Daomen Invasion

Chapter 866: : Taoism

Chen Yu's cultivation behavior was not restricted. He looked far and saw that at the end of the earth, it was still an endless army of demons.

"What do they eat?" Chen Yu couldn't help asking.

"We are also curious, so many demons, logically, should be starved to death."

"Don't you come and study?"

"Scratched and anatomized. It ’s not essential. The interior of the demon ’s body is completely different from humans. There is nothing to learn from. They can absorb energy from the air like plants, and of course they will starve to death It ’s just more hungry than we are. Also, the bodies of these demons have traces of artificial transformation. "

"It's worth studying."

"It's not worth studying. The Duke said that this thing can't even be beaten by humans. Why do you research it? It's better to make more robot warriors."

Chen Yu was speechless. Sure enough, a robot might have more than a dozen demons. What's the point of studying the reasons why these demons are not hungry? Can you turn humans into demons?

It is better to improve the logistics efficiency and become a demon, which does not mean that it is assimilated by the other party.

Out of more than a hundred miles, there was a Demon Clan in front of the city wall, but the Demon Clan did not go westward along the city wall, but entrenched on the wall, as if blocking the path.

"Tens of tens of thousands!" Chen Yu looked and rubbed his brows and said.

"You are a legend, just go up and chop melons."

"You have legends, why don't you do this?" Of course Chen Yu refused to shoot.

"You are free." Jin Nirol interjected beside him.

"Well, my spell has a large attack range, and the attack distance is also thousands of kilometers. Follow me." Chen Yu said, taking out a golden mirror, urging the Trojan to move forward.

At a distance of thousands of kilometers from the Demon Army, Chen Yu's mirror flew in mid-air, attracting the sunlight, and the golden light refracted from the mirror surface was sprinkled on the Demon Army. On the tribe, the skin of the demons dries out, howling with pain.

Break the evil golden light curse!

Both epics didn't see any problems, but Xia He looked at it and said that Chen Yu's martial arts were remarkable. This spell actually activates the power of the sun and disrupts the balance in the target.

The demon's body structure was bad enough originally, and it was barely maintained. Now the golden light seems to be inside the body, and it finds a node and gently pushes it. Then the demon's body, like dominoes, has a chain reaction.

The more evil things, the more vicious things look, the more afraid of this spell.

However, the consumption is not small. That mirror is a treasure. It can absorb the power of the sun. Chen Yu uses Taoism to transform it into a spell, attacking the enemy on a large scale. Tens of thousands of demons are within the attack range, the body has collapsed at close distances, and struggling at far distances.

The effect of Elemental Judgment seems to be better, but Elemental Judgment can't be regarded as a group attack. Chen Yu's spell attacks tens of thousands of demons at once, which is amazing.

"I can't hold it anymore." Chen Yu felt almost the same, so he put away the golden light and hid the mirror in his arms.

Xiahe was speechless. He consumed at most 10% of his strength, which was not so difficult. Don't you do it? If he is not a Taoist, he is really deceived.

Does this guy have a problem?

War priests have a habit. Before deciding to actually fight, all battles are based on paying 20% ​​of the strength. This standard will not be exceeded.

Barred said: "Everyone, the demons in front are injured, let's clean it up."

The squadron leader naturally does not matter. Someone is responsible for the expenses this time. As long as they retain 20% of the ammunition, they can just keep going back.

He opened the communication in the helmet and called the magic tower of the Twin Cities. In just a few minutes, six flying warships flew in the sky, facing the defeated demon soldiers on the ground, and dropped an alchemy bomb.

Chen Yu was dumbfounded, this is the bombing of the world of technology!

And these flying warships, throwing alchemy bombs is really a good standard, all fell in the area where the demon concentrated, causing the greatest range of damage.

After this wave was cleared, the battleship flew away. At this time, Chen Yu did not know that the money sent by the battleship should also be counted on his head. He was a captive and wanted to walk around, it had to pay a price.

There are still bombs on the battleship, but the demons on the ground have suffered heavy casualties, and the living demons are very sparse, and it is not worth wasting the bomb on them.

"That's it?" Chen Yu couldn't help but ask Barred.

"What else, during the daytime, are we going to fight the Demon Race? Although it is not too much, it is too hard. Well, let's clean it up."

The robot soldiers advanced and raised their muskets at a distance of more than two hundred meters.

In Xinda 6, the Tiantian Tower made many robot-specific projectiles and shot them into the demon body. After the metal layer on the surface of the projectile broke, some special flash dust will be blown out. The tribe's injuries simply cannot heal themselves.

If it hits the point, it will also allow the Demon Race to die quickly, and will not fight back before dying.

The robot soldiers swallowed forward slowly, clearing the living demon a little bit, and hundreds of demon clan attacked with a musket. The robot still uses the smoothest rhythm, one shot at a time, to kill these demons on the road to charge.

"Very brainless." Chen Yu didn't know how to describe such a fight.

"The brainless fighting method always makes people happy," Barred said calmly.

"Well, I thought I could see something exciting."

"The war itself is already very exciting, and the details of the battle are best to be a bit more harmonious. We are only fifty people. If we were to fight like this, how many demons could we kill?"

Chen Yu nodded. When he passed by the body of a demon, he jumped off the Trojan and squatted down to check it.

Barred said: "If you want to study, there are various specimens in the Twin Cities, which have been purified and will not pose a threat to you."

Chen Yu suddenly felt bored and said, "I want to go back."

"Go back now, the money is not refundable."

"Then we continue." Chen Yu was completely defeated by Barred. This guy couldn't live without money in three sentences.

Chen Yu got on the Trojan, trailed a bit, and walked side by side with Barred. Barred said: "In fact, for us, these demons are too weak, and there is no suspense in the battle. There are less than 50,000 here, as long as there is no I have a large group of special arms, and I dare to attack head-on. "

"The demon are not so fragile, I think your weapons are all targeted?"

White Reid smiled: "If you can be targeted, it shows their fragility. No matter how good the defense is, you can't compare with the magic armor. Humans are stronger than the demons because we have civilization."

Chen Yu heard pride from Barred's words.

At this time, from the south of the city wall, heavy footsteps came, Barred frowned, and the picture returned by the mechanical aircraft showed that a few miles away, a dozen giant demons who were 10 meters away were coming. .

These demons are not only tall, but each has an epic level.

Since the emperor's majesty shot and destroyed the Demon Realm, there are fewer and fewer powerful Demon Races. There are more than a dozen epic demons, and they are powerful types, which are not easy to deal with.

He passed the picture to Chen Yu, Chen Yu said: "Want me to do it?"

"If you don't do it, we will need to add extra money to kill this enemy."

"When I didn't ask." Chen Yu was not angry. He flew up and looked at the distance from a height. In his hand, a Taoist rung condensed out of thin air, and the color was vermilion.

"Really rich, really rich! The material equivalent to pure Yang Dansha is used in one go!"

Xiahe paid attention to it temporarily at this time and saw the Fulu released by Chen Yu. But if you give me this cinnabar, I will kill those demons for you, OK?

The fourteen demon giants ran wildly towards Chen Yu.

The expression on Chen Yu's face began to become quiet like water, and automatically entered a state. Fu Mi's palms rolled in his palms, with a bunch of red light, growing bigger and bigger. When the demon giant came to the city wall and threw himself on the head of the city, Chen Yu waved his hand.

Dutian Prison Break!

The red Fulu swelled to the size of a mountain in a flash, and pressed downward. The wall of the city was immobile, but the fourteen demon giants that rushed to the city's head were directly crushed with their bones cracking, and with a rattling sound, they could not be moved in one step.

"Be my jailer." Chen Yu's open palm gripped the sky, and in the red light, a strange rune sprinkled down and entered the skulls of those demon giants.

The Demon Giant slowly knelt down and bowed to Chen Yu floating in the air.


Xiahe was not surprised by this, but suddenly thought that the Merrifin family could control the Demon Clan. Where did the technology come from?

Chen Yu's hand was loosened, and he suddenly waved, all the red light in the sky fell down, no point wasted, and all entered the body of the 14 demon giants.

The black and red skin surface of the Devil Giant originally showed a golden-red pattern, and it grew a little bit.

Those patterns from the inside out ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ soon spread over the whole body of the demon giant, and suddenly floated outward, turning into a set of dark golden armor. The pattern on the armor carried a trace of blood.

"That's it, then it's worth it." Xia He saw the Fu Luo transformed by the precious cinnabar, and at once he conquered the 14 epic giants of the Demon Clan. If you kill them all at once, you must be losing money. These demon giants are selling very well now, and if they sell them, they can all return to their original capital.

"It's amazing." When Chen Yu fell, Barred really praised.

"How is it better than the Duke?" Chen Yu asked.

"How can that be compared? You are just a powerful mage. Lord Duke, he is the principal of the academy. He teaches and educates people. He has trained a large number of spellcasters and teaches according to his aptitude ..."

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