Daomen Invasion

Chapter 890: : Elf

Patrol team, it is impossible to bring too much weapons and ammunition, a light tank, 24 shells of the main gun. Now in the process of retreating, the quasi-head is not so good, the shells are very expensive, it is better to keep them for use in defensive battles.

The elf cavalry approached quickly, and the captain responsible for the failure was helpless and ordered the two modular tower-type robots to rush to block.

Modular tower was originally a high-level model, but these two are considered for the noble legion. Early design, the level is only ten, you can choose what kind of weapon to carry.

Two modular towers rushed out, the robot's arm was deformed and extended, the barrel was extended, and high-speed shooting began.

Technical firearms, combined with space ammunition boxes, the cost is all on the ammunition boxes, but the team leader can no longer care about it. This elf has more than 300 cavalry, and its armor protects it from terror. If you catch up, your own people are definitely not opponents.

The soldiers after the retreat also retreated, leaving more than a hundred robots, the chariot still did not accelerate, and watched the soldiers gallop on the Trojan horse.

Elf cavalry, has reached a distance of 500 meters.

Theoretically, the elven archer has a huge threat at 300 meters. If human soldiers do not have magic muskets, they need long and strong training to accurately hit the enemy at this distance.

The structure of the elves' eyes is slightly different from that of human beings. Most archers have talent skills.

The captain did not dare to take risks and battled the enemy at a distance of 300 meters.

Their muskets, it is not easy to hit enemies 300 meters away. Besides, medium-sized magic muskets cannot be lethal, and the lethality of ordinary muskets is even worse. Even 300 meters is the best attack distance.

The half-elf attacked at the position of 300 meters.

After seeing the data, the person on the tank sent it back to Yamaguchi Castle. The chariot also accelerated and withdrew, and God knew whether the magic bow and arrow could destroy the chariot wheels. The elf cavalry fan spread out and can be attacked from the side.

The wheels of the light chariot are only covered with a layer of metal armor, which is slightly enchanted.

This cheapest tank has the same speed as a Trojan horse. Don't hurry up and stay to test the elves' attack power?

Old-fashioned robots, at a glance, knew that they were not humans and had no outer armor, directly exposing metal bones. Only the power part, wrapped in enchanted metal, can only be detonated actively from the inside. If you want to detonate it outside, you have to have strong enough skills.


A powerful impact sound, an elf feather arrow, hit the face of a robot, directly penetrated the metal skull, and the arrow shaft was inserted inside, still shaking.

So accurate!

Began to run away from the chariot. At a distance of 300 meters, the elf hit the robot with an arrow, and the computing center on the chariot quickly gave him a data. The feather arrow of the elf, if it hits a human, happens to penetrate at the lower end of the brain to ensure that it will die quickly.

The robot raised his spear and started to fight back. This arrow cut off several lines of it, but it has not lost its fighting power.

The musket of the old-fashioned robot is a pure technology version. The attack distance is far away, but there is no demon-breaking attribute. High rate of fire and strong penetration.

However, the bullets of a magazine hit the air instantly, most of them hit the elves, and a few hit the war horses.

The horse's face shield was hit three times and failed to penetrate.

The full magic knight!

Such a cavalry, head-on impact, like a chariot. The war horse is a full body armor, enchanted on it, running at a speed that is no different from a Trojan horse, and can reach a speed of 120 li per hour.

Ordinary horse, hitting it will kill yourself.

This warhorse is also a mixed-race Warcraft with a body as strong as steel.

Ordinary robots simply slammed down on the ground to reduce the area of ​​their attack. Anyway, the arrow hit the same way. The elf thought the attack worked.

These robots also have fighting wisdom. Only plasma guns can threaten elves, but the range is short.

Only has an attack distance of 50 meters, and the quasi-head is not too good.

The two muskets of the modular tower robot, but the enchanted equipment, began to run overload, the magic projectile roared, and sprinkled on the elf cavalry.


Hissing, blood blasting, dozens of elves fell from the horse, some of them shot themselves, some of them were shot wounded.

The elf cavalry was dispersed, and the attack of the module tower was intensive, shooting forward. In fact, a knight did not shoot directly, and the injury was not light. Not dead because these elves are professionals, and the projectile did not hit the point. But those wounds will die if they are left untreated.

The wounded elf rolled on the ground, terrified.

Two elves were shot in the heart position, and the amulet on the body was detonated, so that the breastplate was not penetrated.

The elf cavalry bypassed and attacked the modular tower robot with magic feather arrows on both sides. The arrowhead locust, in the dark night, emits a faint blue light, draws an arc in the air, and falls from high to low.

Modular tower robots instantly inserted dozens of feather arrows.

Da da da……

The sound of the magic rifle stopped. It was n’t spoiled by the elves, but this overclocking shot was not the original intention of the magic rifle design. This is a fierce method that the robot will take when it is ready to sacrifice its scrap. You can shoot all the magic bullets in the built-in ammunition box in a very short time.

Thousands of projectiles, none of the elves were shot, and the results were daunting.

The modular tower robot began to deform and lay prone on the ground. The metal structure rattled, and turned into a metal Warcraft, pounced on the elves.

In the night, the robot and the elf cavalry collided together. Most of the robots responsible for the break were inserted by the elf cavalry with arrows.

Other races, cavalry is only responsible for defeating the enemy. The elf race, cavalry can also attack from a distance, it is a relatively powerful arm. Even a professional, a person in charge, will not have such a perverted accuracy and range.

The sound of explosion is endless, the robot can't move the elf, but it will explode, the effect of the high-energy battery exploding, and it also carries metal fragments, and the sharp sound of breaking the air is dense, making people feel chilly.

Elf cavalry was blown up a dozen, seriously injured, and the horse was broken.

So Xiahe's concerns are correct. When the robot level is too low, encountering strong enemies is often helpless. Therefore, as soon as the scorpion-shaped robot came out, Xiahe decided to renew his army. In the future, he would try to build only high-level combat robots, with lower levels, for auxiliary purposes, such as repairing items, transporting goods, and communicating instructions.

The elf army looked at the escaped humans, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

Commander was shelled to death by the tank owner, as well as the core strength of the army, and the loss was not small. The chariots attacked thousands of kilometers away, aiming at all dressed-up targets.

After discussing for a while, everyone still recommended a savvy mage to take over the command position. The cavalry did not rush to chase. Seeing that the humans had run away, they waited for the large troops behind, and then slowly tracked in the direction of human disappearance. The tracking ability of elves is still first-class. Whether they are skills or inherent talents, they can easily detect the traces of prey.

Traced a dozen miles, and the elf saw that there was a big river in front of him, and a small fortress stood on the side of the river.

Is not particularly small, about 200 meters wide and 200 meters deep.

The fort has two floors, and the lower layer is dark and dark with no gaps. The upper layer is made of masonry, and there is a low wall outside. The middle is about three meters of aisle. The back is the wall. There is a narrow window in the height.

The human soldiers who withdrew to the fortress have a lot of peace of mind. Anyway, they have already asked for help, and the flying warship will arrive soon. Although this elven army is strong, it has no legend. This is the fatal weakness.

Maybe they have hidden powerful means, but there are not many legends over Yamaguchi Castle.

The legend cannot decide the war, the problem is that the total number of elves is only three thousand, then it is not a problem.

The temporarily elected elf mage looked at the dark human fortress in the distance and ordered the army to stop moving forward. They were still three miles away from the fort and were afraid to use dense formations. Humans have magical cannons and are powerful.

In the fortress, the human gunner also aimed at the wizard surrounded by elves, waiting for orders.

The distance of three miles is the large magic gun

Can hit him.

The chariot was parked high up in the fort, and he was very patient. Two large magic muskets are prepared in this fortress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is not easy to kill the commander of the other party.

Three miles away, the magic projectiles fly for a long time, and the elves' keen senses allow them to evade.

The magic cannon made by Xiahe is difficult to alert the enemy when aiming, but once launched, it cannot hide the opponent's perception. Fang Cai that the elf commanded death was very wrong. He had never seen this weapon. When there was a sense of crisis, he could not respond effectively.

The elf was killed by several long-range weapons, and several important characters were killed.

"There are only a hundred people on the other side, and the rest are puppets. Fifteen of them were injured and hit by our feather arrows, but their weapons are all magic muskets. They don't need to move in the fortress, and the fighting power has not lost much." New 'S commander's voice was serious.

"Then shall we attack?" Asked an elf archer.

"If you attack hard, you can hit it, but the loss will be great. We must use our body to attract the other party's attack and create opportunities for our companions."

Several senior elves sneered, this just doesn't want to take responsibility?

The wizard of elves took out a scroll, and the eyes of the elves around them all lit up. That was taken by the mage from the dead commander. On this scroll, there was a clear golden devil pattern as a means of binding the scroll.

Dragon Summon Scroll, there will be one on many elves. The color of the magic pattern represents the summoned dragon, which is already a legendary level.

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