Daomen Invasion

Chapter 325: : Undead

"Master Earl, do you have any drawings?" An assistant mage could not help asking.

Xia He frowned, saying: "I want to build a temporary airship warehouse, the roof needs to be moved, and the airship can be taken off if necessary."

"Master Earl, what level of standard is that?"

Xiahe said coldly: "Four levels."

"Yes." The magicians were a little scared and quickly took the materials and trimmed the house according to the imperial standards. This kind of warehouse for storing airships is a special building when the imperial army is camped. It is not common, but it appears only in the north where there is a snowstorm.

Xiahe sent out a magic signal to lower the airship in the sky and hover at a position of 500 meters.

The magician on the ground speeds up, clears the ground, and builds a warehouse.

The materials are all ready-made, but Xiahe temporarily added 16 magic totems. The top of the warehouse has wooden slides. On the spliced ​​roof, an additional paper skin is added.

The airship slowly landed, and the roof of the warehouse closed. The magic totem began to work, forming a simple barrier above the warehouse. This thing can deal with wind and snow at most, if there is a blow from high altitude, it can't defend at all. But the magic gun of the airship has turned out and pointed to the sky.

The layout was here, the snow fell and the wind grew tighter.

The magicians were also nervous, and it seemed that the blizzard could not stop for a while. Immediately, a magician released earth magic and ice magic, and added a fence around the tent to protect it. This is called an igloo in the north. If there is no magician, the soldiers will be miserable. They can only rely on a simple tent, and it will be very cold.

Xiahe is also adding facilities and building permanent outposts.

"Sir, are you?" Master No. 1 couldn't help asking while helping Xiahe Barrier.

"The camp is too rudimentary and there is a snowstorm. If the enemy appears at this time, it will be too dangerous. Our deer are all in the stall, and the surroundings are not protected and will be killed in batches.

Despite the small number of people, the Xiahe camp is not small in size, because the deer must be placed in the center. This is different from many worlds. The world of the caster, the Warcraft mount, is not placed in the corner of the camp.

"How can there be enemies in such weather." Master No. 6 was somewhat confused, or pretended to be confused, in fact, some doubted Xiahe.

"Then are you going to pin your hopes on the weather, or do you have your destiny in your own hands?" Xiahe asked.

The mages were awe-inspiring, the earl said, but it was a famous quote in the magic textbook. It is clear in the textbook that we learn not to master magic, but to control fate.

Magicians, at least, live longer than others.

However, many mages died, not cautious enough, and died young. That's why a great magician wrote such a maxim.

"People hurry up and the wind is getting stronger."

There is no need for Xia He to say that the wind is blowing against the wind, and the sound is that the deaf will be stunned. The wind is mixed with bigger and bigger snow flakes, blowing on the face makes the skin hurt.

Xiahe arranged 33 outposts around the camp. The soldiers on guard were all a team of three. They wore night vision goggles, heavy leather robes, and several layers of hollow wooden planks under their feet. Animal skin.

The sentry was divided into inner and outer mezzanines. One soldier was outside and there was an observation port. The other two soldiers were behind. There was a stove behind the sentry. A flue was built to pass through the wall of the sentry. The place where the inner layer rests is warm.

The wind blew from the north, the post was built higher, and the soldiers were watching. After a while, the goggles were covered with snowflakes. He wiped it a few times, squatted down, and hid behind the wall.

Why the **** are you standing guard in the hell?

Although he has received rigorous training, he does not feel that someone will sneak in at this time.

Besides, did n’t the mage put a lot of alarms near the camp?

He took a hip flask from his arms and secretly took a sip. In this weather, if you don't stand guard, the soldier can drink less wine, but he is too cold, and the thick leather robe cannot completely isolate the temperature.

Just leaning against the wall and shrinking in the corner, he complained in his heart, and he dared not speak. After enduring for an hour, he knocked on the people behind him and asked his companions to stand guard for him.

The other soldier came out from behind.

There is a fire wall at the back. In this weather, who wants to stand guard against the wind?

After he walked out, he wore goggles and looked far away. I saw a green fire beating in the dark night and approaching the camp in the snow.

"Enemy attack!" The soldier suddenly felt cold, reaching for a strong pull on a rope, and the sound of a magic bell suddenly spread across the camp tent.

Xiahe came out first from the tent. His consciousness emanated and felt that a large number of undead were approaching at a distance of four or five hundred meters outside the camp.

It's so close, what are the sentries doing?

The undead in the front row did not move, and more and more undead gathered in the back, obviously aimed at the camp.

No human is willing to fight in this weather, but the enemy is not a human, but an undead.

The magic whistle sounded one after another. The soldiers put on equipment and picked up the magic gun step by step. The assistant wizard began to set the soldiers in a simple state, and then the soldiers walked towards the fortification wall. Inside the fortification wall, there was snow at the feet of the soldiers, and the magician quickly cleaned up and released puppets to carry ammunition.

"This is the elite warrior?" Xiahe said to the magician around him, sensing the undead at hand.

Xiahe is also complaining about himself. Although these soldiers have rich combat experience, they are not really prohibited by orders, nor are they Taoists in the Taoist palace.

If it is a Taoist soldier, let alone a blizzard, even if it is a thunderstorm, it will stare at the sentry on the outpost, and will never let the enemy easily approach the Taoist.

No, you have to train your own soldiers, just the elite soldiers, it is simply not enough to let yourself compete for the world.

Fortunately, I awakened early, and if this kind of thing happened in an important battle in the future, I would regret it.

"Let the mage advance the attack, and the soldiers wait for the enemy to fight at the position of 200 meters, and all wait for the order." Xiahe's order passed on, and Xiahe's voice sounded in each soldier's helmet.

This gives Xiahe some comfort, at least the equipment of this world can already replace technological products.

Xiahe put a dozen more flying eyes out to investigate enemy positions. If the enemy is an undead, either the necromancer summons it, or the undead monarch crosses the border to fight.

The necromancer is better to deal with some, even if it is a lich corpse witch or something.

If it is the undead monarch's cross-border war, it will be miserable. As long as the world of the deceased opens the door, the number of undead really needs to be as many as it can kill.

The only way to limit the undead is to block the door.

Xiahe's consciousness was also sweeping unscrupulously in the undead position. With the flying eyes, he had never found the undead mage, and his heart was even more depressed.

What kind of mission is this to fight against endless undead?

If the door to the outside world opens, there is no possibility of winning. The Woods Fortress can still be kept, even if three thousand people are here, they will be overwhelmed by the undead.

My own flame bottles are basically sent out, and there are more than twenty left on hand.

Wuyun Shenhuo gourd let Freya take it, and knew that she had been with her. Now only Andusias is available, and Andusias has a time limit for use.

Xiahe thought about it and took twenty flame bottles and distributed them to the combat mages. He said to the mages: "This thing, when I decided to retreat, if I was overtaken by the enemy, I would urge the magic power into this formation Fari, high temperature flames will be sprayed from the bottle, the attack distance is more than 20 meters, the area is very large, you can use it alternately. "

The mage received the flame bottle and carefully arranged the serial number in the space equipment. In this way, when needed, it can be taken out directly, without the need to use mental energy to choose.

Xiahe brought the magician to the wall and raised his magic gun.

To say that this magic gun, the Empire made much better than Xiahe himself, at least the lens of the sight is not stained with snow, and it is as clean as new.

"Everyone is free to attack. The key to the undead is their soul fire. Now the wind is relatively strong, and the magic bullet may be offset by blowing. Everyone calculates the wind speed and wind direction in my heart, don't I say more?

"We understand, Lord Earl." The magicians replied. Master No. 1 first applied a small magic on the magic gun, so that the first bullet was haloed, and then shot a tall 500 meters away Undead. It was a skeleton more than four meters high, kneeling on the ground, and not very conspicuous among the many undead.

Because his skull is relatively large, it is easy to aim at ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No.1 Master chose him.


All the magicians watched the bullet with a halo, and accurately hit the skull's head, but did not hit the soul fire, just hit a hole in the skull's cheek.

These magicians are all mathematicians, and their mental arithmetic ability is okay. When they see the trajectory of magic bullets flying, they immediately fire one by one.

The fourth magician's bullet hit an undead soul fire accurately.

Twenty combat mages, fifteen auxiliary mages, thirty-five magic guns, fire in turn, and the undead in the distance fell down, Xiahe was calculating. The magician also needs four or five shots to solve an undead. In fact, even one shot can't kill the enemy.

"You go tell the airship mage to force the airship to take off. All the magic arrays are turned on. Tell Medelli to leave the position at the fastest speed and return to the Woods fortress. We are here to fight for an hour to bring the combat data back. Xiahe conveyed the order.

"Yes." Someone immediately went to the warehouse. In this weather, the airship should not think about fighting.

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