Daomen Invasion

Chapter 492: :planning

"Sir, you haven't named the city yet." Su Qi reminded Xiahe.

"Name? Wait until I have read the drawings."

A group of people came to the Marquis Mansion. The Marquis House occupies a small area, but the building is rudimentary, surrounded by a circle of walls and planted some trees. There is something like the style of a storm corner, the stone house is very rough, just one floor.

Well, Xiahe didn't plan to stay here any longer. He first asked Su Qi to arrange for students to live. For the first time, he entered his study at his home. The study was also empty. There were no books and only a lot of documents were shelved.

The map spreads out, and Xiahe sees the city designed by Freya, which is not a political center at all. He simply plans to build a huge barracks. The ground is a group of fortresses, the ground is a warehouse, and has perfect fortifications.

"What does this mean?" Xia He pointed to the drawing and asked Su Qi.

"Adult Freya said that there is still food production here, you can build a training city, and let soldiers be familiar with the details of the city's battles. Rhode Island is no more than other places, food is still tight, the development of small plains, local supply, in order to Feed enough soldiers. "

"That is to say, the Marquis House will not be located here at all?"

"This place was decided by the emperor. It was originally a village with a ruined little castle. Lord Freya meant to ask the marquis to build a city by the sea and make a living from fishery and shipbuilding. Send to the seaside and train into a navy. "

Xiahe nodded and said, "Has the location been chosen?"

"Choosed, actually started construction, and there are no suitable ports on the east coast. You have to use artificial means to transform the landform."

"This is too difficult." Xiahe frowned.

"Admiral Freya, she spent money on a legendary mage in Metateling to get the most difficult part out, and then you can continue with ghosts and the like."

Xiahe didn't know what to say. Freya could really toss about it. What made him feel incredible was that she could hire a legendary mage or the Metatron family.

"All the officials of the Marquis House came from the empire?"

"It's almost changed, basically it was promoted by the locals. Although barren here, there are some magicians and knights, except for the hundreds of thousands in the south, the rest are under the system of the Marquis Palace."

Xiahe thought for a while and said, "Since this is much better than I thought, it is still being built here, and I have enough funds to use it now. It mainly deals with the farmland here, this small plain, which can feed millions. Population. It looks like Rhode Island is pretty good. "

"Sir, Rhode Island is certainly good. Raw sea coal was found in the north. It is estimated that there is natural black gold. The mining cost is higher now. The nobles of the empire already know this information, but no one is willing to come over to invest. After all, the empire raw coal. Too much, the price won't rise. But for us ... "

"It is the strategic resources, the things in the territory, no one wants to move."

"So, Lord Marquis, what shall we do next?"

"I planned this way, since Rhode Island is also very important, then I will build a Sun City on the east coast, a Blue Moon City at Storm Point, and a large teleportation array. In this way, my two territories Even if there is a connection, everyone can develop with peace of mind. "

"Adult, it's too expensive to build a city."

"Did you forget our income?" Xiahe shook his head. "Since you have money, you have to spend it all. The army can't go through the teleportation, but supplies can. The resources over the South China Sea at Storm Point are interchangeable with this, um, I already have a plan to leave me alone for two days. "

Xiahe said that even Medierli and others were rushed out, left alone in the study, took the magic paper, and began to draw the Sun City and the Blue Moon City.

In these two cities, Daomen did not dare to put it up and could only hide it.

The climate of Rhode Island is now winter, even though the southern end of the island is very cold, and the north begins to snow. The weather in this small plain is okay. There are high mountains in the east and north. The cold air is blocked, and it has not reached the level of freezing, so this small plain is more suitable for cultivation, and it is slightly colder.

Xiahe draws drawings in the study, and there is a map of the entire Rhode Island on the wall. While thinking about it, he observes the geography of Rhode Island, and he feels that this place is good.

Because the islands are too large, the surrounding waters are only close to the eastern part of the eastern part of the deep sea, and other places are continental shelves tens of meters deep. The continental shelf extends six or seven hundred miles, and the deepest part is less than two hundred meters.

It is relatively easy to exploit seabed resources.

The magician does not mine, it is simply not thinking about developing underwater technology. The hundreds of thousands of fishermen who refused to obey the rule of the Marquis? It would be strange if there were no outsiders to play ghosts.

Xiahe didn't want to say anything, who was behind him, he would find out, and let them let go.

If you don't let go, you will go to war.

Because the real trouble is up to a few thousand people. Ordinary fishermen dare to fight against nobles.

As long as you have a fleet, block the south, and deploy an army on the land to prevent the enemy from instigating the rebellion, the matter is resolved.

Hundreds of thousands of people want to eat, drink, and feed their families. If you can't go to sea or trade, you will starve to death. People are willing to die like this? Either fight or surrender.

Regardless of which nobleman speaks and participates, he is his enemy.

If you do this, the fleet over the Sun City will be on the agenda. Xiahe knew that in the storm angle, actually many ships had been built, although they were not new to him, but it was enough here. Freya is personally building a floating battleship, and then comes a giant armored ship, no one can threaten himself at sea.

As far as land is concerned, it is somewhat difficult to do. Rhode Island is mountainous. This plain is already the largest. In the rest, there are very few people who can gather.

However, he will build a factory in the future and use some means to make his people a professional, even if they are only first-class.

First-level professionals, whose strength is several times that of ordinary people, are not susceptible to illness, and their minds will become smarter. In many worlds, a professional is a human being. If he cannot become a professional, he will live like a slave.

More than 4 million people, the size of the Principality!

On the second day, Xiahe asked Medieri to issue tasks to the students and conduct a census of the entire Rhode Island. The main thing is to choose the right young children or teenagers and send them to Storm Point.

This is appropriate, and does not refer to the magician alone, but also to those who can become warriors.

These things should have been done long ago, except that Xiahe was not a person in this world. He didn't even know anyone in Rhode Island, and he couldn't get started. Now that the wings have gradually increased, I have the ability to do things.

On the map of Rhode Island, there is a simple plan of Freya.

This small plain is the heart and mainly produces its own food to ensure that people on the island will not be trapped to death. Build a city where the western part connects to the mainland, and build another one in the large port in the east. The rest can also have some small harbours, depending on whether there are suitable places to live nearby.

Fishing or something will become a matter of the Marquis House in the future. There are large fishing boats that can capture a large amount of seafood without much manpower. The people of Rhode Island will slowly become the military power of Xiahe.

Today, the population is not large, but if the Marquis House provides enough food and work, the entire island will function and the population will soon expand. After all, the geographical area of ​​Rhode Island is too large to accommodate more than a few million people.

Freya is going to turn this place into a factory, and the number of farmers and fishermen in Rhode Island will decrease sharply.

As long as you work for the marquis, you don't have to fight with God.

The experience of the factory in Shenzhou World can make Xiahe here the concentration area of ​​the best alchemy factory in the whole empire. And many people who are not magicians join in, just responsible for turning on the machine and maintaining the equipment.

Xiahe stopped in Rhode Island, the students investigated the file, and then ran around to find suitable children and enrolled in Xiahe's college. On Xiahe's side, he met the magician, a woman in her early thirties.

This magician is a 25th-level epic, and Xia He is surprised.

"Master Marquis, this is Golia." The female magician politely said.

Golia was wearing a purple robe, her face was somewhat frost-like, and her facial features were still delicate. A ring on her hand and a pair of earrings on her ears were her three pieces of equipment.

"Which college did you come from?" Xia He was a little curious.

"When I go back to adults, I'm not born in a college ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I heard it next to the Donghai School of Magic. Because I can't provide tuition, I can only study by myself after 20th grade and went back to Rhode Island.

"Are you from Rhode Island?"

"Yes, when my father was alive, there were several ships. At that time, a magician was rescued at sea. In return, the magician enlightened me when I was eighteen."

"Then you this year?"

"Exactly thirty-five years old."

"It's a miracle. I started to be exposed to magic at the age of eighteen and became an epic before the age of thirty-five. What a pity for your talent."

"It's no pity that I was lucky to be a magician."

"I know why I came to you, why?"

Goliath smiled bitterly: "Rhode Island is the domain of adults, you let me come, I don't need to know the reason."

"Golia, this is the case, no matter what kind of life you want to live, but you are a Rhode Island native, or an epic mage, I can't just ask. And even if you don't do anything to me, you will be hit on your body. My tag."

"I know."

"So do it for me. I can't guarantee anything else. I can provide you with the resources for advanced legends."

"So what do I have to pay?"


Goliath was silent, and she knew that in the empire, she could not be free forever. Especially in the domain of Blood Mage. 8)

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