Daomen Invasion

Chapter 817: : Assassination

In the sky, a contract scroll flew down. The legendary mage took over and glanced at it, which turned out to be a captive contract.

He was overjoyed and quickly signed the contract.

Then two legendary mages landed and stood in front of him. He handed over his weapon again and listened to a young magistrate across the road: "Very well, I represent Rhode Island, accept your surrender. Etc. After the war between us and the Merrifin family is over, you can take back all your equipment at half price. "

"Thank you all." The legendary mage bowed his head, trembling.

"It's nothing, just perform the mission, and I won't seal your spells. You should go to the city of Juno and wait at the Duke's Palace. If you don't arrive within ten days or leave before the end of the war, Rhode Island Will hunt you indefinitely. "

"Absolutely not!" The legendary mage finished, unfolding the power of the realm, flew up, and accelerated towards the direction of Juno City.

Arrived within ten days, the time was ample, but he was afraid of accidents on the road.

He said that this was tantamount to defection, and the Merrifin family could not spare him. It ’s been a long time, and it ’s not Rhode Island who wants to kill him.

The remaining army on the ground dared not run or save the fire. In the sky, flying warships and six-pointed star airships are all specifically looking for targets, such as formed units that want to evacuate.

In front and back, the Merrifin family killed more than 40,000 soldiers.

Dongyin Mountain, in the mountain peaks shrouded in clouds, was terribly cold, and no sound came out.

Bill stood at a high altitude, overlooking the top of the mountain, in the surrounding depression, and the army of the Merrifin family drilled into the cloud and climbed upward, without seeing any legendary strongman.

Bill frowned, but the clone was still dead?

Although the clone is not as high-level as him, but it is also a legendary body, just died, and the explosion is so powerful. If you are here, you may not be able to carry it.

The main **** seems to be more troublesome, no wonder Lord Duke cares so much.

Sneaked into the East Sun City, there is no legend, just a group of ordinary mages. Twelve people originally thought they could be controlled by a legendary magic.

Is still too young ...

East Sun City, the Master Regiment came to Bill ’s study. The study was already in ruins. In the courtyard outside, there were twelve Master ’s bodies without any scars, so they lay on the ground.

The leader of the mages waved his hand, and some people carried it to seal the magic box, and put twelve corpses into the magic box. In the sky, a large six-pointed star airship landed, hanging the seal box below, and left quickly.

The leader of the Masters is the only one who knows that Bill has a substitute, and he knows the purpose of this mission.

The avatar is dead, the son of the law has not completed the task, that is to say, this kind of avatar cannot deceive the Lord God. So although the twelve magicians cast secret methods and killed the clone, but the mission failed, they were killed by the main god.

They couldn't leave at all, and they were also arrested to stay.

If the mission is successful, how will they leave? Although the surrounding space array has not been turned on, it is just a matter of thought, and there is a group of mages arranged around it. Even the legendary configuration behind it was not opened.

In the New World, in the Royal Base Camp, Xiahe smiled and faced Princess Angelina with little pressure.

"Your Highness."

"Don't be so polite, Lord Duke, you can fight with the Merrifin family, regardless of my feelings, you can directly regent, don't subordinate." Princess Angelina is also full of gas. She thought that Xiahe and the Merrifin family were just talking, but they didn't expect to fight.

"Princess, you can't be eccentric. I know that the Merrifin family is a veteran nobleman and has made a lot of contributions to the royal family."

"You said I'm eccentric!" Princess Angelina pointed Xiahe's nose with her finger and wanted to eat like a human. She had forgotten what her original self-cultivation was, and wished a magic to freeze Xiahe to death.

"I sent 20,000 people in the past and established a line of defense. The Merrifin family dispatched more than 100,000 people and returned from outside the army. You said, who is the big fan?"

"Your 20,000 people, how many robot warriors!" Princess Angelina listened to Xia He's misrepresentation. This sentence spewed out, and she was already drooling.

Xiahe wiped his face with his sleeve and said, "Calm, calm, Angelina, this is not good."


An air shield in Xiahe, blocking this large mouth, the air shield was directly frozen by the saliva, and turned into a tangible shield colder than the phase frost dragon shield.

"Do you know that the coach I sent is dead? A legendary mage above level 50."


"The Merrifin family dispatched an assassin group, twelve mages, only one of them reached the epic realm, and the rest were guys who could blow to death in one breath. They killed my Bill by actual combat. A favorite student. "

"This is impossible." Princess Angelina calmed down and shrank back.

Xiahe didn't care about that. He took two steps forward and posted: "Angelina, the twelve mages are dead, but I can be sure, that's what I said to you, the son of the law. Merri The Finn family, why are there so many children of the law? "

Princess Angelina didn't know what to say, and her mind was also analyzing quickly.

Asra can't make up nonsense to fool himself. Even if you want to fool yourself, this **** must be deceived with truth.

Twelve children of the law, plus the previous elves, and Jess, whose soul was taken away by the children of the law, she did not believe that the Merrifin family was innocent.

But why is it so wrong?

"Also, I set a trap with a mountain, guess what?"


The army of the Merrifin family used magic to cover the moon, and the whole mountain was shrouded in clouds.

"The whole mountain?"

"Well, and there are still no legends. The Merrifin family doesn't have many legends. I understand, but without legends, they exhibited the same powerful capabilities as legends. Isn't it terrible?"

Princess Angelina suddenly felt cold. Yes, she is a legendary mage. She is very sensitive to the approach of the legend. She can also release defensive spells and counterattack within a time of thought.

However, if some ordinary magicians have only 20 levels up and down, then they will take it lightly, because there are several automatically triggered defensive equipment on their bodies, they do n’t care about this kind of magician ’s attack, even if they have legendary scrolls, they are enough to react. Over here.

So no matter whether the Merrifin family is innocent or not, they can not be indifferent.

"What do you want?" Angelina reached out and pushed Xiahe too close.

"Of course, I reprimanded the Duke of the Merriffin family, you only reprimanded me, I am very unhappy." Xiahe brushed her chest with her hand and was pushed by Princess Angelina.

"that's it?"

"What else, he didn't do anything to you, you can't do much."

"You died a student, don't you feel bad?"

"It's distressing, but the tens of thousands of people sent by the Merrifin family this time have been eaten by me. It's just ... teach him a lesson. If you transfer troops from outside, there are still so many people, not millions Gold coins are not enough to transfer, right? "

Princess Angelina nodded and reprimanded the Duke Merriffin, but it was not uncomfortable to beat it gently.

The ordinary mage who can threaten the legend, listened to her very eagerly.

If a group of epic mages, with powerful equipment, can defeat themselves, you can also accept. It ’s just not enough for the great magician.

But, besides reprimanding, what else can you do?

Suddenly, Princess Angelina understood that her father was gone and let herself be in power, but her orders could only be executed on the New World side.

No, the New World will not work, and it is impossible for me to drive off the Merrifin family army here. Unless you let Asra and Muses unite and attack the Merrifin family army.

However, this will make the nobles of the entire empire turbulent, and neither the House of Lords nor the Lord will support themselves.

It turned out that he was still Angelina, not the emperor like his father.

"Understood?" Xiahe asked Angelina's gradually cold eyes.

"Hoo ... I see." Angelina gritted her teeth, her father let Asra and Muses assist, it was because these two guys were servants, and they did not deal with the nobles of the original Empire.

Asra is now powerful and can support himself by force. What about Muses? Is there anything special about him?

Without the help of the Minister of Political Affairs, his orders may not be able to communicate even the camp account.

"Angelina, Muses is now strong and strong, with about a hundred thousand people. I have many recruits training now, but Muses's men are already elite veterans ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ loyalty You do n’t have to worry about the degree, if you need him to send troops, you will directly confess to him the task. "

"You two, it's a good collusion." Princess Angelina hummed, making Xia He want to laugh.

The proud daughter of heaven? It's actually a little rookie. Regardless of the training of the royal family, Angelina will never know that sitting in that seat is too much trouble to be an emperor.

If she had Metatlin investing behind her, she could not stand on her own and Muses alone.

"His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness!" A personal soldier rushed in. Princess Angelina's face was cold but she did not punish this personal soldier.

"what's up?"

"Admiral Muses led a conflict with the Merrifin family!"

"What!" Princess Angelina was surprised, and then looked at Xiahe.

Xiahe shook his head and said, "But I don't support it, there must be a reason for this."

"Do you know the reason?" Princess Angelina asked the pro soldier.

The soldier was kneeling on one knee, raised his head, and there was a layer of blur in his eyes. Xiahe was alert in his heart, and suddenly raised his foot, kicking the soldier out of the door.

Before the violent explosion, Xiahe's phased frost dragon shield was supported.

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