **** of magic has exceeded one million . "

"The loss of the magical **** is not small. In our position, there may not be more investment."

"No, the problem with the God of Magic is that it has not created too strong an individual existence, but the number of troops is still terrifying. He is the God of Magic and can open alien space. Lord Diane Rose also encountered it there. Large-scale troops in parallel space are summoned by the **** of magic. "

"It's really troublesome to say that?" Li Anna is also not hard-mouthed. On her side, there are ten brigades of alien corps, and the combat effectiveness is good. Troops transferred directly from outside world will have much worse combat effectiveness. Moreover, there are not many different worlds occupied by the Duke, and the number of troops that can be transferred is not very great without affecting the production of other worlds.

"This weather will probably last more than ten days. When the snowstorm ends, I plan to march west and send about 60,000 troops. How about, is the city owner interested in being with me?"

"Of course I'm not interested anymore." Li Anna said: "The leading troops of tens of thousands of people, assuming that the forces that meet the **** of magic, are basically dead."

"How about a bet?"

"Do you gamble?" Li Anna asked.

Du Bo choked on her again, gamble? Are you crazy?

"Your excellency, the Duke of my family, has a clear order, so don't think about the joint issue. I was just kidding, how could I bet against you? Not worth it."

Du Bo's face was thick enough that he didn't walk away without a sleeve. He smiled: "Then you might as well contact the Duke to see if you can cooperate with the royal family and start a war."

"The Duke said to me, just let me guard this line of defense. Don't let the forces of the magical **** flow into my Mithril City. It's not easy to open up new territories. Keep it up. "

"If the underground world is occupied by the **** of magic, your Mithril City may not exist independently, right?"

"Isn't there any more of you?" Li Anna's smile was so nasty.

Du Bodao: "Is it no longer the tradition for the nobles to support the royal family?"

"Of course, but there are only more than 10,000 people on my side. There will be millions of troops on your side. Why should I help?"

Li Anna couldn't get in the oil and salt, Du Bo was embarrassed, he said to Li Anna: "Privately, can you help?"

"I built the Mithril City. There is nothing I can get. I don't want it, I can't."

Du Bo's heart moved, this is some consultation?

The Royal Corps, forcibly occupying the position of the nobility, is very unpleasant to say, even if there are various reasons, it is the royal reputation that is ultimately damaged, so he came to grind Haw and communicate with Li Anna.

Two hundred thousand people can now barely arrange it. If the force exceeds one million, they will have to occupy Li Anna's place.

"What if I leave the supply to you?" Du Bo tentatively asked. This was a fat one. The royal logistics were rarely handed over to the nobility, even if it was not on the royal site.

If you do this kind of task normally, you will have a lot of benefits.

The royal family is not bad money, the only requirement is that the supplies you supply meet the strict standards of the royal family.

"I don't want this. The main question is who is going to take charge. The duke leader also has his own combat plan. If you are doing logistics, you have to make way for many things."

"You want to fight together? But you only have more than 10,000 people. How is it possible?"

"Why not, I'm not afraid to tell you that if you fight together, I can guarantee you no more than five million people in logistics."

Du Bo was startled, and asked, "Really?"


"Then I can't be the master, so I have to contact it."

"Which one?"

"of course……"

"Understood, ask." Li Anna knew that these things had nothing to do with Princess Angelina. The princess was not in control of the royal family. Some people who support her naturally do not take her in her heart.

Du Bo left Li Anna, Li Anna began to count his inventory here.

The warehouse on this line of defense has been established. She has fewer than 20,000 people but is rich in materials. If you just stick to it, the stored materials are almost enough for two hundred days.

Weapons and materials are abundant. On the laboratory side, there is also the function of an alchemy factory. It is only impossible to mass-produce materials, but the speed of repairing weapons and modifying weapons is still quite fast.

If there is no chaos, half a year later, the weather will be warmer, and the follow-up materials will keep up.

Yes, positions are being reinforced every day, and magicians are using their time.

The ice fortress on the ground, the walls are getting thicker and thicker, and the hardness is also increasing. ~ Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The laboratory side has already used the materials in the loot to temporarily add a base to all large magic firearms, regardless of range or The accuracy will be improved a lot, and the surrounding protective facilities are complete.

On the technical artillery side, the base has also been reinforced, and all coordinates within the range have been determined. As long as the target appears, it is possible to strike at the first time without correcting the shooting.

The robots are also strengthening. When the magician has a little free time, he will strengthen the parts of the robot. Many ordinary robots have been upgraded to the 20th level standard.

Anyway, in a battalion on my side, the combat effectiveness has improved a lot. Even the 10,000 people in the underground world are constantly being upgraded. Underground anyway, there is nothing to do. After the arrival of the royal army, the patrol task has also been reduced. There are no longer many strange creatures to attack. The target of the magic **** falls on the side of the royal army.

The width of the entire line of defense, that is, twenty or so, give yourself four battalions to ensure that you are not captured.

Li Anna felt that her defense line would not be a problem, and there was no early warning in her mind, but she still applied to Rhode Island for support, hoping to increase her total strength to four battalions.

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