Daomen Invasion

Chapter 451: : Trial

Xiahe did not tell anyone about the extreme north, mainly to guard against Nicholas. Xiahe only said that he strayed into the underground world and found the branch blood veins of the elves. It was so dark that he killed thousands of dark elves.

This matter could not be verified, but Xiahe had the body of the dark elf on hand.

Take out the real thing, Nicholas can't believe it.

The academy is now a holiday, the ice field is on the ice, and the north is still blooming.

Xia He asked Nicholas, he did not come back, Nicholas did not specifically arrange the trial. Because the time has been dragged to August, and if it enters the ice sheet in September, even if it is only in the southern part of the ice sheet, the temperature is very low. In September, there are still a group of freshmen to be enrolled. Many of the senior students come from the south. The school has to take care of the freshmen and has no energy to send more people to accompany the students from the south to the ice field.

Although the magician is not afraid of cold and heat, it refers to the ordinary temperature change, it is really minus twenty or thirty degrees, and it freezes to death without protection.

Only in case of bad weather can the great magician survive on the ice field.

Xiahe didn't say anything about Nicholas's worries, it seemed that it was a safe move. However, since Xiahe let the three goddesses unite and prepares to win the underground world, it is impossible to do something in the south.

The ruins of the Griffin Temple, where the undead are chaotic, are also very important.

I have already talked to Snowvis, and under the fortress of Woods, re-established the advance camp. Although the south of the underground world did not enter itself, it can be roughly the same. Nicola Mailer refused to let Raphael go, so he had to go and see what he said.

Qiu Xuanji was assigned a new class in the lower grades. Xiahe had looked at the list of students. This class is still a small class, twenty-four people, the same as the one he brought with him.

Xiahe will personally teach this small class and turn it into his own private power.

Therefore, Xiahe did not allow Qiu Xuanji to prepare for the course. He just put a name on it and taught the students to do it himself. In this way, even if the school starts in September and the assignments are arranged, it is impossible for me to go in person.

Medirelli said to Xiahe: "Adult, you don't want these twenty-four students to become others, then I will teach you for you."


"It's all children, according to the teaching in the textbook, I still do it. You and Qiu Xuanji will lead the team to the Griffin Temple, and you will see the underground world by the way."

Seeing Xiahe uneasy, Medirel said: "I still have fifty doomed iron riders and twenty magical soldiers here. If anyone dares to cause trouble, I will dare to start."

"I believe this."

"Although I don't want to learn spells, it's okay to just learn one or two hundred to deal with students."

"I don't want you to waste time and let you teach students better than ..."

"Sir, you still have a way to get Ovelia out of the capital."

"I have asked people to collect mirror stones at Storm Point. Her affairs will be resolved soon. Since you are willing to help me teach students, this small class will be responsible for you. Qiu Xuanji and I will be back soon."

"Adult, which time will you pass quickly?"

Xiahe was speechless, and Medil replied: "Adult, you take ten magic soldiers. The combat strength of the doomed iron horse is very stable. It has been tested, but these magic soldiers, Freya, are few and lack data."

As Xiahe thought, Freya didn't make a lot of magic soldiers, mainly considering the cost. It is not as efficient as making magic soldiers. The limited magic soldiers are all for testing data.

If you don't put the militia into battle, why build it.

Xiahe is back. The Tenth Academy of Magic is the same as before. There is no confidant. What you can trust is Medirelli's Qiu Xuanji. Professor Raphael? Xiahe didn't know what Nicola Mailer told him. The feedback to yourself is meaningless.

Although it was a holiday, Xiahe still handled some official duties and adjusted the trial time after the school started.

Then look at the new list. The entire college has expanded to more than 2,000 students, divided into high school and low school years. There are only two classes in the upper grades, one for 24 and one for 68. The number of intermediate-level classes is slightly more, two hundred people are divided into five offices.

The remaining 1,800 people are all elementary classes.

When Xiahe left for some time, some students could not bear the northern environment and were dissatisfied with the faculty of the college, so they applied back to their original college, rather than withholding credits.

However, the royal family provided funding, and the Tenth Academy of Magic enrolled in the Northland to search for children suitable for learning magic. So there are more than 1,800 people in elementary class.

Two of the classes are small groups of twenty-four people, which are considered to be better qualified.

Xiahe asked for one class by himself, and the other one was not allowed to be occupied by others alone, and taught by several professors. Xiahe also fine-tuned the students in the two classes and put all of his choices in one class.

This is the principal's prerogative and no one else can do it.

Thinking of His Majesty the Emperor, Xiahe suddenly felt bored with the affairs of the academy. He might as well go to Rhode Island. Nominally there is their real territory, and all the people are loyal to themselves.

The emperor was far away, and the emperor could not be separated from the city of Juno.

In a blink of an eye, the new students were in a mess. Fortunately, Nicholas was experienced, and with the deployment of professor lecturers, everything was handled properly. The matter of trial was put on the agenda. This time Xiahe only needs senior colleges, ninety-two students, all of whom are magicians of level 20 and above.

This trial, instead of taking the class as a unit, broke up the students. Ten students formed a team, and the remaining two were already epic, and they will stay in the school as lecturers after graduation. .

Nicholas is inseparable from the school, he will stay.

Xiahe only has Qiu Xuanji, because considering that the underground world is not very safe, the same is true of the Griffin Temple. There are no students in the intermediate class. Most of the students in the intermediate class do not have level 20, only levels 10 to 15. So there are nine teams in total, and nine professors or associate professors are needed to lead the team.

Xia He asked Qiu Xuanji to take another team. He brought one, and designated two students of the epic realm and his team.

Qiu Xuanji doesn't matter. He has an identity and is a lecturer of the Tenth School of Magic.

The team leader is an epic realm professor. He doesn't have to take responsibility for him. As long as he brings good students, he is responsible for the usual camping and vigilance. Even the logistics are handled by another person.

Xiahe is a lot easier here. Two magicians of epic realm and ten magical soldiers who are responsible for his own life are beside him, basically nothing to do. This team is not equipped with college mercenaries, other teams will be equipped with eight to ten.

Between the Northland and the Griffin Temple, it is not too peaceful, because the Northland has not yet settled, the undead, the snowman, God knows whether the creatures of the underground world will also come out.

"Master, the camp has been set up. Would you like to see it?" Two students in charge led the team into Xiahe's tent and asked his opinion.

"No need, I can trust you." Xiahe's tents are usually decorated with alchemy slabs, studying magic lines and digging the truth of this world all the time.

The two students stopped talking, Xia He smiled and said, "Marquez, Elaine, do you two have anything to tell me?"

Both of these students are actually in their thirties and are elites from other colleges.

If it is not transferred, they will also transfer directly to their colleges and become lecturers. However, their origins are all small magic academies, and their status is not as good as the tenth magic academy. At the Tenth Academy of Magic, it was gold-plated.

"Principal, for this trial, I feel that the students are not fully prepared, and they are a bit afraid. Are you giving them a little encouragement?" Marquez said nervously. The name of the blood mage is widely circulated among the magicians. This is not a messy nickname.

The creatures dying under this guy's hands are really thousands.

It is also said that the blood mage turned ruthlessly, and once he started, he would kill him.

"Full preparation, that is to go to travel." Xiahe's answer is also very absolute.


"Trial is to train students' practical ability. If it is the same as in the laboratory, is it necessary to go out?"

Xiahe saw the two guys refused to go, and said, "You didn't see my rules? Refusing to try this time will not deduct credits or even affect the future joining the army. I just give everyone a chance to catch Those who live, I can't help. "

"Master Principal, we have come from the south and have never seen a snowman, nor have we seen such bitter cold weather."

"It's bitter cold. It's really cold when I go to the ice field."

"Then ... is the snowman awesome?" Elaine continued to talk blushingly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ She wanted to know some information, the Temple of Griffin, which is said to be very dangerous there.

Xiahe thought for a while and said, "Sit down first and drink something."

Xiahe took a bottle of wine for two people, divided the glasses, and poured a glass of his own before saying: "There must be danger. The things over Baiyan City, I guess it is also on the top. But I chose the farthest. The path, going around for hundreds of miles, will not matter, and the Empire is also sending legends to suppress the trouble of Baiyan City. "

"What about the temple ruins?"

"There should be a trap over the temple ruins, dragging down the legends of the empire. Let's go and take a step by step. If the legendary strongman is still there, if there is a risk, I will divert and go to see the ice field. Of the underground world. "

I heard that the blood mage did not intend to come hard, and the two students were relieved.

"As soon as I said trouble, I came." Xiahe's words startled the two students.

"Oh, it's a team of undeads. I didn't expect that there will be wandering undeads for so long in the past. They have been caught back, and you two have a look, these things."

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