Daomen Invasion

Chapter 582: : City-State Spirit

William said: "Some of the known fungi are still safe food, civilians will be planted underground, and then some are not concerned about the sun ..."

"Yeah, all this is done by civilians. If there are no civilians, the abilities do n’t have to find their own food? It is clear that they want to exchange with each other and exchange food for safety. But what is the status of civilians in these towns? , You must be clear. I said they have no courage, not irony. "

William understood that if Asra ruled here and only let civilians grow food, civilians would not resist.

Because they have always been in this role.

Although Asra is an intruder, he doesn't need slaves, and he wants the same as the abilities.

"It's almost time, let's enter the city." Xiahe ordered the whole army to advance.

The town in front is not small, and it is not a problem to accommodate more than 20,000 people. Besides, Xiahe did not intend to be stationed here, only to temporarily open a base to ensure that the main force of Snowvis would not be free of ammunition and food.

Xiahe's own soldiers did not plan to stay in this small town, but also had to go out for combat.

More than a hundred steel spiders were thrown into the town and turned on counterattack mode. As long as someone attacks the steel spider, the steel spider will fight back, whether you are a soldier or a civilian.

Then more than a thousand soldiers got off the Trojan horse, transferred the weapon hung on the wooden horse to their bodies, and then surrounded the chariot in units of twenty people and entered the town where the city gate was bombed.

There were no heavy weapons in the city, only infantry hidden in the ruins.


An epic mage released his epic magic at a distant fortress that was spitting light, and the fort was suddenly silent.

In less than half an hour, most of the more than 20,000 troops entered the town, and more than 2,800 people in Xiahe did not follow in, but guarded outside the city.

It took another half an hour before the safety signal came from the city.

Xiahe ordered the rest to enter the town. There should be a lot of residents in this town. It is close to the stone mountain. There are two bright and spacious buildings. This is the town hall.

Now half of the government office was blown up, and half of them stood strong.

The magician has seen that although the house is destroyed, the remaining part is still strong and abnormal, and there is no risk of collapse.

Xiahe was invited here to sit down in half a hall.

More than two dozen people were escorted outside, and Xiahe frowned, and asked the people around him: "Is that so left?"

"Master Duke, their resistance is fierce."

Xiahe didn't say anything, and she was a little dissatisfied in her heart, which was obviously perfunctory. But if it is not direct disobedience, he is not easy to punish. After all, it is not the army he directly belongs to, but the person of King Lilac.

However, Xiahe was still cold and asked, "How about civilian casualties?"

The magician who accompanied him was a little scared and immediately replied: "In the beginning, when the flying warship attacked, it died under 300, certainly more than 100. If the infantry entered later, probably less than ten died. . "

When Xiahe listened, it was not easy to reprimand. There were very few casualties among civilians, and they were basically caused by air strikes.

After the infantry entered, less than ten died. The order not to kill civilians was well executed.

But Xiahe still said: "The people who attacked the air hurt the civilians, and the credit was reduced by 20%. If the infantry killed the civilians, the credit was reduced by 40%. Go for me. If we are not aliens, if the civilians do not resist Try to protect them. "

"Yes." The mage did not dare to have any objections when he heard how the Duke of Tombstone handled it. This is to face the king, otherwise who knows what the duke will do.

When everyone attacked, there was no plan to take prisoners at first. Later, these people lost their armor and weapons, and when they surrendered obediently, it was not easy to kill them again.

The Duke should be angry because of this. There are indeed a few people in the building that can be caught alive by the mage. There is no need to throw the scroll into it. As a result, hundreds of people died.

After Xiahe finished processing, he looked at the twenty-two people kneeling below. These people are all abilities, but the level is lower than that of William. It seems that only two have reached the tenth level, and the rest People, ranging from three levels to eight poles.

Xiahe looked at these people and pondered, all the captives were embarrassed.

Is this young man the leader? What was he thinking about?

Xiahe suddenly laughed and said, "This town, now, belongs to me. Are you surrendering, or ..."

"Surrender!" Twenty-two people spoke in unison.

"Alright, I'll try something for you." Then, Xiahe released twenty-two magic runes, translucent, and flew into the minds of these abilities.

Among the powers, the most powerful woman was surprised and angry, pointing at Xiahe Road: "What did you do to me!"

"A little spell, if you are so rude, you will die."

The female captain shut up immediately and the light flashed in her eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

Xiahe smiled and said: "Give you another chance to follow me and do things obediently. If you don't want to contribute to me, then get out of this town. As long as you are far from me, that thing will not kill you."

William and Mary, who were on the sidelines, were both awe-inspiring. They were already in Xiahe's mouth, knowing what the spell was about. Now they are glad that they have not been put in their minds.

The female power head lowered her head, she did not speak, and no one else spoke.

Xia He knew that she was the leader, but in fact killing her was the easiest thing. However, these people, Xiahe did not intend to bring back his own world. Whether they are loyal or not is that of Snowvis. Just make sure that they are not bad. Waiting for yourself to go, it is estimated that Snowvis has already settled the world.

For a tenth-level ability, for Snowvis, there is no word for threat.

The female psionicist suddenly looked up and looked at Xiahe's eyes, and said firmly: "Sorry, I deceived you before and wanted me to obey you. It is impossible. We want freedom. Although the city-state is destroyed, the city-state 'S spirit is eternal! You can kill me, but ... "


Xiahe sighed softly, and among the facial features of the female ability, flames suddenly erupted.

"No, but." Xiahe said calmly, as if he hadn't killed him.

"The spirit of the city-state is eternal!" Another ability person with more than ten ranks also looked up. She was in her forties, with a determined look, staring at Xiahe's eyes.

"City-state spirit? Sigh ..." Xiahe chuckled lightly, and said: "City-states are dead, and the spirit can be eternal. It's also a joke. Your ability to deceive yourself is really not small. The supreme beings in the multiverse, They do n’t dare to say what eternity is. The weaker ants, the more they believe in this kind of thing. "

"We have dignity."

"There are no civilians, right. Compared to me, you are not even civilians, you can only be worms, so what kind of dignity is extravagant, is it to be a comfortable point of death? No, people like you are taking risks Although you are dead, you still want to try and use your spirit to infect me and make me feel that you are valuable. However, in my mind, people like you are the most worthless One is fairness and justice in the mouth, and it makes sense to enslave others. "

Xia He said while shaking his head, and when he shook his head, the second female ability man also shook his head involuntarily. But Xiahe shook her head very little, and she shook her head so much that her bones all made a weird crisp sound.

"You rely on your own strength, **** the blood of others, and refuse to admit weak meat and strong food. The city-state spirit is a trick to cheat ignorant civilians. It's a pity that you don't know that in this world, there is a creature called a god. People's skills are much stronger than you. They can make people willingly die, thousands of die. Compared with gods, you are a group of fake medicines. "

The female psionicist is still shaking her head. She feels that her neck has been broken, and her neck bones must be cracked, so painful, but she can't stop.

"You may not understand this kind of sentimental words. I just suddenly felt that the gods are not anthropologists."

In the eyes of the female ability, there was a look of prayer.

Xiahe pointed at her and said to the remaining twenty abilities: "Look, she is afraid and begging for mercy. Unfortunately, I only give it once, I don't like speculators."

After talking, Xiahe shook his head again, and the female ability's neck made a rattling noise at the same time, and then her head fell softly to the side, and her body fell forward to the ground.

"This kind of thing didn't have to be done by me personally, but I was worried about the destruction of those of you, so you have to understand what awe is." Xia He sighed and looked at the remaining twenty abilities. Feeling bowed in front of me, I felt dull in my heart.

A group of worms, city-state spirit? free?

It's all a joke. UU reading www.uukaanshu.com

Throughout the ages of hardship, the only person who died, and the true believer, was not afraid of death. These people are not worthy of talking about faith.

This kind of person is indeed not worth wasting his time.

Xiahe pointed to the door and greeted: "Vida, you come."

The epic mage outside the door froze for a moment and stepped in.

"They will leave it to you to handle the civilian affairs. You will also appease them. Those who are in trouble do not need to contact me and execute them directly. I will look around and find a place to open a factory. Your county, this time The logistics are a bit difficult and I have to start work immediately. So do n’t disturb me if not necessary. "

"Yes, Lord Duke!" The epic mage called Vinda promised respectfully.

Xiahe got up and walked out of the house without looking back. He felt that he had escaped from a toilet in the countryside, and his chest was still dirty.

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