Dark Lord: My Recruitment 10,000 Times The Crit!

Chapter 139 It's been fun to draw cards all the time! New servants, top output players!

With the shattering of the sky's boundaries.

There is also a system prompt passed into the minds of all lords:

[From now on, all lords will not occupy the upper limit of the number of territories to expand the "airspace" of their own territories, and do not need to consume the Seal of the Mist! 】

【The Seal of the Mist and other resources consumed in the past will be fully refunded! 】

【Sky Territory does not have any source crystal income!】


Means the vertical upward space of the Dark Lords territory.

If the bottom of an air area is not the territory of the lord, then this cannot be called "territorial space", and the expansion will still cost the Seal of the Mist, and occupy the upper limit of territory.

For a time, the global dark lords were extremely nervous.

Does this mean that a more terrifying war is coming?


Those strongest dark masters have not yet discovered any hostile legions above the sky.

Makes countless people puzzled and nervous...

Qin Ye, naturally, also paid attention to this situation.

He has expanded a lot of territory in the sky recently, mainly because of the space used to build the Sky Blade-class battleship.

When the sky boundary is broken, the expansion consumption of this part of the sky territory is all returned.


Qin Ye's expansion of these territories didn't cost much at all, it only took a day or so.

Now, in response to this situation, the Dark World system directly gave him 3375 "Free Territory Contracts"


With this free territorial contract, you can directly expand the territory without occupying the upper limit of the number of territories.

It is equivalent to taking Qin Ye's previously calculated expansion of the sky territory and giving him the opportunity to transfer it to the ground territory.

"In that case, let's continue with the plan. 39

"In the north, there are several minor ministers in the 30s and 40s, and the territory given to them has been occupied.

Qin Ye thought for a while.

Directly let the Roaring Dog go with the "Free Territory Contract" to do this.

Occupy all the vassal's territory, ask the vassal to give up all territorial gains, and then Qin Ye will give them source crystals that are about the same as their usual income.

This is a big profit for Qin Ye.

You can get ten times the source crystal income!

This is much more refreshing than eating the source crystal tax of these ministers.


"The angel of justice obeys and expands all the territories of the sky."

Qin Ye ordered directly.

And this is what many dark lords are doing now, expanding toward the sky!

Entirely to defend against attacks from the sky...

According to the hint of the dark world, there will soon be an enemy army from the sky, and all the lords will naturally be prepared for this.

At this moment, even many dark lords who were resting had already got up and entered the dark world to prepare.

Here in Qin Ye.

It is not difficult to expand the territory of the sky, and the speed is also very fast.

After all, there are a total of 20,000 Angels of Justice under him. Even if each Angel of Justice is responsible for a distance of one square kilometer and expands upwards by a thousand kilometers, it will only take one or two hours in total.

"If it's on Blue Star, it's a thousand kilometers up, almost to the edge of the atmosphere...

"However, in the dark world, at such a high altitude, the air density is no different from the ground.

"Higher places..."

"What would there be?"

Qin Ye is also very curious about this.

But he did not intend to explore for the time being.

After all, he is still in the developmental stage, and it is the same to let other dark masters explore the way first.


He then continued to work on his own business - ten consecutive draws!

This time, he saved a total of 8 chances of ten consecutive draws.

There are a total of 80 recruitment books, all of which were dropped by the ministers during the period to open the dark bait and kill the dark creatures.

As for the recruitment book of the lord core store, Qin Ye has already bought it, and the remaining number of purchases is zero, and no amount of source crystals can be purchased.

Unless Keisha raises the quality of the core of the lord from ordinary to the top...

And in the dark world.

When the number of servants of the dark lord reaches 15, the ten consecutive draws will no longer be guaranteed.

And the more servants there are, the lower the probability of being able to draw servants ten times in a row.

If there is no such restriction, after forty or fifty years of accumulation, those dark masters would have hundreds or thousands of attendants.

Actually not.

At present, the dark lord with the most attendants has a total of forty or fifty attendants.

Basically, a new squire is recruited every 1-2 years.


If you are not satisfied with your servants, you can dismiss the servants directly, which can improve the average quality of your servants.

For Qin Ye, there is no need to dismiss the attendants.

After all, all his attendants can eventually be promoted to the Hongmeng level.

Even if it's just emperor-level servants at first...

Each has its own role.

For example, Lame Li and Akasha, these two initial emperor-level attendants, for Qin Ye, their role is not small.

"Now my total number of attendants is 13"".

"If you draw two more, there will be no guarantee..."

“Hope you have better luck!”

Qin Ye thought to himself.

Start recruiting directly!

When he clicked the 10th draw, the 14th attendant that appeared in front of him was an initial Overseer-ranked attendant who had a crit-hit legend—Exile Sword Immortal Li Bai!

"Sword Immortal, Li Bai!"

Qin Ye's eyes lit up.

After raising it to level 54, I quickly checked its attributes:

[Servant: Exiled Sword Immortal Li Bai]

[Grade: Legendary]

【Level: 54】

【Star Rating: 0】

【Occupation: Swordsman】

[Trainable Arms: Jianghu Swordsman (passive to gain movement speed and attack speed bonus)]

[Passive Talent: Xia Ke Xing - Every time an attack or skill hits the target, 100% of the movement speed and attack speed can be stacked up to a maximum of 10 layers. ] (Ten steps to kill a person, a thousand miles without leaving!)

[Skill 1: Enter the wine - dash up to 100 meters in one direction, cool down for 10 seconds, and save up to 10 layers of charge. ] (I will be drinking, please don't stop!)

[Skill 2: Catch the Stars - Obtain the power of stars, providing 5 seconds of injury-free status for allies within 1000 meters. ] (The dangerous building is a hundred feet high, and the stars can be picked by hand.)

[Skill 3: Sin of the Common Life - Swing forward with a sword qi, hitting the target will generate more sword qi, automatically attacking all enemies within 100 meters. 】(The grass and trees are murderous, and the stars have no brilliance. The bones become hills and mountains, what is the sin of the common people!)

[Skill 4: Canglan Sword Formation - After 3 seconds of preparation, release a sword formation with a range of 300 meters, attacking the enemies in the sword formation with lore sword energy for 20 seconds. Each sword attack deals true damage equal to 20% of your maximum health. The initial 1000 sword qi in the sword array, the sword qi attack speed inherits Li Bai's own attack speed. ] (Bing Wei rushes to the curtain, murderous aura lingers in the sky

Looking down at the universe, the four seas are full of waves!)

[Combat attributes:

This is a swordsman!

The passive talent is "Knight's Walk", which can stack attack speed and movement speed by attacking.

The 1st skill "Wine Into the Wine", similar to Bai Qi's, is a dashing skill. Qin Ye doesn't know what additional effects it will have after it is strengthened.

The 2nd skill, "Zhi Xing", provides 5 seconds of injury-free status for allies within the range.

With Qin Ye's current SS-level lord talent "Diamond Physique", the enemy can't dispel all the states of Qin Ye's men. Therefore, the 5-second damage-free is the real 5-second damage-free, and you won't take any damage directly within 5 seconds!

The 3 skill "Sin of the Common Life" is an area attack skill with a cooldown of 3 seconds.

As for the 4th skill Canglan Sword Formation, it is undoubtedly Li Bai's core skill!

Release the sword formation.

The initial 1000 sword qi in the sword array, the attack speed inherits the attack speed of Li Bai's deity... Each attack can cause true damage of 20% of the target's maximum health!

meaning is.

As long as you are attacked by two swords at the same time, you can definitely kill a target!

Different from continuous damage such as burns and poisons.

This sword qi damage, although it is a percentage of real damage, can attack the same target at the same time, and directly kill the target instantly!

As long as you have five sword qi and hit a target at the same time, you can instantly kill it...

This initial unreinforced Canglan Sword Formation will disappear after each sword energy hits the target, and its strength is average.

But if this skill is strengthened, the strength will definitely skyrocket.

When a Canglan sword formation goes down, it is not impossible that all the enemy troops in the sword formation are instantly annihilated by the sword energy.


No matter what attributes the enemy has, some methods are the same!

It's useful unless it's to avoid damage and dodge.

No matter how high the other defenses are, or how high the damage reduction is, they cannot resist the Canglan Sword Formation.

"It can be used with the rain summoning skill."

"In the range of Summoning Rain, all enemy troops cannot gain any buff status and will be silenced..."

"Therefore, a Summoning Rain and a Canglan Sword Formation can kill any enemy army!

Qin Ye couldn't help but sigh.

This Li Bai deserves to be a legendary servant, this "Canglan Sword Formation" skill is too strong!

If you want to cultivate it, you still need a lot of military exploits...

Immediately after.

Qin Ye continued to recruit.

After "Exiled Sword Immortal Li Bai", Qin Ye's 15th attendant finally appeared!

The initial general-level attendant.

Crit out a mythical servant!

[Servant: Gorgon Medusa]

[Grade: Mythical Grade]

【Level: 54】

【Star Rating: 0】

【Occupation: Shooter】

[Trainable arms: petrified female archer (normal attack comes with petrification probability)]

[Passive talent: Every time an enemy is in a petrified state, Medusa's basic attack power increases by 1000 points, stacking up to 100 layers. 】

[Skill 1: Illusion of Snake Girl - Create 4 Illusions of Gorgon, inheriting the ability of "Split Petrification Arrow". 】

[Skill 2: Splitting Petrification Arrows - comes with 10 heavy splitting arrows, each time it hits the enemy, there is a 10% chance of petrifying the target, and the petrified state cannot be dispelled. 】

[Skill 3: Black Magic Aura - All allies in your own territory gain 90% magic damage resistance, and Medusa is immune to magic damage. 】

[Skill 4: Petrification Gaze - Passive. All enemies staring into Medusa's eyes will be petrified and cannot be dispelled for a permanent duration. 】

【Battle attribute:......】

Archer's Servant, the Gorgon in ancient Greek mythology!

Mythical Medusa!

Qin Ye glanced at her skills.

"Passive effect, each enemy in petrification state can stack 100 layers of attack power, that is to say, stack up to 100,000 attack power!"

"This is still an unenhanced passive effect..."

"It would be great if this could be superimposed infinitely!

The 1st skill, Snake Girl Illusion, is equivalent to a clone skill like Monkey Monkey Sun, which is unremarkable for the time being.

2 skill split petrification arrow, comes with 10 heavy split arrows, comes with a 10% chance to petrify the target.

The probability of petrification is a bit low, but after all, this skill can be strengthened, and the probability should be improved a lot after strengthening.

Skill 3 is an aura that grants 90% magic damage resistance to all allies.

This halo can make all the legions under Qin Ye hardly need to worry about magic damage.

For example, the former Ice Soul Lord's Fire Blast Mage Legion! Dark Dragon Mage Legion! And so on...

This type of legal legion will have no threat to Qin Ye from now on!


90% magic resistance is not too high.

The main reason is that this skill can be strengthened. If it is strengthened later, it must be added to 99% magic resistance, and even thousand times magic resistance is not impossible.

"The only downside is..."

"The default attack distance of this Medusa is only 500 meters."

"Even if the level goes up, it won't improve too far."

"Looks like... we have to use Keisha's brand-new Hongmeng-level ability.

Qin Ye couldn't help but think.

Keisha's Hongmeng-level ability can collect information on the skills or passives of any attendant to create a skill book.

Just under Qin Ye's hands...

There are many skills to increase the range of the attack range.

Such as Lame Lee's passive.

But the strongest is definitely Hou Yi's 2 skill """Endless pursuit"


"Medusa's attack power can be superimposed by petrifying the target."

"So what's missing is attack speed.

"Another skill that increases attack speed.""

"Li Bai's passive is the most suitable!"

Qin Ye quickly made a decision.

After the arrangement, let Keisha's Void Engine produce two skill books first, one for Hou Yi 2 skill "Endless Pursuit" and one for Li Bai's passive "Knight's Walk"!

Endless pursuit can stack the attack distance infinitely.

Xia Ke Xing can stack movement speed and attack speed, up to ten times the attack speed!


It's just that there is no enhanced knight's line effect.

If it is strengthened, maybe it can be superimposed infinitely.

If these two skills are used as additional skills for Medusa...

It can completely make her output ability skyrocket!

Qin Ye took a look.

With the current calculation speed of the Void Engine, if it is fully calculated, it will take about 3 hours for each of these two skills to be produced.

"Then just wait. 35

"Also during this time..."

"First let Medusa petrify 100 monsters, and then save those 100 monsters.

"This is equivalent to, she will always have the bonus of 100,000 attack power!

Qin Ye quickly thought of this.

He raised his head.

Looking at the Gorgon Medusa in front of me...

I have to say that this Medusa has a really high appearance and is definitely worthy of the title of "Goddess". Just looking at the upper body, the curves are graceful and exquisite, and it is also extremely tempting!!


This is a gorgon after all, not only is his body a snake, but his hair is also full of snakes...


Qin Ye found that there is an option on the panel of this girl's attendant, that is, it can be transformed into human form. The defect is that in human form, the big move "Petrochemical Gaze" does not work.

"Look in human form.

Qin Ye thought for a while.

Still a little curious, so I clicked that option...

Immediately after.

The Medusa, who was originally a human head and a snake body, was transformed into a goddess in human form, holding a pitch-black longbow.

Long black hair flutters, and she has a slender figure, slender legs, and a slender waist.

Especially those pair of eyes, as deep as the starry sky, people can't help but be attracted at a glance...

can only say.

As expected of a goddess-level existence!

"Go to the dark demon lair.""

Qin Ye thought for a while, and took Medusa, who had changed into a human form, to the dark demon lair in the territory.

There are still dark demons born in this dark demon lair.

Before Qin Ye arranged for the Angel of Justice to clear the monsters here.


Switch to Medusa!

In the battle state, Qin Ye still turned her into a gorgon, so that the newly born dark creatures were petrified just by looking at her.

This petrification is a permanent state and cannot be dispelled.

Once petrified...

Then it will be petrified for a lifetime!


One hundred petrified dark demons were "manufactured", like a hundred sculptures of dark demons!

Directly give Medusa 100,000 points of attack power to strengthen the stack!

To know.

At present, the full-star holy Kaisha of the Hongmeng level, the attack power attribute of the deity is less than 100,000, and the total is more than 89,000.

And the mythical 0-star Medusa already has more than 100,000 attack power!

"As expected of an offensive mythical servant!

"If this is upgraded to the Kaitian level or even the mythical level...wouldn't it be even more terrifying?"

"Also, waiting six hours gives her two extra skills!""

Qin Ye took a deep breath.

By the time……

Unlimited split arrows, unlimited attack distance, ten times the attack speed, all arrows also have their own petrification ability!

Such a long-range shooter...

A true top performer!

Qin Ye asked people to collect all the 100 petrified dark demon "sculptures" and put them in a warehouse.


Equivalent to Medusa's passive stacking attack effect, permanent existence.

"There are six more ten draws, continue!"

After arranging Medusa.

Qin Ye returned to the lord's hall, beside the little fox Su Daji, ready to continue the ten draws!

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