After receiving the system reward, he put them all here.

The box of the system reward has the function of anti-corrosion, so there is no need to worry about rotting.

These days, he is thinking about finding a suitable opportunity to reward these grains and grass to the old Qin people.

Although the current Qin Dynasty is not short of grain and grass, it is just not short of it.

Among the millions of Qin people, less than one-tenth can have a full stomach.

It is no exaggeration to say that most people go to bed hungry.

As mentioned before, he just wanted to vent his anger for Brother Zheng, and he did not think about torturing these old Qin people, let alone harming the people.

“A box can hold about 17 shi of food.”

“There are more than a thousand boxes here, which means that there are at least 17,000 stones.……”

“Enough for 50,000 soldiers to eat for three months!”

Meng Yi walked around the open space in a big circle, calculated in his mind, and suddenly took a breath of cold air.

He was frightened by this terrifying number.

The amount of food here is equivalent to the grain output of Daqin in half a year.

“I understand, I finally understand, Your Majesty, you must have found an insider, bought a lot of food and grass, and stayed out of the matter, watching the tigers fight from the mountain.”

“You must be planning to wait until the other forces weaken each other before you take action and take them down in one fell swoop.”

“By then, our Great Qin will not only be able to suppress the six kingdoms, but also retain its full strength and continue to fight against the Xiongnu, Qiang and other forces.”

“This is really a great move. We have missed your majesty.”

Meng Yi was just talking to himself in a low voice at first.

At the end, his voice gradually rose.

He showed a look of sudden enlightenment.


Ying Zheng nodded with a strange look in his eyes.

He was not a fool. He had worried before that if he did not send troops, he would be occupied by other forces.

The seven ancient countries were all fanatical war elements, and none of them were peacemakers.

When he received the system reward, he was completely relieved.

In ancient times, food and grass were hard currencies more valuable than gold.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the news is released and it is claimed that you have joined the Qin Dynasty to provide meals, you can buy a steady stream of Deadpools.

Even without taking action, you can control the wars of several other forces behind the scenes.

Of course, the current food and grass are not enough to do so.

But as more system rewards are obtained, this plan will surely succeed.

“Shangqing, find some craftsmen for me, I need them.”

Ying Zheng said after a moment of silence.

In normal history, the Xiongnu did not grow until the Han Dynasty.

But in this life, because of his existence, history has changed. Who knows whether the Xiongnu will grow in advance.

Therefore, even if there is no plan to conquer the six countries, it is urgent to enhance the strength of Qin.

“”Yes, sir.”

Meng Yi looked at the box in front of him excitedly and answered casually.

He left in a hurry without saying anything more.

The value of grain here is far less than its value when used.

He wants to use these grains to create more value for Daqin.

It is worth mentioning that the sky curtain in the sky is not opened at any time, so Ying Zheng is not afraid of leaking the news.

Unfortunately, he doesn’t know when it will be opened.

However, even if it is leaked, it doesn’t matter.

People in later generations can’t threaten him at all.

After Meng Yi left, he quickly told the civil and military officials the news.

When everyone learned the news, their eyes changed when they looked at Ying Zheng, and they became full of admiration.

It turned out that His Majesty has been secretly thinking about it!

In the next few days, Ying Zheng started He began to get busy.

For him, who has a lot of modern memories, it is not difficult to help Daqin improve its national strength.

The method he thought of was iron smelting.

It is impossible to invent steel bars, but it is not difficult to forge steel that is refined a hundred times or a thousand times. Of course, Daqin’s technology is not enough to support the large-scale development of steel, but with the blacksmith’s skills and the drawings he gave, it is not difficult to use manpower to forge steel that is refined a hundred times.

There is no need for mass production, just forge a few thousand weapons and organize a secret army.

This army is enough to change the situation on the battlefield.

Meng Yi is very resolute in doing things.

Two days later.

A full one hundred old blacksmiths were found for Ying Zheng.

These blacksmiths had studied in the Mohist School for a long time, and their iron smelting technology was extraordinary.

“I want to create a new weapon. This weapon is very important to our Qin Dynasty, so I must not let it go.”

“From today on, you cannot leave this courtyard for one year.”

“After one year, each person was promoted to a higher rank, and was rewarded with one acre of good land and two slaves.”

“The credit for making weapons is another matter.”

Ying Zheng looked at the blacksmiths in front of him and spoke slowly.

If the news of climbing the science and technology leaked out and let the enemy know, they would definitely attack together.

The Qin Dynasty was very strong, but it did not have the strength to fight six enemies alone.

At least, before it was fully developed, it did not have this strength.

“We will obey your majesty’s order.”

One hundred old blacksmiths immediately said respectfully

“Come here.”

Ying Zheng nodded.

He waved outside the door, called a team of soldiers, and took these old blacksmiths to the back mountain.

After arriving at the back mountain, the blacksmiths’ eyes widened instantly.

Wherever they looked, there were blast furnaces and bellows one after another.

Next to the blast furnace, there were all kinds of raw stones.

In the furnace, the flames were strung high, making the air full of scorching heat.

“This is the blueprint of the weapon I want to make.”

Ying Zheng asked the maids beside him to deliver the prepared blueprints to everyone.

These maids have always been following him and are trustworthy.

There is no need to worry about the news leaking out.

After Ying Zheng arranged everything, he ordered the soldiers outside the gate to guard it. Without saying anything more, he turned around and left.

Someone came to deliver food every day.

There was no need to worry about starving to death.

As for blacksmithing, he was not proficient.

Apart from drawing the blueprints based on memory, he could not give any other help.

“Finally, I am done with my work. I can enjoy my life again.”

Ying Zheng returned to Zhangtai Palace, stretched his body, and showed a trace of fatigue on his face.

He had been busy with various things in the past few days and had no time to rest.

Fortunately, relying on his memory and understanding of history, he managed it well…………………….. ps: Thanks to my brothers for the flowers. I checked the backstage and saw that there were 2,000 flowers. I was so excited. I was so excited! Thanks to”13105..””18775..”Flowers and monthly tickets from the two big guys!

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