Daomen Invasion

Chapter 948: : The beginning of the singularity era

A hundred scorpion-shaped robots, with their tails lifted up, sprayed hot liquid metal at the end, hitting the Devil's heavy armor and shooting directly into a hole.

The hot liquid metal shot into the Demon's body, sputtered, and driven by the internal magic pattern, a terrible wound was torn between the Devil's chest and abdomen.

This liquid metal now emits a faint white light, and the Devil screams and falls to the ground.

The magician's fireball fell toward the back row, and it became a blaze of fire, which had exceeded the power of most alchemy bombs.

When fighting alone, fireballs are considered excellent magic. On the battlefield, the fireballs jointly released are life harvesters.

Mozu instantly reduced more than two hundred combat units, and three chariots were fired in the back of the chariot. After the formation in the center of the demon was exploded, large magic firearms and technology firearms began to fire.

After a round of fighting, it was found that the technology gun could not break the defense. All the robots opened their wings and prepared to fight with the plasma gun. The plasma gun has always maintained a low cost and the attack distance is within 50 meters. Because the attack distance of the plasma gun is increased, the cost is rising linearly, and the logistics requirements are also different.

With that money, it would be better to go directly to the lower-level magic configuration, and those who can use magic muskets have better killing effects.

On the side of Baron Pullman, there are sixty-five people, nearly 700 robots, and more than one hundred and fifty configurations, but most of them are low-level mutant series configurations.

However, the mutant can also use magic muskets.

After the robot stopped attacking, more than two hundred combat units were still output. The distance of three hundred meters, for these demons wearing heavy armor, is the sky.

Especially the artillery attack on the chariot was exploded in the middle. These demon races had no heavy armor on their backs.

In one attack, hundreds of people were disabled.

The heavy armor demons are still struggling to charge forward, but Barman Pullman knows that they can't get through.

At the earliest time, the Demon Charge will form a formation that can effectively weaken the long-range attack. At that time, the human army must have at least several teams together to rely on the magician's power to form an effective strike.

Now, these more than a thousand demons have been messed up by heavy artillery. The two-winged robots press up and start to clean the single demons with plasma guns. The demons have no way to fight back.

Even at a distance of more than fifty meters, they can't use their spell-like abilities or battle array skills.

Relying on the legs, the distance of 50 meters is also a sky.

The team of Baron Pullman formed a bird-wing formation, with robots on both sides striking from the side at close range, and ten iron cavalry in the center. Behind the cavalry are the mage, the configuration, as well as human soldiers and advanced robots.

More demons turned and rushed up, no longer attacking the castle.

Barman Pullman sneered and said, "One thousand and two, one thousand and three, ready to fight."


In front of Barman Pullman, a magic book floated up. Thousands of demons came turbulently, and the scene was thrilling, and he carried two three-legged fire crows and rushed forward more than 100 meters. The short spear waved.

The magic book opened, and the power of the elements suddenly became intense and turbulent.

The red light bloomed, and Barman Pullman narrowed his eyes.

Nine huge fireballs flew out in rotation, and each fireball had a diameter of about five meters. This magic book is his reward. Before he reached the epic realm, he couldn't use it. This is epic equipment.

Today, he has exceeded level 30 and reached level 35.

High-level general's magic book, standard equipment.

His book is only seven pages, enough.

On each page, a bursting star is stored, which can be automatically restored in seven days.

The 30th-level bursting star hasn't appeared in a long time. Xiahe couldn't use this kind of magic when he was fighting by himself. He freely released a wind wing flywheel or something, and could wipe out a large area.

And the destructive power of the exploding stars can blow up the hill.

Two magical constructs, waving their arms, also released their stored magic-Meteor Burst.

In the sky, dark red stones were burning and smashed down wildly.

Barman Pullman put away the magic book, the nine fireballs, each twenty meters apart, hovering over the demon's position. There is nothing that doesn't burn anymore.

The powerful gravitational force makes the Devil involuntarily approach the nine circling fireballs.

Thousands of demons were attracted by great power, and then nine fireballs exploded. The mushroom cloud was pounding upward. He couldn't believe it anyway, it was just a thirty-fifth level of magic.

It seems that it is no different from legendary magic!

Of course, there is still a difference. At least in terms of lethality, this thirty-fifth-level flame star can't be compared to a forty-level magic.

However, this covered area is really amazing, causing meteor bursts released by the two configurations, and not many demons were killed. Most of the demons have been cleaned up by his explosive stars.

A seven-page book, seven bursting stars, really turned out to be a powerful weapon.

Unfortunately, it can only be driven by magicians above level 30. Barman Pullman immediately discovered the problem with this magic, which was battlefield magic, and the distance between the fireballs was a little far away. That gravity is only aimed at low-level demons. Your own control skills are not good enough.

If the distance between the fireballs is reduced to five meters, the gravitational force will be greater and the epic mage can be targeted.

Barman Pullman took another magic book. This is a magic book of the 20th grade. The equipment he sent when he was a captain, there is no magic in the stars.

At level 20, he has even worse control over magic.

Xiahe's classic magic, even if it is made into a scroll or a magic book, no one can control it.

But there is a broken **** inside. Five years after being trapped, this magic book saved many times. If it weren't for the No. 18 build to help him repair it, this book would have been rotten.

But before Pullman continued to issue an attack order, the demon who attacked the castle in the distance already had a fry pan and fled to the north.


Barman Pullman was surprised that the number of battles between him and the Demon Race was also quite a lot. It was really the first time to see such a scene.

The flying robot quickly calculated that the number of demons was close to 40,000.

Baron Pullman can only give up chasing, anyway, the Demon Race can't go anywhere, and when the space barrier disappears completely, the Duke army will naturally sweep.

The Demon Race is no longer in danger now, and even polluting the world can no longer do it.

Fire Raven One overlooked the earth from a high altitude, and within the domain of the Duke's domain in Xiahe, where the space barrier disappeared, a branch of troops contacted and moved closer together.

The loss is smaller than before, although the enemy is still a lot.

But that is still the problem. Between the enemies and the enemies, there is simply no concept of uniting to attack the army of this world.

The army led by the Duke, after more than five years of hard work, any soldier who survived was elite.

After everyone gets closer to each other, the equipment is more complete, and with the help of flying robots, the enemy can be discovered in advance. When the enemy is weak, he swoops up and eats it, and when the enemy is strong, he bypasses temporarily, allowing enemies in different parallel spaces to fight each other, and finally to pick up a cheap one.

The people of the duke were used to group warfare. The larger the scale, the stronger the power.

After the space barriers disappeared, several brigades were formed in various places soon. These teams will choose the most defensive castle as the base camp, and then sweep in all directions to gather the remaining soldiers and gather more power.

Fire Raven One aimed the information collector at Princess County. At that location, there was a noble legion of 120,000. Now, there are less than 50,000 left in this legion.

The total number of soldiers killed by the Duke was over 200,000. In Princess County, they lost nearly 70,000.

When Xiahe contacted Huoya No.1 for the next time, he learned this information and had opinions about Princess Angelina. Send troops to support yourself, an army, lost more than half of its strength?

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of this legion, 120,000 people were fully equipped and armed according to the specifications of the main legion.

Xiahe spent a lot of money. Such a force can wipe out its opponents even in the face of millions of demons.

However, over the Princess County, the space barrier has not disappeared completely, and Huo-1 is not easy to scan in depth, and it is not clear how the princess ’s loss is.

Xiahe can only suppress his heart, and it is not worth it to turn over with the princess for this.

Wars always kill people. Perhaps the noble legion of support has to obey orders and perform more dangerous tasks, right?

The drawings given by Fire Raven One that Xiahe can see most clearly are that in today ’s main world, space barriers gradually disappear, but many space points have been formed.

These singularities, communicating parallel spaces, can form all the conditions necessary to traverse.

That is to say, ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Space barriers will indeed be gone one by one, but the invasion of parallel spaces will become daily.

All computing cores are desperately calculating and designing magic arrays.

The magic array that Xiahe needs now is to ensure that in a certain area around the magic array, no one can cross over in the parallel space. Places like Sun City, Tongtian Tower, and Devil's Forest, without design, formed a huge energy field, and even the space barriers failed to divide these large cities.

But in the future, small and medium-sized cities will not dare to guarantee.

The singularity can move. You cannot guard the singularity like you are guarding the space door.

In a sense, Xiahe does not trust anyone, and his city will have three defense systems to avoid the entry of singularities. One set is a large-scale magic array on the surface, and one set is a system derived from the Taomen principle under this magic array. Then there is the city building itself, which will exclude singularities.

However, this design will not be disclosed by Xiahe. Even if there is a problem with the previous two systems, this can also be used as a last resort.

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