Daomen Invasion

Chapter 163: :ambush

"Medi Li, what I teach you today is called the seed of kendo. E┡ novel WWW ㄟ .Ω1XIAOOSHUO.COM It will take root in your soul and eventually turn into an indestructible sword."

Medelly listened quietly, her mood calmed down. The adult must have come from a very strange place, this world cannot be born.

"This indestructible sword is to describe the immortality of your soul, but also to describe your soul attributes. You can use it to temper the sword fetus. The indestructible sword itself is not a weapon, it is still a part of your soul. Swords made out have natural supernatural powers. "

Medirelli tried to listen to these difficult words, even the voice of the Lord Lord remained in his mind.

She is naturally intelligent, mobilizes the power of consciousness according to the method taught by Xiahe, and condenses the seeds of kendo in the sea of ​​soul. She is not a puppet, Xiahe cannot directly observe.

Medirelli is also quick to condense the seeds of Kendo. In the sea of ​​soul, that kind of rushes into her soul at once, decomposes in the soul, and is completely absorbed by the soul. Medierli didn't think there was anything wrong, her soul was originally her own, all over, standing in the sea of ​​soul.

After absorbing the seeds of Kendo, her soul seemed to grow a little, her figure was tall, she took off the girl ’s tenderness, and she also had a brocade, and her head was **** by a silver ring. Taoist runes were born on the silver ring, which seemed to have a clumsy meaning.

Mediel refining the sword, and the night passed quickly. When she opened her eyes, her thoughts moved, and one of the black long behind her head flew with awe-inspiring sword. What excites her most is that this sword is controlled and refined to the extreme. In the black flying state, the surrounding fragile head has not been cut off by it.

There was a silver ring on her head, and there was a crack at the moment.

"Okay, I'll be here this time." Xiahe asked her to stop. He already knew what the sword that Freya had prepared for Medierly should look like.

Ordinary magic equipment can't bear the sword spirit of Medieri. The silver ring is also worth dozens of gold coins, but it is destroyed after only a test of the sword.

"Old ... Lord Lord?"

"The silver ring is equivalent to your future swords. It can restrain the sword. If you do not practice well now, if you use it again, there will be only one head left on your head."

Medirelli was so frightened that she immediately extinguished her desire to continue the experiment. Xiahe said: "I can make a spare silver ring for you. When Freya comes back, you will make the sword into silver with the method of raising the sword Ring, you will be able to use your unique ... blue silk sword.

"Blue sword?"

"Each kendo seed grows differently."

The two spoke, and heard Eva's voice outside: "Asla, the students are ready to go."

Xiahe let go of the magic tent and let Eva come in.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to point Medieri yesterday, no one can watch. Did the students' notes read?"

"I have seen it, and the security patrol and exploration are all okay."

"It's not anxious today. Let's go after something to eat." Xiahe and Ju Ruo last night were very polite to Eva.

As soon as Eva changed her mind, she hated authentically: "I want you to cook, isn't you afraid of me poisoning you?"

"You are not stupid again."

Eva was not really angry this time, so she told the students to prepare for an additional half an hour before leaving. Students can eat a little bit more, and maybe they will not rest at noon this time and go directly into the Griffin Temple.

Close to the ruins, the broken buildings of the Frost Giant can be used to withstand the cold wind. After the students disassembled the tent, they also demolished the deer cart. Xiahe's deer cart was also taken down, and Xiahe put away himself. One of the student ’s four deer carts was left, and the rest were also equipped with space.

To enter the ruins, you have to walk, mainly because the car is vulnerable to attacks, too unsafe.

After eating breakfast, it was already 9 o'clock in the morning, all the supplies were transferred to the last deer cart, and the team began to penetrate the ruins of the Griffin Temple.

Suarez rode a reindeer and led five students in the front. Matt and Bruce were at the rear of the team. Their car could not be disassembled, they could only continue to pull. Fortunately, the students also left a car, otherwise the two of them would look very awkward and funny.

Xiahe walked in the middle of the team, Medieri stepped forward, and Eva broke off to prevent the sudden appearance of powerful creatures.

Some creatures on the ice field have peculiar types and strong ability to hide breath. Unless the legendary mage comes over in person, even those in the epic realm will also go away.

"Teacher, there is blood on the front, which is human." A student turned around riding a reindeer.

"nothing else?"


Xia He was surprised, was Professor Guge's team attacked? It stands to reason that the magician of the level of Guge has almost no rivals in the ruins. There is also a 28-level magician in the hands of his companions. His strength is also good. How can students be injured?

"Do battle field research." Xia He gave the order, he was not in a hurry to go deep into the ruins.

"Yes!" The student was ordered to go, the team slowed down, and came to the scene of blood. There were still traces of fighting at the scene, and not far away there was a row of ice cones hanging from a height, clearly affected by magic.

Xia He glanced at it and knew that the fighting was fierce and he was willing to catch up and help, but he couldn't let go of the students. Especially there are two second-hand goods in the team, it is possible to start against the students. Xiahe deliberately killed the two men immediately, but if they died, they might alert people who were against them.

Guge's students also take classes in large classes. He also taught them and called him a teacher.

"Don't worry, there are no dead people here." Eva comforted Xia He. She also knew that the two goods in the team were in danger, and she was about to die now, so she glanced at her with her eyes. Unexpectedly, Matt and Bruce took the initiative to speak at this time.

"Professor Gugger may be in danger, or ... shall we go and see?"

"You go first, and I'll be there later." Xiahe immediately agreed to the request. After Matt and Bruce left, Xiahe put a little devil to follow. Anyway, these two guys can't be a kid anymore, just don't let them follow the students.

Xiahe released his consciousness, personally inspected the battlefield, and did not guide the students.

This is a semi-enclosed environment. On the left hand side of the route, there is a collapsed house, which looks like the upper layer completely crushes the two buildings below. For humans, this is a high airtight wall with a length of more than three hundred meters.

There are a lot of stone pillars on the right hand side, and the road between the fence, there is a gap in the stone pillars, but it is covered with snow.

The attack was moved from the snow. Guge's team passed by, and some people hid in the snow between the pillars.

The attackers were not icefield creatures, but human beings. Guge's team escaped, and the ambush did not have time to clean the scene. Everything was clearly placed in front of Xiahe.

The ice cone broken on the collapsed building was cut by the wind blade. On the broken ice cone, there are still traces of magic. More than the wind blade, the ice cone is artificially made, not naturally formed. There should be touch magic, assassins hiding in the snow, sensing the magic reaction, as long as someone passes by, it will burst and hurt people.

Just to disturb? There must be more traps deep in the Griffin Temple.

Guge should be able to stand up. It seems that even if he is not invincible, he can send out a distress signal, let more people go deep into the ruins, and then wipe it out. During this trial, most of the students in the actual combat department of the intermediate class are here. If they die cleanly, the Tenth School of Magic will be hit hard.

Xiahe realized that there was a problem. This time, the sense of crisis might not be aimed at him. I was just unlucky and suffered from pond fish.

"Eva, is there a way to contact the college or the fortress?"

Eva shook her head. It was more than a thousand miles from the fortress, how could it be possible to contact. If she is a legendary mage, she can also cast any door, or use the formation method to contact.

"Maybe Guge has a way."

While talking, there was a trembling of the earth in the distance, and the sound was still outside the ruins. Xiahe had already penetrated into the ruins, and the eyes of the Frost Giant could not see that far, let alone him, even Eva.

"You speed up, leave here." Xiahe glanced at the terrain, and his sight on both sides of this position was blocked, easily blocked by people in the aisle, and could not run away.

Xiahe put two little ghosts on the road passing behind him to guard. He regretted not leaving the little ghost outside the ruins, otherwise he can already know what monster was approaching. Judging from the vibration frequency of the ground, it is definitely not a humanoid.

Students speed up the collection of clues, including the use of photo stone.

After all the clues were recorded, the students left under the leadership of Eva, and the voice was close. Xiahe released the eye of the frost giant, and saw dozens of icefield behemoths running miles away.

The degree is not too fast, but the mage will definitely be trampled to death if he doesn't need to do it.

It was a salt beast. After the decline of the Frost Giant, it was once used as a mount ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because the temper of this thing was not stable, the Frost Giant had to use magic to control it before he dared to ride.

The salt beast counts a dozen meters long tail, and the white hair on his body is condensed with dirty particles, and looks dirty. To Xiahe's surprise, on the back of the salt beast, sat humans with heavy armor all over them.

With such excellent equipment, their students can't stop them!

Behind the thirty-three salt beasts, there are twenty heavy cavalry, and the rest are casters.

Xiahe sighed, did the nobles of the north begin?

If this cavalry has more than one stock, then the Woods Fortress is probably also a ghost. Otherwise, such a large mount cannot escape the surveillance of the airship in the sky.

You can't let yourself be a good teacher quietly? Completed this trial task to him, less trouble.

Xiahe was depressed. If Freya was there, he could still play a fight with this cavalry team. Now with a group of children, there is really no way.

I can only go deeper into the temple ...

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