The guards roughly kicked open the door of the palace, and Ying Zheng led everyone in.

""Who are you? Get out!" Lao Ai, who was lying on the phoenix bed, subconsciously shouted

"You told me to get out?!" Ying Zheng's face was full of frost, and murderous intent pierced Lao Ai on the bed through his eyes.

He couldn't believe that Lao Ai was lying on Zhao Ji's phoenix bed!

Now Ying Zheng finally understood why Lao Ai could be favored by Zhao Ji and even be granted the title of Marquis!

""Great... Your Majesty!" Lao Ai was stunned. Why was Ying Zheng here? Shouldn't he be entertaining the Queen Mother?

""Good, very good, a eunuch who was sentenced to castration climbed onto the Queen Mother's bed!" Ying Zheng said angrily.

Qin's eunuchs could be castrated or not.

But when Lao Ai entered the palace, he reported that he had been castrated, so he was sent to Ganquan Palace to serve the Queen Mother.

"You guys really don't take me seriously at all!"Ying Zheng's voice became low. There was a hint of tiredness in this low voice, but more of it was terrifying murderous intent!

After all, Zhao Ji was his mother. How could he……

""Your Majesty, I, I didn't." Lao Ai looked flustered. This was too sudden.

"Nothing! Catch him for me!"Ying Zheng waved his sleeves and shouted.

Yu Huatian personally stepped forward, grabbed Lao Ai and threw him to the ground. Two factory guards came over with their swords drawn and put them on Lao Ai's neck.

"Take it off!"

Two factory guards pulled off Lao Ai's underwear.

"Cut him off, castrate him a hundred times!" Ying Zheng didn't want to try anyone else now. He just wanted Lao Ai to die!

He wanted to make Lao Ai understand what pain was, what it meant to be unable to live or die!

A flash of cold light passed by, and the sharp blade cut across Lao Ai's lower body, and a piece of unknown flesh fell to the ground.

Lao Ai struggled hard!

He screamed heartbreakingly!

However, it was not over yet, the factory guard cut Lao Ai's lower body again, and a small piece of meat was cut off again.

"Ah!!!" The mental and physical pain drove Lao Ai crazy.

"No! No, spare me, my king, I don't dare! Ah!!"

Lao Ai screamed in pain, his face became crazy, his eyes were red, and bloodshot.

Saliva flowed out of Lao Ai's mouth uncontrollably, and the pain made Lao Ai want to bite his tongue to commit suicide.

But the factory guards would not let him commit suicide, and secretly stuffed a piece of cloth into Lao Ai's mouth to prevent Lao Ai from biting his tongue to commit suicide.

""Tsk tsk tsk!" Li Changsheng looked away. This scene was too bloody.

"Fortunately, these factory guards are all eunuchs, otherwise who knows if they can bear it."Li Changsheng looked at the factory guards who looked normal, and sighed in his heart.

There was a large pool of blood on the ground, and Lao Ai fainted from the pain, but the next moment, he was awakened by the pain!

This repeated dozens of times!

""" Lao Ai took the cloth out of his mouth and gasped for air.

His whole body was tense. He had just experienced the most painful thing in a man's life.

"!" Lao Ai looked at Ying Zheng with a look of great resentment on his face, and his eyes changed from pleading to vicious.

""Come here, come here!" Lao Ai roared.

Dozens of soldiers wearing red armor, holding swords in their right hands and shields in their left hands, rushed into the palace.

These people were all the warriors trained by Lao Ai. The strongest ones had innate strength, and the rest were also masters of the fifth or sixth level of acquired strength.

"Ha, you have a plan to raise assassins, wear armor and hold swords. So you want to rebel!" Ying Zheng sneered.

"I am right here, it all depends on whether you can kill me or not!" Ying Zheng stood still, looking down at the dozens of soldiers.

"Kill him, kill him for me!" Lao Ai yelled at the top of his lungs.

"A mob!" Li Chenzhou glanced at the group of red-armored warriors, kicked the ground with his right foot, and shot out like a cannonball!

Li Chenzhou punched the sixty warriors with great terrifying force!

In the eyes of those red-armored warriors, Li Chenzhou was like a mountain crashing towards them!

Invincible, unavoidable!


The entire Ganquan Palace shook, and the ground collapsed!

A huge pit was smashed out of the open space outside the palace, and dozens of warriors lay in it.

Except for the three innate masters who barely escaped, no one else survived!

This was just a simple straight punch.

""What a powerful pair of fists!" Yu Huatian looked at Li Chenzhou's iron fists and whispered to himself.

If he could take down these red-armored warriors, he just couldn't do it so skillfully.

""Where's the man! Come! Kill him!" Lao Ai couldn't accept it. The warriors he had trained with great effort and money were just knocked out by Li Chenzhou's simple punch.

The remaining three innate masters were besieged by hundreds of factory guards. Yu Huatian drew his sword and entered the arena.

In just a few dozen rounds, he chopped off the heads of the three!

From beginning to end, Ying Zheng stood in the same place without moving a step.

"This is all your trump card!"Ying Zheng narrowed his eyes, stared at Lao Ai and asked coldly

"I……"Lao Ai looked crazy, with fear, resentment, and unwillingness flashing across his face.

If he had been given time, he could have quickly gathered tens of thousands of troops! He wouldn't have been defeated so quickly and so miserably!

"Another large amount of energy points will be credited……"Li Changsheng looked at Lao Ai, who was at the end of his rope, with a smile on his face.

Lao Ai controlled several chambers of commerce, and with the money from these chambers of commerce, he bribed officials in the court. Although his wealth was not as good as Lu Buwei's, it was not to be underestimated.

PS:Fifth update, please give me flowers and votes. It's been banned, so I can only change it.

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