Daomen Invasion

Chapter 150: : Secret calculation and preparation

Twenty-four students of Xiahe, class leader Ye Linna 12th grade, deputy classmate Sanger 11th grade, were nicknamed the conductor's Feng 10th grade by the classmates, and Suarez 10th grade nicknamed the Duke. "E-small" ΩΔ says WwΩW. 1XIAOSHUO. The rest of the com students are all eighth and ninth grades. This is a weak force and it deserves attention in the army.

The shortcoming of the students is that they have little knowledge of adventure. Xiahe trains them according to the war mage, and he is laying the foundation in the early stage. The magic he learns is not much but it is suitable for fighting.

He hopes that these twenty-four people will be able to become talents and expand the army on their own in the future. These students are their confidants.

It may be that the principal deliberately did this. These twenty-four people were of poor origin. Only Suarez, nicknamed the Duke, had noble blood, but the family had long since fallen. This kind of student is the easiest to be branded by the teacher and become an heir, so Ajiani is mad at death.

In Pasares's office, Ajani winked, sitting on the lap of the dean.

"Director, haven't you made up your mind yet?"

"Down." Passares' hands dragged Adjani's buttocks, rubbing hard.

"Don't really hurt people, destroy their deer, just destroy the mission."

"How dare you not listen to what you said. Asla is the man sent by His Majesty the Emperor. He is really dead. We all have to take responsibility."

"Everyone knows that he is in conflict with me. You have to be careful not to reveal ... oops!"

"What can't be revealed?"

"No such disgusting stuff!" Adjani jumped off Pazarez's thigh and knelt down.

"Okay, it's good, Adjani ..." Pazares closed his eyes and enjoyed the services of the female magician. His hands grabbed Adjani's head, and his hands were covered with rings.

Asla, I want you to die!

Pasaris developed a tyrannical emotion and forced Ajiani towards herself.


In the 604 dormitory, Eva knocked on Medieri's door, and Medieri stood in the doorway in her pajamas, only wearing pajamas, and looked at Eva Green with vigilance.

"If there is anything, just say it here." Medirelli pointed the gun downwards, not pressing it to the ground, but was a distance from the ground, raised in his hand, and broke the wound at any time.

Eva was so bored that she was exhausted to do things for the students to try this time. Medelly did nothing all day long, and she still showed her attitude to herself!

"Medi Li, I prepared the syrup, come out and say?"

Medirelli has recently cultivated the power of consciousness, and is learning to use it. Eva's sugar water is very good, the ingredients are complex, and the consciousness penetrates into it, and she can feel thousands of changes in levels. Just like toxins, it is very interesting and suitable for exercise.

"You wait for me to change my clothes." Medierli closed the door. Eva stood at the door and waited, feeling like she was guilty.

She turned back to the table in the courtyard and warmed the sugar water. A lot of materials were used in the sugar water. After heating, the preservation effect would become worse and worse. Eva is a person who does not grieve herself, she likes to eat.

Medieri changed her shirt and came to the courtyard, sitting opposite Eva. Eva took the bowl for her and filled most of the bowl of syrup. Medirley picked up the bowl and placed it under her nose to sniff. The complex and fragrant breath slowly drifted in the nose.

"I added Xiangge, not last time."

Eva was surprised, and Medieri's nose was too sensitive, like a dog!

"It's to add a bit of gum, and the taste is much better." Eva said, and also filled herself with a bowl to drink. Fortunately, when Medirelli drank the sugar water, she was still like a little girl, holding the bowl and tasting it bit by bit. It tasted like a lady.

It is estimated that Freya will guzzle? These two women, how can Asra bear them?

"Medi Li, I am good at soul magic, you know."

"Well." Medirelli answered with a nose, simple and indifferent. The most embarrassing part of Eva is that she is not aiming at herself, as if everyone is not in Medieri's eyes.

"I am getting more and more upset recently. This hunch should be aimed at your adults."

Medirelli didn't lift her eyelids. She believed that Eva's judgment, adults offended many people. Taking advantage of this trial task, it should be normal. But what are you worried about? Andusias woke up in the hands of adults. Under the legend, he just came to deliver food.

"For this mission, each class has five observers, and also protectors, taking care of students. I heard that the school agreed to join you because of lack of manpower?"


"Freya is not here, so there are two outsiders in the team, you can't trust."

"Eva ... I don't trust you either." Medirelli tried to use a tone that didn't sound hurt.

Eva was speechless and she almost fell. After biting his teeth for a long time, he had to continue: "If Asra is in trouble, I can't get rid of it. Even if the emperor clears it, the family will let me go back, don't plan to leave again in the future.

"That's really bad." Medieri felt that she was flattering Eva, and Eva felt that Medieri's perfunctory standards were too bad and had no sincerity.

"However, for me, this may not be the worst, because I have seen more heart-wrenching things, and if someone moves against Asla, it may even count me in."

"You are the heir to the Green family. How many pieces of epic equipment are there?" Medirelli remembered the Silver Demon. The guy had a frost dragon ring.

Eva could n’t help crying and said, “Two of them, after my strength has been used, it ’s worthless. And if the enemy will attack Asla, he will definitely consider my factors. When I was at Juno College, I exposed one of them. Pieces. Those who dare to do it will certainly not be too stupid and will calculate redundancy. "

Medierly didn't answer the question, and she was thinking in her head, if the enemy divided several waves, it would be dangerous for the adult to have Andusias.

However, there seem to be several epic scrolls in the hands of adults, which are the spoils obtained when fighting the strange monsters. Adults say that they are more precious, and they are not willing to use them. There are also two special scrolls on his body. In the face of ordinary epics, there is no power to fight back.

"Is sugar water delicious?"

"Delicious." Medirelli put the empty bowl on the table and looked up at Eva. "This matter, you can go to the principal and borrow two pieces of protective equipment from her. It should not be a problem. "

Eva patted her forehead. Why is she so stupid, not as clever as Medieri? I should have thought about it!

"You mean, I'll go to the headmaster!" Eva lost her bowl, and the sugar water didn't matter anymore. She jumped and rushed out the door.

Medieri looked dumbfounded, but she was vomiting in her heart: this is it? How about the Empire Witch? The nobles just like to mess with their nicknames, and most of them are not true. The name of the adult is accurate, blood mage.

Xiahe finally checked the equipment in the room. Twenty-four students, each student had targeted supplies.

A total of 24 pieces of temporary space equipment, with a life span of three months, can also be extended for three months with special techniques. The four students above grade ten are bracelets, and the rest have belts, badges, leather bags, and small backpack-like boxes.

Everyone has tailor-made clothes for warmth. Sanger is tall and sturdy, Mila is the thinnest, Ye Linna is a little bred, Feng has learned the Shadow Arrow, and two pieces of Shadow Creatures are used on her clothes. Suarez is sensitive to wood-based magic and learned the Xiahe version of rejuvenation, but the magic is not good to play. Xiahe separately prepared some casting materials for him and placed it in the sleeve of the sleeve.

In addition to the items used for adventure, we also need to prepare a diet, which will be out in mid-December. If it does not go well, we may not come back in April or May next year. On this way, drinking is still easy to solve. The ice field does not lack water. If there is fire magic heating, there is no problem in taking a bath.

However, you have to prepare enough portions to eat. Hunting on the ice field depends on luck. On days when there is no prey, you have to rely on the food you carry.

Does it feel good to take care of children?

I was really worried. For this task, Xiahe learned a lot of refining techniques, such as artificial fur, blankets isolated from water and cold, and even diapers designed for soldiers of deep space combat ships.

Heaven knows whether these children will be scared when faced with a life and death crisis.

Making sure that everything on the list was ready, Xiahe came to the bathroom, lay in the hot water, and opened the book of wealth. After writing a line of words, I realized that it was wrong. I hadn't contacted Abigail for a while, and came up and asked Freya that things were not very good.

Xiahe removed the handwriting and re-entered a line: Abigail, I am going to take part in a trial task, it is not convenient to contact in a short time.

A line soon appeared in the Fortune Book-I know, Freya is still in the magic tower, and it will take a few days to return to the Arcane Empire.

Xiahe was ashamed, he didn't mention a word, and Abigail knew what he was asking.

He wanted to explain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and he felt that it should not be explained. Abigail is sticky enough, and she has no idea about her. Although the tone of official business is not good, she is a believer in the goddess of wealth. Sooner or later, she will face a serious problem, that is, to destroy all the gods.

Go to that point and say ...

Xiahe entered another sentence in the Fortune Book: I intend to establish a stable route from the Arcane Empire to the Storm Point.

it is good.

After Abigail returned a word, there was no more news. Xiahe holding the book of wealth, Abigail suddenly became neat, and did not speak crazy words to him, which made him feel a little lost. What happened to Stormwind? After she left for so long, she met new friends?

But what does this have to do with yourself?

Xia He felt ashamed and a little sorry for Ovilla, although Ovilla did not promise him anything from beginning to end.

It's really depressing. At this time in the Magic Tower, if the children of the law came together, you can listen to Ovilla's thoughts. After that, he didn't have the courage to mention it.

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