Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1270: : Smashing eggs

() The Changling Legion, all the battalions will be legends, and the reloaded battalions will be legendary strongmen.

He unfolded the seven-page book that the Duke gave the battalion to equip, and released it instantly. The law suppressed it, so that he did not dare to mobilize his magic to attack. Fortunately, Rhode Island has reliable equipment.

Seven exploding stars fell one after another, and at the same time, the artillery in the distance began to roar.

The defense of the magic tower was alarmed by the seven-page book. Seeing the purple light explode, the entire magic tower was wrapped in a layer of purple mist. Forty-nine fireballs with a diameter of more than five meters were bombarded, and the purple mist was ripped apart instantly. The fireball hit the magic tower, and the spire of the magic tower cracked.

The rays of the elements are intertwined, but the chain reaction of the bursting stars not only does not disturb each other, but increases the lethality of this magic.


Inside the top of the magic tower, the sound of explosion sounded, and the purple mist tried to re-integrate, but it was destroyed by a series of fireball explosions.

On the magic tower, there are cracks from top to bottom. Seeing that the glory of magic can no longer cover the entire city. The artillery attack suddenly fell into the city, and a louder explosion exploded.

The magic tower is still releasing an arrow of elements, but it only resists more than half of the shells.

The damaged magic tower can no longer operate with power.

The attack was launched simultaneously on all four sides, with the Cyclops in front, the tank troops behind, followed by robots, and human soldiers. On the flanks of the tank troops, there was another 50-person construction cavalry.

In the sky, flying robots are densely packed, many of them are temporarily modified, armed with technological muskets, and shot towards the head of the city.

The robots in Chengtou fought desperately, using their muskets to try to intercept the shells. However, only a few artillery shells were stopped, which specifically attacked the artillery of the city head. After the explosion, a powerful shock wave was generated.

Even if the robots and enemy soldiers cannot be destroyed, the flying power can still blow everything within a few tens of meters into the city.

Except those robots fixed in the city head.

However, the artillery in the city lost the protection of the magic tower, and was instantly covered by the artillery outside the city. As if the shells were free of money, the attacks in turn caused the artillery in the city to be destroyed one by one.

The Cyclops rushed under the wall in this state.

The wall is twelve meters high, the cyclops are close to nine meters, and ten in a row. These Cyclops stretched out their hands, jumped over the city head, and jumped up, and then was a rolling, using their metal shells to crush the defenders of the city head.

Without the defense of the strong, it is destined to be sad.

The Cyclops weighs more than a dozen tons, which is already the result of various technologies to reduce weight. For small robots and low-level professionals, a dozen tons of steel guys are crushed on their bodies and are dead.

The cyclops swept across the city, and the guy who survived was unable to attack outside the city.

The artillery of the tank was also roaring, suppressing some small strongholds in the city. The robots and human soldiers behind are close to the city wall. Human soldiers, with the body of a robot, and a ten-meter-high city wall, are also more than two seconds.


There are robots, and in the absence of defense, the city gate is directly exploded. Heavy armored robots and the like rushed into the city gate and faced an attack head-on. However, the robots swarmed in and quickly occupied the city gate, and the chariots rushed in with human soldiers and combat robots in the back.


The battalion threw out another dragon-scale scroll and released a powerful magic. Upon seeing the blue frost, the magic tower in the center of the city was directly frozen.

The internal and external isolation, the defense of the entire city, completely collapsed.

The camp will sneer and want to fight a protracted war? Dream about it.

A rock lizard emerged from the alley and tried to slam a chariot. On the side of the chariot, an old blaze monster accelerated its impact. The spear pierced the head of the rock lizard and picked it forward. The corpse flew out in an arc.

On the main road, constructing knights doesn't care about anything, and opens the charge skills.

The Changling Knight was eight and a half meters tall, holding the magic sword, and the magician ambushing in the side building, before he could understand anything, was pierced by the magic sword from the wall and penetrated the body.

Pieces of buildings collapsed, and the troops hidden inside were violently destroyed by the constructed knights.

More demon and demon spiders, as well as secondary six-armed snake demons, rushed into the collapsed ruins in search of survivors.

The commander of the battalion was still holding the dragon scale scroll, but he didn't throw it away. The previous one was refined by himself, which was fairly cheap. Now this is issued by the army.

And the magic tower is still frozen, and the legendary mage inside has been bitten by him, and he has been hurt badly.

Even if you die, there is no possibility of threatening your safety.

Mainly, the structure of the magic tower has been destroyed, and there is no such terrible bonus.

Normally, it takes time to fight this magic tower, but the original seven-page book was too powerful, and directly defeated the magic tower.

Fireball is the truth, and Lord Duke is right.

No matter how fierce the resistance is, the only trouble is that the magic tower is destroyed, and the rest of the resistance is in vain. The reloading camp is like a hammer, smashing the defensive eggs all the way, and the soup is splashing.

Construct a knight to strike around and pull out the strongholds with magicians one by one.

The magician's attack is negligible for the constructed knights who form the team. The slightly stronger magicians are all sealed in the magic tower.

After the failure of the deep cold country, it is estimated that few can live.

The battalion general can also think of it. Although a high-level reel costs a lot of money, he won the city in one day and has a lot of military merit. Money is money that is spent, magic scrolls, and magic scrolls are used.

Save it as a heirloom?

In order to impact the 60th grade, he owed the Duke a large sum of money and materials. Many materials were purchased with military merit. If there is no military merit, the slight interest will also make him hurt.

After hitting these few cities, you can almost pay off your previous accounts.

The battalion general was still a little excited, pinching the scroll in his hand, staring at the magic tower violently, for fear that something might happen.

Fortunately, this small town, after all, this is the case.

After the army of robots completely swept through the city, the ice on the magic tower slowly disappeared, and the robots and magical structures poured in to carry out cleanup battles.

There is nothing to say about this. If you are in trouble, the high-level structure in the camp cannot be solved, you can simply destroy the magic tower from the outside and blow it up. If you can, go up layer by layer to occupy the city, and you still need to send people to defend. With such a tower, it is convenient to defend.

The seven-page book can be used once a day, but it is enough for the army.

If you want to attack the next city, you have to take at least a whole day off. There are also defense tasks handed over with the secondary legion, etc., it is impossible to continuously send troops westward.

Even if it can, it takes time to get on the road.

The magic tower quickly struck down, and the seriously wounded legendary mage, with no strength to fight back, was killed by a six-armed demon.

He was bitten by the laws of the world, at the moment when the magic tower was destroyed.

This magic tower originally had only five floors, and was temporarily added to seven floors to build a humble element pool, but compared to the real high-level magic tower, it is still a bit fragile.

If it is a seven-story magic tower built by real obsidian, although it can also be defeated, the battalion will have to spend some more legendary scrolls.

I don't know, in those large cities, how will the main army attack?

Of course, this reloaded battalion of the Changling Corps, unexpectedly, the main legion attacked large cities, and sometimes used the method of smashing eggs.

Forcibly breaking through the city walls and suppressing the magic tower may also use star warships, bombard with more powerful magic weapons, and besieged by multiple legendary mages. There are more legendary equipment, bombing madly.

After all, the magic tower has an upper limit, unlike the magical buildings like Mount Kongo.

In the minds of forces like Rhode Island, relying on magic towers is not enough for large cities. There must be a core magical building that can control the entire city, with huge energy support. The magic tower is just a branch of this large magic building.

Only small and medium-sized cities and fortresses are maintained by the nine-story magic tower.

Reload the troops and simply clean up the ruins of the city, and greet the secondary legions to come over. In such a large city, a battalion can be well guarded. Even the secondary legions, plus the robot part, there is some military overflow . However, it is also responsible for the patrols around, rotation and rest, and there is not too much force in a battalion.

On the side of the reloading camp, the large robots are charged and placed on the transport truck again.

The camp is outside the city, and various magical structures ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ must be maintained. Reporting battles, calculating ammunition losses, robot detection, etc. It ’s less time to spend a day rest.

It is estimated that the two days are almost the same. Although it was destroyed, the battle intensity was very great. The soldiers commanded the robots and rushed into the rubble to clean up, all of which were abnormally alert.

Many suicide attacks have failed, but the pressure is not small.

The handover is completed quickly, and the secondary legions are responsible for repairing the city, and the damaged magic tower must also be repaired. The element pool inside collapses, which must be repaired slowly. Rebuilding the element pool quickly is costly and meaningless.

The buildings in the city are leveled and rebuilt into large barracks, and air defense measures are required.

It is said that the strength of a battalion is placed inside, and the density is not large, but there are robots. In order to sweep this time, the secondary legion also issued a lot of robots. Each battalion is over-edited.

Soon, intelligence was passed to the battalion commander, and the other three small and medium-sized cities, like here, were taken down in one go. He was relieved, but fortunately he didn't mean his legendary scroll. The latest chapter of the door invasion The latest chapter of the Daomen invasion Chapter 120, Chapter 70: Smashing eggs

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