Daomen Invasion

Chapter 430: : 1 corner underground

Xiahe has seen the fighting styles of the dwarves, and finds them suspicious. The dwarf's spirit died before the elf lord god, and it died earlier than the beast **** dragon god.

But many dwarves have passed down, and the records about the dwarves have not been erased by humans.

Dwarves are not friendly to humans, but humans have always been the active offense. The dwarf's ability to produce food is not good, and it is very dependent on human beings. Human covets the smelting technology of dwarves, some unique recipes. The spiritual composition of the dwarf is different from that of human beings, and humans have even experienced the awful act of catching dwarves for research.

In other words, from the day of the dwarf, the dwarf is not the main threat to humanity.

Human records of the weak are always exceptionally tolerant.

The fighting power of the two dwarves is good. Xiahe is estimated to be equivalent to the warrior who has just advanced human epic. The explosive power is hard to say. Many dwarves who are born with divine power, even if they don't practice fighting spirit, are also quite scary.

Legend has it that the dwarf has a bad temper, and Xiahe doesn't know if it will trigger a fight if he comes in direct contact. Especially the dwarves may come from other worlds and will be more sensitive and alert.

Xiahe told everyone what he saw, and Qiu Xuanji said: "Adult, let's walk into the cave instead of leaving from the ground, isn't it just to get in touch with them? Just two dwarves, still in control. Inside."

Xiahe just wanted to listen to him. Qiu Xuanji's obscurity, still within the control, means that if the other party is unreasonable, then kill him.

Some Taoist priests pay attention to protecting life, similar to some Buddhist monks.

Xiahe did not directly ask Qiu Xuanji about his beliefs, and this time he heard a rough idea. Daomen does not like killing in nature, but Daomen is cruel when attacking other worlds. Because Daomen rarely destroy souls, killing enemies does not care much about Taoists.

As long as he does not destroy the soul, he is a good Taoist.

Qiu Xuanji's words, both Medierli and Abigail agreed, and Abigail said: "Or, let me get in touch with them?"

"Do you speak dwarf language?"

"Dwarf's language, I know a little bit, how about you?"

"It's easy to communicate." Xiahe recalled that the materials he saw in the palace had many languages ​​that disappeared, and Taoists would definitely study them specifically. Because language is something that bears civilization, a lot of history, there is no corresponding language, there is no way to know everything.

"Then go and see how they react." Xiahe is not worried about Abigail's safety. Abigail is a real epic realm. If he uses magic, the two dwarves are not enough to fight.

Dwarves have a high resistance to magic, but they are only magic. The resistance to Taoism and Divine Art is lower than that of humans. Not all the principles of spell attack are common, otherwise Xiahe will not come to this world for so long before he can master the magic.

"Give me two scrolls." Abigail didn't know what kindness is.

Xia He smiled and gave her two Scrolls of Divine Fire Flying Raven, which had been made more before, and would be invalid if there was no light on the way back.

Abigail closed the scroll and went to find the two dwarves in the direction of Xiahe.

Xiahe and others did not follow, and the distance between the two sides was within five miles. It was easy to support. What's more, there are ghosts around the dwarf, which is equivalent to the level 30 assassin.

Abigail soon came near the dwarf, and she did not hide herself. The two dwarfs were nervous when they saw her from a distance.

Abigail saw the dwarf and raised his hand to say hello.

"Are you ... a dwarf?" Abigail shouted in a more rigid dwarf language.

"We can speak common language." A dwarf also responded a little stiffly, the lamp in his hand was held forward, trying to see Abigail's appearance clearly.

Abigail said: "Did I offend you?"

Her words were straight, blunt, and a little melody-like, and the dwarf who carried the lantern was very unhappy, saying: "Your dwarf language, it is too bad."

"Then it's a common language, although you don't speak much." Abigail said as he approached.

"Humans, how did you come down here? Going forward is the barren land."

"I think everyone will introduce themselves first. My name is Abigail."


"Stone hammer."

Abigail sneered in his heart. The two guys didn't say their real names, but actually looked down on themselves.

"What do you mean by barren land?" Abigail asked.

Lantern's hammer said: "The cave world, not every place can survive. There is no geothermal heat in the direction you come from, and it is somewhat close to the ice field outside. It does not grow plants at all. The life under the ground is not past, so it is a barren land. "

"We came in from the ice field."


"Yeah, I have a few companions, camping in the distance."

"Are you adventurers?"

"No, we just want to cross the cave and explore the underground world." Abigail said.

"It's not easy. The cave is too big. We are still safe here. If we go deep, the space becomes unstable. I heard that someone has seen an abyssal creature." The hammer said with a grin.

"Well, can I invite you to the camp?" Abigail asked.

"We still have things to do." Shi Hao shook his head and refused to go.

"I'm afraid of it. The underground time is so long. I have fine wine and food here to welcome my friends."

Iron Hammer and Stone Hammer glanced at each other and accepted Abigail's invitation.

Abigail returned to the camp with two dwarves. Abigail introduced: "This is Lord Asla, the marquis in the human empire, and a powerful magician."

Xiahe nodded gently, proud.

The two dwarves felt a little fear in their hearts. The strength of the other four people was very strong, and the human beings were not very friendly. They regretted coming over to accept the invitation.

However, after Xiahe asked Abigail to put on the wine, the dwarf suddenly forgot his troubles and sat down happily.

Xiahe raised his glass and said, "Welcome you, my guests."

The two dwarves drank the wine from the glass in one bite, and then said to Xiahe Road: "Thank you for your invitation, this cave has so little wine to drink."

Xiahe Road: "You should be very hungry, eat first."

Thanks to the two dwarves, Xiahe's meat is still very rich, baked with magic, and the taste is also delicious. Living underground is not easy. The meat of the dwarves comes mainly from hunting, and there is no animal husbandry at all. Fortunately, the two of them are powerful warriors among the tribe, and they have priority to supply meat.

That's why they feel that meat is more precious, and their interest in Xiahe has skyrocketed.

"You are too far from the empire, don't you know that you have encountered a caravan?" Xiahe asked.

The dwarf shook his head, the caravan or something, they had never heard of it.

"Fortunately, the empire will not be friendly to you, and it is dangerous to be really close."

Looking at the dwarf's disapproving expression, Xiahe said: "The empire has hundreds of millions of people. This is not a private noble leader. A baron has dozens of elite warriors. How many people are there in the tribe? "

The iron hammer and stone hammer drank their heads to drink, and Xiahe gave them a shot.

"Besides, you must have come from another world, and it really hurts even more. I met me today. I like to do business and not like to fight."

"Business?" The hammer stopped and looked up at Xiahe, his eyes bright.

"There should be many specialties in the underground world?"

"We are just a medium-sized tribe, less than a thousand people." Hammer said cautiously.

"Who said that dwarves can't establish a country, they must live together in the form of tribes. If your tribes flourish, I can do business with you alone, and save myself talking to others."

Neither dwarf succeeded, Xiahe said: "You may feel incredible, but in the underground world, what is the most important thing?"


"Yes, food restricts your development. You have to compete for resources with each other, so the population can't get up. What if I can provide food?"

"Then I have the confidence to conquer all the tribes around me." Shi Hao shouted.

Xiahe stunned, so good negotiation? The wisdom of this dwarf is logically not the case?

In some worlds, dwarves are not living and underground. They also built huge cities on the surface, with a powerful magic industry and a unique dwarven civilization.

The dwarf's character may make humans feel stupid, but the IQ is not low.

The stone hammer lost its gaze, and the iron hammer saw Xiahe's gaze, knowing that the man was cunning, he couldn't hide anything, and he simply said the truth: "Sir Asra, speaking of the underground world, our location should be the northernmost. Again Going north, the underground magnetic field is no longer suitable for long-term living. "

"I know this."

"Our location ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ at the northernmost end of the ice sheet, looks like an isolated island. There are also millions of dwarves in this isolated island. But because of the resources, they are quite scattered and cannot be condensed into Large tribes cannot even form a big city like human beings. Because they are gathered together, they will soon eat up the stored grain. "

"There are other races underground."

"Yes, cavemen, snowmen, lizardmen or something. The most terrifying thing is the wormman, they live deeper and are quite cruel."

"So the dwarves are not living well."

"Yes, even if you want to use us, at least our brothers are willing. Many tribes are willing to accept it."

"You say that, but it's not good for the negotiation." Xia He laughed.

"You humans are not stupid, and you will definitely find more tribes to inquire about the things in the underground world. Our two brothers, meeting you, is a great luck."

Xiahe didn't expect that the dwarf was so skillful when he clapped his ass.

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