Daomen Invasion

Chapter 870: : Separately (1)

What Xiahe has at hand, apart from the Star Wars series, there is very little that the royal family can't make

But many things, the cost difference is too big, it is better to buy it yourself. Inside the empire, most of the "transactions" of various magic items are like this.

Many magicians don't make it by themselves, they make it too expensive and ask for sex.

Xiahe's soldiers are equipped with heavy armor, which is regarded as a high-end goods. It is very powerful and can release the phased frost dragon shield. For the manufacture of this armor, the technology cannot be sold, only the shipment.

Snowvis can also accept, because if Xiahe will not provide it in the future, he can change the magic array inside into an elemental shield or an air shield, and the defense will not decrease much.

Of course, the special effect of this magic shield lies in the one-way defense. The reloaded warrior can attack against the shield.

As for all-round protection, the air shield can also do it. The elemental shield is a 180-degree defense, which is not bad.

Snowvis' investment is also relatively large this time. He is different from Angelina. Angelina's money for Xiahe is royal and she has the right to use it. This has something to do with the emperor's reforms in the last ten years. In the royal family, the ruling power of the ruling party is extremely great. Especially in terms of money, no one can object how to use it.

She decided to lend to Xiahe, and she took it out directly. No one checked the qualification of Xiahe loan.

Snowvis used his own money. Although he also has several worlds in his hands, his resources are not so abundant.

He is not like Xiahe has the skill, money can make money.

Xiahe is now in Rhode Island, Dragon Island, Storm Point, and food is produced in factories, and a few are grown in the fields. In the wilderness, grass fields were opened, and the planting plant also specializes in feeding crops to feed livestock.

The ‘meat’ food in this world is mainly pig ‘meat’ and cow ’s ‘meat’, but pigs in this world are quite fierce, and they are much more troublesome to raise than cows, and they are also bigger than cows. Those who have no skills can't raise pigs at all. The most common ‘meat’ pigs must be dealt with by professionals.

Secondly, the "meat" food types are deer and sheep. The sheep "meat" is delicious, but the sheep in this world are very small, with less "meat", and the price is high. The deer has a large body shape, and some things can enter 'Pill', both are used to make money.

Soldiers want to eat 'meat', especially professional soldiers, 'meat' cannot be produced in factories, but in Shenzhou, the 'meat' cultivated in factories is for the poorest people, symbolizing 'sex' Collect some money.

On the Xiahe side, it is necessary to prepare 'meat' food for a large number of professionals, so that professional soldiers can 'spend' the money. This 'meat' food can be priced higher and made into 'medicine' meals.

If you do n’t buy it, your physical strength will not keep up, and your progress will be slow.

Therefore, the breeding industry is more important in Xiahe's hands. Now that Snowvis "spends" a lot of money and replaces the equipment, Xiahe suggested that he learn from him and specialize in "doors" and "getting" some animals to graze.

Food is easy to solve, and the crops are in the factory, and the environment is even better than planting in the fields. However, if the animals are kept in captivity, the quality of ‘meat’ will not be too good.

Snowvis said to Xiahe Dao: Didn't you get the biological data of the royal family from your sister's side?

what happened?

Raising a dragon, the ‘meat’ of a dragon is broken down, enough for more powerful professionals to eat for a long time.

Xiahe Road: Are you stupid, the dragon also wants to eat, or eat ‘meat’. A dragon grows into adulthood, do you know how many pigs to feed?

With nutritional supplements, we can either let the dragon fight or eat ‘meat’.

Growth is too slow to make sense. In the case of pigs and cattle, they can be sold in two or three years. A dragon may not grow up for hundreds of years.

Snowvis has nothing to say, the dragon is indeed growing too slowly.

Okay, Snowvis, you find a world for yourself, specializing in ‘doors’ for raising livestock, I will buy it.

If you do n’t buy it later, what should I do? Is n’t my world ruined?

Then I will teach you to make military cans, which can be stored for hundreds of years and have hundreds of flavors. I do n’t buy it, and some people buy it.

When Snowvis pondered, Asra was also thinking for himself. He is now "spending" money, and there are not enough worlds to consume so much.

Okay, pricing problem

Let me set the price and give you the production process. All the factory drawings are available. Make sure that even if I do n’t buy it, you will make money if you sell it to others.

Xiahe is now raising livestock and the land has reached its limit, but his army will definitely grow.

People are omnivorous animals, especially the soldiers. If they do n’t eat ‘meat’, they will feel powerless, even if that ’s not true. But being a vegetarian for a long time will affect the mood of most people.

The coalition forces of the Duke of Murphy and the Merriffin family are preparing again. In the dock of the Merriffin family, a large amount of materials were delivered. They were ready to 'get' another fleet, and while the Duke of Asla and the Duke of Zhesu were at war, they intervened directly and boarded 6 across the strait.

Xiahe got the news here, and immediately dispatched a large number of legendary mages to follow the flying fleet and bomb the shipyard.

The Merrifin family was unpredictable and had to strengthen the dock, build a huge defense system, and cover the closed roof. For a long time, the legendary mage assembled in the dock, waiting for a counterattack.

It's not a legend, it can't deal with flying warships at all.

Even so, under the harassment of Rhode Island, progress in the dock is still worrying. The flying fleet not only attacks the docks, but also the convoys transporting the materials. The city behind the dock will also be bombed.

Anyway, Rhode Island was so determined that he wanted to add chaos to the Merrifin family. With dozens of legendary mages, it is impossible to defend every place on the territory.

The Merrifin family, remembered, wanted to build a flying warship.

Relying on the legendary mage, it will be dragged to death by Rhode Island. With a flying warship, let the warships fight in the air, the role of the legendary mage will become greater. Otherwise, the legendary mage can only stick to one place, and the battleship flies faster than the mage.

The Merrifin family is now planning to build an alchemy factory, intending to build their own flying warships. Xiahe rejoices, this is brought into the rhythm.

His own battleship is so powerful that it is commanded by Fire Raven One.

Without Fire Raven One, the detection range of the flying warship is worrying, and it is impossible to hide from the legendary mage.

Xiahe ignored the alchemy factory of the Merrifin family, let him build it, how much it was built, and not an opponent of his own flying fleet. Unless the other party can also create a starry flagship.

The thoughts of the Merrifin family are correct. The only thing I don't understand is how to light up the eyes of the flying warship.

Moreover, the Merrifin family temporarily stopped the manufacture of warships before the flying warships were built, fearing that Xiahe's attack would cost them more raw materials.

Well, not a year and a half ago, you want to make the flying warships form combat power, that is a joke.

Muses resisted the attack of the noble coalition. He built three castles in the south, not far away, and formed a situation of mutual support. And these three castles blocked a wide passage, and the noble coalition forces had to go two or three thousand miles to go south.

There are also a number of nobles under Muses. As long as they win, everyone will benefit greatly.

If you follow the great aristocrats of the empire, you won't get any difference if you win. There are still many such nobles in the empire. Each noble may have a population of more than one million, and as long as Muses can provide logistics and compensation, these people can draw tens of thousands of soldiers.

Xiahe attacked the demons, let the starry sky worms devour the demons to make materials, and mine and metallurgy in Xinda 6, and the resources in his hands are not lacking.

Xinda 6 metals and coal mines have the advantage that as long as they have technology, they can quickly transform into power.

On the side of Xiahe, the mining city was laid down, and the noble power near the Great Wall was not his opponent at all. The nobility is at the alchemy factory, and a part of it is dueling with Muses.

Xiahe took the opportunity to let his nobles mobilize their army and sweep the area south of the Great Wall.

The war on Xinda-6 was far more tragic than that of Duke Zhesu. Although the casualties of the noble soldiers of Xiahe's men were not high, the damage of the robots was considerable.

In order to defend against the attack of the demons, the castles built here are quite exaggerated, and the walls of the 30-meter-high walls can't be turned on even by alchemy bombs. Moreover, the demon in the wild has not been completely eliminated. Often hundreds of thousands of demon will come out and join the war between the two sides, and the situation will be "mixed" and "chaotic".

In this kind of war, the goddess of wealth cannot participate, Abigail is depressed, and Xiahe lets her go to the underground world to relax.

Abigail refused and Xiahe was helpless, so she asked where she wanted to go.

Abigail said: I'm going to the semi-essential spirit empire.

babble? Do you want to stay away from me?

Are you surprised? Lord Duke. Abigail's eyes were sad.

I am surprised, you know, I am very busy recently.

When you ’re not busy, you ca n’t remember talking to me. By the way, you have forgotten even Ovilla. For people like you, there is no need for love.

Xiahe is silent, he really does not need any love.

As long as he does not have an accident, he can become a fairy, and the fairy's years are too long, much longer than the life of the gods.

Neither Ovilla nor Abigail, who ca n’t stay with him forever, will die before him. Unless they are willing to become the ‘door’ gods, and the ‘yin’ immortal palace will not be destroyed, they will be able to live forever.

There is no love between the fairy and the gods.

If you do n’t become a god, you will say goodbye after tens of thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years. The lifespan of mortals is also limited, and they cannot live forever.

Hundreds of thousands of years of love ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Once cut off, it is a very deep injury.

So Xiahe doesn't bother about Ovilla anymore. Although it was only a few years after each, it was difficult to try to forget.


Alas, I am here.

Hope, as you think, I will die earlier than you.

Xiahe didn't know what to say, Abigail said: I don't try to make you remember me anymore. It's really sad to know you. I might as well be a little priest. I did n’t meet you. I happily spread faith to the goddess.

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