Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1202: : Informal invitation

Then the magical spear has an explosive property, that is, it can be thrown out, even if you do n’t have great power, you can throw it far, as long as you can aim at the enemy.

The price of cheaper price is the low durability. Even if the battle will not be damaged, after the battle, and the magic attribute has disappeared, this thing can't be used.

Anyway, this thing is not heavy, the logistics robot takes it, and the soldier is just a straight knife.

In fact, human soldiers have very few opportunities for close combat. After various robots are manufactured, melee is the world of robots.

But no one dares to relax the training of their own combat effectiveness.

What if the robot runs out?

Even the soldiers at the bottom understand that the mass production of robots depends on large-scale alchemy factories. The duke can only guarantee that rested soldiers are replenished before going to the battlefield, but what about on the battlefield?

When the robot runs out, it is time for you to raise your sword and kill the enemy.

Xiahe does not care about Yinyan City, nor does it affect Yinyan City's continued **** battle.

Nowadays, there are enemies on all sides of Yinyan City, but the north faces the most and the fighting is the most fierce. The number of enemies in other positions is slightly less, and no offensive is launched. But the people at the head of the city dare not carelessly. This is a magical world. When the enemy is ready to charge a few miles away, it will not take much time, and the magic dragon will jump up the city wall.

At the northern end of the city, Metatelin ’s college mercenaries looked wearily at the distant, shadowy enemies.

Along with the Academy mercenaries, there was Metatlin ’s family troops, who came to collect battlefield data. This mercenary is also not a cannon fodder. It is Metatlin's most trusted mercenary regiment. It is large in scale, and it is mainly hired when they are in a different world.

Ordinary mercenaries will do some easy combat work. This mercenary can have the word Metatlin on the badge, and the combat power is powerful. However, in the face of the never-ending harassment and attack by the magic **** force, everyone will be tired.

The harassment attack is because the scale is usually not large. In a defense zone, hundreds or thousands of people rushed up at a high speed, over and over and over and over again.

It seems that it is the same as fueling tactics.

However, the enemy is also repeatedly testing, and has already been able to cause damage to the city ’s army. Whether it is a robot or a human soldier, the proportion of recent casualties has risen rapidly. Therefore, the mercenaries feel tired.

"The ninth brigade will come down, and the fifteenth brigade will go up." The master of Metatlin then issued a replacement order.

This legendary mage, sitting against the city walls, has repeatedly tried to help repel the enemy. He has always used epic-level power, so he is not tired mentally.

The Void Magic Tablet cannot allow the mage to cast spells as before.

Metatelin ’s mage is super spiritual, and it ’s better. The mage with less mental strength can only lower his cast level, otherwise, after more than a dozen magics, people will be exhausted.

"Sir Lily, did you change so quickly?" Next to the legendary mage, a young male mage asked. This magician, on the badge of his chest, is a dark gold three-legged firecrow pattern. This is a legendary mage belonging to Rhode Island.

"Mercenaries have not been fighting in the main world for many years. They are not used to this kind of intensity." The female legendary mage said helplessly.

Rhode Island's legendary mage is thoughtful, and the training in his own illusion seems to be effective.

"Norman, I heard that a new batch of robots has been developed in Rhode Island?"

"I'm not very clear. I didn't pay much attention to this. If you want to know, just ask through normal channels. Anyway, between us, this thing is not a secret."

"How could you not know, lie to me?" Master Lily smiled.

"Because there are too many designs, which one is the final model, I really don't know. On the battlefield of our two joint experiments, those models must be used."

"The Flame Devil is really good, we also made it, that is, the cost is ten times higher than that of the cyclops."

"The computing cores you use are more advanced. In fact, the flames with the same computing power cost three times as much as the cyclops. The life cycle of the two is different. The cyclops on the city walls are more cost-effective. Want the Flame Demon? "

"I don't quite understand. You have such a good outfit. Why did you give the defense to Muses. He was a little conspiracy."

"What Muses wanted, let him chant, my Duke looked down."

Lily sighed and said, "Your Duke, really ..."

She didn't go on with it. It was not a good practice to talk about the blood mage behind her.

"Ah!" The young legend of Rhode Island exclaimed. "Lord Lily, look, that precision shooter, the elf's head was exploded with a single shot, and the magic helmet was not blocked. What's going on?"

Norman is a relatively ordinary legendary mage, but it is also a genius when placed outside, and the kung fu is still very solid. He could see clearly. A precision shooter used a magical musket to kill an elf 1,500 meters away.

The elf looks at the equipment and the level is close to level 20. The armor is definitely level 20 upward.

At such a long distance, why is there a kill effect in one hit?

Lily said: "Lucky crit is not effective on the epic. An interesting low-level magic, the first six shots did not appear, he chose a higher value target. Lucky value will accumulate."

Norman thought about it. The magic musket of this attribute will not be used by the Duke, or at least will not become a general equipment.

If you want to buy it privately, bring it with you, without using the army's transportation system, it doesn't matter if you are tired.

Each company has its own powerful technology. This technology, the Duke leader wants to crack, it also takes a lot of time and energy, and can not become a general equipment, so there is no need to crack.

Not to mention the nine colleges and the royal family, there are also a lot of technology in the secondary colleges. But it was copied from Rhode Island last time and made a lot of money.

Xiahe also has such things as lucky crit, but it requires countless experiments to integrate into other attack methods. Different magics need to be matched with different Mageweave spells and the like, which is not effective when burned with the Mageweave of Lucky Crit.

And like a large weapon, this thing is not needed, because it will reduce the attack power of ordinary moments. If you want to adjust to the normal attribute, the investment is huge, and it is not so cost-effective.

But for small groups of adventure groups, this stuff is still useful. Mercenaries often have small-scale battles, and it is not surprising to have this magical musket.

"Norman, your musket, let me know, can't you?"

"Okay, but you can't use it. That's what our duke-led equipment is like."

"The next round of shock, about a minute later, can you solve the magic dragon?"

Norman smiled and said: "I am a legendary musket, and the magic dragon level is less than level 30. Even if it is level 30, I can't defend my attack."

"Then forget it." Lily didn't think it was necessary. A legendary musket and a bullet are also a lot of money. Killing a creature of more than 20 levels is not a problem that is not worth it. But there is no reference to any combat experience.

This is also the place where the Duke's legendary mages are powerful. The bullet of the legendary musket is not of the legendary level, but when shot, it has a legendary attribute, which belongs to the level of crushing defense.

In fact, it is cheaper than using a reel, and this is why the magic rifle is equipped.

Scroll attributes are better, but expensive.

"It's okay, Nini ..."

"Adult." A female wizard from Rhode Island agreed, and gave Norman her magic gun.

"Twenty-fifth magic musket." Norman said to Lily.

Lily's eyes widened, like a little girl, with a look of expectation. A few miles away, a team of more than a thousand people appeared, twelve magic dragons approaching the city wall.

Norman raised his magical musket, and Lily seemed to inadvertently say: "If Metatlin invited Rhode Island to the extreme north, would Rhode Island be willing?"

Norman seemed to be indifferent: "Metatling has no shortage of troops ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Isn't it like us?"

"Not only the two of us, but also the three Dukes who have a better relationship with Metatron, are discussing the idea of ​​hunting outside the extreme north. Rhode Island has the Mithril City, which can be used as the rear, in the middle. Building an ice fortress as a base for advancement is almost the same. "

"Shall we provide logistics?"

"It's an invitation, how about together?"

"This kind of big thing, I am a little legendary master, how can I call the shots, I will mention it in writing, there will be a reply."

This was meaningless, as if Metatlyn could not directly contact the Duke of Asla.


The muzzle flashed a silver-white magic light, and the magic dragon, which was 1,500 meters away, had a penetrating wound on his forehead. Because it was attacked from top to bottom, the magic projectile penetrated all the way and penetrated The heart began to roll.

In fact, the end of the magic projectile has formed a turbulent flow of magic, and a part of the magic dragon's brain has already become rotten.

Lily was taken aback. This magic musket was not the magic spear she had ever seen. The magic short spear can launch magic projectiles, the attack power is huge, she has seen it with her own eyes. But this is the young female mage with a gun. Although it is quite large, it is not comparable to the short spear, and it is less than one meter long.

She didn't know that Rhode Island equipment has been updated recently.

Mage short spear, three projectiles fired at the same time, can form a new effect-the rule of law. With the gun, a function is added, that is, at the moment of launch, the user can temporarily add attributes to the magic projectile. How powerful you are, how powerful you can add to the projectile.

There are many wizards in Rhode Island who are practicing a new control technique-musket cast.

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