Daomen Invasion

Chapter 813: : Kill Bill

The large army of the Merrifin family, commander Master, thought hard, and the magicians who forced him to send troops all withdrew from the camp and converged in another big account.

The size of this big tent is larger than that of the commander. The seat is surrounded on three sides, and the dancing girl dances with the music in the middle.

The faces of these dancing girls are charming, but looking into the depths of their eyes, they are like walking dead.

The entire tent was closed by the magic circle, and the magicians smiled one by one, toasting.

"Okay, you guys ..."

A young man with a peach-colored face put down his glass and said: "This group mission, as long as we win, we can all advance to the legend, and the reward points far exceed all previous missions. Do you think how big the crisis behind this is? ? "

"Hey, it's not our team. This world is full of holes, and it's a good opportunity for us to harvest."

"Harvest?" The glamorous man sneered: "The strongest person in this world is not the demigod, but the true god."

"They were all taken to the Devil Realm, and there was nothing to be afraid of. Many gods could not come in person. All the blood of the gods were destroyed. They came barely, and they did not reach the level of demigods. I said, Captain, if you do n’t take the opportunity , If those strong teams take the lead, we ... ”

"I know, so I forced the Master to attack and have a chance to assassinate the opponent's coach. The legendary mage is not so easy to deal with. If we don't succeed this time, it will be difficult for us to have a chance."

"Captain, you plan to use that thing!"

"Yes, our team's bottom card. After this turn, if we can't get enough income, we may be dormant for another ten years. Are you ready?"

A group of magicians gritted their teeth and had their own abacus in their hearts.

After a long time, there was a female magician who said: "I support you, Captain."

"Captain, listen to you!"

As soon as the female magician spoke, the rest of them echoed. The glamorous man laughed, deep in his smile, with an imperceptible shadow.

I'm afraid that without it, everyone will never let themselves be the captain. Xiaolian, Xiaolian, you really can bear it. After so many years, I can't bear it.

Dongyin Mountain, flying base.

Sixty flying warships were parked on the ground, leaning on a site built by construction robots, and tiled on a high-hanging platform. In the night, the blue moonlight shone on the ground, like blue waves.

Around the flying base, a team of robotic soldiers patrolled silently. The vegetation on the hillside was cleaned up, and the soil was petrified. There was no hidden place.

Surrounding the flight base, there are six high towers, all constructed of artificial stone, without any gaps.

In the center of the flight base, there is a metal column that is straight up to more than two hundred meters. Above the metal column is a circular platform. The platform is on two levels, the upper level is covered with air defense weapons, and the lower level is offensive equipment on the ground .

The entire base is silent, as if no living people exist.

However, in the center of the base, a hundred meters below the metal pillar, in a command center, among the various phantoms, the red dot representing the alarm flashed wildly.

A middle-aged mage saw this scene and directly turned on the sound equipment on his body: "Everyone notices that an enemy has invaded and has been close to the base for three kilometers. Each is in place and ready to strike. One to the sixth tower, immediately charge Yes, all epic masters above, prepare the reel sequence launcher, all configurations, prepare the serial magic, all precision shooters, prepare the toxin projectile ... "

He uses his own mental power to control the equipment. These commands are prepared in advance, and only minor adjustments are made. So in just one second, the defense system is activated.

In the six towers, the core magic circle originally opened only 20% of the power. After receiving the command, the magic circle instantly adjusted the energy to 60%, and then increased the speed by 10% in three seconds and climbed upward. The magic cannon in the tower was fully charged within fifteen seconds.

In the sky, suddenly a large cloud appeared, quickly covering the blue moon.

But around the base, the encircling high wall immediately had magic lights on. As if darkness fell, these magical equipments were activated.

The army in the distance was taken aback, didn't it mean the magician could do it!

When they were surprised, the clouds in the sky slowly pressed down towards the flying base, and in an instant, the whole base was covered. The base is built on a huge mountain top, and the platform above is simply a site cut out by humans. The cloud quickly enveloped the entire mountain, letting the mountain wind blow, it did not disperse.

"Sir, the flying base is out of touch." On the east side of the city, a magician came in to report from Bill's command room.

"It's okay. For those who came to me, immediately send troops to support, as planned."

"Adult, don't you really need to keep so many people here?"

"Too many people are left. How dare they assassinate?" Bill waved his hand and motioned the magician to execute the order. The magician had no choice but to go out and convey the order.

On the east side of the city, a battalion was immediately drawn and rushed towards the flight base of Dongyin Mountain for two hours.

The whole army seemed to be in a hurry, and there were a large number of magicians who took the airship and set off first. ..

In the large camp of the Merrifin family, in the coach's account, Master saw the intelligence and reluctantly launched an attack order.

An army was ready to go, and after the order was issued, it rushed out of the three gates on the front of the camp. The distance of fifty miles, if you are an ordinary army, you can't reach it in a day. But this army, all the soldiers, are equipped with Trojans, which were purchased from Rhode Island.

Because if you made it yourself, it hasn't been cheap.

Trojans, tanks, airships, robots ...

The large army of the Merrifin family, that is, more than an hour, transferred 60,000 troops from the camp. These do not count the robot soldiers, nor the number of soldiers equivalent to the chariot.

This kind of operational efficiency, considering that only 30% of professionals in the military, can be said to be very scary.

60,000 people were dispatched in one hour, which seemed to be more elite than the army of Tori Castle.

Above the sky, it is reasonable to say that only the clouds and clouds covering Dongyin Mountain obscured the moonlight of Dongri City. The ground was dark, and the army of the Merrifin family marched in the darkness. At this rate, one hour later, you will be able to stand on the east side of the city.

In the city's main palace in East Sun City, Berlin has fallen asleep. In the back garden of the house, behind the rockery, the figures of the twelve magicians emerge quietly without causing any spatial fluctuations.

"It's done. Just wait for the attack outside the city, we will launch inside." The magician headed by is the glamorous young man.

"Captain, do you want to kill Berlin first, there are tens of thousands of team points."

"Don't be troublesome, what is more than 10,000 points, kill Bill, everyone, can advance the legend."

"That Bill, why is it so important?"

"This is not something you should know, just do things. If anyone delays the task without the main god, I will let him disappear forever." The glamorous man's face was cold, and this time the captain said that he was very cruel.

The rest of the Masters were silent, silently hiding in the shadows, and refused to speak again.

The captain is not a good boy or a girl. He can reach today without knowing how much blood has been contaminated. When turning his face ruthlessly, no one can see the sign.

Why is Bill important? Glamorous men will not tell others. This is not a single task, but a serial task. The ultimate goal is directed at the Asra Academy of Magic.

Asra Academy of Magic, there is a secret method to quickly upgrade the level of the Master, that is what the Lord God needs.

The masters of the academy were either in groups or did not leave Sun City. Bill was the only one who came out to host the overall situation alone. There are not many opportunities like this.


I don't know how long I have waited. Outside the city, the sound of the explosion of technology artillery shells came. In a blink of an eye, the explosion sound became a continuous one.

The magicians ambushing in the city's main palace heard this sound, and their faces were pale.

If they acted together in the army, they were accidentally blown up by this thing, fearing that the bones would be gone. There is no suppression of spells and technology in this world. The disadvantage of large-caliber artillery is that it is easy to be intercepted. But failed to intercept? Once exploded, the defensive magic below level 20 can't resist.

The distance to listen to the explosion is twenty miles away.

The investigation on the east side of the city did not fail due to the cover of meteorological magic. There is no way. After all, it is not as simple as covering a mountain.

The distance of twenty miles, even in a hurry, is not so easy to reach quickly.

This artillery salvo is terrible!

But there is no way, the Merrifin family does not have so many long-range weapons, the artillery is mobile ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The attack distance is between ten and twelve miles, even twelve miles, there are eight The distance is four kilometers.

How many artillery blows do you have to withstand? Do n’t be too close before you will be hit by artillery without heavy weapons.

Damn, in this magical world, why is there such a thing as a large-caliber artillery!

Bill was in his command room, watching the twelve magicians appearing in the city's main palace. He said that the Duke was right, these people, the plot was not the East Sun City.

He shook his head, got up from the chair, extinguished the phantom array used for surveillance, and returned to open the secret door.

Close to the wall, in a small intimate chamber sunken inward, stood a man in a magic robe with the same face as Bill. It was just that his eyes were closed and his face was pale, as if he felt anemia.

Bill looked at his clone and couldn't tell what it felt like. He hesitated and pressed a button on the forehead of his clone. With the movement of the fingertips, the clone suddenly opened his eyes and the light flashed.

Bill was shocked himself, withdrew his hand.

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