Daomen Invasion

Chapter 938: :fury


Legendary dragon, a total of six heads!

At the head of the city, there were originally a hundred soldiers defending. Seeing this scene, in the cry of the squadron leader, he desperately escaped into the castle.

The dragon didn't have the mood to ignore these little bugs. The humans under the small city were their target.

Barman Pullman's heart is cold, a legendary creature is better to say, six-headed legendary dragon? These five hundred people can't resist at all.

That's right, I still have a legendary configuration, but it is only forty-level. The biggest role is still to provide power to the magic net mage. The real combat power is still not as good as the human legend. Not to mention the legendary dragons.

The legendary configuration of the noble legion is indeed worse, but usually a large group will not face the legendary strongman alone. When the noble legion fights, the legend will naturally have a legend to deal with.

How about a little baron in the past?

In this situation, no one had expected it.

But immediately, a little perseverance showed in Barman Pullman's face.

Lord Duke, everything was given, he turned to Rhode Island, even his family moved, and the Duke did not live up to his loyalty. May command 500 elites, and have legendary equipment in hand?

Today, after his death, although his own son is young, he must be able to take good care of him. There are not many people in the family, and there are still some real estate in Rhode Island. Even if the system of the Duke ’s system changes, it will be able to live well in the future. It is impossible for the son to have a knighthood, but if he can enter Asla College, he will definitely have a chance to become a senior citizen.

"Pass my order, shrink the defense, and all enter the inner layer of the castle."

"Yes." Although the soldier was still panicking, his voice didn't tremble so much when he left.

The epic mage said: "Sir, we can't be opponents. I remember that there is a sealed magic box in the military equipment, which was issued by Lord Duke?"

"Let's open it."

Baron Pullman had lost the joy of the iron horse's construction, and with a sullen face, he brought the epic mage to the material warehouse.

In the center of the warehouse, there is an open space with a huge magic box. This magic box was originally transported by a large six-pointed star airship. It is not allowed to be used by this brigade and will be transferred to the port at any time.

However, since the Duke gave the order to let everything self-determine, it was ready for use.

Barman Pullman took off his chest badge and put it on the magic lock that sealed the magic box. The magic lock is induced inside the magic lock, and it pops open with a click.

The robot guarding the magic box, lifted the huge lid of the magic box.

Both Barman Pullman and the epic mage were a little disappointed. Inside the box, there was a magical configuration, legendary level.

What's the use of an extra legendary configuration?

But it was already opened, and Baron Pullman put his badge on the chest of the structure, opened his eyes, and stood up straight from the box.

This configuration is like two meters, and the wings behind them suddenly open, but they are more than seven meters wide.

Barman Pullman looked at his badge, and was surprised to find that this configuration level reached fifty.

The three-legged fire crow series has an independent number and a name!

"Baron, I don't belong to your battle sequence, why wake me up!" The three-legged firecrow magically constructed pale green eyes looking at Barman Pullman with a cold voice.

Baron Pullman said: "It's hard to say a word, please check the command above."

With that said, he put the badge on again.

The magic outfit reached out and grabbed his badge. After sensing it, he knew what was happening.

"Well, Baron, you can order me temporarily, but when I might be captured, I will choose to destroy myself."

"I understand that the responsibility is my responsibility."

Barman Pullman does n’t know what the three-legged firecrow series of construction is. His data here only knows that it is a construction of the main legion. There are a lot of them, but there are not many above the legendary level. This thing is evolutionary.

"Six-headed dragon appeared ... However, that Shazhen from another world is very strong and stronger than me. You should be able to fight against the dragon, don't worry about it. If Shazhen is dead in battle, the giant Dragon damage will not be light. By then, I will kill the injured dragon. "

Magical construction is inherently logical.

If Sha Zhenren is a subordinate of the Duke, he will now rush to fight side by side.

Shazhen people were furious and attacked by dragons. They first took the breath of dragons, and then performed dragon language magic, summoned meteorites, and completely collapsed the small tower. He had two disciples who could not escape, and was killed by the Dragon Magic.

He was closed, and when he found out, he was too late.

The six-headed dragon flaunted his power and forced mankind to appear. Suddenly in the light of fire, the figure of Sha Zhenren rushed into the sky as fast as lightning.



Sha Zhenren had tears on his old face, and the one who died was his disciples!

The gusty wind swept, the dragon in the air never thought that the force of the wind would be so great. The dragon in the center of the storm rolled over, and a beam of thunder burst into his eyes.

Ahhhhh ...

Humans, I curse ...

Long Yu is too complicated to wait for it to finish. Sha Zhenren has fallen on the top of his head with a palm press. The stepping of the thunder light that burst into the giant dragon head was completely detonated.

Instant kill.

The remaining five giant dragons scattered, and at the same time released a strong dragon force, attached to the scale armor. Among them, two orange dragons spouted two huge elemental balls, exploded in an instant, the volume expanded hundreds of times, wrapped Sha Zhenren inside, and the other three-headed dragons firmly locked Sha Zhenren and began to prepare powerful magic .

"You all have to die." Sha Zhenren's robe flew countless runes with golden light. There was a long sword in his palm, the sword was dazzling, like a galaxy.

Sha Zhenren is not Jianxiu, but the sword gas emitted by this long sword is not inferior to Jianxiu.

The bubble released by the dragon burst instantly, and the figure of Sha Zhen was taken by Jian Guang and passed through the skull of a dragon. The dragon's soul shattered.

Regardless of the damage to the sword, Sha Zhenren returned with another sword, a dragon preparing for magic, and his eyes were crossed horizontally, and he was directly disabled. Jian Qi drilled into the brain, its dragon power desperately wanted to offset, but the condensed dragon power was quickly divided.

Sha Zhenren has already surpassed the first order and can absorb the power of deep space. In this world, although the recovery speed is not as fast as his world, he is not afraid to fight with the dragon.

After a short escape, he landed on the back of the fourth dragon and the long sword was inserted.

The dragon has never seen this escape technique, and cannot lock the enemy at all, and the enemy reaches his back. The other two dragons threw themselves desperately. If the magic is not effective for the other party, you can only fight melee.

The long sword penetrates the dragon's scale armor, cutting off the dragon's spine directly.

Sha Zhenren is also a battle-hardened person. At the beginning of the outbreak, he can also kill the dragon with one blow, but if he can't continue it, he can only destroy his opponent first.


On the top of the castle in the distance, the magic cannon sounded.

A giant dragon rushing towards Shazhen was bombarded by magic, and scale armor exploded with blood.

Sha Zhen was overjoyed, turned into a flame, and collided with another dragon. A fire broke out on the face of the dragon, his body twisted, and his tail was drawn on Sha Zhenren.

The golden runes on Sha Zhenren were scattered, but this time it was not blocked, but he swallowed the blood from his mouth and threw it hard.

A long thorn of metal was inserted from the eye socket of the dragon. The dragon rolled in pain in the air and fell towards the ground. It was no longer able to maintain flight.

Daomen Fumo thorn, as long as it is not a human, hit this, it is uncomfortable. Not to mention directly in the eyes.

The eyes of Barman Pullman who were watching the battle are about to fall. That old Taoist, he turned all the dragons alone?

Only the last dragon was bombarded by magic. The remaining five heads were solved by him.

The magic cannon just created an opportunity for Shazhen people to attack with full force.

He has been fighting continuously, facing six legends, is already the end of the crossbow, nor can it be said that the magic gun is useless. But Sha Zhenren really grasped the timing.

Barman Pullman was not clear. If there were n’t such a magical cannon attack, Shazhen would sway a shot and escape.

Even if the disciples were in danger of being dropped, he would not have any hesitation.

Because he stayed, he was also dead. It's better to go to the wounds, go back, and find the dragon trouble again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ His ganglion consumption is acceptable, but the soul power is used too fast, forcibly suppressing the dragon, not only the dragon's dragon power is invalid, The dragon was also influenced by his power.

It was melee from the start, and it wouldn't be so crisp.

It's just a matter of the Daomen's breath, how could the dragon know that when the opportunity was missed and the three-headed dragon was hit hard, the battle situation was irreversible.

They can't leave Shazhen people, even if the people who killed the castle vent their anger, they will eventually escape.

The last legendary dragon turned and fled. He didn't know that Sha Zhen was pulled by Longwei, and the injury was not bad. It only saw that the robe on the other side was not damaged.

The dragon turned and flew away. Sha Zhenren was overjoyed. He was afraid that the other party would come over and fight.

Sha Zhenren did not chase, took a longbow, and shot with a feather arrow.

The long bow looks very simple, without any decoration, no special patterns, as if it were an ordinary wooden hunting bow. The arrow of the feather arrow is white, and it looks like the teeth of some kind of creature are polished.


Sha Zhenren let go, the feather arrow disappeared, and in the next moment, he fell into the heart of the escape dragon.

This is the most terrifying of Taoist priests. If they have a strong background, they are very likely to have equipment with peculiar attributes.

Sha Zhenren's bow is a real weapon. Although the feather arrows are ordinary, the arrows are also built with the teeth of deep-sea creatures equivalent to more than 80 levels.

Tear attribute, paralysis attribute, and finally a peculiar corrosion power.

That's something that deep-sea creatures aid in digestion. This top predator's food is usually not easy to digest.

The dragon's heart hit an arrow, and the paralyzing attribute attacked. The huge heart stopped beating. The dragon's body fell hard to the ground, making a banging sound.

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