Daomen Invasion

Chapter 116: : A brief confession

"This is yours." Xiahe put away the real fire in his palm and handed the newly-made family badge to Medieri.

Medi Li took it in his hand, and felt that the badge was a little heavy. Using mental force to probe, he could feel the space inside the badge. In the space, there is a strange set of armor, a belt, a ring, several instruments, various sets of clothing and personal small items.

"Give me your bracelet. I want to re-finish it. This badge will be your identity in the future. Inside is the manuscript of the document I wrote. You have sealed the knight ’s identity certificate. There is a letter on the ring that can be used to mobilize a part of the army. .. In the future, our clothing will be uniform, with a family mark. "


"Belts and armor are specially made for you, now I will study it first, and I can use it only when I teach you that swordsmanship is only available."

Medi Li received the badge, handed over the Taolu bracelet, and went to the king to discuss the ghost eye mage.

Xiahe finally feels that something has sorted out, but also knows that he can't really do all the things here before he goes. If you want to deal with the head and tail cleanly, it will take two or three years.

Early walking has the advantage of early walking. Everyone comes to the storm corner, because of the ocean god, it is too dangerous to stay.

Many gods have extended their tentacles to the Dragon Island, as evidenced by the magician of the beast god. There are many priests in the ancient ocean gods, even the Lord of Dawn will be tempted.

After a war, the magic tower may not be able to keep it, depending on whether the goddess of wealth can hold on.

Among the dragons and tigers, Freya sent back the news that the money had been delivered. Xiahe immediately left the magic tower and went to the government office to find Lord Long from the Arcane Empire. Unexpectedly, Long closed the door and avoided it. Xiahe knew what was happening. Last time Long grabbed Medirel, it was estimated that he wanted to speak with himself alone. There were other people in the envoy, which was annoying.

Xiahe came out of the government office and met someone head-on, it was the thief Martin who had not seen him for a long time.

Martin was clean and his hair was cut very short, like an ancient monk. Seeing Xiahe, he was very excited. He first saluted, and then said earnestly: "Asla ... Your Excellency, I heard that you are already the lord here?"

Xia He smiled and said to Martin: "Is the Count of Arcane Empire, Rhode Island and Lord of Stormwind."

"I come to confess my lord, please ..."

"Of course welcome, but ..."

"Master Lord, I am alone in Martin, I can go anywhere, without any worries."

Xiahe thought, this is the trouble. Medirelli hopes to become a legend and learn swordsmanship, so she will follow her. You have nothing. You can run away with a bachelor at any time. How can I make you a heavy responsibility?

May have been gracious before, but this kind of thing will be forgotten at any time.

Thinking in this way, Xiahe mouth said: "No, Martin, I mean I am going to the Arcane Empire, and I will not stay in the Stormwind for the time being. If you want to follow me, you must go with me."

"I'm willing to go!"

"I went to the empire, there should be very few things to explore, I need you to do, it may be an assassination mission."

Martin was suspicious. If he was assassinated, he was his own bank. What's wrong with this?

"People who assassinate nobles are much more dangerous than wild adventures."

"Master, my life was saved by you." Martin's voice was low, and there was some eager meaning on his face.

Xia He looked at this unfamiliar thief, and he was thinking: what is good for you is often the one who pays the most for you, and the one who betrayed you is probably the one who has once received your favor.

Because of killing you, there is no need to return to human relations.

"Well, you live in the magic tower first, I have something to arrange for you to do recently. In addition, tell me your skills and current level."


Martin really gave his skills to Xiahe one by one, and Xiahe took him all the way back to the magic tower and temporarily arranged to live on the first floor.

Xiahe does need someone like Martin, an unscrupulous assassin.

The world of God Week does not need this, the Taoist palace is the most powerful existence, and the empire must bow down and obey. However, when invading the outside world, many methods have to be used.

I do n’t need Martin today, and I will invite others to come tomorrow.

Xiahe arranged Martin, and he still had to deal with family affairs, mainly to enclose Jack as a magic knight, and then comb his own genealogy, various documents, and create some new family logos, with the goal of building a family system in the future. Looking at Bloody Mary, you know that she is facing another level of enemies. There must be countless people working for her and collecting spiritual resources.

Unfortunately, Jack had to stay and take care of the magic tower. After going to the empire, there was no magician available. Ovilla can help, but her heart will not be on her family affairs.

After half a day, Freya heard again that Ovilla woke up.

Xiahe immediately came to the fifth floor of the magic tower, Ovilla was in a daze in front of the window, Xiahe came in, Freya was instructing the apprentice to set the tableware on the table.

Ovilla turned around and glanced at Xiahe, hesitant to speak again.

"Freya, you are busy with other things."

"Hey." Freya agreed, wiped her hands, and left the room. Xiahe felt that Freya was using the function of the magic tower to monitor the movements in the room, and he was too lazy to bother.

"Astra, Freya ..."

"She's going to kill you." Xiahe didn't conceal, Ovilla's face was a little gray.

"What am I doing wrong?" Ovilla stood by the window, the sun shining on one side of her body, and the other side was completely shaded. The sun was clean and there was no dust in the magic tower, and Xiahe could see the fluff on her nose.

Xiahe didn't know how to answer, Ovilla was sad.

What did you say? Said that Freya has been punished? But that couldn't erase the shadow in Ovilla's heart.

"Freya has something wrong with her practice." Xia He thought for a long time before saying such a word.

"Solve it?"


"She gave me a dragon skin."

"I gave it to you, she paid another price." Xiahe did not dare to lie, he was afraid that Ovilla would say goodbye to him.

"That price ... must be very painful?" Ovilla looked out of the window again, leaving Xiahe back.

"A person must take responsibility for what she has done. What she has suffered is her choice. I just want to tell you ... Ovilla, I like you."

Ovilla's shoulders twitched, and then trembling gently, Xiahe slowly approached, Ovilla suddenly turned back, her face was a suffocated smile.

"Asla, you are so! Ha ..." Ovilla covered her mouth and Xiahe stopped in embarrassment.

"Freya all told me that I would forgive her. She also told me that you will ... Hahaha!" Ovilla laughed and lighted Xiahe with her hand, almost choking her breath.

For the first time in life, is that the case?

Xiahe felt that the whole world was dark, and Ovilla's appearance was also immersed in the darkness, which could not be seen clearly.

"How is it dark?" Ovilla stopped and smiled, looking out the window in surprise.

Xiahe ’s consciousness was suddenly released, sensing that the sky was down and the height of the magic tower was less than one kilometer, and the world was blocked. On the earth, only one force is still fighting against the suppression of the sky, that is the temple of wealth.

But that's all. Xiahe doesn't feel any signs of the goddess of wealth counterattack, that is, the hold is somewhat weak.

God of War?

Is not right. God war is not such a method, and the two gods will not conflict between people. With the power of the magic tower, Xiahe couldn't let his consciousness go too far, but all he felt was darkness.

Xiahe squandered his loss and sent a ray of consciousness into the sky, but in an instant, he smelled the familiar smell.

The Son of Law!

Ghost Eye Master, I can't find you, you came back on your own initiative?

No, ghost eyes alone, there is no such power in any case. To launch a small devil disaster, that is, by means of sacrifice, to lure the demon creatures to come over. And now the black sky, so that the goddess of wealth dare not act rashly.

After all, she is an alien spirit, and she is a bit scared.

"Asla, what happened!" Ovilla also felt wrong, this darkness is not a joke of the blood mage.

"Something went wrong, don't leave the Magic Tower ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Austin!"

"Adult, I'm here!" Austin pushed the door and rushed in, feeling that he had been eavesdropping outside.

"Turn on the city defense and notify Medieri and Andre that everyone will withdraw to the magic tower and receive equipment."

"How about the mission?"

"If Lord Long is here, there will be no problem. No, you are especially staring at the side of the government office. If there is a battle, you will use the magic tower to support. If they want to retreat, they will immediately send someone to respond." Xiahe suddenly thought, if the envoy The group of people died here, and those nobles who turned back to the Arcane Empire did not spray themselves to death?

"Asla, what can I do?" Ovilla looked at Xiahe nervously and spoke actively.

"You eat first, and the battle is temporarily not our turn."

"Okay." Ovilla actually left the window, came to the table, and began to eat the food Freya had prepared for her. She eats fast, like a hungry dragon.

Xiahe came to the sixth floor of the magic tower and opened the sight of the water mirror in the whole city.

At the top of the magic tower, a pure white light sphere is suspended, releasing a soft light and shining on every corner of the city. Teams of soldiers assembled and rushed to the Magic Tower.

Andre's men, most of them have no good equipment, only a knife.

Xiahe was not ready for the war, and the war began. The enemy is not yet a native of this world, but a son of the same law from another world.

"Sir, let me come." Austin felt the tension of the lord and flattered aside.

"Well, you control the attack magic circle, don't care about the loss of the element pool." Saying this sentence, Xiahe was also distressed. The element pool is created by the goddess of wealth, and there are not many pure elements that can be extracted from the space every day. Really splurge clean, only half a year to fill up automatically.

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