Daomen Invasion

Chapter 836: : Patrol

Although Xiahe was very ambitious, he had no intention of dying, such as getting away from his territory and hanging out outside to give the opponent a chance to shoot.

The Merrifin family is not stupid, and will definitely dispatch all efforts to deal with himself.

As for Xiahe, simply let Xia Ye take his place in the Twin Cities. If he didn't say anything, no one would recognize the difference between Xia Ye and him. As long as she changed her dress, Xia Ye was like his stand-in, even scanning the soul could see no flaws.

Xiahe himself is in the Tongtian Tower and does not go anywhere. It depends on how your Merrifin family came to make trouble in the Tongtian Tower.

Even if you have a prophet, it is impossible to break in.

Tongtian Tower has now grown into the presence of Mount Kongo, second only to Taiyin Xianfu.

For example, the Tongtian Tower and Mount Vajrasattva were built for the goal of more than half god. Even if the Sun City is broken, Mount Vajra is solid.

In both places, deep space power can be extracted for combat, which is far more powerful than the magic tower on the plane of communication elements.

Xiahe does not die, but Xia Ye is dying, and now Xia Ye takes recruits every day to clean up the demons. Mozu is a race of pitfalls. It not only eats everything, but it also pollutes the environment. If they were not trapped in the main world, these demons were still first-rate thugs, and most worlds could not resist the frontal invasion of the demons.

Devil races have turned countless worlds into places of death. The sky loses the sun, the earth is completely polluted, and the indigenous people die.

Although the Demon Race will also gather some other races as their men, but most of the world they see is finished, and the lives that survived can't be saved.

The emperor has been away for a few months. The noble coalition forces on the Xiahe side cleared day and night. A large number of robot warriors did not count the loss of strong attacks. The devil still did not seem to reduce too much. Boss.

Of course, this has something to do with Xiahe's own plan. The legend here is not very hands-on, and the combat mission is handed over to the army under the legend, otherwise Xiahe will not be able to obtain a large number of soldiers in a short time.

The elite soldiers are all shot out. Training in the illusion can only make soldiers familiar with their weapons and methods of combat. But the shaping of the soul is the key to becoming a qualified soldier.

Xiahe has not yet reached the realm of demigods, and the Daomen level reaches level five, which is considered demigods. For Taoists, Tier 5 is also a key hurdle. At this level, Xiahe can at least communicate with Xia Ye at a long distance without any equipment.

Right now, you can only use such things as Taiyin Fairy Ring, which may be disturbed.

The Xiahe mission is not easy. All the weapons and equipment designed below, construction drawings, new ships, power systems, etc. have to be checked by him. He will not be idle in the sky tower.

Xia Ye, with a battalion at this time, is marching east along the Great Wall.

Earlier I was informed that there was a brigade of 500 people trapped by the Mozu in a fortress in the Great Wall and needed support. Because heavy weapons are exhausted, it is not safe to break through, but can only rely on light weapons.

Xia Ye took a battalion out of the Twin Cities, moved high on the walls, the chariot roared, and the hot air was mixed with disgusting odor. The soldiers left the Twin Cities with closed masks, which is almost a must-have.

This kind of air, ordinary people can't hold on for a minute, most of these recruits are not professional.

To the south of the city wall, there is a group of demons chasing the army led by Xia Ye perseveringly. These demons have a collar and are not so chaotic. wing. Xia Ye rode an evil unicorn and looked back at the demon army.

This group of demons looks like a few hundred thousand, vaguely has an army model, not a scattered sand.

If you do it yourself, if there are observers, you can see the depth of your strength, and there will be no difference between the two. I came as a bait, but I could only bear it.

He glanced at the people in the team. In addition to himself, the battalion and the lieutenant, there are four legends, but none of them are wizards. Xiahe now has a large number of non-spellcaster legends. This kind of legendary combat power is definitely not as good as the spellcaster, but if it is close, it will be different.

The legends in Xiahe's hands have a plastic mode, and Xiahe can decide what skills to wake them up.

This is the place where the Immortal Mansion of Taiyin is powerful, technically far away from the magicians of this main world.

Exposing the ability of the legal system now, some eggs hurt, he thought about it and said: "Slow down, solve these demons first."

The troops on the way slowed down the speed. They were not too fast at first, because there were more recruits. Too fast would make the recruits excited. When they reached their destination, they became weak.

At the same time, Xia Ye contacted the Twin Cities and called for air support.

The lowest position of this Great Wall that traverses east and west is also 20 meters high. It was indeed a fortification built to defend against the Devil Race. Many demons stand up to ten meters. If you build the most common city wall, a large demon can sweep down the soldiers at the head of the city with a wave of arms.

When the army stopped, the chasing demon rushed to the city wall.

Xia Ye stared at the demonic tribe, saying, "Kill him."

A legendary shooter raised his magic musket and blasted at the tall Demon Race. Two melee legendary warriors also pulled out giant swords and jumped up in the air, instantly turning into a metal storm, spinning and splitting. past.

The demon body turned into a phantom, the legendary shooter's magic projectile fell through, and the attacks of the two legendary warriors failed to hit the target. Xia Yexin said badly, Void Demon?

I have never heard of it, this rare Demon Race never happened.

The number of the Nether Demon is not very large, and they were generated by accident. If there are many, the current battle situation will definitely not be so smooth. And this Void Demon, obviously has a legendary level.

Coming to me? No, the assassination will not be so obvious. A Void Demon alone is not my opponent. This is just an accident.

The hundreds of thousands of demons who want to attack the human army of a battalion are somewhat delusional. There are tens of thousands of robots in this battalion.


A magician spoke the spell and made a magic gesture in one direction. In the air, the huge Void Demon appeared at the head of the city. The five robot warriors pounced at the same time, their bodies twisted, and wrapped around the limbs of the void demons. These five robot warriors released a strong electric current. Before turning the body into a twist, they immediately released the reserves in the battery and sacrificed themselves.

The metal bones are entangled inwards, and the strong force field ignores the powerful legendary flesh of the Void Demon Clan.

If there are only these five robots, even if the energy explodes, it is meaningless to the Void Demon.

It's just that the ultimate goal of these five robot warriors is just to leave the Void Demon with a brand. Yes, electromagnetic branding, this is a tasteless function of the robot warrior. Release the electric current, leaving an electromagnetic mark on the enemy, so that the target cannot normally display its ability to escape.

These five robot warriors, only five levels, usually their goal has no personal meaning.

But the magician who used the exile was a legend. He was a lieutenant of this army. Exile itself is also a space spell, something completely irrelevant to things like Dimensional Anchor, but in his hands, he directly positioned the Void Demon Clan and struck it out of the Void.

Sure enough, it was not directed at myself.

Xia Ye looked coldly, and there were many places on the Void Demon, but there were no changes in the limbs and head. The two legendary warrior giant swords are staggered, taking advantage of the failure of the Void Demon's dynamic ability, and split the head of the Void Demon cross. Beside it, the magic net mage released the flame bottle. The purple flame was attached to the head of the Void Demon, which was cut into four parts, and burned from the outside to the inside.


One arm of the Void Demon slammed suddenly, and the legendary warrior's giant sword hacked down, colliding with the arm of the Void Demon. The legendary warrior was shocked to fly, but more mages released the flame bottle, containing the flame of the real fire of the sun, and wrapped around the Void Demon burning.

A large number of robots took out their spears and struck forward.

The burning body of the Nether Demon is still immortal, waving his arms desperately. The two legendary warriors are like the undead Xiaoqiang. They repeatedly pounce on it to prevent too many robot warriors from being crushed by the Nether Demon.

Originally not so complicated, as long as Xia Ye shot, and the battalion would be the same, it would be easier to deal with this Void Demon, but this time it came out to lure assassins, the two most powerful casters in the team , Had no choice but to stand by.

Anyway, the only loss is the robot warriors. These robot warriors fight frequently and can explode huge power. However, after the explosion, they face the end of scrapping.

More demons pounce from the wall up to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ more than 20 meters in height, which is also a troublesome obstacle for the demons. No human professional can easily turn it up.

The robot warrior automatically pushed to the front, against the fortification of the city wall, and shot the plasma gun downward.

On the battlefield, there are robot warriors flashing red eyes everywhere, and they only have red eyes when they are in combat. The soldiers also felt a sense of peace in their flashing red light. These machines are reliable partners.

If there is no city wall, the robot warriors have to rely on heavy weapons in the field. With the city wall, the low-level demons have not been near the city wall, and they were killed by plasma guns.

The plasma gun did not shoot at all fast, except that the Devil could not rush forward together, and the back squeezed the front, the scene was chaotic.

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