Daomen Invasion

Chapter 224: :capital punishment

"The day after tomorrow, I will give you a day to prepare. You plan the time first and use all 24 hours. I will spend more time and find some people to help. In addition, lend me your water drops of fate. . "

"I used it once, and the skills are temporarily unavailable."

The principal smiled, and Xiahe gave him the legendary equipment. Xiahe gritted his teeth, even if this equipment was given to him? There is no shortage of legendary equipment, as long as he can actively open the Shenfu.

Freya is very obedient and spent a whole day making a plan, marking out in detail what everyone wants to do in the deep space, and using it every minute.

The matter of the border mission can only be dictated by destiny, and the news from the investigation is naturally good.

Xiahe took the students into the realm of deep space, he had to solve his problems, otherwise chopping the soul of the fairy gourd and the legendary half-elf was his and Freya's great weakness.

The students were arranged on one side. This time was an opportunity for them to consolidate the realm. Xiahe also distributed white jade paste. These twenty-four hours, the realm should be firmly stabilized, because the next step, the students will achieve yin God, the same as Medirelli.

Xiahe took the magic clock and placed it on the ground. The principal said yes. Ten minutes after entering, he would unite the legendary strongman to completely close the deep space and communicate with the outside world, allowing Xiahe to use the gold coins safely.

Xiahe is not in a hurry, he first prepares all the things that need to be processed before taking out the wealth gold coins and inspiring them.

Fortune gold coins rolled over, expanded to a diameter of more than four meters, suspended in front of Xiahe, the pendant pentagram facing upward, emitting a faint golden light, Xiahe jumped upward, the golden light passed through, he suddenly felt himself 'S power rose sharply, breaking through the level 40 mark in an instant.

However, it is not Yang Yang, but the power has reached the standard.

The magic of equivalent transactions is really evil!


Xiahe shouted, and he determined that as many people as he could stand on this gold coin. It's just that Freya is not afraid of the height of the realm. If she is willing, she can already replace the goddess of doom and reach the power of level 40.

Freya came up, and Xiahe didn't care about her, and opened the shrine directly.

Shenfu is an independent space, and no Taoist priest in the realm of Yangshen can be opened by anyone. Xiahe has a good master, is the ninth-order human immortal, the highest state among mortals, and further is the earth immortal. The master helped open the Shenfu, and his space was small and pathetic.

The shrine is located with the soul of the Taoist priest, opened in the void, the safest.

Xiahe opened the Shenfu, and this time the Shenfu was not closed, and the lunar mirror inside revealed, this is Xiahe's most precious wealth. In the Taiyin mirror, Yang Shen suddenly opened his eyes and watched his split soul as a Yin God. Now he has gained the power to open the temple.

Yang Shen nodded to Xiahe, let out a six-story **** ember, let Xiahe draw, and send it into the cut gourd.

Xiahe handed over the materials and the tarot cards to Yang Shen, cut the fairy gourd, and the six gods' embers wrapped around the singular object and penetrated into it without pressure.

Xiahe heard a horrified and angry voice from the gourd: Taoist! Stop your ...

Xiahe time is precious, how can you communicate with him, no matter what you are the avatar of the big Luo Jinxian, this level is not just pinned to death. As for enmity?

I am not even afraid of Kunlun Dao Palace. You have the ability to beat me.

The thing in the slashing gourd was burned by the six gods, and immediately knew how powerful it was. Xiahe threw it to Yangshen and then handled his equipment with Yangshen.

The first thing to deal with was Xiahe's robe. In the Taiyin Fairy Mansion, a moon-white robe flew up and landed on Xiahe. No matter how good the magic robe is, there is no automatic repair function. If it is damaged during the battle, it will cost a lot of money to repair it.

In the Taiyin mirror, a piece of material flew out, fusing the moon-white robe and Xiahe's magic robe together. The fire in Xiahe's body was boiling, rushing out of the body, and the **** Shen spewed out the real fire to help Xiahe refine.

The magic robe quickly formed, still half bloody, but the color was much deeper. It seemed like a natural pattern on the top, with distinct layers, which was in sharp contrast with the color of the other half of the heavenly clothing brocade. Family badges, badges of honor, and badges of chaos barriers were refined in one place and turned into a rectangular badge, printed on the chest of the magic robe, as if woven naturally in it.

Various rings, rings, necklaces, all gadgets are integrated to form two clean rings, a pure black, with dark golden lines on the inside, which is the gods of this world, it is difficult to interpret the information inside. The other ring has the same jade-like color and a small vermilion square seal on it.

The seven-page book and Xiahe's magic book were destroyed and turned into a bronze cover magic book.

Dragon and Tiger Taolu, magic wand, and magic tent on Xiahe's equipment, etc., must be destroyed, extract the magic structure of the core, or change the essence and improve the quality, one by one.

In the magic tarot card, fly into two gods, Freya and Goddess of Doom's projection, a zero card, a second card.

Number three, lunar tree. No. 4 card, three-legged golden black. Number five, Thor Egg. Number Six ...

Taiyin Xianfu is not comparable to Taoist palace, but it also has its own plan for creating gods. Today's magic tarot card is actually a variant of the Taiyin Xianfu pantheon card.

Each main card can be used to borrow the power of the corresponding god, so Xiahe said that Anduzias did not suffer from this reason.

Don't look at the more than 70 levels of Andusias, for Xiahe, it can be used as an early card.

If you really want to fight the gods, you can't count on him. Xiahe still has to find a way to raise the power of Andusias and make him the **** of the abyss. For gods, freedom is not so important. What is important is that desire can be released and life can last forever.

Daomen deities have gone a lot, and have not seen any dissatisfaction.

Daomen spirits will complain at most that Daojun is a little weak, fearing that Daojun is dead, they will not be able to live forever.

Xiahe has improved equipment quality, integrated equipment skills, and obtained what can be used in Shenfu. After Freya's power was raised, it was simply projected in the Ten Palace Seals.

She brutally pulled the soul of the legendary half-elf out of the coffin with a red chain and pinched it between her fingers.

The soul of the legendary half-elf looked at Freya, who suddenly became powerful, in a panic, only to find that he was facing a god.

"what would you like?"

"I have something to do with everything about you, so I will give you a minute's time to go back and talk about it." Freya said with a black flame on her fingertips, igniting the soul of the half-elf and throwing it on the ground . Then she began to deal with her weapons and equipment.

The soul of the legendary half-elf was wrapped in black flames, and suddenly felt dizzy.

In the confusion, two little ghosts appeared in front of him, frowning, carrying two steel forks, protruding around his neck, and dragging them to a palace.

In the hall, a king sat among them, and some ghosts and gods stood on both sides.

"Bold Soul, why don't you kneel when you see my lord!" The next ghost shouted loudly, and the half-elf's soul was furious, and he didn't wait for an attack. The iron rod hit, and with a click, the half-elf knelt involuntarily on the ground, humiliated in his heart, but the steel forks of the two little devil still protrude his neck, and it was difficult to move.

"Look at you with a daunting face, with a fierce eyes, you must not be convinced, come, let him warm first!" An official sitting next to the book opened his mouth, and the devil immediately crossed the half-elf to a pot of oil.

The half-elf said angrily: "You think I will be afraid!"

The little devil smiled and said, "Who wants you to be afraid, if you are afraid, and confess, don't we all have to be unemployed! I wish you could persist for a few more days, with so much money to support my two mother-in-law."

The two little ghosts chatted and laughed while lifting up the half-elves and throwing them in the pan.

The half-elf entered the hot pan, and his mouth and nose opened automatically, and the hot hot oil flowed into his body along the trachea of ​​the esophagus. This time the domestic and foreign affairs increased, so that he screamed.

A little devil picked his thigh with a steel fork and smiled, "You have to turn it over and make it evenly fried."

The half-elf rolled over, struggling to reveal his face, shouting, "I'm dead, what can you do to me!"

"It's a big deal?" The little devil laughed. "It's hard to die if you're in our hands."

With that said, the two imps forkd the half-elves out of the pan and dropped them on the ground. The half-elf has been blown to the point of burnt skin, and the imp is beaten with a steel fork. The burnt surface peels off, and the fresh skin automatically grows inside. This time it hurts and itches, the half-elf heart is not good ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Two little ghost steel forks put his neck back and threw it into the oil pan, this time it just hurts, hot oil Here, the imp still flipped him from time to time to see if the explosion was opaque.

After several times, the half-elf was tortured to no strength, and the devil dragged him back to the palace.

"Your Majesty, I have found out that this life was wicked and punishable by extreme punishment." The official was blowing in the king's ear again, and the half-elf sore in the throat. He could not speak if he wanted to speak.

"Then saw him first and see what the heart is like."


The two imps lost their steel forks and took a saw for two, like a logging tool. Another evil spirit came up and grabbed the half-elf, fixing him. The two little ghosts put the saw on top of the half-elf's head, and saw it with a rattle.

If it was cut with a knife, it would be painful, the sawtooth slowly rubbed his body, the half-elf was desperate, and the head was divided into two pieces, and the saw blade went down all the way to cut his body. The goblin opened his body and shouted, "Your Majesty, this man's heart is broken!"

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