Daomen Invasion

Chapter 815: : Field Battle (1)

Accurate shooter, the attack distance is 600 to 1000 kilometers, ordinary soldiers, the attack distance is 100 to 300 meters. The robot warriors should be divided into ranks. The attack distance of the fifth-level fighters is also within 300 meters. The main high-power plasma gun has a standard attack distance of 50 meters.

However, that is facing elite.

If the opponent does not wear enchanted heavy armor, the attack distance of the robot soldiers can completely exceed one kilometer.

The imaginary enemy of Xiahe will always be a guy equipped with his own army, or better equipped.

The battle exploded at a distance of one thousand kilometers, and all the robot soldiers of the first brigade fired at the same time. The metal projectile flew out and slammed into the enemy's heavy armor.

There is a magical world, small metal projectiles, the true lethality is never known.

when! Puff ... boom!

Various strange sounds sounded, at least 30% of the projectiles were blocked by the armor, and some were bounced away. Only a small number of metal projectiles penetrated the heavy armor and caused effective damage.

"Lift the shield!"

The heavy infantry of the Merrifin family immediately raised their shields. This shield is small in size and does not appear to be enchanted equipment. It is very light and protects the upper body. However, the attacks of the robot warriors were completely tragic.

After the metal projectile penetrates the shield, it can no longer penetrate the heavy armor. The more than two thousand people, holding a light shield, rushed up arrogantly.

"Change the armor-piercing projectile and attack at the position of 300 meters. The magician prepares and prepares to prepare. The robot warrior shoots slowly and attacks the leg ..."

The battalion commander of the East Sun City issued orders without any hassle.

The distance between the two sides quickly reached the position of 300 meters, and the magician of the Merrifin family shot. The number of magicians is not much. Of the more than two thousand people, there are only twenty or so, but the huge fireball roars and flies, which is still scary.

The fireballs each have a diameter of one meter, which should be the more famous magic amplifier of the Merrifin family.

However, the formation of Rhode Island ’s army has not been so dense. Although the range of more than twenty fireballs is very large, there are not many real threats.

The magical construction took their broken magic gun almost at the first time and intercepted the flying fireball.

Giant fireballs were detonated in the air, and the magicians of the Merrifin family were dumbfounded. In fact, fireball is a magic that is very difficult to detonate halfway. In contrast, interception is easier.

After more than twenty fireballs were detonated, the magician of the Merriffin family was not reconciled, and fired another wind blade.

The circling wind blade is not a straight attack, even if it is hit by a metal projectile, there is no situation of being smashed. But in the first brigade at the forefront, five magicians opened the magic book at the same time, and the denser wind blades spilled out like a rainstorm. The mage blades of the Merrifin family are very large, all above half a meter, and the blades of the counterattack are only one slap in size.

But in a blink of an eye, the magic of the two sides touched together, and most of the wind blades were split in the sky. The remaining small wind blades are still flying forward.

Collective dispel!

The magician of the Merrifin family has no choice but to let the wind blade fall on the infantry. God knows that the damage of these wind blades is large or small.

Most of the remaining wind blades were dispelled, and a few fell on the heavy armored infantry of the Merriffin family, which also failed to break through. Heavy armoured infantry held their shields, and their upper bodies were covered, and there was no weakness.

However, in the array, five thirty-level magical structures at this time also stimulated the magic of the body.

Earth Dragon!

The orange light swelled on the ground, spreading forward, as fast as a feather arrow. The condensed magic of this earth element passed through the array of heavy armored infantry in a blink of an eye.

There is no sign of this wave of attack, the magic constructs magic, and the level is too high.

The soldiers within 10 meters of the five lines were petrified almost instantly.

"The cavalry canceled the attack, the chariot was waiting for the order, and the robot replaced the heavy armor-piercing projectile." The battalion would still orderly order. He saw that the enemy's magical defense ability was too poor. Soldiers are many times more than their own, and the battle has no suspense.

The robot warrior immediately changed the magazine, and all stopped, standing and shooting.

This is a common plan. In the illusion, the robots are all creeping on the ground, advancing like spiders, the firearms are fixed on the back, and they will never stand when charging.

However, to deal with such enemies on the opposite side, forget it. The tactics will be retained first. When there are decent enemies, let's talk about them.

The cavalry attacks were canceled, but in the sky, a large number of fireballs have been covered. Among these three thousand forwards, there are only more than twenty magicians. Seeing the large number of fireballs, they suddenly felt desperate. The fireball covered half of the formation, and more than a thousand soldiers were enveloped by magical blows.

Even heavy armoured infantry can't afford the fireball bombing.

The explosions continued, and the fireball volley was the offensive horn led by the Duke. When the second wave of fireballs was released, the battalion commanded to attack forward.

Shun golden tornado!

The battalion will have reached the front, an epic magic, a huge tornado with golden sand, rushed into the enemy camp.

The army of the Merrifin family, at a distance of 300 meters, could no longer advance, and could only watch the unilateral strike. The huge tornado destroyed the confidence of the army, and more than two thousand people collapsed without knowing when.

The battalion nodded, and the enemy's quality was worse than that of its recruits. Although these soldiers are basically transferred from other worlds, each has actual combat experience. However, the battle of the outside world is not too strong. At the beginning, the pioneering forces would encounter some fierce resistance, but after the alien world was conquered, the rest was the sweep of some remote areas.

Besides, many different worlds have low level caps, ordinary soldiers have no professionals, and the professionals are basically officers, and the level of alchemy in the outside world is far inferior to that of the main world.

To sum up a sentence, how weak is the stranger chicken.

At least the army of the Merrifin family attacked a world that was relatively easy to invade, and their qualities were not high. And the recruits under his own hands, they have also worked hard in the illusion. In the illusion, there are very few downwind battles, and most of them have to go through several iterations to complete the combat mission.

The soldier's heart has long been used to temporary weakness, and the recruits led by the Duke are not so easy to collapse.

"Let the robot warriors chase." After the battalion gave the order, he waited for the follow-up troops to arrive, and then deflected the direction of travel, and detoured about twenty miles to the side of the Merrifin family army.

Everyone got back on the Trojan and attacked with a magic musket in the distance.

The army of the Merrifin family, transferred from outside the world, has never experienced such a battle, even if it was said in the temporary training that the battle was launched at a distance of thousands of kilometers. But their powerful group charge skills cannot be completed at all. The opponent's chariots and magic are preventing the knight's charge.

"Commando, bit the enemy on the right, all take medicine!" The general of the Merrifin family felt mad. The enemy was harassing hundreds of meters away, riding a Trojan and attacking with one shot.

The counterattack effect is not good. If the army of Rhode Island can kill one of its own soldiers with ten shots, then it can kill an enemy with hundreds of shots.

This exchange ratio is too terrible, let alone the enemy is still a robot warrior.

The forces of the Merrifin family also used magic guns to fight, because they are veterans, and the hit rate is not low, but the enemy's protection is too good. Those robots are also hit by nearly a hundred guns before they are paralyzed.

Moreover, the paralyzed robot warrior, the computing core, and the external weapon will be taken away. The rest is a skeleton, and it also has the function of automatic combat. After identifying the enemy, it can also be a qualified cannon fodder.

The dropped robot, the soldiers below can only continue to attack with magic muskets, completely knocking off his head and amputating his limbs. Fortunately, the power core of these robots is simple, and it is a battery that will not explode.

"Sir, our muskets are not enough!"

"How can it be!"

"The attack was over expected, the barrels of many magic muskets ..."

"The former army defended on the spot and waited for the big troops behind." The general of the Merrifin family had to accept this fact and was dragged on.

Three thousand people were crushed in the front, and 20,000 people in the middle were dragged down.

The most annoying thing is that the opponent ’s artillery has lost all the heavy weapons of the Chinese army. Although the enemy ’s artillery is also dull, what kind of siege do you take?

The army of the Merrifin family kept the robots outside and no longer chased enemies in the distance.

The flare went out, the sky was dark, and the army fell into a strange tranquility.

Enemies in the distance, also separated from the fighting distance of 300 meters, attacked with cold guns further away.

Damn, if there is a magic cannon, how could it make you so arrogant!


In the far east city, there was a violent explosion, the white light rose into the sky, and the darkness caused by the magic was washed away. The large army of the Merriffin family was immediately excited, and the commanding general did not hesitate and gave the order to move on.

The other party's city is undergoing tremendous changes, and the army out of the city to fight against it must be distracted.

Don't attack at this time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ When are you waiting!

The army behind them also followed, but because of the different progress of the trip, the remaining 50,000 people almost became a long snake formation, and they walked.

However, what they did not see was that the enemies of the entire battalion were not affected by the explosion of Tori Castle.

Instead, the battalion will be very excited, and the enemy will venture forward, so what are you waiting for?

"Ready to ride again, the tanks will conduct a partition attack!"

In the masks of all soldiers, on the virtual screen, the position of the enemy's army is as clear as a beacon. A thousand heavy rides, with a thousand mechanical cavalry, rammed into the Chinese army of the Merrifin family.

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