Daomen Invasion

Chapter 463: : Fengshen

Seeing Xiahe's lost expression, Gigas said: "Don't think about it simple, Jenny spent the extreme north. She couldn't even return to half of her plane. How could she return to the Empire? Bian. The legend has the closest connection with his half plane. Instead of thinking about her coming back, it is better to let her live. "

"Why didn't the empire send more legendary past?"

"Who is willing to go?" Gigas knew something about the matter.

"Your Excellency, you are going north of the icefield, is this?"

"There are elves in the underground world. Let me go to see the news. After all, the entire empire, I fly the fastest."

"Thank you, Your Excellency," Xiahe bowed slightly in the air, the wings behind him spread out, the color was dark, and he was firmly in place in the wind and snow.

Gigas looked at Xiahe and appreciated it. Although flying with the aid of equipment, Asra's understanding of the wind element is absolutely profound, otherwise it will have been blown away.

"Jenny and I are friends, but I can't accompany her to die. I also have a lot of things to do. Many people have to take care of it. If I die, or can't come back, many people's lives will change from then on. Asla, this is not a question of justice and evil. This choice is not something I can decide. "

"So she deserves it?" Xiahe felt angry.

"This is her choice. I object, but I respect." Gigas thought to himself that Jennifer should have taken a look at Asla's qualifications and gave him help. This Asla is really good ...

Xiahe heard Gigas say this, and felt something like a Taoist.

Sure enough, life is no longer the same as a legend, and it is not a mortal attitude to look at things. The same is true of Daomen, Yang Shen is a real person, and has nothing to do with mortals.

"Your wings are not good, but they are yours after all." Gigas said suddenly, and then threw two metal runes.

Xiahe reached out and took it, Gigas said: "You can rebuild a pair of wings, which is what I used before."

Xiahe Divine Consciousness explored slightly. These two metal runes are exactly the same. Many legendary equipments cannot be made so magical. The internal structure of the rune is very complex, and it surpasses most of the legendary equipment. It depicts the secret of the wind element. There are too many things on the level of law, and Xiahe cannot see it for a moment.

"Your Excellency ..." Xiahe felt that the runes were too hot, and I wondered whether they should be accepted.

As long as he studies the runes seriously, his understanding of the element of wind will increase rapidly. There are a lot of secrets in the law, which is more valuable than his gun of fate.

"You used a pair of wings, also inspired a wind elemental magic, and wore a rune. Your understanding of the wind element is already very good. Unfortunately you are not my student ... this pair of runes is for you You can teach it to one of your students, and you ca n’t spread it out. You do n’t need to say anything to thank you. You can help Jennifer, a good kid. ”

After Gigas finished, no matter how Xiahe reacted, his body turned into a violent wind, flying in the snowstorm in the reverse direction, and disappeared in an instant.

Xia He couldn't help crying and laughing, and he came up to chase people very rudely, so Gigas gave himself a big gift.

Although this thing was used before his legend, but the real meaning is the value of learning. Xiahe himself can create a pair of legends according to these pairs of runes.

It seems that some of the powerful legends I have seen are fairly friendly to myself?

Xiahe doesn't feel right, and he's not everyone's favorite, why?

Perhaps, these people can see some clues.

Although I have also reached the state of Yang God, but it is similar to Jennifer or Nicola Mailer, and even just Gigas, the level is close to the demigod.

That's a state that you haven't reached. If this kind of thing is much worse, there will be incredible things, which are difficult for people with low realms to understand.

I am now practicing fast and with a solid foundation, because I once stood at the height of legend.

However, it's okay to be seen through. They at most think they are people from other worlds, and they don't think of another universe. This is the reason why I dare to cover Qiu Xuanji.

The invasion of another world is not so terrible.

This world already has experience of invading other worlds. At least nine colleges have them. The magic tower on the green forest side should have done it. Needless to say, the Holy Thunder Empire, the royal family over there did not want to destroy the orcs, because the orcs were too poor.

Of course, poverty is not the only reason. There must be other goals for the Holy Thunder Empire. If this is not the case, the emperor of the Holy Thunder Empire should first lay down the orc empire and destroy the orcs, and then concentrate the strength of the entire continent to plot green forest or ice maple.

Xiahe was empty and sighed deeply.

If I want to be fearless, the road is still very long.

When Xiahe came back, everyone had become nervous, but when Xiahe immediately folded his wings, he easily landed on the ground, no weapons in his hand, and the magic halo on his body also dispersed.

"It's a legend passing by, people of the empire, it's okay. This is the ice field, it's no longer an empire category, so I'm so careful."

Xiahe was thinking about the underground world at this time.

The empire already knew that there were elves in the underground world, and a legendary past was sent. This shows that the elves not only appear in the northern islands of the underground world, but also in other locations.

Dark elves, it's a terrible thing. If the empire intends to intervene, it will be difficult for them to control the underground world. Fortunately, his ambitions are not so big. He gave the underground world to the three goddesses. He just wanted labor and minerals.

"Which adult?" A professor asked.

Xia He glanced coldly and said, "I invited him down, he refused."

The professor knew that he had lost his word and that the legend refused to come down because they were not qualified to see and did not want them to know whereabouts.

"Okay, let's see ... what is this?" Xiahe looked at the completed complex moire on the magic paper, and it felt weird and silly.

In the end, this magic pattern became a purification technique.

Such a complicated purification technique may be the only one in the magic world? I started to be a demon pattern of the water system. They added it and added it. All the moire patterns were grafted together, and there was no conflict or contradiction. It was reasonable. Finally, it was a purification technique.

Usually, in this game, everyone who draws the magic pattern will add difficulty to the next magician. As for what to do when it comes to the next round, no one has thought about it. Anyone who dares to play is a confident mage, and believes that it is not their turn and the others will collapse.

Even if it is your turn, you can survive it.

There is no such sign in the purification magic pattern in front of Xiahe. Everyone tries to make it easier for the next person. The magic patterns drawn are all neutral and peaceful, and it is not easy to conflict with other magic patterns. It also ensures that there are connection points, core lines, and peripheral lines. The parts drawn by everyone are very qualified.

"You ... are very united." Xia He smiled and said: "So united, let's all patrol outside."


"Neither of you, who asked you to participate in the game, did not lose, but did not mean to win, neither can run!" Xiahe said to Yilian.

"I didn't participate." Qiu Xuanji said.

"Then you go, who made you not participate?" Xia He waved away all the teachers, leaving only the students, and continued by the campfire. He turned back to the magic tent himself.

Xiahe took the two metal runes given to him by Gigas and studied them carefully.

This pair of metal runes is like the rectangular jade seal of the Daomen, but there is no difference between the upper and lower, no decoration, just like a piece of black iron that has been cut out.

Xiahe held one in each of his hands and felt that the wind element was so clear around him that he could move it at will.

At this moment, he is like a **** of wind.

This is the power of dominance. Xiahe was born in the door and is no stranger to similar things. This should have been the power only after mastering the law, but these two metal runes allow a mage to realize the law of the wind element before achieving the legend.

The problem is that this thing is not what the magician should have. Xiahe knows the core of it.

This is something of the Kunlun Dao Palace. At that time, the Taiyin Immortal Mansion and the Kunlun Dao Palace went to war, killing many Taoist priests in the Kunlun Dao Palace, and did not get this complete rune core.

Chapter of Fengshen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One of the secret stories of Kunlun Dao Palace.

This is embarrassing. How can Gigas have something in Kunlun Dao Palace? Isn't this world discovered by the Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace?

If Kunlun Dao Palace knows this world, it will definitely not let Dragon and Tiger Dao Palace take the lead.

For the priority of the world, it is not impossible to go to war. The 9th Avenue Palace must abide by the rules and maintain balance.

If it is said that the Kunlun Dao Palace concealed others and secretly sent Taoist priests in, it should not be.

Because the time for Gigas to become famous is not short. He had this pair of Fengshen chapters before he came to this world. This world, this universe, was discovered by the Dragon and Tiger Palace in recent years.

In order to give priority, the Dragon and Tiger Palace was not fully prepared, so the group of Xiahe was sent over.

If there is a person from the Kunlun Dao Palace, he accidentally lives in this world, helping Gigas long ago ...

Nor should it be. A Taoist who has the ability to jump into this universe is not dispatched by the Taoist Palace, and may rely on its own power to already exist above the Earth Immortal and should still be alive. However, I have read a lot of books and have never heard of a similar existence.

There is no trace, so powerful Taoist, it is impossible to leave nothing.

Was this Kunlun explorer killed by the Dragon and Tiger Palace? So did Dragon and Tiger Palace know the world?

In Xiahe's mind, a specious thought came up. 8)

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