Daomen Invasion

Chapter 893: : Why worry

In the sky tower, there is a screen on the office of Cotton Jack, which is always on. The data above is all kinds of battle data of all the Duke leaders in the current conflict.

Weapon consumption, personnel loss, pros and cons of the situation, etc.

Cotton Jack is busy with his business and occasionally pays attention to these data. Since the emergence of the Wanjie Passage, Xiahe's main legion has not been downsized, but the noble legion has lost more than 1,000 people.

Lost two squadrons this time, the biggest failure.

The rest of the casualties were not as serious this time. The injured person can still be rescued back, but the person killed by the dragon has failed to converge on the bones.

Legends are very busy and often have to dispatch urgently to face legends from other worlds.

In many encounters, the aristocratic legion also took advantage of the equipment and number of people to kill some strong outsiders, including legends. All kinds of test equipment of Asra Academy are now sent to the noble legion to let them test it in actual combat to see if it is suitable.

Xiahe's main legion is now finally not doing this kind of work.

Such a test itself has certain risks. For example, your equipment, what you bring to it, does not match the expectations, and may even have the opposite effect.

Such a result will be fatal.

But for the noble legions, these test weapons are cheaper than their own, and they often have miracle effects, so the nobles are not opposed to helping the college actually test equipment.

At least more than twenty alien legends died under various strange weapons.

Even if there are factors suppressed by the laws of the world, it is enough to show that these equipments still work.

Old-fashioned robots are indeed cost-effective and suffer a lot of losses. The new scorpion-shaped robot warrior has already been bought by the noble legion, even if it is expensive, the level is not high.

Actual combat proves that this scorpion-shaped robot warrior has really strong attack power and good survivability.

Because it has a very low shape, it can avoid many attacks.

The best place of the scorpion robot is its magic resistance. No matter how heavy your metal armor is, if you have no magic resistance, you may be penetrated by someone and hit the core.

Xiahe's previous robots, usually at level 20 or above, have similar magic resistance.

"Adult, are you looking for me?" Cotton Jack looked away from the screen.

Xiahe appeared in his room and found a chair to sit down and said, "In April, we must launch a general attack on the territory of Duke Zhesu."

"Is there a county army?"

"The Merrifin family prepared a new fleet, which was provided by a second-level college."

"Academy, are we going to join the war?"

"It's an existence in the Nine Academy, testing my reaction to see if I will spread the war to all classes."

"Adult, what are you going to do?"

"It's just a battleship, it's all blown up. I see how many people in the nine colleges can provide."

"It's a production task again, isn't it." Cotton Jack smiled. Recently, such a task is really many and heavy. Unless everyone thought about making more money and paying back, he didn't know if it would be completed.

"Yes, this time I need a floating gunboat. I do n’t think about my own survivability, but I can release a powerful attack. It ’s unmanned and fully automated. The drawings are for you, something extreme, but expensive."

Cotton Jack nodded and turned on the phantom array in the room. A narrow-shaped gunboat showed an anatomical picture.

"This ... isn't it cheap?"

"The cost is similar to floating fish, no armor."

"Also, flying high anyway, other than the legend, other professionals can't deal with it." Cotton Jack saw the key to the problem.

This gadget costs 20,000 gold coins, but it has great lethality, and it is made for sea battleships.

Because there is no driver, there is no need to consider the riding experience. For example, in a flying warship, all structures to protect the occupants can be canceled, leaving only power and weapons.

In Star Wars, similar things, to

Millions are laid out in a galaxy. The enemy can only be cleared like mine clearance. Otherwise, after such a gunboat, it is possible to injure large warships. Medium-sized battleships were hit hard, and small battleships were destroyed.

Cotton Jack calculated that it was not difficult to manufacture such a flying gunboat, and the Duke did not need much, that is, less than two hundred.

Although it is said that it is close to four million gold coins, if it can sink the enemy fleet, it will save more gold coins.

This gunboat has only one main gun and no other weapons. The internal structure is designed around this main gun. It can fire large magic projectiles, launch downwards at high altitudes, and can penetrate magic armor. The projectile has a computing structure inside , Explode after going deep inside large equipment.

After the explosion, in addition to shock waves and fragments, there is magic fire damage, equivalent to broken hell. This thing cannot be extinguished until the energy is exhausted.

Xia Hexin said that this cosmic war mode is too backward. If the Shenzhou empire, it would send powerful warships to transport the army to the preset location at one time. Regardless of how the enemy intercepts, there are countermeasures. The small warships escorted are just like their own Fire Crow series.

If the enemy wants to win, then they have to invest more money and technology, and the war is ultimately more affordable than who can afford it.

The Shenzhou empire has money. Some people, in the universe where he lives, want to fight for family property, no one can spell Shenzhou. Behind the Shenzhou, there is still the Nine Avenue Palace, and there is no lack of high-level strength.

War is to rely on upright crushing, I have the skills, why play naval battle with you.

Xiahe himself doesn't build sea ships anymore. He either has to chase his way by chariot or transport by large airship. In the future, he may use star warships to transport large troops.

If you want to stop me, you have to build more and stronger fleets.

The question is, have you made it?

Now Xiahe started selling flying warships because flying warships are definitely not opponents of the Fire Crow series. Although he has more equipment himself, don't worry, someone will take over in the future.

As long as this technology is more advanced than others, someone will buy it.

Xiahe said to Cotton Jack: "I know that you are a little worried recently, I am afraid we can't fight so many enemies."


Xiahe pointed to the screen on the table, and Cotton Jack didn't refute it. He was worried that although the Duke's army was strong and well-armed. But there are too many enemies. So many nobles, each big nobility, is backed by a few or even a dozen worlds.

This world may not have many troops, because the elite troops of others are all placed in different worlds.

Now that there is civil unrest in the empire, no one has listened to the rules of the royal family. Then these elite troops, when transferred back, are logical.

No matter how elite the troops are, they will be tired and will be dragged down when facing too many enemies.

Xiahe said: "They have more people than us, more money than us, but we don't have more technology. You see, I sell technology, open a magic academy, train soldiers to become professionals, and let them owe huge debts. I ’m not worried that no soldiers are available. "

Cotton Jack smiled again, this method is really good.

Duke leaders need professional soldiers to train professionals, and then these professionals owe the Duke a large sum of money. What kind of cycle is this?

This is equivalent to I want to eat meat, so find someone to raise pigs. But when there are no piglets and no feed, I can only borrow money from me, and after I borrowed the money, I opened a pig farm. In order to repay the money, I have to give the pig to me.

And the Duke led the training of professionals, that was a willingness to fight, and there was no coercion.

Everyone thought that the Duke was so generous that he was allowed to owe money for so long.

Since the Duke's leader began to train professionals, the loyalty of the Duke's people has risen. Many people, even at the age of retirement, will be willing to give their lives to the Duke.

"Look, I need gold coins, so I borrow money from the princess. Then the money is left for internal circulation, and we go out to build the Tenth Magic Academy. What did you find?"

"Gold, useless, those minerals and factories are the most important."

"No, gold is useful, it is equivalent to pay

Changing things can make your people trust you. Do you know why the empire controls prices? "

Cotton Jack said: "Make gold appear valuable?"

"Yes, it makes gold seem valuable and the people's hearts are stable. The nobles have a lot of money, and the royal family has a lot of gold, which is reassuring. But it is those hidden alchemical factories that truly determine the imperial power, and those hidden in other The huge legion of the world. "

"But ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These others have."

"It's not as good as mine. Look at my gunboat. You can build a 20,000 gold coin. This is still because the existing technology is not good. If I find good materials, it will be cheaper. Let's talk about the price, such as inside. The small melting furnace will be converted into thousands of gold coins. The material of the main gun is the price of tens of thousands of gold coins, but the real cost for me to make these is the personnel consumption of the alchemy factory, salary and the like. "

"We have people who have technology and mines and don't need to buy anything outside, so our gold is not so valuable for war, right?"

"Not only gold, our weapons are cheaper than others, and we can restrain the enemy. This is the key. So Jack, do n’t think so much, just concentrate on commanding the war."

"I have a question."


"You want to fight, I can understand that you want to unify the world. But many nobles do not have this desire, why do they want to wage war?"

Xia He smiled and said: "Anyway, who always wants to fight, who would think so much. You said that the Devil is here, we don't want to fight, is it possible? So many worlds, without conquering, others will conquer you. Developed? Haven't you killed the elves yet. "

Jack was speechless, Xiahe said: "You can't always say, why did the elves enslave humans?"

"I don't mean that, you know, I want to be a big pirate, but not a pacifist."

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