Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1166: :well prepared

Lin Qi glanced at Qiu Xuanji, and Qiu Xuanji quietly withdrew from the square. Then Lin Qi retreated with Qiu Xuanji.

As for these two people, the power of attracting the mechanical **** is not light.

The idea of ​​releasing the Lord of Dawn is not only to sacrifice the lives of the four bishops. The restraint of Xiahe and others is also crucial. Otherwise, Xiahe would not desperately punch that punch.

Without that punch, he is still in a good state, and he does not need to use any palm thunder, other thunder method can also destroy the mechanical god.

The red gourd put the mechanical tower into it.

Like the skyscraper, the mechanical tower is still easy to put away because the body of the mechanical **** is already in the gourd.

Behind Xia He's head, a bright moon flew up, and that was his shadow.

Xiahe's equipment, such as chopping fairy gourds and the like, are all Freya refined, only the Taiyin mirror, from beginning to end, is his own hands.

Taiyin Xianfu, with the word Taiyin itself, Xianfu's research on Taiyin stars has come to an extreme.

The fact that Taiyin Xianfu can control Shenhuo Flying Crow is also related to Taiyin.

Lunar stars in most of the world, refracting the sun's rays, have a special meaning for the transformation of the sun's true fire.

The control of the flying fire crow of Taiyin Xianfu is more alarming than that of other homes, because the burning fire of all the sun in the burning fire crow of Taiyin Xianfu is transformed by the Lunar Star.

The magical effect of the Taiyin mirror is of course more than just transforming the sun into flames.

The Taiyin mirror flies up, in addition to protection, it can still see the crisis.

At the beginning, Xiahe's teacher, the realm of human immortality, escaped many times of Dao Palace chasing and killing, relying on the side shadow that he had raised since childhood.

Xiahe believes in no gods, he is here to collect the mechanical city, of course, be wary.

The original mechanical tower was easy to collect, and Xiahe was not in a hurry, but let the mechanical tower parts fly out of the tower one by one, enter the red gourd, and reassemble.

This mechanical tower is the core of the control of the mechanical city. It first collects the core and then slowly charges the sleeping mechanical life. The entire mechanical city will eventually be loaded into the gourd.

This will take a long time, and it is not impossible to do it all, but the consumption of Yuanshen's power is too great.

Xiahe's realm, after all, was not close to the fairy, and he didn't dare to guard against outsiders, so he could only take it slowly.

Moreover, the mechanical tower was cut by him with a sliced ​​fairy gourd. This damage was actually real. He had to exchange some energy and parts from other places in the mechanical city to let the mechanical tower repair itself.

Outside the place of death, Chenopodium took the three saints and walked north.

One of the three saints couldn't help but say: "Your Majesty, why not kill Asra? He is a great threat to us. The gourd, I don't know what artifact it is, even the **** of machinery. The tower is severed, and it still seems to have power. "

"Where are the powerful people? Do the temples want to kill them one by one?"

"Your Majesty, the people of the Arcane Empire have no respect for the spirits. We also cooperate with him a lot. He also knows a lot about the temple. After all, they are people who have used the dawn scroll."

"I don't want to take my own life. I want to deal with him without using our temple. There are so many gods in the green forest. Sooner or later, there will be a conflict with the arcane empire. Our Temple of Dawn, it is better to stay out of the matter."

"The three of us, there is not much left in life. If we sacrifice it, we can kill him."

"The God of Magic is still there, and that is our enemy. As for Asra, he is in the underground world of the ice field, and he hooked up with the three goddesses. It is not a pure magician at all. Your worry is still superfluous. In addition, even if the three of you are sacrificed, he will not be killed. I feel that he still has no means left. "

"How can it be!"

"Why is it impossible, you think the time of the Astra is short, so it's easy to deal with? This time I thought he would take Medieri and Smith. Both of his students are already demigods."

The three saints were indifferent, which was so powerful, Asla himself was nothing less than a demigod.

There are geniuses in every world. Usually this kind of person, in his twenties, is a powerful legend. He is a demise of achievements, with luck, and is somewhat mysterious compared with others.

But Asra cultivated all his students as demigods, which is the most scary.

Chang Li said: "This time we gained the divinity of the mechanical **** and sacrificed four old bishops. The impact on our temple is still great. In a short time, the strength of our temple is no longer the strongest. So There is a strategic contraction. I ca n’t solve the life problems of the three of you. The damage to the saint ’s armor must also be repaired, so do n’t think about Asla, the green forest side, we are busy. "

"Yes, Your Majesty." The three saints no longer persuaded at this time.

The reason they persuaded was that, instinctively, Asra's threat to the temple was really great.

This intuition is more important than a magician's formula for a believer in a spirit.

Xiahe patiently charged the Machinery City, a powerful sleeping monster, was included in the gourd. These are the main forces of the mechanical **** invading this world. But now, all belong to Xiahe.

However, Xiahe will not use these monsters. He will give priority to repairing the body of the mechanical **** and repairing the mechanical tower.

Then he used them as materials and parts to devour the starry sky worms.

The value of the entire Machinery City is to eat the starry sky worms, get the best materials, or some wonderful parts born.

As for the mechanical tower and the **** body of the mechanical god, Xiahe already has arrangements.

Now in his territory, only the Dragon Island is relatively empty, the **** of the mechanical god, he can be refined into a fairy, and then used to sit in the red steel fortress.

In this way, Dragon Island is safe, and with Austin at Storm Point, Xiahe has nothing to worry about.

In this world, don't look at so many places where Xiahe operates, but the most important thing is the storm corner.

On the side of Stormwind, there is the most perfect alchemy factory and the best researchers.

There is only one Austin in town, he is still not assured. If the **** of machinery can sit in the past, there is no problem. Losing the divine personality, the fire is extinguished, just a **** body, but after refining into a fairy, will have wisdom again.

The crimson steel fortress is not far from the storm angle. The mechanical fairy will be able to become the core of the storm angle calculation.

What is the use of computing core?

The use of these computing cores is great for magicians doing experiments, controlling urban weapons, and planning large and small affairs in the territory.

Xiahe is not afraid of anything like backlashing. The **** body of the mechanical **** has no personality, and the fire is extinguished.

He was not jealous of the temple, and instead of him, it was impossible to sacrifice four deities to kill a god.

In fact, sacrifices don't stop there. An idea of ​​the Lord of Dawn has been eliminated.

People should be deserved of deity.

And yourself? From beginning to end, nothing was ruined, that is, the burden on the body was heavier and risky. This danger may be life-threatening, but the people of the temple also bear it together.

So Xiahe was very content. This mechanical city alone had already satisfied him.

On the fourth day, the mechanical tower has disappeared, and within a mile of the neighborhood, the sleeping senior mechanical life was also included in the gourd. Xiahe's heart is determined, the rest can only be regarded as wealth, these core positions are the power that can be realized directly.

At this point, it was counted back, to know that he also dispatched two demigods to accompany him.

Qiu Xuanji and Lynch do n’t seem to be doing anything, but if they do n’t come, there is no insurance. One is to kill the **** of machinery. The other is whether the Temple of Dawn will turn over after the kill.

Although Lin Qi and Qiu Xuanji were injured at the time, the injuries that could be injured were not heavy. How could the **** of machinery be restrained?

But their fighting power is kept to a certain extent, and the Temple of Dawn will keep the contract and will not risk their own hands.

Xiahe knows that a demigod Taoist like Qiu Xuanji is only the soul core of ten legendary levels, which is simply not enough to buy. This time, Qiu Xuanji also took risks.

On Lynch's side, he has to pay a certain price.

"Duke, someone is here." Qiu Xuanji suddenly heard a voice.

"How far?" Xiahe is now devotedly guarding the core of the mechanical city, without exploring further.

"Outside the city, I don't know which temple is the power, there are a hundred knights, and some magicians."

"How did you reply?"

"Lynch, I don't know. My fighting power has recovered, but there is a slight wound in my body."


"I'm fine, I was the least injured." Lynch answered directly on the communication channel.

Xiahe nodded and released a hundred mechanical cavalry from the badge.

"You two, help me guard, I am inconvenient to do it now, Qiu Xuanji, you communicate with each other and decide to talk or fight."


Qiu Xuanji felt shocked at the appearance of the 100 mechanical cavalry.

That's a hundred legendary mechanical cavalry ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ forming a formation, which is also a threat to the demigod.

It seems that Asla has prepared a lot of means, maybe he is not at ease with himself?

Qiu Xuanji was thinking too much. Xiahe was basically on trial. Nothing to study. Most of them were impossible to enter the military sequence. The same is true of the one hundred mechanical cavalry, both in terms of cost and combat capability, they all meet the requirements of Xiahe. The problem is that to make this thing, it still needs soul liquid and no substitutes.

It ’s okay to get a hundred of them myself, and it ’s really going to spread to the army. If each legion is equipped with one, Xiahe will have a toothache.

It takes a lot of complete souls. The time of his experiment is not short, and he still cannot solve this problem.

So this hundred mechanical cavalry, and the last one hundred, he does not plan to rebuild. <(https: //) "Daomen Invasion" only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates the laws of the state, please delete it. platform. 【】,thank you all!

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