Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1225: : Meeting decision

Normally, there are not so many troops in an aristocratic territory. Xiahe's territory is too large, but if only Rhode Island is counted, it is enough to have a tens of thousands of elites.

It's just that the main world side has been invaded, and there are many parallel spatial channels, other world channels.

If the army is not stationed, taking Rhode Island as an example, there are also small cities with a population of tens of thousands. In such a city, there will usually be a hundred persons in charge of security patrols. One hundred people, if a different army appears, just one or two thousand can knock down the entire city.

Even if the enemy is weak, there are three or five thousand, which is unbearable.

The magicians are hotly discussing the matter about the foreign army, and the robot is still logging in the forest. The indigenous people in the extreme north, prayed to the gods, and dispatched large-scale poisonous insects. They failed to take down the enemies behind the Ice Great Wall.

But what about the regular army? The enemy is powerful, and it is impossible to rely on a large city in a forest alone. Everyone must unite and start a war.

The forest city closest to the Ice Great Wall did not immediately raise troops, but began to communicate and negotiate with other cities, persuade each other, and dispatch enough troops to deal with the invasion of the human empire.

In April, work continued. The cities in the forest did not wage war, but daily harassment continued.

This has somewhat affected the progress of the logging, but because the logging itself has brought a lot of benefits, the coalition forces are willing to invest more in robots for work, and on the surface there is little impact.

The key is that after the six magic towers are established, when Roy decides to enter that unstable space channel, the six brigades that disappeared reappear in the main world.

Right where they are missing.



We won!

The soldiers wept with joy, but no one was saying that they survived. They are all saying, winning, winning and the like.

This is war, not flight.

Everyone was immediately taken back to the Six-Man Star Fortress.

No need to count, there are people living, dead bodies. There are a lot of them. On Rhode Island, the number of casualties is less than ten. The Augustin family with the most casualties, that is, fifty-five dead.

A large group of 500 people, such a loss, is extremely small.

Thousands of games in Deathmatch?

Claude immediately relayed the information back to Rhode Island, and Rhode Island transferred to Little Sun City's life configuration.

The life configuration immediately judged that the **** of magic did have something wrong, otherwise these people could not be released. But this is not a good thing. The **** of magic is indeed not the body appearing in the main world. In this universe, there is a more powerful **** of magic, he created the devil arena.

That arena, united with many worlds, may not be inferior to the number of worlds communicated by the main world.

Those in the stands are spending a certain price to play.

Watch life and death fights in the arena, betting, gambling.

The people who survived were all received by the configuration of life and sent to Little Sun City. It is mainly the configuration of life, and it is necessary to probe their souls with the power of demigods.

After the investigation, the life configuration could not be laughed and laughed, not only no problem, but also because of the life and death fight in the arena, everyone's soul essence, was promoted, and the level also broke through a lot.

These people, regardless of their commanding ability, have greatly improved their individual combat effectiveness.

Moreover, loyalty is unexpectedly high.

They attach great importance to battle flags, badges, logos representing identities, and ribbons.

However, these people are still not suitable for returning to the battlefield immediately, constructing life, giving orders, giving them awards, and sending them to Asla Academy for further study.

Everyone has received a lot of merits. The study itself is also a kind of promotion. After coming out, the positions in the army will rise a lot.

Now, the question is coming, the heads of the coalition are meeting.

The question is whether or not to enter that channel. After entering, it is the demon arena, thousands of life and death fights. The arena is not aimed at legendary professionals.

Guice also survived, and his enemies were no better than epics.

And Guice can enter, it is his equipment, disguising his rank on the epic. In other words, the Devil God Arena itself does not have such a high degree of recognition. Judging the strength of a person poses a big problem.

But what do you do after entering?

Thousands of life and death fights? Yes, everyone, alive, has a lot of loot, but those loot is a huge asset for soldiers, and it is not worth taking risks for several dukes.

In addition to Rhode Island, the remaining five families attached great importance to these soldiers who came back alive, but confiscated all things related to the Demon Arena and compensated them.

Because of the importance, the price of compensation will not make people unhappy.

This is also the reason why the six coaches have a meeting at the Six-Man Star Fortress, what to do next. Even Joey was unsure.

Demon God Arena, how many worlds can communicate, means that the ontology of the magic **** controls how many worlds.

If the **** of magic does not control the world, the local gods will not allow him to play like this.

"Everyone, Demon God Arena, the evaluation of human strength is now flawed, but the judgment of the number of souls is very accurate. Every time you enter, all the soldiers are separated, the robot and the construction have no soul. , Counted as equipment. We can't let the soldiers form a team to enter, so it is very troublesome. "Joey said.

"Adult, here in the forest?"

"We continue to harvest, and the progress is not slow. As for this Demon Arena, we also try to enter. And I want to ask everyone that if you enter this place, if you still want to rescue the missing troops before, now, everyone enters, think What do you want? "

Claude said: "Not to mention what you want. After the six magic towers are built, the **** of magic can no longer force people into this area to enter the demon arena. The Xia family can guarantee this Point. The influence of the God of Magic in this area has been reduced to a minimum. Everyone can do any preparations outside the channel without interference. "

The remaining few, think about it, yes, what do you want to enter?

"Pierce the arena and look at the world behind the arena. Now, if we study all the things brought back, we can tell what level the world in that arena is in."

"But the entry is random," one legion chief said: "The rank of the entered person is too high and we cannot afford to lose it."

Joey said: "I believe everyone has hidden-level equipment. There are also space equipment that carries life. We send people over to determine the coordinates and break the world of magic gods one by one!"

"This barrier cannot be broken." Claude suddenly said: "Broken, the power of the magical **** body can easily enter our world."

"The power of the magical **** body would have been able to enter our world." Joy said: "Otherwise, the new magical **** will not be so difficult to deal with. Speaking of this, the ice maple continent is not without New gods were born. Usually, every family present here can resolve them independently, including the newly-admired Duke. "

No one laughed at Claude, the commander of the Royce family, but said: "Then, the problem that the God of Magic is facing now, Master Joey, can you tell us? If there is also a problem with the transfer of power, then We should not break any barriers in this position. "

Joey said: "The **** of magic, the body is like an ocean, and the barriers we penetrate, this kind of hole, only a few fish at most. The hole we can break, in fact, originally exists. It does not exist. The hole in the hole, a legend wants to break through? "

"After the break, who is responsible for the safety issue?" Claude asked.

"Everyone is responsible together."

"I have to communicate with Little Sun City." Claude Road ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The rest of the army commanders also said that they want to communicate with their families. This kind of thing, the head of the legion can not dominate.

Joey doesn't matter, he also wants to communicate with his family, although he had this plan before. But when it is implemented in concrete terms, he will not be able to make the overall decision. This involves the problem that the **** of magic is impossible to enter. Now the **** of magic is still tossing around the world. In case there is a change on this side, the **** of magic will focus on this side, and it will suffer.

Half a day later, the meeting resumed.

Claude was given clear instructions that defense work could be shared with everyone. Asla Town Soul Stele, if used, won't get any secrets.

Because the magic of Azra's Soul Tunics has been made into a scroll and can be sold.

Compared with the scroll, the secret of the Soul Calm Monument itself has not increased.

If there is a change in this position, the army of the magical **** body can be delivered, there is indeed a huge risk. If the Rhode Island family is in charge, the cost is too high.

Metatlin proposed to share risk, and Rhode Island should not refuse.

However, the meeting restarted, and Roy proposed to increase all six magic towers in the area to the ninth floor. This part of the money will be provided by Metaline. The ownership of the Magic Tower still belongs to Rhode Island, but the remaining five have the right to use it.

The other four army commanders expressed their willingness to send out magicians to help build magic towers and strengthen protection.

And they are willing to take out some special drawings to add power to the magic tower.

Everyone is willing to invest, and things will be easier to handle. The next step is to talk about how to enter.

The passage is not too small, and the number of people who can enter at one time is actually quite large. About the size of a squadron, you can all go in a minute. This refers to the squadron with robots and equipment.

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