Daomen Invasion

Chapter 840: : Duke's style of play

Others have not yet transformed, and Xiahe is already considering his own army to become an army like Shenzhou.

The army of Shenzhou, the number of soldiers in an army, is not that much. On the battlefield, humans mainly command robot warriors or clone warriors to fight.

Every human being is not a pawn, at least a sergeant.

The scale of operations, the largest is the size of the squadron, fifty to one hundred soldiers, command a large number of robots and clones.

Xiahe is now easy to transform, the main army is professionalized, five field troops and two expeditionary forces have been finalized, and there are two remaining expeditionary forces, which can be caught up in less than two years.

The next difficulty is to reduce the cost of the robot warrior and increase its power.

There is nothing wrong with infantry, but lethality can never be compared with the fleet. The fleet of Shenzhou, the main star battleship, can be torn apart by a single shot.

Technology weapons are sometimes more useful than magic.

If the technical level is not enough, you are the crushed fate.

It's just that he is a Taoist, not a big scientist. Although he knows the manufacturing principles and methods of all advanced weapons, but when it comes to the data, it needs a lot of people to assist in making weapons like Shenzhou.

Without becoming a fairy, there is no way to fight against the most advanced technological weapons. Becoming an immortal may not be able to fight.

Only when the fairy becomes a scale can the technology flow be crushed. One or two celestial beings are still being crushed.

Technology weapons are so important, so Xiahe's Taiyin world is still short of people. There are already many Taoists, and there are fewer scientists than legends.

Suppose the empire of Shenzhou runs over, and the entire main world adds up, and it is not an opponent of others.

No way, I have to upgrade slowly. Fortunately, I have intelligent mechanical life, and each one is extremely precious. In the future, don't expect high-level intelligent mechanical life to fight, let them engage in scientific research.

Xiahe can't do a big fight here, and is also a bit depressed. World No. 2 of the Merrifin family ...

The undead giant tortoise was dragged by a tentacle monster and pulled desperately towards the depths of the sea. The four feet of the undead giant tortoise burst into a rich death, wrapped the entire turtle shell, forming a huge and incomparable bubble.

The tentacles of deep-sea monsters are entangled with lifelessness, pollution, corrosion, and convulsions. Its power is terrifying, but it can't drag such huge bubbles into the sea. Even if it only allowed the undead giant turtle to sink for a distance, this tentacle monster felt extremely difficult.

Anderson has eased down, and his death force is not enough to kill the deep-sea monsters, but he has been completely infected with this tentacle monster. Even if the tentacle monster escapes, he can remotely locate it. The tentacle monster will not be able to attack in the future.

He could see the weakness of the sea monsters. The sea monsters in this world are absolutely powerful. A few thousand meters of tentacles can be swiped casually to overturn the warship. However, the monsters in this world, the soul is not so powerful, their own undead magic, easily let the tentacles fall down.

Now the tentacle monster does not know the depth. He is dragging the giant tortoise to fight hard. The giant tortoise's head, open its teeth, bite the tentacle, the blood is sprayed at sea, and the blue blood is spreading around the dead air.

Sadly, the power is more terrible than most legends, and the soul is not as good as the epic of the main world.

Just as Anderson was paddling, suddenly in the distant sky, a strong breath approached quickly. On the Undead Giant Tortoise, the other six legends all looked excitedly into the distance.

In the sky, a giant dragon flew at high speed, and there was a human figure on the dragon's back.

Dragon Knight, an arm that has been extinct in the main world. Of course, if the Duke wants it, he can create a mechanical dragon knight, but there is no use for eggs. This thing is okay for single-handed combat. In real legionary combat, the dragon's flight speed is not comparable to that of a flying warship.

In terms of attack distance, there are magic ballistas on the flying battleship. The attack distance is considered to be super far. Apart from being expensive, there are no shortcomings.

The eyes of the legends are very poisonous, and everyone seeing the humans on the back of the dragon is inexplicable.

The man was wearing a mage robe and a wand in his hand.

Dragon Master? What kind of combination is this?

The powerful impact of the dragon, combined with the dragon knight's dragon gun, the lethality is still considerable, but the human mage? Why ride a dragon, for succession?

"Bold, dare to hurt my beast of the kingdom!" The magician roared, and Anderson and others could understand.

They can find the coordinates of this world, of course, from the captives, and also get some messy information, of course language is one of them. However, this world already uses the lingua franca of the main world. Although the magician speaks the magic language, it is no different from that of the main world.

The difference in magic language is always very small. The world ruled by the Merrifin family, the people in the main world come over and do not need to learn too many languages.

As for the Zhenguo God Beast or something, this sea monster was raised by him!

Anderson was overjoyed and quietly ordered his men to prepare for a sneak attack. The undead giant turtle covered the breath of the rest of the people. The legendary mage of the dragon's back only saw the giant turtle with a tower. Among the towers, seven people stood inside.

Damn, that high tower seems to be a magic tower of undead. Although he has the help of a dragon, it may not be an opponent.

The dragon mage hesitated, but he felt that the undead giant turtle was not a legendary creature, and there were no enemies too powerful in the magic tower. The giant tortoise is the reason why the sea monster can't kill it.

It has a thick shell and huge buoyancy, which happens to be the nemesis of the tentacles.

If you don't care, the tentacle monster is crazy and bitten by the giant turtle bit by bit, and the damage is not light. The dragon master gritted his teeth and made the dragon rush towards the sea.

He is legendary and his attack distance is thousands of meters away. However, if he wants to break the magic tower, he must be close to the battle.

The web of the dead cloud!

When the dragon mage was close to 500 meters, Anderson and the corpse shot simultaneously, a joint magic was completed in an instant. If Anderson did it himself, it wouldn't be so fast. Legendary magic wants to be instant, and the soul must be at least as good as Xiahe.

His corpse witch can cooperate with Anderson to perform joint magic. The power of magic is not much improved, but the casting speed is very impressive.

The cloud that the death force condenses is inherently terrible magic. After the formation of the black cloud, the next hood immediately turned into a large net, which caught the dragon mage and his dragon.

The dragon's breath didn't start, and he was held back.

On the legendary mage, a fiery flame burst out suddenly, burning the magic web. But he was too careless. On the back of the undead giant tortoise, and Anderson counted, there are seven legends.

Legendary Ignition!

The ultimate petrochemical!


Legendary magic enveloped his figure, and at the same time, the death warrior and the mechanical heavy infantry flew at the same time. The sword blade of the death warrior is more than seven meters long, and a sword is cut on the neck of the dragon. The heavy infantry of the undead machinery transformed into the existence of a huge metal structure, and fists slammed into the dragon head.

The dragon had just been suffocated to breathe, and his neck was uncomfortably terrible. He was broken open by a sword, and the dragon's blood spattered.

On the fist of the heavy infantry of the undead machinery, with a weird concussive force, the concussion frequency is constantly adjusted, and more than one hundred kinds of attacks are exchanged in an instant.

The feeling that the dragon brain turns into tofu brain and then falls to the ground.


Relying on the power of the magic tower, Anderson did not hesitate to give the dragon a magic of undead.

There are magic towers, seven of which fight one, the dragon mage only has time to release a realm of fire, and then die.

Anderson laughed and said: "Master Duke is right, legendary battles must be played more and less. When you can fight in groups, don't single out."

The three human mages have the same heart, and instead of being themselves, they can almost stick to two or three moves when they encounter siege from seven legendary guys. It is said that legend is not easy to die, because the enemy is not strong enough, not enough.

If you hit one of the three, you will have the chance to escape, and if you hit one of the seven, you can only hope that you are a lich and the life box is good enough.

The female wizard Minnie laughed: "I really hope the enemies will come one by one, then our fight will be easy."

"Aren't they so stupid?" The legendary mage Clark used a floating technique to make the dragon fall slowly, and then released the mage's hand, dragging the dragon and the mage to the back of the undead giant turtle.

"It ’s not a question of being stupid. The family of the Merrifin family should not be so thick. In this world, there may not be a family mage, this legendary mage, should be born in this world It ’s not good enough, and there is not much concept of war. I thought a legend could control a war. "

Anderson said: "The sea monster's brain is broken and contaminated by my undead magic. Otherwise, a dragon, a sea monster, and a legendary mage are really difficult to deal with. Our advantage is the magic tower. "

"I'm going to kill the sea monster." The death warrior's giant sword shrank, his body suspended outside the magic tower, and said to Anderson.

"No, the soul has been contaminated by me, so let him be my pet." Anderson waved his hand, not letting the death warrior kill the tentacles. This tentacle is domestic and easier to subdue. And there are other sea monsters in the sea. After conquering the tentacle monster, it is much easier to deal with other sea monsters.

The three human wizards leave the magic tower and go to the back of the undead giant turtle to decompose the dragon's body.

As for the dragon mage that was burned to charcoal, his equipment was destroyed.

Blood grabbing broke his balance, the ultimate petrochemical technique sealed his equipment. As for the legendary ignition technique, this unlucky flame realm was out of control and burned from the inside of the body. Can't stand such damage.

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