Daomen Invasion

Chapter 936: :confusion

A cavalry squad leader wiped out more than 100 soldiers from the technological world. Soldiers in the world of science and technology are wearing bulletproof clothing, and a simple metal lining around the neck is cut and stab resistant.

But the captain's magic long sword, cut the bulletproof clothing and cut tofu.

But the commander above the city was not afraid to see this scene. They have seen more powerful forces. Although the effects of the training of the noble legions in the illusion are different, Xiahe still opened up some real power to show them.

Everyone must at least be trained to face the coercion of the legend and not be unable to resist.

Yes, without training, the legend releases powerful coercion, which can make this person's hands and feet paralyzed and irresistible.

However, in the face of such coercion, the army led by the Duke can continue fighting.

There are also anti-coercion agents, professional soldiers, and specially taught methods to resist this coercion by operating the breath of the body.

Psychologically, physiologically, and medicine, these combined, so that the soldiers around the third level, can face the legend will not scare urine.

This captain is just a 20-level professional.

Compared to legend, it's still far behind.

A team of five can deal with him.

Farther away, thousands of soldiers marched toward the middle of the space. The striker suffered an accident, five vehicles were destroyed, and the commander ordered to accelerate.

The previous infantry and chariot were disconnected and destroyed by a cavalry squad of ten people. This time the army of the world of science and technology did not dare to carelessly, and sent five armored chariots, one hundred infantry, and two large metal robots.

The armored fighting vehicle has not changed, the infantry equipment is much better, the body armor is thicker, the helmet is directly connected to the back spine, and there is a metal bridge above and below. It looks like an exoskeleton. The firearms in the infantry's hands are also much more upscale, and they carry heavy weapons on their backs.

Two metal robots with huge guns in their hands and barrels of more than five meters.

This is awesome, even if there is no magical attribute, a shot blasts past, pure kinetic energy can kill the cavalry.

Such guns also exist in Chengtou, and the commander still doesn't care, because they really need to fight. The technology guns on Chengtou bombard past, and the large robot becomes a part.

Technological artillery exploded, too powerful, even ammunition is not cheap.

It is still good to install the large magic musket on the six-pointed star airship in the early days. Once the shot is over, the robot is over, and the cost is not necessarily higher than the technical artillery.

The advantage of science and technology artillery is that once a large piece is blown, it is attacked within a few hundred meters in diameter.

The large magic musket, in order to pursue the power of attack, damage less than two meters in diameter.

The two sides approached quickly, and there were only five people left in the cavalry squad. If you want to turn around and escape, the escape speed will definitely not be as fast as the shells. In the distance, two large robots exude white energy, which seems to be able to deal with spell-like abilities.

"You go back and report, I block them." The cavalry squad leader Shen said. After he finished speaking, he looked up at the sky. In the air not far away, a flying robot is suspended. Look at the ground coldly with electronic eyes.

The captain of the cavalry squad felt that the enemy was far away, and the enemies in the distance were not in the same group as the city walls.

However, on his own side, he is enemies on both sides.

Can you stop it? He didn't know that after coming to this world, the power of the gods could not be sensed. He had previously released a post-surgery operation, leaving half of the divine reserve in the body.

In this state, he will not be able to fight for long, and his combat effectiveness is not much different from that of ordinary knights.

"It's so sad ..." A magician looked at the cavalry squad leader and sneered as he drove the chariot toward the distance alone.

For those who use divine power, the duke collar has no good feelings.

Although Xiahe's propaganda did not target the gods. But this is how the Empire people trust magic and never trust any magic.

The magic of the Empire is developed, and the magic of the treatment is as much as the ox. Many magicians can do things that magicians can do, so in the eyes of ordinary people, the magician is a group of waste that can only live by gods. The magician is the real powerhouse.

Of course, ordinary people will not understand, and to be an excellent magician, you also need a firm will.

They are all invaders. Let them fight. Anyone who dies is a good thing.

In the south, the flying robot returned to the screen again, and a group of ogres appeared, just looking at the screen, they could feel the odor from the yellow teeth of the ogres.

Very scary guy, headed by a two-headed ogre.

The ogre itself will be a good caster, this two-headed ogre is even more outstanding.

Baron Pullman had no choice but to personally go to the south fortress and dispatch a miniature six-pointed star airship to investigate. It's just a flying robot, it's difficult to judge the enemy level.

Today, I do n’t know what happened, one team after another appeared, and Baron Pullman was numb.

Fortunately, the lowest position of the castle is also 30 meters high, and the north wall is 20 meters high. It is quite difficult for the enemy to enter.

If you can't enter temporarily, so many people are not from one place, they will definitely fight first.

The team of ogres slaughtered an army with an average rank not higher than one. Fortunately, they didn't really eat people, making everyone feel better.

It should be a more civilized ogre, out of the original tribal state.

The science and technology unit and the godly cavalry unit were hit by both defeats. The technology unit fired long-range heavy weapons. The cavalry unit's magic was fully opened, resisted, and then bombed by heavy artillery.

In this world, the divine power cannot be replenished, and the cavalry units cannot always defend, so they spread out to counterattack.

In the end, the cavalry squadron survived for more than two dozens, and escaped to the north. There were more than a thousand people left in the science and technology troop. However, there were too many deaths and it was almost destroyed.

But to the north of the Great Wall, there are more and more enemies. In the space barrier, the number of people walking out of the parallel space may exceed 20,000.

The fortress built against the Great Wall, without a shot, naturally nobody wants to attack first.

Because of the cost of attacking such a fortress, it will eventually be picked up by others.

Barman Pullman was stunned to find that there were more enemies, but the soldiers in the castle were idle.

His space is a special case, but in other spaces, the number of enemies today is also unprecedentedly inflated. Around the Tongtian Tower, more than 100,000 troops have appeared, fighting in the dark wilderness.

Some attempted to approach the Tongtian Tower, and the commander was spotted by the precision shooter and scorpion-shaped robot on the tower and had to retreat.

Xiahe and Medierli have successively surpassed the demigod realm, and in fact the Tongtian Tower has no much risk. In the legendary realm, the two of them may be besieged and killed by a large number of strong men.

Reaching the demigod state, Xiahe and Medirelli's combat power has not increased by a factor of two.

Especially for Medirelli, Jian Yuan's growth is like there is really an abyss in her body.

The legend under the demigods, Medieri chop up, afraid that it is not the same as cutting vegetables. So no matter how many enemies there are, as long as the legendary part is solved, the rest is irrelevant to the Tongtian Tower.

Xiahe estimated that the reason why the royal family could command the empire was that they had powerful demigods early on.

Nine universities can have such an independent system, also because of the existence of demigods. In a world without demigods, it would be miserable to be invaded.

And the emperor is doing things this time, fearing that he will break through the boundaries of demi-gods and reach the level of true gods.

Unless you become a human immortal and face the true god, you still ca n’t.

And that is, he possesses the six Dao embers, which can be fully used in the realm of human fairy, in order to confront the true god, otherwise, the people in the Daomen must also be the gods of achievement.

Daomen's advantage lies in education. Before it became a fairy, there were also a large number of strong men.

For example, the Jiu Avenue Palace, the number of people below the Immortals and above the first order, just take out one, which is more than the nine colleges combined.

Parallel spaces, for the demigods, are all in common.

Xiahe felt something in his heart and tried to contact Huoya-1. This time he used his own consciousness power to try to break through the space barrier. Sure enough, even though a few hundred meters of metal was sealed on the top of his head, his consciousness still penetrated, and he was not afraid of consuming fast. His soul was too strong to withstand consuming.

"Ah, Master Daojun." Huowi No. 1 said in surprise: "You have advanced!"

"Can you observe the ground?" Xiahe asked.

"I can't observe it, mainly because I don't want to waste resources. If I read all the places again, exchange information with you, and send orders, it will run out of resources in a short time."

Fire Crow No. 1 is not right. His resources are theoretically recycled, but if it is temporarily consumed, it is quite dangerous. In the cosmic sky, there may not be foreign enemies.

In fact, the other side of the different world channel is a certain planet in the cosmic sky.

"What a pity ..."

"But the good news is that all places are covered by space barriers, and there are no exceptions. Master Daojun is fully prepared, and the loss will be relatively small. After the space barrier disappears, the power of adults will become more powerful. "

"Can't say that ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That's right, is there a space barrier at the Nine University College?"

Fire Raven One said: "No, at least the main campus is in the same space. Metatelin College, which has a good relationship with us, is very large."

"Is there any bad news?"

"Yes, those nobles under your own territory, I am afraid it is not too safe."

Xia He thought for a while and said, "This is something that can't be done, but before that, the noble legion recruited new recruits and sent some veterans back, at that time to target the Duke of Zhesu. The equipment of these veterans is not bad . "

"But they didn't engage in Rhode Island's fortification system ..." Huowa sighed with humanity.


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