Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1273: : Strength of the command team

Regardless of Rhode Island or Metaline, the main squadron-level combat power is very strong. The squadron leader may not be too high, but there are thirty levels of magic in the squadron.

Like Rhode Island, the command team in the standard squadron is well equipped.

There are a 30-level commander, two 30-level heavy warriors, and a 20-level assault five. Guardians and mutants are not counted. Guardians are maintenance and medical equipment. Twenty mutants are all five-level starting equipment. Usually used to control chariots or the like, or control magic equipment.

Other teams, with similar configurations and robots, differ in level and number.

Like the biochemical robots in each team, they actually have the ability to fight the magic. The energy matrices of biochemical robots are relatively high-level, and even if they burst out, even the high-level resentment can be killed.

Metatron, the robot might not be as good as Rhode Island, but in terms of construction, it is better.

But the resentment of the resentful soul, avoiding the location where the structure exists, attacked here. It's just that he didn't expect to complain, and he put a heel on the robot that it didn't think was dangerous.

The soldier was given a sip of spirit liquid and woke up, and the captain asked him to take him to rest in the barracks.

The injury of low-level grievances can be tolerated by professionals, and it is impossible to retreat to the rear. After drinking the spirit liquid, even the shadow in my heart can heal.

The soldier was out of luck, came out to the toilet, and was attacked by a grudge.

The toilets are all built on the periphery of the camp and are relatively secluded.

The two squadron leaders discussed and had to turn on the high-level alert state, so that the magical structures were awake. If the previous alert level is high enough, the soul of resentment cannot be close.

Thirty-level magic configuration is equivalent to an epic mage.

Similar battles broke out everywhere, and the princess's army advanced in parallel to the west. The legion that has been preparing for two months has played steadily and strived to reduce war losses. Even so, by February, the strikers had approached the main city of the Merrifin family.

Princess Angelina is also afraid that if she attacks early, she will definitely hit her head with blood.

The Merrifin family has emerged with many new types of equipment, bizarre divine magical creatures, and its military resources are exceptionally sufficient.

In some cities, magic dragons of level 30 and above appear. Obviously, the **** of magic also found a way to deal with the suppression of the law. Magic dragons above level 30 can move freely.

However, the help provided by the magic dragon is still limited, and the technology gun in the princess army can still cause a defensive effect.

Just settled here, a black air rose into the fortress ruins.

The two squadron captains were so depressed that they had already cleaned up the magic, and how could they still get so many things out of it.

The upper level of the fortress was demolished, leaving only a small section of the ground. There was nothing to hide in the ruins. The dark air rose into the sky, and obviously a powerful creature like resentment was born.

"I'm past." The squadron leader of Rhode Island brought the command squad himself, without the chariot, and everyone rode on the armored Trojan and approached the fort ruins.

At the forefront of the team, a flame demon holds an ion snake spear, his flames jump, approaching step by step.

This Flame Demon is also a high-level robot. Ion Snake Spear does not need to be killed for a second time.

In the sky, five six-winged biochemical robots are flying slowly, most of the resentful souls have flying ability, don't let it escape. The two wings of the team are the demon spider and demon.

Beside the captain, only the knight apostle and the reloaded apostle, the magic configuration is behind the team.

"Why do you demons destroy my homeland!"

Among the ruins, the black smoke condensed into a woman with a height of more than ten meters. This woman is dressed as a peasant woman, holding a stick in her hand.

The squadron leader looked at his men, and all four men were dizzy.

The level of this grievance is so high. Fortunately, it is fully armed. After the helmet is put on, the defense power is greatly increased.

The magic configuration in the back also provides a magic net. Within the magic net, the defense power has been improved a lot. He knew that it was impossible to discuss things, so he waved his hand.

The flame demon was a flick forward, and the speed reached the extreme instantly. On the long spear head of the ion snake spear, the blue halo appeared, and the spear was cut.

The peasant woman complained, opened her mouth, and howled loudly.


The commander constructed and issued a separate scale to block the attack.

The Flame Demon ahead of the charge doesn't even care about this attack on the soul. The speed of the snake spear continued, and the peasant woman was silently cut in half. The grieved soul screamed and turned into black smoke. When it re-condensed, it retreated more than ten meters. The Balrog's spear pierced and then picked.

That resentful melee ability is just a scum.

The condensed stick hit the Yan Mo, and the Yan Mo was too lazy to bother about it. When the snake spear picked up, the resentful soul was split in half from bottom to top, turning into black smoke.

The five Assaulters were constructed, approaching at this time, and released an element of discipline.

The white magical glory hit all the re-condensed wraith soul, and the face of the peasant woman wraith suddenly turned into a ghost, no longer a simple facial features.

"You are all going to die!"

"Nonsense." The squadron leader said, the commander assembled, and at the same time released the light of order. The pure white magical glory enveloped the grieved peasant woman. The Flame Demon suddenly opened a secondary energy node, and the action in his hand was suddenly accelerated by dozens of times.

The ion snake spear, waving like a blue light ball.

This time, the peasant woman couldn't even turn it into black smoke, and her body was completely destroyed by the ion snake spear. The headless peasant woman has to do something, but her body is shrouded in white light, and she can no longer do tricks.

A command squadron, most of the power comes, and it has a newly condensed grievance, even if it is planned, and the level reaches 30, there is nothing to fight back.


The squadron leader sneered with a sneer: "Withdraw, the trial gun attacks."

All combat units were ordered to retreat in an instant and did not hesitate to go. In the sky, five six wings simultaneously took off the magazine and turned it into a judgment gun on his arm, aiming towards the ground.

"Ten thousand meters, attack." The squadron leader ordered.

Six Wings straight up, up a thousand kilometers instantaneously, and still pounding online. It didn't take long for the height of 10,000 meters to reach, and five trial guns aimed at the ground.

The turbulent ground, cracked gaps, a huge is the palm of his hand stretched out.

Whatever he is, Six Wings opens the Judgment Gun, and within the Six Wings, an energy node is activated, and the stored energy is instantly transmitted to the Judgment Gun. Five slender ebony projectiles, passing through the barrel, contain bizarre energy, dive from the sky to the ground, the speed instantly reaches more than ten times the speed of sound, and it also carries huge gravity.

A dull roar came from the ground, the projectile penetrated the ground, and directly hit the body of the thing, decomposed into the body of the thing, turned into a golden dust, the temperature was hot, with a strong law of order.

The outstretched palm was lifted awkwardly in the air, motionless.

At this time, the squadron leader had obtained judgment information from the side of the construction, but he was just an undead giant. The Judgment Gun is a powerful weapon of order, let alone kill the undead.

The six wings are suspended at a height of 10,000 meters, holding a trial gun and waiting for orders.

The undead giants were killed by them in one fell swoop. Obviously, there is no need for subsequent attacks. For the Six Wings, I like this kind of huge, but still not moving target.

It is very difficult to lock the enemy remotely, and the Judgment Gun, like the Apostle's Scepter, will not turn and attack.

This thing is purely relying on high speed, anticipation, to attack and hit the enemy.

Even if it is ten times the speed of sound, the projectile will fly for nearly three seconds from 10,000 meters. Nearly three seconds, a fifth-level professional feels dangerous and has time to escape.

Usually to move a target, Six Wings needs the cooperation of comrades on the ground to disturb the enemy's perception first, otherwise the enemy will easily escape the trial.

If the flying is low, the gravity superimposition is not enough, and the impact on large targets is somewhat unsatisfactory.

The two mutants were assembled, holding the flame bottle, walking into the ruins, and looked around, and found nothing to attack.

The squadron leader communicated with the commander, and there was no more ambush. This is not a design for yourself, but the undead giant has been there for a long time, and the appearance of the grudge is also due to the undead giant.

The nobles in this village should have raised a necromancer, or he himself.

Yes, Necromancer, in this world, it is not welcome, and it is normal for such people to turn to the God of Magic. The Merrifin family is estimated to have similar secrets.

Returning to the camp, he said to Metatlin's squadron leader: "Later clean the battlefield and send twenty-level upward magic."

The squadron leader was also embarrassed and said: "Never encountered such a thing."

"Let's be careful, the big army ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the closest to our legend, and it is more than a hundred miles away. If there is a legend hidden here, are we dangerous?"

In his words, the rules of today are not high-level legends. It is also dangerous to be besieged by level 30 combat units in two squadrons from level 50 down. Even if it does not kill, it is still possible to drag the footsteps of the legendary strongman. Unless the legendary strongman explodes power, he will go against the law regardless of the law.

This is not possible. The five Asla apostles in the squadron all sacrificed, and the power exploded in an instant, enough to kill a legend.

Each Astra apostle has a dual energy matrix structure, with 64 energy nodes and secondary energy nodes, 1024. The energy contained therein is quite huge. The robot broke out in one shot, but the enemy could not afford it.

More importantly, the apostle's scepter contains laws that can kill legends.

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