"Well, it's good, it has that flavor, but it lacks the momentum of looking down on the world."Li Changsheng watched everything and commented. No matter how powerless Ying Zheng was, he was still the king of Qin. He killed a small guard commander, and no one dared to question why Ying Zheng killed him.

But the extra 60 Jinyiwei under Ying Zheng's command attracted Lu Buwei's attention.

Xiangguo Mansion

"You said that there are suddenly 60 more masters under the king's command?" Lü Buwei frowned and asked the palace guards in front of him.

""Reporting to the Prime Minister, those people are wearing uniform clothes, with iron knives hanging from their waists, and they are ruthless and decisive, and they obey the king's orders!" The palace guard replied

"Where did the king recruit these people from?"Lü Buwei narrowed his eyes slightly.

At that time, almost no one used knives as weapons. The famous masters in the world all used swords.

The masters who forged weapons were also called swordsmiths.

Although there were knives, few of them were used as weapons.

"My Lord Prime Minister, if the king could bring these sixty people into the palace without telling us, he could also bring six hundred people into the palace without telling us. Should we……"A guest next to Lu Buwei said

"What the hell do you want to do?"

"I am the Prime Minister of Qin and a minister of the Qin State!" Lü Buwei slapped the guest to the ground.

"Drag him away and chop him off!"

Two guards rushed in and dragged the crying guest away.

"If you let this prime minister hear these words again, don't blame me for being rude!"Lü Buwei said coldly. It's not that he didn't have the idea of rebellion in his heart, but the time has not come yet.

Lü Buwei can't show any flaws.

Although he holds the power firmly, once the rumors of his rebellion spread, Ying Zheng can take the power back from him in an instant.

Because Ying Zheng is the legitimate king of Qin!

He, Lü Buwei, is just a minister!

So Lü Buwei is very careful and can't give Ying Zheng even a little chance!

Ministers cannot exceed the king's power, Lü Buwei knows this.

But Lü Buwei is unwilling to hand over the power he has finally grasped.

"Send someone to Ganquan Palace to deliver a message to Lao Ai, asking him to come out of the palace tonight to see the Prime Minister!"Lü Buwei said.

He had to be extremely careful at this time. Instead of testing it himself, it would be better to let Lao Ai go!

Ying Zheng has been keeping a close eye on him for the past two years, and he wants to rule the country himself as soon as he has the chance.


Xianyang Palace, Golden Chamber Stone Chamber.

Ying Zheng asked the Jinyiwei to guard outside and walked in alone.

There were countless scrolls in the stone chamber. Ying Zheng scanned it and walked to the innermost part, picked up a scroll and asked::

"System, how much is this"Yue Girl Sword Technique" worth?"Ying Zheng was a little excited.

He was even afraid that Li Changsheng didn't know about it, so he took the initiative to introduce it.:

"This"Sword of the Yue Girl" is a sword technique learned by a remarkable woman in the past. With this sword technique, she could break through the armor of 3,000 men with a bamboo sword."

Ying Zheng said, and Li Changsheng felt more and more familiar with it.

"Three thousand Vietnamese soldiers are invincible!"

""Yuenu Sword Ah Qing!" Li Changsheng was stunned. No wonder it looked so familiar.

"This is not an ordinary Warring States period!" Li Changsheng understood clearly that there are masters in this world!

"But it’s better this way. The more abnormal the world is, the faster the energy points can be collected!"

"System? System?" Seeing that Li Changsheng was hesitant to answer, Ying Zheng couldn't help but ask

"This secret book is not the original one, and it is worthless."Li Changsheng responded.

It's not that he is trying to trick Ying Zheng, but this is just an ordinary book.

Ah Qing's swordsmanship was taught by the heaven and earth through the white ape. The copy in the stone chamber was recorded by outsiders when they saw Ah Qing using the sword. It is worthless.

Even if you practice it, you won't be able to practice it.

"Worthless? Doesn't the system know how powerful the Yue Girl Sword is?"Ying Zheng couldn't accept it. This is the strongest sword technique in the stone chamber!

Li Changsheng's mouth twitched, and he didn't say anything.

Ying Zheng frowned and put down the scroll, then picked up a scroll of sword techniques and asked:

"Taoist Three Talents Sword, this is also worthless?"

Li Changsheng glanced at it and said,"The host is right!"

Are you kidding? Is it so easy to earn energy points?

In order to prevent Ying Zheng from wasting his efforts, Li Changsheng gave some instructions.:

"Martial arts secret books, only those with the true meaning of martial arts can be exchanged for energy points!"

In other words, the original scroll written by the creator himself is the only one that will do.

Ying Zheng frowned and thought, how could such secret books be so easy to get.

They were all hidden by various schools of thought as treasures.

If all the scrolls in the stone chamber were worthless, then Ying Zheng could only use his few small treasury.

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