Daomen Invasion

Chapter 444: : Assassination

Freya controls the battleship and feels that the shape is still not right. While urging the magic array, she said: "The core is still the Taomen array method, just use the five element furnace, the size is not suitable, the cabin is small, the hull is not a shield , It ’s nine meters. Let ’s put a miniature magic furnace, this thing is cheap ... "

Su Lie wrote down one by one, Freya said again: "Since there is a shield, the hard hull is not necessary, and it is improved according to the shape of the Daomen golden carp."

"Do you need diving skills?" Su Lie asked.

Freya thought for a while and said, "If you have the combat capability of diving, the cost is more than ten times, it is not necessary. It is enough to enter the water without sinking. If you need the ability to underwater, it is enough to make three or five temporarily."

"Yes." Su Lie also has no opinion. For the **** general, underwater and water are the same. If there is a soldier under the command of the soldiers, he does not need any diving warship.

There was a terrain drop of more than three meters in front, and the water turned sharply, making a roaring sound.

Freya instead put away the shield and let the boat rush down. Su Lie smiled and saw that the terrain below turned into a very wide lake surface, almost 800 meters, the boat fell, in the lake water, a huge head came out, swallowed with a huge mouth .

This giant beast was so fierce that Su Lie didn't care about it, and he felt it from afar, Freya couldn't have missed it.

This giant beast looks like a dragon turtle with horns on its head and a soft carapace on its body with dense teeth. If it is bitten, it can grind its prey with a light file.

However, this monster has a long body and a long neck, and the body covered by the carapace is relatively small. It is estimated that the head cannot be retracted. It is a deformed creature.

Freya's left hand stretched out, and Emperor Tian armed, her left hand suddenly became huge, pinching the monster's neck. The monster's body twitched and its eyes turned white, and Freya was lifted into the hand.

"Interesting, the dwarf didn't say that there are these messy things below."

"Adult, they are testing our strength." Su Lie said.

"You said, is this monster raised by dwarves?"


"It doesn't matter, they didn't say it, it wasn't." Freya said with a soft call, and a colorful feather snake flew from her sleeve.

"Axilia, eat it." Freya ordered.

The snake screamed happily and fell on the monster's body, tearing it off the carapace of the monster's back, and then burrowed into it.

"You also go, don't snatch." Freya's sleeves, more feathers flew out, and the colors are gorgeous.

Su Lie said: "Sir, this snake ..."

"It's already a monster, and the combat effectiveness is good, but only the blood of Asiliya can be successfully cultivated, and the rest are not."

Freya is humble. Asiliya's combat power is not only good. The carapace on the back of the monster was only torn off with its claws, and was pulled away by it. With such a defensive ability, the epic warrior's heavy shield can't stop it.

More than four hundred feather-headed snakes got into the monster's body before and after a while, the monster was eaten into an empty shell.

Asilia flew out and drilled back into Freya's sleeve. Other feather snakes were still eating. The monster's limbs and tail, as well as the neck and head, all had flesh and blood essence. For the low-level Warcraft, Freya is too lazy to feed it.

Freya threw the monster's head into the water, and the feather snakes plunged into the lake water, nibbling the final carapace and head.

Asiliya is the most powerful of them, instead of eating these scraps.

Although the carapace and the horns on the top of the head have a magical effect, what Axilia likes most is that the monster is the essence of life.

After the Freya Emperor was released from the armed forces, all the monsters in the lake shivered, watching the companions eaten. Freya watched the feather snake fly out of the water from one end to the other, drilled into the sleeve, and the last feather snake held a huge magic core in its claws.

Freya took the magic core and let the Feather Snake drill into her sleeve. She looked closely and said: "It turned out to be an epic Warcraft, I thought it was not that strong. The bloodline of this thing has the breath of a dragon, so I can't resist it. ? "

Su Lie was speechless, and Freya's equipment, when he came out, he was all stiff and did not have any guts to resist.

This is essentially suppression and has nothing to do with power.

"It's true that our adults are not advanced epic. I'm embarrassed to advance the legend." Freya complained, urging the boat and cruising on the lake.

All the monsters in the lake are curled up at the bottom of the lake, trembling.

"Admiral Freya, after advancing to the legend, it is not very good to interfere in the affairs of this world, otherwise it will attract attention and it is difficult to help our adults." Su Lie said.

Freya chuckled and said: "Suppressing the realm is very simple. I will go back and study it and tell you how to suppress it so that the laws of this world can't be judged. By then our legends can be freely shot, which is really interesting. ! "

"It's really interesting." Su Lie is a **** general. He doesn't have any feelings about what kind of suffering people in this world have to suffer.

"Okay, it looks like they are very good. Let's go back." Freya urged the boat and came to the position of the waterfall. The boat flew upward and flew a few meters high and returned to the river.

"This boat is not bad, but it still changes according to my method."

On Freya's side, patrol the waters of underground rivers, build a city of the earth, change the drawings, and gather other tribes.

On Xiahe's side, he had already taken Medieri and others into the maze.

Rocks are like forests, during which various plants grow, most of the paths are blocked. This labyrinth is naturally formed, and there are still many strange creatures lurking in it.

Xiahe and Qiu Xuanji are in the middle when Medirli is in front and after Abigail breaks.

Qiu Xuanji saw Xiahe also mentioned a long sword and couldn't help saying, "Master, why are you doing this?"

"Look at my swordsmanship? I've taught Medieri's swordsmanship."

"I think your spell is really too strong, there is no need to use this method." Qiu Xuanji said.

"If the caster is too strong, the dark elves dare not start. They come to this world and are suppressed by the law. Facing the caster is a natural weakness."

"I feel that they are avoiding us, why?" Qiu Xuanji is very strange, because everyone controls their breath in the early 20s. The dark elves are no longer sensitive, but they are not the natives of this world. They do n’t understand the rules so deeply, and they are most easily deceived.

What's more, everyone is hiding very well. If he hadn't seen everyone's combat effectiveness, he wouldn't believe that his companions would be so powerful.

"They don't come because the temptation is not enough." Xiahe said, taking out a lamp and carrying it in his hand.

The lamp is exquisite on all sides, like a glazed glass, and when it is released, it is dazzling. The lights spread like a stream of water in the maze, and a breath of life spread out, and everyone felt warm.

Legendary equipment? No, fake!

Qiu Xuanji quickly judged that this thing was a fake in Xiahe's hands. But the breath of life is so real, seductive, and aura.

If he didn't look up close, he would have the idea of ​​robbing.

"There are too many poisonous insects. This thing can dispel the poison. The poisonous insects don't dare to come close. Please be careful." Xiahe confiscated his voice this time and deliberately let his words be heard.

Very simple bait, very effective means.

After Xiahe's words spread out, Qiu Xuanji felt that the dark elves in the distance moved and began to gather in this direction.

"Three epics, really face-saving." Abigail muttered.

Others carrying long swords in their heads, only her, are shields and meteor hammers. No way, she really does not know how to do swordsmanship. She prefers to smash it with a hammer.

In front of Medirelli, a dark elf appeared without warning. As soon as she appeared, Medirelli's long sword pierced, as if she had already prepared this.

Medierli's sword is simple and has no effect. It seems that it is a child who has just learned the sword, a straight forward progress. The long sword passed through the dark elf's forehead, and Medirelli closed the sword, and continued to move forward. Behind the dark elf, a small figure flew over.

The figure of the dark elf is similar to that of a half-elf, but this figure is also regarded as a child among humans.

Medirelli took advantage of the trend to go home ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ still mediocre.

The darkness struck in an instant, and Medelly felt that the whole world was falling into the night. In the rich night, with the sorrow of death, the cry of the dead, and the deep despair.

In the false realm, behind the slain dark elf, this thin figure is the real epic.

Medelly sneered. Does this make any sense?

All of the boundary forces that affect the enemy do not exist for themselves. She slightly adjusted the strength of Jian Yuan, and the speed in her hand suddenly accelerated.

In the darkness, a narrow moonlight lit up.

The dark elf was stunned. He felt a cold neck, and the opponent's long sword had passed. The moonlight dissipated, and the short knife in his hand failed to draw it out.

Shouldn't the moonlight light up by myself?

He held his neck tightly with the other hand and pressed the top of his head. Jian Feng had cut off his cervical spine. However, because it was too sharp, the wound was smoother than the mirror. He could not die immediately, all breath was held under the wound, his eyes widened.

Medelly stepped forward and pushed his chest.

The little dark elf, with a loose hand, lifted his head by himself.

Medieri looked down at the wound. Her sword cut off her neck. The wound was smooth and round like porcelain, and no drop of blood penetrated, let alone spray.

This is a desperate sword and there is no cure at all. 8)

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