Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1291: : Trapped, calmly

'S eyes fell on the patrol team and around the castle. In fact, there was nothing good to patrol, but this is a practice and the army cannot be negligent.

The patrol squad is the standard squad. Two chariots are in the middle. Five soldiers sit on the demon spider and follow the chariot. In front of the chariot is a knight apostle, riding an armored wooden horse, and behind it is a heavy apostle, also riding a wooden horse.

The commander constructs and rides a heavy assault tank.

The rest of the magical outfit, sitting outside the armored personnel carrier.

Fro Mofei is not high, about 800 meters high, one after the other. Flying low is the Blade Demon, within a kilometer of the surrounding area. This is a defensive patrol. The distance transmitted by Sharp Devil is twenty miles. It can fly farther.

But the deputy general did not ask, everyone followed the procedure.

The most conspicuous part of the team is a cyborg robot, holding a giant sickle, walking down, and also more than six meters high. If you stand up straight, it is more than eight meters.

As for demon, five teams, scattered around.

There are eighteen combat units with more than 20 ranks in the team. Like the magic configuration, there are all kinds of magic, if you can slow down your opponent and let the chariot aim for half a second, the epic will be bombed.

Debugged the communication channel and occupied the castle. With the Void Magic Monument, a temporary high tower was erected, and communication was much better. He gave orders to each squad, so that the Blade could fly farther and spread out, and the team would move slower.

The six teams outside were executed immediately.

The blood color in the sky has disappeared. There are no sun, moon and stars here. It is gray in the daytime and dark at night. Some small airships, like balloons, were released in the castle. They were used for simple lighting and suspended within ten miles of the castle. This thing may be the cheapest flight equipment. The above-mentioned special magic lamp is propelled by jet air flow, and it has no defensive ability, let alone attack.

With these small airships flying at a height of more than 100 meters, the area around the castle looks very bright, but the castle surrounded in the middle is a bit gloomy.

The castle is full of magic lamps and lanterns, and the light radiates less, and they are all directed radiation.

If it is not this requirement, technology lamps will be cheaper.

Looking down from above, the inside of the current castle, it is said that the gray is not right, and there is a dark feeling. It also looks a little vague, and if you look directly, it will make people dizzy.

Above the square, a defensive network was built, which is a magic cobweb. Layers of layers. When a lot of magic attacks downwards, it will be triggered in advance when it hits the web.

The physical strike effect is exceptional. With this thing, there are some large robots on the square, ready to deal with unexpected situations. In addition to large robots, some tanks are also parked in the square.

If it is not a magic attack, the defense of large robots and tanks is quite strong.

To resist magic attacks, you need to activate energy nodes.

"Sir, the warehouse is built." A trusted mage reported in the magic net.

Finally let out a sigh of relief. The warehouse was talking about the place where the warships were stored. The warships could not be suspended in the sky all day. Of the sixteen warships, only two were responsible for air defense at rest.

The rest of the warships should still be placed in the warehouse with special protection.

"General, the enemy's corpse has been processed, and the loot has been handed over to our construction squadron."

"Adult, there is a part of the monster's body, you have to deal with it."

"What is it?"

"Four pairs of fangs, constructing the badges stored by the knights, cannot be put in."

"I'll see." The lieutenant came out and came to the square. The monster's body was processed on site, and now there is only one bone shelf left, and four pairs of fangs are extracted and placed on the ground.

Lieutenant General came forward and found fangs that were more than five meters long, and his own space equipment could also be accommodated.

"Please come to school captain."

He uses please, of course, legendary knight. The legendary knight soon came here, and when he saw the fangs, he understood and said, "This, is it my loot?"

"Of course. But I have a pair."

"Yes, it should be. How can't you put it away?"

"Maybe it is a legendary item. On this monster, everything else can be collected, but this fangs can't."

"Isn't it possible to build a legend?"

"No, I've seen a ghost." The lieutenant general was also depressed.

The legendary knight, reaching out, the four pairs of fangs flew into the space of his badge. This badge was refined by the Duke when he received him, and he personally helped him refine it, and he regarded it as a treasure.

"Fangs are okay, because the space laws here are restricted, and special equipment is needed to put them in. I don't know what the skeleton of this monster is?"

Lieutenant general said: "If legendary creatures and bones are useful, let the robots dismantle them slowly."

Legendary knight, but did not compete with the lieutenant general for this skeleton. There are a lot of people who attacked the castle. Five-meter-long fangs can build a lot of weapons.

The standard equipment in the army is definitely good, but the Duke ’s collar will have some gadgets made by magicians, all of which are strange and strange materials collected. It is the work of a powerful magician.

These will become the personal weapons of the officers.

Some are purchased by yourself, some are rewarded. It has the seal of Asla College and the signature of the manufacturer. It can only be purchased within the military. When you buy it, you still need merit and a corresponding military rank.

As for the reward, it would be even better. The above will be based on the officer's personal ability, characteristics, and rewards for equipment that is very suitable for you. Rewards are also graded, if it is a corps-level reward, then there is the signature of the regiment leader. If the highest reward, there will even be an autograph of Lord Asla.

This legendary knight has the duke ’s signature on the badge. Although it is a badge, he cherishes it more.

Like a legend like him, you can provide your own materials, send them to Asra College, and give your data to the magician of the college. There may be three or five months, or seven or eight years. , Gradually improve, to create a legendary equipment for you.

Of course, he did not want to use fangs in this way, but intended to serve as a reward to his men.

Lieutenant General came out once, and nothing happened, and returned to the command center. The legendary knight did not go, watching the robot dismantle the bones, and there were magic structures, magicians and so on.

Responsible for dismantling the bones is the Apostle Astra, their fingers are very dexterous.

Big bones, the body is quite complex, it seems that it is not naturally generated, but a powerful artificial creature.

The broken bones will be specially constructed to intercept, remove the bone marrow, and give it to the magician. The complete skeleton can be disassembled by the Apostle Astra.

Although is a legendary creature, it is impossible for every part of the body to have legendary value.

The most valuable one should be the magic core, but hey, this monster doesn't have it. Then there are the fangs, the heart and blood, and the scales are also good. After the legendary creature dies, the four pairs of fangs still maintain the legendary level, and the rest will decay.

All those that are easily deteriorated are quickly cut off and disposed of.

Processed one day earlier, it may be worth hundreds of thousands more gold coins. For this kind of harvest, the proportion charged above is much lower than normal, and at least half of it will be distributed to this brigade.

There is also a part that can offset the war damage, and in disguise, it means that you do n’t have to deduct some merits.

Those who were present were not excited, but they were all very happy. Attacking the castle, the robot lost some. With so many gains now, I can be satisfied.

"Master, there are not so many magic boxes, what should I do?" There was a mage who reported to a captain in charge of the scene.

"Cutting machine, install the cutting machine, put it in the sealed magic box, the ordinary one will cut me to a standard size, and make a reel!"

"What reels are they made of?"

"Of course it is a blank scroll! These materials, after being made into a scroll, can maintain the attributes of three to five years even if there is no protection. We are stuck here for at least such a long time, they can all be used.

"That ..."

"When dealing with it, it is more focused on the fire attribute, we have to fight."


Soon, an annoying voice sounded on the scene, an electric cutter that sliced ​​the bones of the monster. This will lose a lot of materials, but the broken bones are all thrown into the crusher, grinded into bone powder, and after mixing the alchemy agent, they can be cast into temporary parts.

This time entering this space ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is purely an accident, and there are not many parts backed up by the logistics team. Some robots are broken and difficult to repair. Fortunately, the technology led by the Duke has the ability to manufacture parts on site, and there are molds on the tanks, as long as there are suitable materials.

The level of these bones is also not low. Hurry to grind and deploy. In addition to the completely destroyed robots, they can all return to the battle sequence.

The army of the main world is strong here. After being trapped, immediately from top to bottom, it is ready to spend three to five years in this space. As for what to eat? Who said that the body could not be eaten?

All corpses were sent underground for treatment, and they froze.

There is also military food in the castle. If you only maintain this brigade and add a construction knight squadron, you can maintain it for the first year. In addition, the soldiers of Rhode Island have always carried part of the military food with them, and there are also a lot of Shirimaru. With the logistics side, the logistics captain often brings cured food and can eat it by soaking in water.

Mixed together in a mess, we can definitely stay up for three years.

The officer in charge of military affairs has already handed over the plan to the lieutenant general. How to make use of the existing food, mix it reasonably, and give it to the soldiers alternately, so as not to affect the soldiers' body.

For example, on the first ten days of this month, it is recommended that each soldier take a ten-day pill, and also cooperate with the food left in the castle. ...

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