Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1198: : Bystander

Xia He can watch the battlefield on Shenhuo Crow, and can also communicate with the magic network of his own territory to check the data without any delay. However, he will not control the Shenhuo flying crow fight, that is not the original intention of Shenyou.

This time, he wants to be a bystander thoroughly.

The design of the Magic Academy is very interesting. They designed different electromagnetic shields for the high metal robots of different legions.

It is not that there is a difference in protection design, but a difference in appearance.

Electromagnetic shield, the body is a metal shield, after exciting energy, it will levitate a larger area of ​​electromagnetic protection.

Large robots will adopt the protection method of the full-body force field, but this high-metal robot in the two-meter range must save energy and cannot open that thing at any time.

After the electromagnetic shield is excited, it is in a semi-transparent state. Through some technologies, this shield can produce a photoelectric effect inside and create a beautiful pattern.

You can say, what's the use of this?

This is useful and motivates morale.

Otherwise, why do you design beautiful military uniforms and messy metal, which can also produce good protection effects, almost? Wear the same honor as a beggar.

Of course, the sense of honor is more than that, but external things can attract people. Starting from this point, recruits will soon like their troops, the robots in their hands.

In the same way, it is easy to make people tired by being the same.

Different numbers have different designs, and this is also taken into account.

The things of the imperial nobles were also produced through artistic beautification. Everyone is not a surplus of money and no place to spend it. This is a psychological need of mankind.

So even in the world of magic, artists have room to live. It's just that most artists in this world are low-level magicians.

Otherwise, the business on the other side of the city of stars will not be good.

In the city of stars, a large number of artists gather to design. This world is not much different from other worlds. The artists on the top layer are quite rich, while the artists on the bottom layer may not be full.

The city of stars has made it possible for many low-level artists to eat, unless you are not capable.

Xiahe smiled when the idea was connected to the magic net and she saw the beautified design of the Mithril Swordsman. Li Anna, she is quite narcissistic.

They are all built according to the proportion of Li Anna's real people, the armor of Mithril, the red cloak, the scabbard of glazed glass, and the long sword with dense patterns.

When this Mithril Swordsman walked around, the light and shadow effect on his body seemed to open the legendary realm.

In the battlefield of the low-level world, such a play will be set on fire. However, in places like the main world, it is ok for everyone to wear burnt buns.

However, the number of Li Anna's Mithril Swordsmen is not as much as Xiahe thought. Compared with the financial situation of Mithril City, she has not lost her mind.

Because some money is invested in the robots of the Abyss series, the combat power of Mithril City can already be guaranteed.

The role of the construction knight is to limit the opponent's spellcaster. A certain number is required. There is no need to make so much. The construction itself needs maintenance. It is not bad to be put there without being made.

Not to mention the construction of the 20th and 30th levels, the diamond golems will decay with the passing of time.

Who said that diamonds won't be bad, in the magic world, magic erodes this kind of stuff, but it has always existed.

Of course, it may also be that Li Anna saw the team equipment of her teacher and felt a sense of despair, so it was enough to not compare.

The Unicorn Knights, the partner of the Unicorn Knights, are the Unicorn Robots.

The appearance is the same as the unicorn knight, majestic.


Xiahe saw that the magic net system of Mithril City had been established, and he had a battle plan.

It turned out to be the northern ice sheet, there is alien invasion?

This was hilarious. The army of the God of Magic didn't toss up on the ice field, but there was an alien army. Looking at the intelligence system again, an alien channel appears about a thousand miles away in the northern part of Mithril City.

From the appearance of the army, it is a hodgepodge world, the soul of the living body is strong, similar to the main world.

Then Xiahe saw the words of the Goblin Musketeers team, and marked that the technology has learning value and other supplements.

Is this the general trend? I can't stop the invasion of the other world, and the main world of caves is everywhere. Although I maintain the advantage of force, can I really continue this way?

The powers of demigods and legends have been restricted one after another. In addition to their own legions, other legions of the empire do not have such a high proportion of high-level robots, and they also have construction.

I desperately tried to save the magic raw stone and the raw coal crystal, and later discovered the raw coal gem and developed the charcoal crystal.

Not to mention, in the war, the soul that has evolved repeatedly has higher value.

Xiahe looked at all the information and thought about the direction of the whole world. No matter who is destroying the world, there is no plan to collapse the world immediately, but to eat the world bit by bit.

The **** of magic? God of machinery?

These are not the biggest troubles. Of course, if there is an immortal in the Nine Avenue Palace, everything will be simple. It's just that trans-universe, the fairy didn't pass so well.

Besides, the Nine Avenue Palace is not the same as yourself. After you come here, you will be troubled.

Xiahe feels that his current pressure is small because the territory of the New Continent is large enough and rich in resources, and has already been operating in a virtuous manner. The great aristocracy of the empire, with many different worlds as its backing, would not be too stressed. Perhaps this is the reason why the big nobles are watching.

And nine colleges? When I was in Metaline, I saw Metaline close to the test platform of deep space, and I was already absorbing the power of deep space.

In contrast, their own cities have only begun to build in this regard.

Because drawing deep space power requires a strong and powerful platform. For example, in Xiacheng, Mount King Kong only met the requirements last year. The construction of each city is constantly growing, and the foundations of the city, all over the formation, will become more and more solid.

After the deep space power is perfected, the city's energy consumption will be reduced a lot, mainly due to the increase in the upper limit of the outbreak.

By that day, the large city in your hand will have the power to approach the city of Juno.

Thinking of this, Xiahe had some toothaches. Unless he became an immortal, he would have no way to take the city of Juno. The city's construction could not be faulted.

But if His Majesty the Emperor becomes the same as the fairy, the city will become more difficult to deal with.

Even if anyone unified the world, the city of Juno is still a place that cannot be overcome.

Think about it, maybe your emperor is not trapped, but intentionally?

My most perfect city now is the Asra Academy of Magic. At Storm Point, and Storm City are mutually horns, and Odin City in the north of Storm Point forms an iron triangle.

However, the area of ​​Storm Point is not large. It is built purely by the power of magic, and it can accommodate a limited number of residents.

At present, there are no ordinary people in the storm corner, and the underground farmers are all professionals.

Around the storm angle, wind energy and tidal energy were used to build a lot of energy collection arrays. The energy of the entire storm angle is surplus.

Xiahe collects the original magic stones, as long as they are of similar quality, they are sent to the magic array of Stormwind for artificial cultivation to absorb energy, including deep space power, to improve the quality of the original magic stones.

The magic original stone cultivated in this way is what is used for legendary equipment.

Such as the construction of the sky blue moon series, the three-legged fire crow series, and the construction of the unicorn series, all use this kind of magic original stone. There are also high-quality magic arrays, magic equipment, and small ones, all of which are so.

This kind of magic original stone looks pure and clear. Only in the dark room can you see the colorful lines flowing inside.

Alchemy factories in other parts of Xiahe, who get the original magic stones, are basically responsible for cutting.

After cutting into a usable perfect shape, send it to the storm angle to improve the quality, and then classify it for storage. The original magic stone is to be cut and has a standard size, so the original magic stone of this size is the most cost-effective. The smaller ones have different levels, but they cannot be used in a standard magic circle.

The reason why Xiahe does business with other members of the royal family, and there are nine colleges, is because they will give good quality magic rough, and then through the storm angle processing, it is easy to become the best.

This is Xiahe's unique technology. With this superb original stone, Xiahe's magical configuration can explode with a higher power limit than others' configuration.

Without a good original stone, your magic circle is better, and the upper limit of the instantaneous output power is not good.

Over-frequency casting is also possible for the magic circle. The problem is that the original stone is not powerful. When you cast the spell, it may break down primitively, the magic will bite back, and the equipment will blow up.

Xiahe's idea, the wandering world, is still concerned about his own development.

From a spectator's point of view, the speed of their own development is relatively fast, which is still benign.

The sense of belonging is strong, and I have the desire to take the initiative to maintain this system ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The citizen hierarchy system has been relatively perfect, but the military rank system is not perfect. In the words of Shenzhou, the military rank system is extremely complicated, and Xiahe does not want to borrow it. And his current military rank system is rougher.

I searched and found a document from the design of Sith.

Divide the entire army into three classes, general, lieutenant, and sergeant. The management is a general, the intermediate commander is a lieutenant, and the commander on the battlefield is a non-commissioned officer.

There are no ordinary soldiers, the soldiers led by the Duke are those robots.

This is fine. In the army, don't have too many levels. The military rank system of Shenzhou World has a total of 24 levels. Now this design is just nine levels.

Xiahe likes this design. After leaving the army, the rank is completely useless, and there will be value after retirement. The only value is the civic level. (https: //) Daomen Invasion only represents the opinion of the author Deathstate. If you find that its content violates national laws, please delete it. The position of https: // is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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